Doctor Who Solitare Story Game Rules Book (Sept10)

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Rule book for fan-made Doctor Who solo rpg. Not my creation but credit goes out to Simon Cogan



Welcome to the Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game...

‘Doctor Who’ is a paragraph based solitaire story game. You read various numbered sections one after another

but the sequence of the paragraphs is determined by rules and tables. Each describes a new situation, or provides

rules about the choices and actions you can make. There are plenty of events and situations, so each game will be

a new, fresh experience.

The game has four booklets.

The Event booklet has sections divided into encounters with both friends and foes (paragraphs that start with ’e’),

the Adventure booklet details all the incredible locations that the TARDIS can travel to (with paragraphs that begin

with ‘a’), the Enemy booklet describes the various enemies and aliens that oppose the Doctor (with paragraphs

that begin with ‘v’), and this rules booklet (that has rules paragraphs that begin with ‘r’).

How to Play

Doctor Who is an adventure game played in turns. A standard turn starts

with you selecting an Action, such as Exploring, Planning or

Investigating. Depending on the Action selected, you are referred to a

chart, where you roll two dice. The dice roll may then indicate an event

section, which you then resolve.

After each Action you roll on the Encounter Matrix (r307) to see if an

encounter has occurred and the type of encounter. If you do have an

encounter then a table in the Adventure Booklet will ask you to roll

another die and this will lead you to a new event that you normally find

in the Event or Enemy booklets. Some events have keywords like Danger

or Temporal which are used to modify other encounters.

Some events may lead to fighting, described in the combat rules. You may also have additional characters join

you as Allies. These additional characters are especially useful in fights, although some may have knowledge or

abilities useful in certain events. Some Characters become Companions who join your adventures in the TARDIS.

Generally in an Adventure, you will try to Defeat an Enemy (see r304). This is done by gaining Plot events to find

out what has been happening and then reveal the Enemy. Once you know the identity of the Enemy you must try

to discover their Goal. You must then try to Defeat them by gaining enough Defeat Modifiers (DM) until you are

ready to Oppose the Enemy. Note that your DM can never fall below 0 in an Adventure.

Defeating an Enemy will gain you Points – losing to the Enemy will lose you Points – or worse...

To start the game, go to the Adventure prologue A400.


Each character in the game has a Brains, Brawn and Bravery value. These are called Qualities and are rated

numerically, with higher numbers being better. Characters also have Traits – skills and abilities that might be useful

(or not) throughout the game.

When a Character joins you, note his (or her) Qualities and Traits as needed. Other Characters encountered

during events need not always be permanently recorded. Unless they join you, these other Characters may simply

go on their way, and "disappear" from the game.

If you encounter a Character and it is not clear whether they are male or female (some abilities and events might

need this information and it is fun in story terms), simply roll 1D6: 1-3: Male; 4-6: Female.


R301. Your Character

You begin play as the Doctor – Last of the Time Lords and the only

survivor of the terrible Time War.

You have Brains 10, Brawn 4 and a Bravery of 7. You may also add 5

points to your Qualities, but no more than 3 to any one Quality.

Example: You could add 2 to Brains, 2 to Brawn and 1 to Bravery to

have Brains 12, Brawn 6 and Bravery 8.

You also choose 8 Traits from the following list. Other Traits do exist, but

you may only choose from the list. You may not choose a Trait twice,

although you can increase your Traits (and purchase new ones) later in

the game by spending Luck points.

Traits available to choose are: Aware; Charisma; Computers; Demolitions; Domination; Engineering; Gloating;

History; Marksman; Medicine; Pilot; Poison; Running; Science; TARDIS; Thief; Tracking, UNIT.

You also start the game with 4 Luck Points. Points are used when you want to re-roll a dice at any time. Simply

cross off a Point every time a roll does not go your way, and roll it again. You may NOT spend another point if

you still do not like the result. Beware using your points recklessly as the Universe is a dangerous place. If you are

required to roll multiple dice, such as 2D6, then spending 1 Luck point will roll all the dice again. Luck Points (or

simply ‘points’) are gained through events, gaining a Companion and Defeating Enemies.

R302. Trait and Quality Rolls

You often have to make a roll based on a Trait or Quality- such as a Charisma roll, a History roll, or a Brains roll.

If the roll is Quality based – Brains, Brawn or Bravery - then to succeed you must usually roll 2D6 and roll equal or

less than the Quality. Some events give penalties or bonuses to the Quality before the roll is made. An opposed

Quality roll indicates that you add 1D6 to a Quality and an Enemy does the same. The highest total wins the

encounter. If the result is a tie then it is a stand-off – the encounter ends without any positive/negative result.

If the roll is Trait based, such as Charisma, or History, the event or reference will give a number. Roll 2D6 and

count all the matching Traits that your group has. If the total of the roll and Traits equals or exceeds the number

given then you have succeeded. Sometimes an event will only allow you to add your personal Traits as the Doctor.

R303. TARDIS Characters

When you gain Companions (often by you making a Companion Charisma roll – other Characters cannot make

this roll or add Charisma to it), they become a TARDIS Character, and join you in your adventures. TARDIS

Characters - yourself and any Companions with you - are more difficult to kill in certain events or in combat.

If you have a Companion, then at the end of each Adventure you roll1D6. If you roll less than the number of

Companions with you then one of them (determined randomly) decides to leave. If this happens roll another 1D6

and if the result is greater than the number of Companions still with you, gain 1D3 Points for a tearful farewell.

You may never have more than 2 Companions at any one time and if you do gain more then you must reduce the

total back to 2 at the end of the Adventure by rolling randomly to see which Companion(s) (excluding any you

have gained in the current Adventure) leave.

If you ever gain a Companion but want that Character to remain an Ally (thus avoiding any treasured Companions

leaving as above) then you may do so at the cost of 1D3 Luck points at the end of the Adventure.

Companions often have friends and family. If you land at an Adventure location where your Companion is Native

(same era and location) you may try to contact them by making a successful Move (r306e) roll.


R304. Enemies

Although you will encounter many Characters on your travels, you will

also encounter Enemies – both old and new. These all have paragraphs

that begin with V in the Enemy booklet. All Enemies also have a positive

or negative Defeat Modifier (DM) that indicates how hard they are to

Defeat (Daleks are much tougher than a Werewolf!). You may attempt to

Defeat an Enemy as an Action, but unless you are very lucky, you will be

attacked, capture or killed unless you have first found a little bit about

their plans and Goals.

Once you roll for an Enemy event, any further Enemy events in the Adventure will be with the same Enemy. As

soon as an Enemy is revealed, add its DM to your current DM. Note that ‘revealing’ an Enemy means that you just

roll to see what Enemy is here – you do NOT have an Enemy encounter.

Each Enemy will have a number of Goals listed. Until the Enemy is revealed, each Plot event means that you roll on

the Plot line in the Adventure. When you know who the Enemy is then if you again have to roll for a Plot, instead

roll for a Goal on that Enemy. Knowing the Enemy Goal affects the type of encounters you get on the Encounter

Table (r307). If you have already had a Goal event and you are required to roll for a Plot or Goal event then

instead gain a +1 Defeat Modifier. The difference between a Goal event and a Plot event is that the conditions for

gaining bonuses from Plot events exist only for that event. The conditions for gaining bonuses from a Goal event

are usually more difficult and last for the rest of the Adventure. This means you have some time to find help, do

some planning or some research. When trying to gain conditions for fulfilling either Plot or Goal events a Trait can

come from anyone in your group. A Quality requirement indicates the total Quality your group needs.

