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Laredo Community College Vocational Program VNSG 1409 Nursing in Health & Illness 11

Respiratory System

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceApply knowledge of pathophysiology to monitoring client for alterations in body systemsEvaluate client respiratory status by measuring oxygen saturation

Examples ( ABGs & pulse oximeter)

Notify provider about client laboratory test results

Monitor client laboratory values that are deviations from normal arterial blood gases (ABGs) Ph, Pao2, Paco2, Hco3

Discuss preparation and care of clients having respiratory diagnostic procedures.

I. Respiratory Anatomy

II. Respiratory Physiology

III. Assessment

IV. Diagnostics procedures

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 19

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 1

Upper Respiratory Disorders

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceConsider priorities of care according to current condition of client.

Provide care for client with tracheostomy

Monitor care for client on ventilator

Reinforce client teaching on purposes of laboratory tests

Describe instances when HCP should be notify of client’s status

Plan with client to meet client’s self care needs.

Provide care for client with drainage device

Client diagnosis/ prescribed tx.

Treatment modalities for airway obstruction/airway maintenance.

ET tube and mechanical ventilation

Nursing process

Diagnostic Examinations:Pulse oximeterBronchoscopyThoracenthesisCPAP Pulmonary Function TestsNCP for clients with tracheostomy mechanical ventilation

Diet therapy

Drug therapy

Health Promotion

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 20

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 2

Lower Respiratory Airway

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning Experience.Identify client’s support system and resources.

Explain the use of meter dose inhalers and Incentive Spirometry.

Provide care for client with drainage device

Intervene to improve client respiratory status by giving a breathing or respiratory treatment, suctioning or repositioning

Determine client’s ability to perform activities of daily living & nutrition

Schedule client care activities to promote adequate rest and sleep

Infectious and Inflammatory DisordersPulmonary TuberculosisOccupational Lung DiseasesMalignant DisordersTraumaThoracic Surgery

Chest tubes

Sputum specimen collection

Concept Mapping for client recovering from thoracic surgery

Drug therapy

Diet therapy


Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 21

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 3

Introduction to the Urinary Tract

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceApply knowledge of pathophysiology to monitoring client for alterations in body systems

Reinforce client teaching on purpose of lab tests

Monitor client output changes from baseline

Collect specimens as needed

Notify provider about clinical lab test results

Discuss alternative methods to promote client’s urinary output.

Monitor client’s nutritional status.

Identify client response to diagnostic tests/treatments/procedures/ surgery or health alterations

General Nursing Assessment History Physical Exam Gerontologic ConsiderationDiagnostic Studies Blood Chemistry Routine Urinalysis Clean Catch Urine CultureRadiologic Evaluation IVP & KUB Renal Arteriogram Renal ScanOther Tests Cystoscopy and Retrograde Renal Biopsy Voiding Cystrourethrogram Urine Specific Gravity

Arteriovenous GraftDrug therapy

Irrigate urinary catheter Measure I & O Indwelling cathetersCare of the client with urinary incontinence

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10h Ed.

Chapter 57,58, 59

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 4

Caring for the client with Urinary Disorders

Objective Content Learning experiences

Apply knowledge of pathophysiology to monitoring client for alterations in body systems

Reinforce client teaching on purposes of lab tests

Notify health care provider if client has signs of potential complications after special procedures or surgical interventions i.e. bleeding.

Compare client lab values to normal lab values specific to facility

Notify provider about lab tests results

Perform diagnostic teaching

Diagnostic tests collect specimens

Bladder scan, BUN & Creatinine, urine specific gravity

Monitor client output for changes from baselines

Bladder training Barrier garment/external Collective devices.Care of the client with urethral strictures Nursing management Preoperative PostoperativeUrinary diversion procedures Ileal conduit Continent urinary diversion UretersigmoidostomyRenal calculi Etiology Voiding dysfunction Urinary retention Urinary incontinence AV fistula Teaching client and family self careDrug therapyNutritional needs of clients in renal failure

Chapters 57,58, & 59 continues

To include topic group presentations

Active class participation

5/6/2023 revised 5

Infectious and Inflammatory Disorders of the Heart, Blood Vessels, and Valvular Disorders

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceApply knowledge of pathophysiology to monitoring client for alterations in body systems

Implement measures to manage/prevent possible complications of client condition or procedures

Reinforce client teaching on treatments & procedures Identify client’s need for palliative comfort/care.

