Doctor Who Vortex Issue 15 (FAN MADE)

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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DWV IS A FAN MADE NOT FOR PROFIT It's been so long, but DWV is back with all the stuff that's been going on in the mean time MAGAZINE PUBLISHED ONLY FOR FREE AT ISSUU.COM/STEPHENDAVIDHENDERSON


Series 7:The mystery continues

no. 14no. 14

Also: colin baker on im a celebrity, the snowmen review, doctor who stamps

DWV is a fan made publication by Stephen Henderson ( and is no way connected to


Doctor Who, The Doctor Who logo, TARDIS, Dalek (Terry Nation), K-9(Bob Baker and Dave Martin) and Cybermen (Kit Pedler & Gerry Davis) are all registered trademarks of the BBC. All photography remains the property of the original owner, generally this is


Text © Stephen Henderson.

DWV is published on on a non-regular basis.

This issue4: REVIEW-The Snowmen6. The New Theme Tune7. Coming Soon11. The New Tardis12. The Companions Who Came Back For More14. NEWS-Doctor Who Stamps16. Colin Baker: Timelord of the Jungle

It's_been_more_than_two months... but we're BACK!! It's_been_more_than_two months... but we're BACK!!


The SnowmenThe SnowmenSteven Moffat gave us the perfect Christmas present this year, his best Christmas story ever. His previous two offerings, The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe and A Christmas Carol were good, but both – being loosely based on existing popular stories – lacked originality somewhat.

Christmas Doctor Who is special. It's one that everyone, even people who don't normally watch, watch. So the sciency-winecy, timey wimey bits have to be toned down a bit replaced by humour but with a balance found. Jenna-Louise and Matt work perfectly together their humour bounces off one another e.g.: Clara grabbing the Doctor's hand and running rather than the other way around.

Clara is already becoming my favourite companion ever, she's hot, clever, sweet, cute, sassy and classy and her introduction to the TARDIS was a clever twist on the rather boring “It's bigger on the inside” becoming “It's smaller on the outside”. It's just a shame she can't make a soufflé. (Actually, I've never had one. Are they nice?)

I loved the Doctor's hat: The crooked Artful Dodger look really suited him (and it was Christmassy and Victorian at the same time).

Steven Moffat was clever to show us a grumpy Doctor again, someone who – after years of losing those he loves – wants nothing more to do with saving people.

Of course, he soon warms to Clara's charms and even gets a kiss off her – has he forgotten he's married? - so it will be interesting to see how this relationship enters into 2013 and beyond.

Richard E Grant's Doctor Simeon was a classic DW evil guy – think Anthony Head in School Reunion – who still managed to threaten the Doctor after he'd been killed. Also, I really enjoyed the 'Four Musketeers' style relationship between Vastra, Jennie, Strax and the Doctor – especially Strax's attempts at compliments.


And then, Clara, DIES!!! All I can think of is the Doctor's Daughter when after falling in love with Jenny having that feeling of 'OHMYGODNOOOOSHECANTBEDEAD!!!' But she is. Sad Face. That's Christmas ruined... until we find out we'll meet a new Clara or Oswin, which when you think about it's a little bit sad. We've fallen in love with two versions of JLC's character and then have her die on us, and the character who will eventually be the Doctor's companion is someone else – a modern day version. That's like saying it doesn't matter if Queen Victoria died because Queen Elizabeth is exactly the same. But anyway one flaw aside... I can't wait for April.

THE nEW tHEME tUNEThe Snowmen gave us a whole new title The Snowmen gave us a whole new title sequence and music. The theme tune is sequence and music. The theme tune is very much a mish-mash of previous very much a mish-mash of previous themes. There's the old school dum-de-themes. There's the old school dum-de-dums alongside Murray Gold orchestral dums alongside Murray Gold orchestral tunes which is probably as this is the tunes which is probably as this is the theme that will be used in 2013's theme that will be used in 2013's anniversary year. It's certainly not as bold anniversary year. It's certainly not as bold as the orchestral versions or as eerie as the as the orchestral versions or as eerie as the 1963 original but it's not bad.1963 original but it's not bad.

The titles are brilliant, rather than just a The titles are brilliant, rather than just a straight uneventful journey through the straight uneventful journey through the time vortex this journey moves all over the time vortex this journey moves all over the screen, panning here and there. And the screen, panning here and there. And the crowning glory... The Doctor's face back in crowning glory... The Doctor's face back in the titles for the first time since 1989. I like the titles for the first time since 1989. I like that they are keeping the practice of that they are keeping the practice of changing the logo each episode to suit the changing the logo each episode to suit the storyline and this episode's icy design was storyline and this episode's icy design was very eye-catching.very eye-catching.