When a player achieves a DM equal to the Goal number, he can now ‘Oppose’ the Enemy. The effects of this are

detailed in Enemy events and normally an Enemy cannot be Defeated unless you can Oppose. If there are

additional ways to Defeat an Enemy these will be detailed in the Enemy event. Being able to Oppose also affects

the type of Encounters you will get on r307. If you ever have excess DM (above that required to Oppose) you may

use them as a bonus (losing them after a single use) in Opposed Quality rolls in Enemy encounters.

When you Defeat an Enemy you gain Points equal to their Goal, minus their Defeat Modifier. This means that a

negative modifier (like the Daleks have -2) will earn you more points.

R305. Adventures

All Adventures begin with A in the Adventure Booklet. This section will tell you where the TARDIS has landed such

as Earth or Platform 1 etc, and a date. Although the date does not have any direct effects on play, certain events

are linked to certain dates. Adventures will have categories of encounters such as Enemy, Character, Event (1),

Event (2), Location and Plot. Each category has a D6 roll to give you a specific encounter.

Each Adventure then has an Event matrix. After you have an Action then roll 2D6 to see if you have an Event this

turn. Note that as time (turn number) within the adventure progresses, the frequency and types of event changes.

Once you successfully Defeat an Enemy, the Adventure is completed.

You must keep track of the turns in an Adventure as certain events are modified and other events will happen at

certain times. All Adventures also have a time limit, usually 12 turns. If you not Defeat the Enemy before the time

limit is reached, then the Enemy has reached their Goal and defeated you. You must lose points equal to the

Enemy Goal value minus their Defeat Modifier (so you lose more points if you are Defeated by the Daleks than you

would if Defeated by a Graske).

If you lose an Adventure and do not have enough points left to cover this loss then roll 1D6:1-2: You are killed –

the game is over; 3-4: You regenerate (see r310); 5: A random Companion is killed – lose 1D3 Luck Points (if you

have no Companion, you regenerate); 6: No further effect.


R306. Actions in Adventures

In an Adventure, at the start of each turn you select an Action. Adventures will detail which Actions are available

to you – not all Actions can be chosen at all Adventures. Actions are the heart of the game and it is through

choosing Actions that you explore the environment, discover what the Enemy is planning, find help or research

and ultimately Defeat the Enemy. Each Action has separate rules:


• Defeating Enemies

• Escaping Capture

• Exploring

• Investigating

• Move

• Plan

• Relax

• Research

• Rescue Prisoners

• Rest to heal wounds

• Seek Information

• Wait

If you want to rest to heal any wounds you might have then see r310, otherwise you have to choose an Action and

roll 2D6 adding any bonuses or modifiers. A Wait Action means just that – you are waiting for the Enemy to make

their next move – do not roll on any table below but roll for an encounter (r307), adding +1 to the 2D6 roll.

R306a. Defeating Enemies

This action is only allowed if you know the identity of the Enemy in the Adventure and their Goal. You roll 2D6

and add any Defeat Modifiers (DM) you have, with -1 if Turn 1-4, and +1 if Turn 9+.

2-3: You are killed in your attempt to Defeat the Enemy – the game is over.

4: Your companion has been killed. Randomly determine which TARDIS Character is destroyed and lose 2

points. If you have no companion, you are killed and the game is over

5: You have failed to defeat the Enemy and have been captured–see e060.

6: You have failed to defeat the Enemy – lose 1 point

7: You have failed to defeat the Enemy – take a -1DM and roll immediately for an Enemy event

8-9: You have failed to Defeat the Enemy.

10: An unknown factor has emerged - see e111.

11: An opportunity arises - have an Enemy encounter or roll 1D6: 1-2: e092; 3-4: e126; 5-6: e128.

12: Confrontation – Gain a +1DM and roll for an Enemy event.

13+: You encounter the Enemy and can now Oppose even if you do not have enough DM.

R306b. Escaping Capture

You will often get captured by various Enemies and other Characters. To

escape you normally roll 2D6 and add any modifier (it is usually harder

to escape bases for example), and the event will tell you the result of your

escape attempt. Some events or artifacts, like a Sonic Screwdriver, will

give you bonuses to Escape rolls.

Characters that are captured do not have to roll for an Encounter each

turn but the capture event may ask you to roll a dice to see if anything

nasty has happened to you…


R306c. Exploring

You decide to explore the area and see what you can discover. This Action may only be chosen if you have not

yet had an Enemy event. Roll 2D6 and add +1 (max 3) for each Tracking. If you roll a natural doubles, in addition

to any result below, your group becomes randomly split (see r306e).

2: You encounter an Enemy – roll for an Enemy event.

3-4: You become hopelessly lost – see e078 immediately.

5: Companion in trouble – see e002.

6-7: You discover nothing unusual.

8: You meet someone – roll for a Character event.

9-10: You either discover clues that need Investigating – see r306d next turn if you wish OR make a successful

Move Action next turn to roll for a Location event.

11: You discover something important – roll for a Plot event

12+: You discover something vital – see e082.

R306d. Investigate

You do some investigating to try and find out more. This Action may only be chosen if indicated by an event or if

you know the Enemy but not the Goal. Roll 2D6, and add +1 for each Aware (and +1 for each History if in Earth

Victorian Era or earlier) – to a maximum +3. If you roll natural doubles, also see e002

2-3: You have been led into a trap and are captured – e059

4-5: You may encounter some trouble and encounter Enemies -roll for Enemy event.

6: Your clues turn out to be false and you discover nothing.

7: You discover nothing but may investigate further next turn, adding +1 to the result (cumulative).

8: You discover a Location that could be important – roll for a Location event (If you are already at a

Location then instead roll for a Plot event).

9-10: You discover some important information. Roll for a Plot event.

11: You discover vital information. Gain +1 Defeat Modifier

12+: You discover a vital place - see e082.

R306e. Move

If you wish your Characters to split up (or sometimes it happens without

your control!), then each group of Characters may choose a separate

Action (r306), and each have a separate event. If you then want them to

regroup together, this must be a Move Action. Roll 2D6 and add any

Tracking Traits you might have, together with any other modifier. If the

result is 8+, you have joined the groups together. Each successive Move

action has a +1 bonus.

If you have native Allies or a Companion, you may also make a Move

Action to reach a Location that appears at least twice in the Adventure.

A Follow action (sometimes available in Enemy encounters) is a special Move action. Roll 2D6 and add Thief and

Tracking Traits but subtract the number of Characters in your group. The Enemy encounter will explain the result.


R306f. Planning

You try to increase your chances of Defeating the Enemy. You may only choose this Action if you have had a Goal

event. Decide what Quality you need to increase or what Trait you wish to gain. These only last until the Adventure

ends. Roll 2D6, adding +1 for each Trait you have already have that matches your desired Trait, or +1 per

Character with the desired Quality of 8 or greater (Max +3 to either roll).

2-4: Dead end – you may not plan further with this Trait/Quality

5: Plan backfires – gain a -1 DM penalty.

6-7: You have no success with your plan.

