Do Aliens Really Exist? (English Grammar and Comprehension Presentation IBA)

Post on 04-Feb-2015

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Do Aliens Really Exist?

Presented by Yawar Khalid

What are aliens?

Aliens or Extra Terrestrial life is defined as life that does not

originate from Earth.

They can look like this:

OR This:

ORNeither. Because not many people have seen Extra Terrestrial life on


Kenneth A. Arnold

• Kenneth Arnold was an American businessman.

• He is best known for making the first widely reported ”unidentified flying object sighting” in the United States.

• He claimed to have seen nine unusual objects flying in a chain near Mount Rainier, Washington on June 24, 1947.

Kenneth holding a sketch of the “unidentified flying


Roswell UFO Incident

• The Roswell UFO incident took place in the U.S. in 1947.

• An airborne object crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, in June or July, 1947.

• The most famous explanation of what occurred is that the object was a spacecraft containing extra terrestrial life.

• Since the late 1970s, the Roswell incident has been the subject of much controversy, and conspiracy theories have arisen about the event.

• The United States Armed Forces maintains that what was recovered near Roswell was debris from the crash of an experimental high-altitude surveillance balloon belonging to what was then a classified program named Mogul.

• The remains and survivors of the incident are rumored to be contained at the Area 51, California.

All these were just stories until recently in August 2013….

• This photo of a UFO was taken in 1952 in New Jersey by a man named David Burgers.

So…Do they exist?

• One always finds it difficult to believe the existence of what they have not seen.

• And surely the existence of Aliens are limited to Movies only for many people.

• But the recent CIA reports admitting the existence of UFO might have changed the view of many who didn’t believe.