Reinforce teaching to prevent complications due to client diagnostic test/treatments/procedures or health alterations

Provide sensitivity to client’s cultural practices when reinforcing teaching.

Infectious and Inflammatory Disorders of the Heart

Inflammatory Disorders of the

Peripheral Blood Vessels

Assessment findings

Diagnostic Treatments

Nursing Management

Client and family teaching

Drug therapy

Diagnostic Procedures

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 28,24

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 6

Disorders of Coronary and Peripheral Blood Vessels

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceConsider general principles of client disease process when providing care

Notify provider about changes in client status

Identify signs & symptoms of electrolyte imbalance

Identify abnormalities on cardiac monitor

Perform care for client before or after surgical procedures

Identify client with increased risk for insufficient blood circulation

Arterial PressureHypertensive DiseaseNursing Process

Diet therapy for clients with coronary heart disease

Drug therapy

Client and family teaching

Surgical procedures:CABGPTCA

Cholesterol levelsCardiac markers

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 25

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 7

Introduction to the Gastrointestinal System

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceConsider general principles of client disease process when providing care

Identify signs & symptoms of client fluids &/or electrolyte imbalances

Monitor & provide for nutritional needs

Provide client/family information about condition, treatments & procedures

Monitor client changes form baseline

Provide emotionalsupport to client/family

Anatomy and Physiology

Nursing Process

Client and family teaching

Drug therapy

Diagnostic studies:EGDMUGA ScanColonoscopy

Health Promotion (client teaching)

Diet therapy

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 44

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 8

Disorders of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceConsider general principles of client disease process when providing care

Provide feeding and/or care for client with enteral tubes

Monitor & provide for nutritional needs of client

Collect data on client nutrition or hydration status

Identify client potential for aspiration, sedation, swallowing difficulties

Perform care for client before & after surgical procedures

Disorders affecting eatingDisorders affecting the esophagusGastric DisordersPathophysiology and EtiologyAssessment findingsDiagnostic findingsMedical and Surgical ManagementNursing ManagementNursing Process

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 45

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 9

Disorders of the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceConsider general principles of client disease process when providing care

Identify signs & symptoms of client fluid and/or electrolyte imbalance

Teach on methods to prevent constipation.

Collect data on client nutrition or hydration status

Collect data for and review client’s diet history.

Monitor & provide for nutritional needs of client

Consider client preferences & reinforce teaching on dietary restrictions

Monitor client’s bowel sounds & elimination needs .

Altered Bowel EliminationInflammatory Bowel DiseaseIntestinal Obstruction

Diverticular DisordersAbdominal HerniaCancer of the Colon and RectumAnorectal Disorders

Nursing Management

Client’s emotional status

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 46

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 10

Disorders of the Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceGather data on client’s health history and risk for disease (medical hx.).

Monitor diagnostic or lab test results

Perform diagnostic tests

Notify provider about lab test results

Collect various specimens

Identify client response to diagnostic tests/procedures/surgery or health alterations

Validate pain using rating scale (0/10)

Identify actual/potential stressors for client.

Disorders of the LiverDisorders of the Gallbladder

Disorders of the PancreasCarcinoma of the Pancreas

Nursing Management

Client’s intake & output

Drug therapy

Pain management

Client and family teaching re: diet therapy

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 47

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 11

Caring for Client with an Ileostomy and Colostomy

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning Experience

Monitor impact of disease on client nutritional status

Collect data on client nutrition or hydration status

Identify client risk for impaired elimination

Provide skin care to client with skin barrier creams

Assist with teaching ostomy care to client.

Teach skin care to clients with colostomy.