8: You make progress – if you choose this action next turn, get a (cumulative) extra +1 bonus.

9+: You succeed in gaining the Trait of your choice or a +4 Quality total. Increasing a Quality in this way does

not add to any Character’s personal Quality totals (such as in combat).

R306g. Relax

You decide to relax and enjoy yourselves. This Action may only be

chosen at a Holiday location or if mentioned in the Adventure, and if you

have not had a Plot or Enemy event. Add +1 (not cumulative) if you have

a Companion that is Native to this Adventure. Roll 2D6:

2: Holiday Nightmare! Lose 1 Luck Point, and may not choose this

Action further.

3-4: You have become bored of this holiday and cannot choose this

Action here again.

5: Your holiday has become interrupted. You automatically have an

encounter this turn.

6: Your Companion (with highest Bravery) has become bored. If this action is chosen again, he or she will

split up (r306e) and must choose another Action. If you have no Companion – see result 3-4.

7: You enjoy yourself and relax. If you choose this Action again next turn, add +1 to the roll.

8+: Have a great time. You may choose to eat (e073), some entertainment (e080), or tour (e129).

R306h. Research

You decide to research the situation. You must have had a Goal event to choose this Action. Choose Computers,

Engineering, Medicine, or Science. This Action can only be chosen in the Victorian Era or later (Present Era if

Computers). Roll 2D6, with +1 to the roll for each of your chosen Trait (max +3), -1 if in a Wilderness.

2: Serendipity! Gain a Luck point and +1 DM (r306a).

3: Explosion! Roll for each Character with chosen Trait. On a 1-2, they become Wounded.

4: Setback! Lose a Luck point.

5-7: Impasse: No result.

8-9: Slow Going. No result, but if you try again next turn, you may add +1 to result (cumulative).

10-11: Making progress. Gain a +1 DM.

12+: A breakthrough. See e083. You may not research further using this Trait in this Adventure.


R306i. Rescue

Some of your group - allies or nosy companions - may get captured by Enemies. If you have at least one Character

that is not captured, you can attempt to rescue the other Characters as an action. Roll 2D6 and add any Thief

modifier (plus any Enemy DM). If the result is 9+, then you have rescued the captives. If you roll 4 or less then have

an Enemy encounter. If no Enemy has been revealed, the rescuers are instead captured – see e059.

R306j. Seek Information

You decide to try and find out more information. You must have had a Plot or Enemy (but no Goal) event and use

Bureaucrat (any era), Charisma (any era but each 2 Charisma gives +1 to the roll), Thief (any era but on result 5

see e059), History (Modern Era or earlier), or Computers (Post-Modern Era onwards). This Action cannot be used

in a Wilderness Adventure location. Roll 2D6, adding +1 to the roll for each of your chosen Trait (max +3). You

may Seek Information using more than 1 Trait per Adventure, but only one at a time per group. If you roll natural

doubles and there is an Enemy revealed, your encounter this turn will be an Enemy.

2: You have been led into a trap and are captured – e059

3: You may encounter some trouble and encounter Enemies - roll for Enemy event.

4: Your sources dry up – you may not Seek Information using this Trait again in this adventure.

5-6: Your clues turn out to be false and you discover nothing.

7: You discover nothing this turn, but may seek further next turn, adding +1 to the result.

8: You may either roll for a Location event or a Character event.

9: You discover some important information. Roll for a Plot event.

10: You discover vital information. Gain +1 DM.

11: You hear of an important place – see e082.

12+: Discover the Enemy plan – roll for a Goal (revealing Enemy if necessary). Gain 1 Luck point.

R307. Encounter Matrix

The table below details the chance (on 2D6) of an event occurring in the different turns in an Adventure. If an

event occurs, then roll 1D6 to see the type and refer to the Adventure to find the specific event.

Turn 1-4

Event: 7+

Turn 5-8

Event: 6+

Turn 9-12

Event: 5+

1 Enemy Enemy Enemy

2 Event (1) Enemy Enemy

3 Event (1) Event (2) Enemy

4 Character Event (1) Event (2)

5 Character Character Event (2)

6 Location Character Character

If you encounter a Companion or named (unique) Ally that is already in the Adventure, then substitute e002.

When the Goal has been revealed each vertical die roll on the table above is reduced by 1 (or by 2 if you

can Oppose) and any result of 0 or less treated as a 1.


R308. Combat

When you and your allies must "fight" characters encountered, these combat rules are used. Sadly combat in

‘Doctor Who’ can be quite common when all other options are exhausted. Be warned however that combat in this

game can be quite deadly!

Combat Procedure: Combat is fought in rounds and continues until one side escapes, surrenders or is killed. At

the start of each round, you decide which of your Characters will face each opposing Character encountered.

Selecting Opponents: Each Character in your group is matched against one encountered opponent or Enemy.

If one side has extra Characters, you decide which combats the extra Characters join to support those Characters

or Enemies. The maximum number of opponents any Character can face however is 4 unless the extra Characters

have Marksman (as they can fire ‘into’ the combat).

Strikes: When facing multiple opponents, a Character can strike at only one each round, but can select which

one to strike against. If two or more Characters both face an opponent, choose one Character to be the main

combatant (usually the one with the highest Brawn, but sometimes you may wish to protect your TARDIS

Characters) and add modifiers below depending on the Brawn of the supporting Characters as shown in the table

below. To resolve a strike, take the total Brawn of both sides and add 1D6 and any modifiers below due to

wounds or multiple Characters.

-1 per Character if Stunned

-2 per Character that is Wounded

-4 per Character that is Seriously Wounded

+1 per Character with 3-5 Brawn

+2 per Character with 6-8 Brawn

+3 per Character with 9+ Brawn

Find the difference between sides and then apply result below to a Character on the side with the lowest total

Brawn. Some events use different Qualities (Brains or Bravery) to resolve a conflict such as psychic combat. If this

is the case then use the same procedure as outlined with Brawn.

Combat Table:

TARDIS Characters All other Targets

1 Stun Stun

2 Stun Stun

3 Stun Wound

4 Wound/KO Wound

5 Wound/KO Serious Wound

6 Wound/KO Serious Wound

7 Serious Wound Death

8+ Serious Wound Death

Combat Examples:

Example 1: The Doctor (Brawn 6) and Rose Tyler (Brawn 5) get attacked by a Dalek (Brawn 10). The Doctor

rolls a 3, the Dalek rolls a 2 The Dalek has a higher total Brawn of 12, a difference of 2 against the Doctor’s 10.

This causes a Stun result as both the Doctor and Rose are TARDIS Characters. The Doctor chooses to be Stunned.

This means that for the remainder of the combat (only), his Brawn reduces by 1. In the next round, the Doctor now

has a Brawn of 5. Perhaps it’s time to run!


Example 2: 3 UNIT Soldiers (each Brawn 6) encounter 2 Cybermen

(each Brawn 9) who march towards them, arm lasers firing and crying

‘delete’! As there are more Soldiers than Cybermen, 2 soldiers are

assigned to the first Cyberman and the other soldier to the second

Cyberman. In the first round, the soldiers (total Brawn 8) roll a 4 (total

12), the Cyberman a 3 (total Brawn 12). It is a stand-off as the totals are

equal. In the other combat, the soldier rolls a 6 (total Brawn 12) to attack

against a Cyberman who rolls a 1 (total Brawn 10). This gives a

difference of 2, so the Cyberman is Stunned and so now has a Brawn of

8 for the remainder of the combat.

