DO THE WRITE THING - Author Coaching Workshops

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Do you have a book inside you but don’t know

how to get it out?



Author Coaching Workshops

Would a book writing

blueprint written by an author coach help?

Why Publish a Book?

•  Brand your business •  Build your credibility & authority •  Provide value to your audience •  Increase profits •  Broaden your reach •  Reuse content in social media posts,

blog posts, articles & emails

legacy (noun) what you leave behind when you’re gone.

Preserve yours.

Answer These Questions

•  Are you an authority? •  Do you possess a skill others want to learn? •  Do you have specialized knowledge? •  Have you created a process or system that

helps others? •  Do you have a desire to tell stories and


Define Your Goals

Have you considered…

•  Who is your audience? •  Print, or eBook, or both?

•  Print-On-Demand, off-set printing? •  Beta readers, book reviews?

•  Editing, cover design, formatting? •  Marketing, sell sheets, media kits?

•  Distribution?

For example, have you

considered the cost of

editing?–10mspgs/hr $30–80/hr)

The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one often comes from a strong will,

and the other from a strong won’t.

I always knew I had a book inside me, but I also knew I

couldn’t do it alone.

This book thing has already been extremely successful, and it’s only been a month.



Author Coaching Workshops