Do Now for 11/12/13

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Do Now for 11/12/13. Open books to page B-22 HW: B15 #5 is due Tuesday B15 will be checked on Tuesday Periodic Table of Elements Song. B16 Elements and the Periodic Table. Today’s Target: I will be able to see how elements on the periodic table form compounds. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Do Now for 11/12/13Open books to page B-22

HW: B15 #5 is due TuesdayB15 will be checked on TuesdayPeriodic Table of Elements Song

B16 Elements and the Periodic TableToday’s Target: I will be able to see how

elements on the periodic table form compounds.

Complete B15 and 16 VocabularyRead B16Answer Stopping to Think QuestionsBegin Analysis1st MP Grades

B15 Families of ElementsAtom - The basic structural unit of matter;

the smallest particle of an element that can enter into a reaction.

Atomic mass - The average mass of atoms of an element, it also known as atomic weight.

Element - A collection of atoms of one type that cannot normally be decomposed into any simpler units. Oxygen, hydrogen, iron, and carbon are examples of elements. There are slightly more than 100 types of elements which combine to form compounds.

B15 Families of ElementsFamily - A grouping of elements based on similar

chemical properties. Families are generally arranged by columns in the periodic table.

Metal - Category of elements that usually have a shiny surface, are generally good conductors of heat and electricity, and can be melted or fused, hammered into thin sheets, or drawn into wires.

Periodic table of elements - An arrangement of the elements according to their atomic numbers so that elements with similar properties are in the same column. In 1869, Dmitri I. Mendeleev designed the first periodic table to show the similarities and differences of the elements.

B16 Elements and the Periodic TableChemical formula - A shorthand notation to

describe elements and compounds and their reactions. Each element is identified by one or two letters. For example, H represents hydrogen, Cl represents chlorine, and O represents oxygen. A compound is identified by its combination and proportion of elements. For example, H2O represents water. Reactions are represented as equations with an arrow indicating direction of change instead of an equals sign. For example, the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide to produce water and sodium chloride is represented by

HCl + NaOH —›H2O + NaCl.

B16 Elements and the Periodic TableCompound - A homogeneous, pure

substance composed of two or more essentially different elements that are chemically combined and that are thus present in definite proportions. For example, H2O contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen chemically combined to produce a new substance with properties quite different from either hydrogen or oxygen.

B16 Elements and the Periodic TableMolecule - The smallest particle of an

element or compound that displays the properties of the substance in quantity.

B16 Elements and the Periodic TableBegin to read the article and answer the

Stop and Think Questions.

Do Now for 11/13/12Take out B15 #5 and get it ready to hand

in.HW: B15 will be checked tomorrowComplete analysis for B16Element song

Do Now for 11/15/13Open books to page B-22

HW: Complete write up for B17Periodic Table of Elements Song

B16 Elements and the Periodic TableClean out BindersGo over Stopping to Think QuestionsComplete AnalysisKey PointsRead and write up B17

Binder Clean OutKEEP:

Composition BookGeneral Information

Safety Contract Class Rules Working together in the science lab, etc.

Vocabulary InformationB-Unit Packet of data tables

Recycle:Everything Else

Stopping to Think 1In what way were the ancient Greek

philosophers rightabout elements?

The early Greeks were right in that they thought everything was made of elements.

In what way were the ancient Greek philosophers

wrong?They thought the elements were earth, air,

water, and fire.

Stopping to Think 2How did Mendeleev build on other

scientists’ work?He analyzed the data other scientists

collected about the properties of the 63 elements that were known at the time.

How did other scientists build on Mendeleev’s work?They predicted and found other elements

based on the periodic table and revised the arrangement of the table to fit new discoveries. Scientists still use the table first arranged by Mendeleev to predict the properties and existence of newly created elements.

Stopping to Think 3Use the Periodic Table of the Elements

on the next page to decide whether each of the following is a metal or nonmetal: lithium (Li), carbon (C), sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), titanium (Ti), and bromine (Br).Li, metal; C, nonmetal; S, nonmetal; Ca,

metal; Ti, metal; Br, nonmetal

Stopping to Think 4Find magnesium on the periodic table. What is

magnesium’s chemical symbol?Mg

What family does magnesium belong to?Group 2, alkaline earth metals.

Is magnesium a solid, a liquid, or a gas?A solid

Based on its family, would you expect magnesium to be very reactive, somewhat reactive, or not reactive at all?Very reactive since it is in the alkaline earth metal


Stopping to Think 5What are two ways that compounds are

different from the elements that form them?First, elements are made of one kind of

atom, while compounds are made of molecules that contain more than one kind of atom. Second, compounds have different chemical and physical properties from the elements that make them.

Stopping to Think 6The chemical formula for baking soda is

NaHCO3. What elements are in baking soda? How many of each type of atom is represented by the formula for baking soda?Baking soda contains 1 sodium, 1

hydrogen, 1 carbon, and 3 oxygen atoms.

B16 Analysis #1

2. Sodium is a metallic solid, and chlorine is a poisonous yellow-green gas. Sodium and chlorine react to form sodium chloride, which is common table salt.

a. Is table salt an element or a compound? Explain.It is a compound, because it contains more

than one element.b. Describe the physical properties of table

salt.It is a white solid that you can eat.

c. How do the properties of table salt compare with those of sodium and chlorine?It is very different. It has a different color

from both sodium and chlorine. It is neither a metal nor a gas. Unlike chlorine, it isn’t poisonous. And unlike sodium, it does not form a corrosive solution in water.

3. Is seawater an element, compound, or mixture?

Explain your answer.Seawater is a mixture. It contains more

than one compound—water and salt4. Explain the relationship between an

atom and a molecule.A molecule is composed of more than one


B16 Key Points1. Elements do not break down under

ordinary laboratory reactions involving such treatments as heating, exposure to electrical current, or reaction with acids.

2. There are more than 115 chemical elements that combine in a multitude of ways to produce compounds.

B16 Key Points3. Elements combine with each other in

characteristic ways to form new substances (compounds) with different characteristic properties.

4. Substances are often placed in categories or groups if they have similar properties. Metals are an example of such a group.

Read and write up B17