Next round in the first combat, the two soldiers roll a 1 (total Brawn 9), the Cyberman a 6 (total Brawn 15). This

gives a difference of 6 against the soldiers so one of the soldiers takes a Serious Wound! In the other combat, the

soldier rolls a 3 (total Brawn 9) and the stunned Cyberman rolls a 4 (total Brawn 12). This gives a difference of 4

and means the soldier is Wounded.

Escape: After a combat round you may attempt to escape the battle. Roll 2D6 for each Character and add any

Running Traits. Consult the event for the total you need to escape. If you don’t make the total, the battle continues.

You can attempt to escape after each round. If only some of your Characters escape, you can either choose to

leave them behind or opt not to escape at all.

Routs: You can attempt to frighten your enemy into running away from the combat if you wish. Each time you kill

a Character in the opposing group, after you finish all strikes, make a Bravery roll for each opposing Character or

Enemy. If they fail, they run from the combat. Opposing Machine characters or those with a Brawn of 9 or higher

are never subject to rout, they will always fight to the death.

R309. Wounds and Death

Wounds are caused by combat and other events.

Stun: If a Character is Stunned, it reduces the Brawn of that Character by 1 for the remainder of the combat.

After the combat ends, the Character’s Brawn returns to normal. You may only be Stunned once during a combat.

Further Stuns have no effect.

Wound: If a Character is Wounded, it reduces his Brawn by -2 until the wound is healed. If the Brawn of a

Character falls to zero or below by this penalty, he is instead killed. A Character that is Wounded and then takes

another Wound is considered Seriously Wounded instead.

KO – Instead of becoming Wounded, you may choose for a TARDIS Character (only) to be knocked out and

removed from the fight. At the end of the fight, they recover with no other effects. Roll on the Surrender option if

you lost the overall fight to see whether they wake up captured (or not...). If the Characters encountered have no

Surrender option then any Characters KO’d will be killed (or eaten).

Serious Wound: When a Character is Seriously Wounded, it reduces Brawn by -4 until healed. Other Quality

and Trait rolls have a -2 penalty and Characters may not add Traits to group rolls. If the Brawn of a Character

was 4 or less he is instead killed. If a Seriously Wounded Character takes another Wound or Serious Wound he

is killed instead.

Death: The Character is killed. If a Companion is killed you must lose 1D3 Luck points unless another value is

given in the specific event. If the Doctor is killed, roll 2D6. If the result is 7 or greater, then he regenerates instead

(see r310), otherwise he is killed!


R310. Rest & Healing Wounds

You and your group may choose to rest as an Action to try and heal your

wounds. Certain events or equipment can also help you heal.

Healing Wounds: A Character with Medicine may make a Medicine

10 roll to either heal a Wound or turn a Serious Wound into a Wound. If

there is more than one person with Medicine in your group, they may

either try separately or combine their Traits. A Character with Medicine

may try to heal himself, although has the modifier if Seriously Wounded.

At the end of each Adventure, each TARDIS Characters heals one level.

Radiation Wounds: A wound received through radiation cannot be healed normally. It remains a wound

regardless of rest taken, until either an event or item provides a cure, or the character dies.

Regeneration: If, as the Doctor, you have to regenerate, then you lose all Luck points, and then return as a

different incarnation of the Doctor. You have to choose your Qualities and Traits as if starting the game again –

see r301. Also roll 1D6+1. For this amount of turns you are -2 to all Quality and Trait rolls.

Disease: A Character that is affected by a Disease event may or may not be able to heal any effects given by the

Disease. See the event for the exact details.

R311. Using Luck Points after Adventures

At the end of an Adventure you may spend Luck points to increase Qualities, gain or increase Traits or gain

various artefacts, such as the famous sonic screwdriver, to help you in further Adventures. You can also turn Allies

into Companions. Both you and your Companions can improve Qualities and Traits.

Increasing Qualities: To increase a Quality by 1 point costs Luck points equal to the current value of the

Quality. (Example: 5 Luck points to increase a Bravery of 5 to a 6).

Museums: If at a Museum location, you may gain or increase Science or History for 1 point less than usual.

Tutors: If you have a tutor (another TARDIS Character or Friend) that already has a desired Trait at a higher level

(or a Quality at least 3 greater), then for another Character to gain that Quality or Trait costs 1 point less.

Increasing Traits: To gain a Trait costs 4 Luck points. To increase a Trait you have costs 7 points from 1 to 2

and 10 points from 2 to 3. You may never have more than 3 in any Trait.

Gaining Equipment: You may spend 3 Luck points to roll once on e010.

A New Companion: You may turn your Ally into a Companion by spending points equal to the number of

Traits the Ally has. You may instantly increase a Quality of the Character (your choice) by 1.

Making Friends: You may turn a surviving Ally into a Friend (encountered at exact Adventure) by spending

points equal to half the number of Traits the Ally has (round up). The Ally also gains Aware if they don’t have it.


Game Design: Simon Cogan – although Arnold Hendrick has to take a huge kudos for designing ‘Barbarian

Prince’ all those years ago for Heritage. The stunning covers are by artist Jerriecan.

Also a big thank you to Michel Albert for his use of the Qualities and Traits system (and many photos too!) in the

Unauthorized Doctor Who CCG – this game was written as a result of it!

More thanks to everyone at BGG for their help and feedback too.


R312. Appendix 1: Trait Descriptions

Here is a complete list of all the Traits used in the game with a brief description and example of each. Note that

some Traits are only applicable to certain Characters. The Doctor may not normally acquire Screamer for example,

nor may a Human Companion be a Creature. This is also noted in the descriptions.


This represents the ability to notice things or be aware of travelling through Space and Time. A Character might

make an Aware roll to notice something hidden or when choosing to Investigate. It is a very important Trait for the

Doctor or Companions.


This represents knowledge of how a government works as well as knowing how files are organized. Donna might

be a Bureaucrat at times and an important leader like Harriet Jones (Prime Minister) might be Bureaucrat 2.


This represents appeal, charm and good looks. Most Doctors and female

Companions possess Charisma. It is very important in the game for

talking to Characters you meet.


The ability to operate, gain information from and sabotage a computer.

You might make a Computers roll when Seeking Information as an



A Trait possessed by some alien Characters you might encounter such as Jabe and Slitheen as they have abilities

that are not possessed by humans. Neither the Doctor nor Companions may gain Creature, although there is a

possibility that a Companion might already possess it.


This Trait represents the ability to use explosives and detonators. You might make a Demolitions roll to blow up an

Enemy base or to set off an explosion.


This Trait represents the power of the will and the mind. You might make a Domination roll to influence others or to

resist being hypnotized. Other events may call you to add your Domination to Bravery rolls. The Doctor sometimes

has Domination and can occasionally use it to hypnotize people. A Character with Domination is not affected by

psychic paper.


This Trait is important in everything from starting starship engines, to taking apart machines, to building a device to

capture a dinosaur! The Doctor usually possesses Engineering.


This Trait is usually possessed by villains or nasty Characters - sometimes revealing their secret plans, but the

Doctor has been known to taunt Enemies. Characters with Gloating can gain a bonus when confronting Enemies.