Identify significant body image changes that may affect recovery

IleostomyContinent IleostomyIleoanal ReservoirColostomySurgical ManagementPre and Post operative ClientsNursing Process

Record Intake & Output

Provide ostomy care

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 48

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 12

Caring for Clients with Pain

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceApply knowledge of pathophysiology to monitoring client for alterations in body systems

Validate pain using a rating scale (0/10)

Monitor client’s non-verbal signs of pain/discomfort such as grimacing (pain subjective)

Monitor & document client response to medication

Reinforce client teaching on expected effects of prescribed medications

Provide non pharmacological measures for pain relief (imagery, message, or repositioning) use an alternative/complementary therapy (acupressure, music therapy, or herbal therapy) in providing care

Types of PainPain Transmission

Nursing Management

Pain scale 0-10

Applying heat and cold

Drug therapy (non-pharmacological interventions)

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 11

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 13

Caring for Clients with CancerCourse Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceApply knowledge of pathophysiology to monitoring client for alterations in body image

Validate pain using rating scale

Document & monitor client response to medication

Monitor client for signs & symptoms of adverse effects of radiation therapy

Reinforce client teaching for management of side effects of radiation therapy

Reinforce client teaching for management of side effects of radiation

Document client response to radiation therapy provide interventions for client side effects to radiation

Identify family response to client illness

Cancer PathophysiologyEtiology

Physical Assessment & History


Bone Marrow Transplants


Nursing Management

Psychological Support

Terminally Ill Client

Required readings: Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 18 Activities: LectureDiscussions Group presentations Quizzes Learning System Software Tests

5/6/2023 revised 14

Caring for Clients in Shock

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceApply knowledge of pathophysiology to monitoring client for alterations in body systems

Apply knowledge of pathophysiology when addressing client pharmacological agents

Implement measures to manage/prevent complications of client condition

Respond to life threatening situations (CPR)

Notify provide about client unexpected response/emergency situations

Recommend changes in emergency treatment based on client response to interventions

Reinforce teaching of emergency interventions explanations to client/family (eg., restorations of breathing and/or pulse)

Shock TypesMedical Management

Drug Therapy

Nursing Process

Drug therapy

Assessing client’s status.

Early recognition of s/s of shock

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 17

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 15

Caring for Clients with Infectious Disorders

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceIdentify communicable disease & modes of transmission

Reinforce appropriate infection control procedures with client & staff

Monitor diagnostic or lab test results

Use universal precautions/apply infection principles to client care (isolation, aseptic techniques)

Assist client in disease prevention activities

Prevent environmental spread of infectious disease through correct use of equipment

Protect immuno compromised clients from exposure to infectious organisms

Use correct hand washing techniques

Factors that increase susceptibility to infection

Diagnostic Tests WBC Count and Differential Culture and Sensitivity Skin Tests Immunologic Tests Other TestsNursing Process

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 20h Ed.

Chapter 23

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 16

Caring for Preoperative Clients

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceReview client’s physiological history

Identify client response to diagnostic surgery

Implement measures to manage/ prevent post-op complications

Reinforce teaching to prevent complications due to surgery

Obtain informed consent & baseline lab tests

Monitor vital signs

Notify provider if client has signs of potential complications

Use appropriate supplies to maintain asepsis

Monitor client care area for sources of infection

Perioperative Care




Ambulatory Care

Sequential compression deviceTED’s stockings

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 14

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 17

Introduction to the Endocrine

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning Experience

Apply knowledge of pathophysiology to monitoring client for alterations in body systems

Reinforce client teaching on purpose of lab test

Monitor diagnostic or lab tests

Know about diagnostic various endocrine disorders

Notify provider about lab tests results

Discuss the nursing management of clients undergoing diagnostic tests to detect endocrine dysfunction.

Anatomy and Physiology Pituitary Gland Thyroid Gland Parathyroid Gland Thymus Gland Pineal Gland Adrenal Glands Pancreas Ovaries and Testes

Physical Assessment & health history

Nursing Management

General Nutritional Considerations General Pharmacologic ConsiderationsGeneral Gerontologic Considerations

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 49

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 18

Caring for Client with disorder of the Endocrine

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceApply knowledge of pathophysiology to monitoring client for alterations in body

Monitor diagnostic or lab test results

Reinforce client teaching about diagnostic tests.