This Trait covers Earth History, Galactic History and just about all things ancient. The Doctor often has History. You

may be required to make a History roll to determine the meaning of mysterious runes. History is also important in

Seeking Information as an Action



This Trait can represent in-built weaponry (such as K9) or the ability to produce a laser beam from one of the

Doctor’s fabulous jury-rigged devices. It can be acquired during an Adventure for these purposes but a Doctor or

Companion cannot choose it as a Trait (unless the Companion is a robot perhaps?)


This Trait is just a keyword for certain Characters and encounters. It is not a Trait that would require a roll, nor

would a Doctor or Companion need it (although of course K9 is a Machine).


This Trait is also a keyword for certain Characters and Villains you might encounter. You might acquire this Trait

temporarily in an event, but a Doctor or Companion cannot choose it. However, if a Character has Madman and

is instructed to gain it again then the insanity claims the Character and they are destroyed. A Character may lose

this Trait by you spending 3 Luck points at the end of an Adventure as long as another Character has Aware.


This Trait represents the ability to fire ranged weapons or hurl missiles. Characters such as Captain Jack would

have Marksman. The Doctor and Companions may choose it as a Trait.


This Trait represents the ability to heal wounds, treat diseases and

generally know about all things medical. Characters like Martha Jones or

Novice Hame will have Medicine. The Doctor and Companions may

choose it as a Trait.


This Trait will usually have a Character or species in parentheses

attached to it. This means they are Minion of that Character or of all

Characters with that species. This Trait is just a keyword for certain

events and cannot be chosen by the Doctor or Companions.


This Trait represents the ability to drive a vehicle well – from land rovers to space shuttles. It does not affect flying

the TARDIS however. You might make a Pilot roll to escape a chase or to use a rocket. The Doctor and

Companions may choose this Trait as normal.


This Trait represents the knowledge needed to both create and destroy toxins. It is usually needed by Villains but

could be useful in dealing with plagues. The Doctor or a Companion may choose to acquire this Trait although its

use maybe limited.


This is a hugely useful Trait as we all know the Doctor’s adventures always involve a heck of a lot of Running! It is

used to evade enemies and is almost mandatory for the Doctor and his Companions.


This is another hugely useful Trait that covers all areas of chemistry, temporal physics and alien biology. It can be

used to help Research Actions and you may have a Science roll to understand how stop various Goals. The Doctor

nearly always has Science as a Trait and a Companion may also choose it.



This Trait is more of a keyword that describes some faint-hearted Characters and is used in some events and

encounters. An Auton will freeze a Screamer for example. Often a Companion or a Character like Tallulah will be

a Screamer. The Doctor or Companions cannot choose to acquire this Trait. A Character may lose this Trait by you

spending 3 Luck points – 1 at the end of each Adventure over 3 Adventures.


This Trait represents the ability to fly the TARDIS through the Space-Time Vortex avoiding any nasty collisions or

jumping time-tracks. Although the Doctor has occasionally let others, including a reluctant Donna, attempt to pilot

the TARDIS, only Time Lords can choose this Trait.


This is a very useful Trait and is used to hide from nasty Enemies in an

encounter or to escape their clutches once captured. Sarah Jane Smith

and Captain Jack Harkness have Thief. Donna Noble certainly used Thief

to sneak around the Sontaran command ship. The Doctor and

Companions can choose this Trait as normal.


This Trait represents the ability to follow a trail or find your way about in

the wilderness. It is useful when Exploring or Moving as Actions. The

Doctor and Companions can choose this Trait as normal.


This Trait is just a keyword that some Allies such as soldiers and mercenaries will have for certain encounters and

events. It may not be chosen by the Doctor or a Companion.


This Trait refers to that top secret organization that fights alien invasions. The Doctor used to be a member and

Martha Jones became a UNIT doctor. This is more a keyword for events and encounters and you are unlikely to

make a UNIT roll. The Doctor and Companions may choose this Trait and if they do, they gain Sir Alistair

Lethbridge-Stewart (fe04) as a Friend in Post Modern Earth Adventures.


This Trait is more of a keyword that refers to some characters that have the unfortunate tendency to die in an

adventure. These Characters will always be the first chosen in many random selections. The Doctor or Companions

may not choose this Trait but some unlucky Companions, such as Astrid, may have it. Once gained, this Trait

cannot be removed unless by a specific event of if the Doctor regenerates.


R313. Appendix 2: Reference Sheets

Relax: If at a Holiday location; no Enemy or Plot Event yet - roll 2D6 (+1 if native Companion).

2: Lose 1 Luck, and may not Relax again this Adventure.

3-4: May not Relax again this Adventure.

5: Automatically roll on Encounter matrix this turn

6: If you choose Relax again this Adventure, your companion with the highest Bravery splits up from


7: Add +1 to roll if Relax chosen next turn.

8+: Choose one: eat (e073), take a tour (e129), or see entertainment (e080).

Explore: If no Enemy Event yet, roll 2D6. Add 1 per Tracking (max +3). On doubles, your group splits up

2: Enemy event.

3-4: e078 (lost).

5: Companion in Trouble – see e002.

6-7: No effect

8: Character event.

9-10: May Investigate next turn OR if Move gain Location event.

11: Plot event.

12+: e082 (Important Place).

Investigate: If you have had an Enemy Event but no Goal Event yet - roll 2D6. Add 1 per Aware. If on Earth and

Victorian Era or earlier, also add 1 per History (max +3). On doubles: see e002.

2-3: e059 (captured).

4-5: Enemy event.

6: No effect.

7: Add +1 to roll if you choose Investigate next turn.

8: Location event (or Plot if at Location).

9-10: Plot event

11: +1 DM.

12+: e082 (Important Place).

Seek Information: Must have had a Plot or Enemy Event, no Goal Event and not be at a Wilderness location.

Choose Bureaucrat (any era), Charisma (any era but need 2 Charisma per +1), Thief (any era but result 5 means

e059), History (Modern Era or earlier) or Computers (Postmodern Era or later). Roll 2D6 and add 1 for each

chosen Trait (max +3). On doubles (when there is an Enemy) means an automatic Enemy encounter.

2: e059 (captured).

3: Enemy Event.

4: You may not Seek Information using chosen trait again this Adventure.

5-6: No effect.

7: Add +1 to die roll if you choose Seek Information next turn (cumulative).

8: Choose a Location or Character Event.

9: Plot Event.

10: +1 DM.

11: e082 (Important Place).

12+: Goal Event (Enemy Event first if necessary). Gain 1 Luck.


Plan: If a Goal Event has occurred, Choose a Trait or Quality. Roll 2D6. Add 1 for each of chosen Trait, or 1 if

you possess chosen Quality at 8 or higher (max +3).

2-4: You may not Plan with this Trait/Quality again this Adventure.

5: -1 DM.

6-7: No effect.

8-9: Add +1 to die roll if you choose Plan next turn (cumulative).

10+: Gain chosen Trait or increase Quality by 4 until Adventure ends.

Research: If a Goal Event has occurred; you are in Victorian Era (for Engineering, Medicine, or Science) Post

Modern Era or later for Computers. Roll 2D6, and add 1 for each of chosen Trait (max +3).

2: Gain 1 Luck and +1 DM.

3: Roll 1D6 for each character with chosen Trait. On a 1-2, they become Wounded.

4: Setback - lose 1 Luck Point.

5-7: No result.

8-9: Add +1 to die roll if you choose Research next turn (cumulative).

10-11: +1 DM.

12+: e083 (breakthrough). May not Research again using this Trait in this Adventure.

Defeat Enemies: If a Goal Event has occurred, roll 2D6 and add current DM for this Adventure, -1 if Turn 1-4

and +1 if Turn 9-12.

2-3: Doctor is killed. Game over.

4: Random Companion killed - lose 2 Luck. If no Companion, Doctor is killed - game over.

5: Fail - e060 (captured).

6: Fail - Lose 1 Luck.

7: Fail – Take a -1DM and roll for an Enemy Event.

8-9: Fail but no effect.

10: e111 (unknown factor).

11: Opportunity rises. Roll 1D6. 1-2: e092. 3-4: e126. 5-6: e128.

12: Confrontation – Gain a +1DM and roll for an Enemy Event.

13+: Enemy Event. You may Oppose even if you do not have enough DM.

Encounter Matrix: Roll 2D6.If you have an encounter roll 1D6 - subtract 1 if you have had a Goal Event this

Adventure. Once you can Oppose then subtract 2.


Event: 7+

Turn 5-8

Event: 6+

Turn 9-12

Event: 5+

1 Enemy Enemy Enemy

2 Event (1) Enemy Enemy

3 Event (1) Event (2) Enemy

4 Character Event (1) Event (2)

5 Character Character Event (2)

6 Location Character Character


R314. Appendix 3: Scaling the Adventures

This is an optional set of rules that makes initial Adventures easier (when

you have less Traits, Companions and Equipment) than later Adventures

(when you have used your Luck to gain more Traits and gained some


At the start of each Adventure, total the number of Companions and the

number of Adventures that have been completed and consult the table

below. The Luck column indicates the modifier to the amount of luck

points gained at the end of the Adventure:

Total Effect Luck

0-3 None +1

4-6 Roll once on the Table below 0

7-9 Roll twice on the table below -1

10+ Roll three times on the Table below -2

Adventure Scale Table

Roll 2D6 as many times as instructed and apply all results including duplicated rolls:

2: Countdown – There are 2 less turns before the Adventure is over and you have been Defeated.

3: TARDIS Malfunction – Immediately see e008 before you land.

4: Enemy Plan Advanced – Add 5 to any Quality total required on the Goal event when revealed.

5: Enemy Support – When rolling for numbers of Minions in enemy encounters, add +1 to the roll.

6: Enemy Strength – All Enemies (except Minions) are +1 to all Qualities.

7: Deadly Enemy – Subtract -1DM when the Enemy is revealed (in addition to normal modifier).

8: Master Plan – Add +1 to the Goal number when revealed (but do not gain an extra Luck point if Defeat).

9: Suspicion - All Charisma rolls made when encountering Characters have a -2 penalty.

10: Dangerous Situation – Reduce the vertical die roll by -1 on the Encounter Table.

11: Equipment Destroyed – Randomly select an Equipment to be lost at the end of the next Adventure.

12: Bad Luck – Immediately lose 2 Luck points

Using these rules, a player is considered to have won if he completes 12 Adventures.


R315. Appendix 4: Companion Personalities

This is an optional set of rules to make Companions slightly more varied

and interesting. When you gain a new Companion, roll once on the

table below and then see the descriptions of the personalities and the

modifiers they cause. If your Companion is one that has been established

from the TV show, see r315b.

At the end of an Adventure you may use 3 Luck points to buy a new

Personality type, or pay 2 Luck points to lose one. A Companion may

never have more than 3 Personality types.

1-2 3-4 5-6

1 Brash Protective Untrustworthy

2 Dedicated Headstrong Jealous

3 Compassionate Resourceful Independent

4 Moral Code Quick Thinking Indolent

5 Appealing Curious Adventurous

6 Determined Awestruck Natural Leader

R315a. Personality Types

Adventurous – This Companion has a spirit of adventure. Each time you land on at an Adventure Location where

they are not native and have not previously visited, gain a point.

Appealing – This Companion is very good-looking and charming and gains an extra Charisma Trait when Talking

to Characters (not Enemies) of the opposite sex.

Awestruck – This Companion is a little overawed by their travels in the TARDIS. Whilst they are at an Adventure

Location where they are not native, they are -1 to all Qualities.

Best of Friends – A Companion may only gain this personality when they have completed 6 Adventures with you.

When this Companion is with you, you gain +1 to all Qualities.

Brash – Each time this Character is present when there is a Charisma roll they must make a Brains roll. If they fail,

then the Charisma roll is made with a -1 penalty.

Compassionate – This Companion will not leave other Characters in danger by running away. Lose 1 point for

each Victim that are killed

Curious – This Companion cannot help but go looking for danger. Add +2 to Investigate as an Action if the

Companion is not with the Doctor.

Dedicated – This Companion must have Computers, Science, Engineering or Medicine to have this Personality and

must choose one of them. When doing Research as an Action with this chosen Trait, they gain an extra +1

to the roll if the Doctor is not with them.

Determined – This Companion can be stubborn and has a very strong mind. Whenever the Companion is required

to make a Bravery roll, they may gain a Domination Trait.

Headstrong – This Companion will not Evade an encounter unless the total Brawn of opposing Characters is at

least three times your own total Brawn.


Independent – This Companion likes nothing better than striking out alone and seeing what’s out there! They gain

+2 to an Explore Action if without the Doctor.

Indolent – This Companion likes the better things in life and taking it easy. They will always choose to Relax as an

Action whenever possible.

Jealous – This Companion want to travel in the TARDIS with just you as company – three’s a crowd. If there are

other Companions with you then this Companion is -1 to all Qualities

Loyal – A Companion may only gain this Personality when they have completed 4 Adventures with you (unless

Rose Tyler or K9). This Companion wants to stay travelling in the TARDIS with you forever and is excluded

from any random selection as a result of a Companion Leaving roll.

Moral Code – This Companion has a strong sense of justice. They have +3 to any Quality when trying to reach a

Goal event.

Natural Leader – This Companion has natural leadership qualities. When they are not with the Doctor, any Allies

with them are +1 to all Qualities

Protective – Choose another TARDIS Character for this Companion to protect. If that Character is about to be killed

and this Companion is with them, they can take a Wound to prevent it.

Quick Thinking – This Companion has knows how to make sharp decisions. Once per turn, you can re-roll a Trait

roll that involves one of their Traits if the Companion makes a Brains roll.

Resourceful – This Companion always seems to be able to do the right thing when it counts. When facing a Goal,

Plot or Danger event requiring one of their Traits, he or she is +1 to all Qualities.

Untrustworthy – This Companion might not always have everyone’s best interests at heart. When they are not with

the Doctor (except when captured) they must make a successful Bravery roll to choose an Action. If they

fail then they are inactive for the turn.