Notify provider about client lab test results

Reinforce client teaching on methods to prevent complications associated with diagnosed illness

Reinforce client’s stress management techniques.

Determine client’s nutritional and hydration status.

Disorders of the Pituitary Gland Acromegaly Simmond’s Disease Diabetes Insipidus Syndrome of inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone


Disorders of the Thyroid Gland Hyperthyroidism Thyrotoxic Crisis Hypothyroidism

Medical ManagementNursing ProcessThe Client with Hypothyroid

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 50

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 19

Caring for Clients with Diabetes Mellitus

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning Experience

Apply knowledge of pathophysiology to monitoring client for alterations in body

Reinforce teaching about diagnostic tests

Monitor diagnostic & lab results

Notify provider about lab results

Identify/intervene to control signs of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia

Provide client/family information about condition Provide interventions to restore fluids & electrolytes imbalance Reinforce teaching about actions & therapeutic effects of medications (insulin or oral agents

Diabetes Mellitus Pathophysiology & Etiology Assessment Findings Medical Management Nursing ManagementThe Client with Diabetes Mellitus Care PlanAcute Complications of Diabetes MellitusDiabetic KetoacidosisHyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic SyndromeHypoglycemiaChronic Complications of Diabetes MellitusPeripheral NeuropathyDiabetic Nephropathy/ foot care Diabetic RetinopathyVascular Disturbances Assessment Findings Medical management Nursing Management

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 51

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 20

Caring for Dying Patients

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceIdentify client needs for palliative/comfort care

Respect client palliative care choices

Provide palliative/comfort care interventions

Reinforce client/family teaching on palliative care

Monitor outcome of palliative care interventions

Identify client end of life needs (finances, fear, loss of control & role changes)

Identify client/family’s ability to cope with end of life interest

Assist client in resolution of end of life issues

Provide care or support for client/family to end of life

The Dying Client Informing the dying client Sustaining hope Care of the dying client

Assisting with Emotional Reactions

Supporting Final Decisions Living Wills Durable Power of Attorney

Nursing Management

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 10

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 21

Caring for Clients with AIDS

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning ExperienceApply knowledge of pathophysiology to monitoring client for alterations in body

Know lab values for disorder

Monitor diagnostic & lab results

Reinforce teaching about diagnostic tests

Notify provider about client lab test results

Universal precautions Maintain client confidentiality

Monitor client for actual or potential adverse effects of medications

Make adjustments to with considerations of client cultural beliefs

Respect client lifestyle choices

Provide information for prevention of high risk behaviors s

Discuss the nursing management of a client with AIDS.

Describe techniques for preventing infection among healthcare workers who care for infected clients.

Discuss two ethical issues that affect healthcare workers in relation to HIV

Human Immunodeficiency VirusAcquired Immunodeficiency SyndromePathophysiology and EtiologyAssessment FindingsMedical ManagementNursing ManagementNursing Process

Ethical issues Personal biases

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 35

Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 22

Legal Ethical Issues

Course Learning Objectives Content Learning Experience

Explain the difference between laws & ethics

What is negligence, malpractice & liability

Identify legal issues affecting the staff & client (refusal of tx)

Follow appropriate agency procedures to report tx errors

Document client care

Report or intervene to prevent unsafe practice of health care providerExplain decision making model

Legal Issues in Nursing Practice

Ethical Issues In Nursing Practice Risk Management Informed consent Taking verbal or telephone ordersTranscribing orders Recognize task/assignment you are not prepared to perform & seek assistance

Nursing Jurisprudence Ethical values Professional values Patient’s Bill of Rights

Required Readings:Timby, Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed.

Chapter 5Activities:LectureDiscussionCase StudiesGroup ActivitiesQuizLearning System SoftwareTest

5/6/2023 revised 23