R315b. Famous Companions

When you encounter these Companions, they automatically have the following Personality types to start:

e003: Jackie Tyler – Protective (Rose Tyler)

e004: Mickey Smith – Awestruck, Protective (Rose Tyler)

e021: Captain Jack Harkness – Appealing, Headstrong

e022: Sarah Jane Smith – Curious, Moral Code

e090: Rose Tyler – Loyal, Jealous

e106: Martha Jones – Compassionate, Resourceful

e109: Donna Noble – Brash, Quick Thinking

e110: Tallulah – Appealing

e114: Marcus Falco – Headstrong

e118: Caroline Fairfax - Independent

e193: K9 – Dedicated (Science), Loyal

e224: Louisa James - Curious

e248: Wilf Mott – Compassionate, Protective (Donna Noble)

e271: Astrid Peth - Adventurous


R316. Appendix 5: Optional Combat Rules

This is an optional set of rules to expand combat and give a range of

interesting results that mirror the TV episodes. It will make combat a little

less deadly and allow options that make it easier for the Doctor and his

friends to survive.

The tactics below are for you to choose for the Characters in your group.

A Character can only opt for one tactic below each combat round or at

the end of each round.

Aim for the Eyepiece

This tactic can be used to try and find weak spots in the opponent’s armor. If a Character with Marksman does not

enter combat directly or is used to support other Characters then at the end of the round if they make a successful

Marksman 9 roll (-1 to roll target is a Machine, or has Brawn 10+, or a Dalek – all modifiers cumulative) then one

opponent (your choice) becomes Wounded. This tactic cannot be used in a fight that uses Brains or Bravery.

Covering Fire

This tactic can be used to help Characters escape. At the end of a combat round, if a Character with Marksman

does not attempt to evade the combat, then all other Character gain a +1 to their Running roll. This is cumulative -

if 2 Characters with Marksman do not attempt to evade, Characters get +2 etc.

Last Minute Plea

This tactic can be used to survive even after you have been attacked. At the end of a combat round you may

spend 1 Luck point to roll again on a Surrender line of an Enemy or Character.

Lure Away

This tactic can be used to get a Character (with Bravery 8+) to get an opponent to chase them and therefore allow

the rest of the group to escape combat. Roll 2D6 and subtract the result from the Character’s Brains – adding any

Charisma Traits they have. The difference is the number of opponents (your choice) that will follow this Character.


A TARDIS Character may offer mercy to their opponent if the opponent becomes Seriously Wounded. At the end

of the combat round, if the TARDIS Character has a higher Bravery than the opponent, then the opponent

surrenders, does not take any further part in the fight, and is considered beaten. No Machine will accept mercy. A

Companion with Compassion will always offer mercy.


A Character may protect one other Character so that they do not have to be paired with an opponent as long as

the fighting Character does not have more than three opponents. This tactic is handy for keeping weaker

Companions and allies out of combat.

Surprise Attack

This tactic can be used if no other encounter option has been previously attempted and you spend one Luck point.

Each Character with Thief gains +2 Brawn for the first round of combat.

Strike as a Unit

If you have 3 or more Characters with Troop or UNIT and another Character with at 7+ Bravery, keep that

Character out of combat to make the Characters with Troop or UNIT +1 Brawn for the combat.

You Go That Way…

You may add +1 to a Running roll to escape combat but any Character that escapes must split into 2 random

groups. Roll 1D6 for each Character - 1-3: Group 1; 4-6: Group 2.


R317. Appendix 7: Enemy Battles

These optional rules add an increased element of danger to the game

and encounters with an Enemy can get very nasty.

Each time you roll for an Enemy encounter also roll an additional 1D6

and add the Enemy Defeat Modifier (with an additional -1 if the Enemy is

the Sontarans – masters of war). If the result is 1 or less (2 or less if you

can Oppose), then roll 2D6 on the table below.

(Optionally, you may only start using these rules when the Scaling total

from Appendix 3 is at least 4).

2: Hidden Agenda – If you know the Enemy Goal then it is not their real objective. Take a -1DM penalty and

cancel any DM modifiers from any previous Goal event. You must rediscover a new Goal

for the Enemy as normal. If the original Goal is rolled again, re-roll the result.

3: Enemy Stratagem – Brains rolls you make in any Enemy encounters in this Adventure are made at a -1 penalty.

4: Battle Plans – Roll on the Tactic table below.

5: Overwhelming Force – You have to Surrender if it is a possible option, or Fight if not.

6: Weapons – All Enemies have +1 Brawn for the remainder of the Adventure.

7: Battle Plans – Roll on the Tactic table below.

8: Reinforcements – When rolling for the number of Enemies encountered, add +1 to the roll.

9: Enemy Plan Advances – Take an immediate -1DM penalty.

10: Battle Plans – Roll on the Tactic table below.

11: Dispense with Minions – The Enemy decides that any Minions it may have are now no longer necessary and

expendable. If the Enemy has Minions, take a -1DM but you never have Minions in a future

Enemy encounter in this Adventure.

12: All-Out Assault – The Enemy attacks a Location. If you are not at a Location take a -1DM but there is no further

encounter this turn. If you are currently at any Location any Victims in your group are instantly

killed. Roll 1D6 for each other Character: 1: No effect; 2-3: Wounded; 4-5: Seriously

Wounded; 6: Killed. There is no further encounter with the Enemy this turn.

R317a. Battle Tactics

Roll 1D6 adding +1 if you can Oppose:

1: Wanted for Interrogation – Gain +2 to any Surrender rolls in this encounter.

2: Surrounded – You may not choose an Evade option in this encounter

3: Deadly Force – All Enemies have +1 Brawn for this encounter.

4: Surprised - You may not choose a Hide option and if you choose to Evade as a first option in this encounter

then all Running rolls are made with a -1 penalty.

5: From Both Sides – All Running rolls in this encounter are made with a -1 penalty.

6: Ambushed – You must immediately choose the Fight option for this encounter.

7: Take No Prisoners – You may not choose any Surrender option in this encounter.


R317. Appendix 8: Conflict

This is a new Action that allows players more choice when trying to

Defeat an Enemy. Instead of Planning (r306f) or Research (r306h), this is

a more active and dangerous option that allows Characters (especially

Companions who get bored waiting for the Doctor to come up with

something) to try and stop the Enemy plan or gain bonuses for that all-

important showdown.

R306k. Conflict

You decide to take the battle to the Enemy and try to sabotage their plans. You must have had a Goal event to

choose this Action and only Characters with Bravery of at least 6 can attempt this Action. Roll 2D6 and add any

Tracking and Thief Traits but subtract the number of Characters attempting the Action. Add +1 to the roll if in an

Enemy Base (e144). A Companion that is Independent (using the Personality rules) gains +1 to rolls here if the

Doctor is not attempting this Action.

2-4: Ambushed – roll for an immediate Enemy encounter with a -1 to any Talk or Surrender options.

5: Failed opportunity - gain a -1 penalty for further Conflict Actions in this Adventure.

6: Failed opportunity – no result.

7: Opportunity – you may enter the Enemy base (see e144) if you wish. If already inside a base then see

result (8-9) below.

8-9: Opportunity and danger – you must have an automatic Enemy encounter this turn. If you choose Conflict

as an Action again next turn, gain +4 to the roll.

10+: Opportunity for conflict – you may either choose to have an Enemy encounter or choose a Character with

either: Demolitions, Domination, Marksman or Poison:

Demolitions – If you can make a Demolitions 9 roll (with +1 if you have a sonic screwdriver) you can make

1D6+1 explosive devices. These can be used before a combat round and each will attack

an Enemy with a Brawn of 10. If you have at least 5 devices, they can either be used to

gain a +2DM, or if you are in an Enemy Base and can Oppose then you Defeat the Enemy.

Domination – If you can make a Domination 9 roll (with +1 for each Character here with Bravery 9+) you

can take control of any non-Machine Minions that you encounter in your next Enemy

encounter. They will become your Allies until the end of the Adventure.

Marksman – If you can make a Marksman 9 roll (with +1 if you have at least 2 Troop) then when you have

an Enemy encounter and have to roll for the number of Enemies encountered, reduce that

number by 1D3. Roll for the 1D3 reduction each time you have a future Enemy encounter.

Poison - If you can make a Poison 9 roll (with +1 for each Medicine) then you can make a gas that will

temporarily disable (treat as killed for purposes for rout) any non-Machine Enemy that fails a

Bravery roll. You may use the gas in a future Enemy encounter before you resolve an option (this

means that you can choose a Talk option and if this then fails, use the gas before choosing

another option). Enemies recover at the end of the encounter unless inside a Base where they will

recover after 1D3 turns.


R318. Appendix 9: Seek Help

This is a new Action that can be used in two ways. It can be used at any

time to find medical help when one of your Characters is Wounded, or

when you have had a Goal event and you need to gain more help in

overcoming the Enemy in time for the final confrontation. This can be

especially important when that final showdown could involve some

combat or when a Quality total needs to be high to gain DM from a

Goal event.

R306l. Seek Help

You decide to find more help in getting medical attention or finding reinforcements. If trying to find reinforcements

you must have had a Goal event to choose this Action. This Action cannot be chosen at a Wilderness Adventure

(unless at a Location with a Character line). Roll 2D6 and add any Bureaucrat from native Characters and +1 for

every 2 Charisma. If you are at a Holiday Adventure, take -1 from the roll.

If attempting to find reinforcements, also apply the following modifiers: If on an Earth Present or Post-Modern

Adventure, add +1 for each UNIT unless that Character is also a Troop. If you have a total Bravery of at least 20,

add +1 to the roll. If you have had e210, take -1 from the roll. A Companion that is a Natural Leader (using the

Personality rules) gains +1 to rolls here if the Doctor is not attempting this Action.

2-4: Authorities turn against you and you are arrested – see e059.

5-6: Your request for help is denied – no further effect.

7-8: Authorities need more convincing – add +1 to roll (cumulative) if you Seek Help again next turn.

9-10: You either find a physician with Medicine who can treat your Characters normally (see r310) or find

reinforcements – see options below:

Earth (to Renaissance Era): 1D3+2 militia – Brains 2, Brawn 6, Bravery 5 (Running, Tracking, Troop).

Earth (Victorian or Modern Eras): 1D3 Police – Brains 3, Brawn 6, Bravery 5 (Marksman, Tracking,


Earth (Present or Post Modern Eras): 1D3+1 UNIT Troops – each Brains 4, Brawn 6, Bravery 6

(Marksman, Running, Troop, UNIT). If 4+ troops, then one is a UNIT Commander – Brains 5, Brawn 6,

Bravery 7 (Bureaucrat, Computers, Marksman, UNIT).

Spaceship or Space Station: 1D3+1 ship security – each Brains 3, Brawn 6, Bravery 6 (Marksman,

Running, Troop). If 4+ security, then one is instead an officer – Brains 5, Brawn 7, Bravery 7 (Aware,

Computers, Marksman, Running)

Other: 1D3+1 soldiers – Brains 3, Brawn 6, Bravery 6 (Marksman, Running, Tracking, Troop). If 4+

soldiers, ones is instead a leader with Brains 5, Brawn 7 and Bravery 7 (Aware, Bureaucrat,

Marksman, Running)

11+: You find help or reinforcements – see options above replacing 1D3 with 1D6 or see extra options below.

Time Agents (only possible if you have had a Temporal Enemy or Goal): 1D3 agents each Brains 6,

Brawn 7, Bravery 7 (Aware, History, Marksman, Pilot, Running, Thief).

Judoon (only possible if not on Earth in Post Modern Era or earlier): 1D3+1 Judoon each Brains 2,

Brawn 8, Bravery 7 (Marksman, Pilot, Tracking, Troop). While the Judoon are with you, you have -2 to

any Charisma roll.

Medical specialist – He can use Medicine to treat your Characters and if in Near Future Era or later

has drugs that can also treat radiation Wounds as a normal Wound.


R319. Adventure Climaxes

Many of the Doctor’s adventures end in a nail-biting climax where he

and his Companions often have a life and death struggle against the

Enemy when the clock is ticking…

These optional rules attempt to emulate these exciting episode endings

and give Adventures an extra slice of danger.

At the end of an Adventure when you have Defeated an Enemy (but

before any Luck gain), roll 1D6 and add the Enemy Defeat Modifier.

Subtract 1 from the roll if the Turn number is less than 9 (-2 if Turn

number less than 5). If you are playing the Scaling rules (r314) then you

may also apply the Luck modifier in the table to the roll.

If the result is 1 or less, then you have a Climax event – roll 1D6 on the table below:

1: Armageddon Device – Although you have Defeated the Enemy, you discover that the terrible machine that the

Enemy was using to achieve their plans is still operational! Unless you can stop it in time

you will have still lost the Adventure. To stop the device you must roll 1D6 three times and

add the total number of the appropriate Trait (below) in your group each time. If the total is

15 or greater, then the device has been deactivated and you have won the Adventure and

gain Luck points. Trait needed (1D6): 1-2: Computers; 3-4: Engineering; 5-6: Science.

2: The Final Battle – Much to your dismay, the Enemy leader (or a single Enemy if no leader) has escaped. You

give pursuit and corner them – but they are now desperate and are determined to fight

their way out. Remove any Characters without Running from the battle. You may let the

leader escape at the end of any combat round at the cost of gaining no Luck points for

Defeating the Enemy and this particular Enemy becomes your Nemesis.

3: Explosions – As you Defeat the Enemy, explosions are set off all around you – time for some more running!

Each Character in your group must make a Running 7 roll (add +1 if a TARDIS Character

or -1 if a Victim) or be caught and killed. Lose 2 Luck points if a Companion is killed and 1

Luck point for every 2 Allies (round up).

4: Hollow Victory – Although you have Defeated the Enemy, it is not without cost and you must destroy a Victim

from your group. If you have no Victim, you must destroy a TARDIS Character.

5: The Courage of Friends – Sometimes you can only succeed in your struggle against the forces of destruction

with help from your loyal Companions and allies. Unless you have a Companion with

Bravery 8+ or a total Bravery (without adding the Doctor’s Bravery) of 20 (you may double

a Companion’s Bravery at the cost of 1 Luck point for this total), then you have not

Defeated the Enemy, take a -1DM penalty, and continue the Adventure.

6: Final Deadly Puzzle – The Enemy has presented you with a fiendish dilemma that you must solve to properly

Defeat them. Unless you have a total Brains of 25 or any TARDIS Character (you may roll

for each separately) can make a Brains roll by 4, then the Adventure has ended in a

stalemate – you gain no Luck points from Defeating the Enemy in this Adventure and the

Enemy becomes your Nemesis.

An Enemy that becomes a Nemesis means that with any future Adventures with this Enemy you take an additional

-1DM when they are revealed, and you are -1 to all Qualities for that Adventure.