However the greatest addition to the titles However the greatest addition to the titles has to be the TARDIS doors opening into has to be the TARDIS doors opening into the first scene. Fan-titles have been doing the first scene. Fan-titles have been doing that for years so it's nice that it's caught that for years so it's nice that it's caught on. on.

In the remainder of Series 7, The Doctor will meet up with a modern day version of Clara Oswin Oswald. Here's what we know: One episode will be written by Neil Gaiman; One episode will be called “The Heart of the TARDIS” and will explore the rooms we never get to see in the TARDIS; One episode will feature 'something in the wi-fi';Guest stars include Celia Imrie, Warwick Davies and Dougray Scott.




APRIL 2013

The new tardis

The Doctor's TARDIS has had it's most The Doctor's TARDIS has had it's most daring regeneration to date. The colour daring regeneration to date. The colour scheme of cold, clinical blues, silvers and scheme of cold, clinical blues, silvers and greens don't immediately please. But if you greens don't immediately please. But if you think about it, when he was with Amy the think about it, when he was with Amy the TARDIS had a very warm colour scheme, TARDIS had a very warm colour scheme, now they've left he's redecorated and the now they've left he's redecorated and the colours match his mood feeling cold colours match his mood feeling cold without his friends. without his friends.

The new interior has some cool new The new interior has some cool new features, a sleek new scanner and an features, a sleek new scanner and an arched pathway around the circular room is arched pathway around the circular room is almost cathedral or castle like. It's almost almost cathedral or castle like. It's almost as if this is harking back to the TARDISes of as if this is harking back to the TARDISes of old with the hexagonal control desk and old with the hexagonal control desk and the spinning time rotor is a great new the spinning time rotor is a great new additionaddition

Also the room is a lot smaller Also the room is a lot smaller (like the TARDISes of old) and (like the TARDISes of old) and less cluttered – mirroring his less cluttered – mirroring his now empty life – that is until now empty life – that is until Clara turns up. When we first Clara turns up. When we first met war-torn The Ninth met war-torn The Ninth Doctor, his TARDIS was very Doctor, his TARDIS was very darkly lit but by the time of darkly lit but by the time of the Tenth Doctor the same the Tenth Doctor the same set is much lighter.set is much lighter.

THE COMPANIONS who came back for moreWith Clara Oswin Oswald, the girl who With Clara Oswin Oswald, the girl who was twice dead, set to return to the was twice dead, set to return to the Doctor's life one more, Doctor's life one more, DWVDWV takes a look takes a look at all those companions who are at all those companions who are constantly in and out of the Doctor's constantly in and out of the Doctor's life... life...

The brigadierThe brigadierActor Nicholas Courtney was the only Actor Nicholas Courtney was the only person to have worked with all of the person to have worked with all of the first seven Doctors (although as two first seven Doctors (although as two different characters). The Second Doctor different characters). The Second Doctor first met Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart first met Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart fighting the Yeti and then as Brigadier fighting the Yeti and then as Brigadier against the Cybermen. Then, the Third against the Cybermen. Then, the Third Doctor's Earthbound stories meant he Doctor's Earthbound stories meant he became a series regular alongside the became a series regular alongside the rest of UNIT. Then, a few appearances in rest of UNIT. Then, a few appearances in the Fourth Doctor's era, one with the the Fourth Doctor's era, one with the Fifth (as well as The Five Doctors, paired Fifth (as well as The Five Doctors, paired with the Second Doctor) and alongside with the Second Doctor) and alongside the Seventh Doctor. Also, in the Children the Seventh Doctor. Also, in the Children in Need special Dimensions in Time in Need special Dimensions in Time Special, the video spin-off Downtime and Special, the video spin-off Downtime and his final ever story as the Brigadier in The his final ever story as the Brigadier in The Sarah Jane Adventures. He has also Sarah Jane Adventures. He has also starred in numerous Audio stories.starred in numerous Audio stories.

Liz shawLiz shawCaroline John returned as Liz Shaw for a Caroline John returned as Liz Shaw for a brief cameo in The Five Doctors but also brief cameo in The Five Doctors but also starred in her own video spin-off PROBE, starred in her own video spin-off PROBE, alongside Jon Pertwee, Colin Baker, Peter alongside Jon Pertwee, Colin Baker, Peter Davison and Sylvester McCoy (neither as Davison and Sylvester McCoy (neither as the Doctor) but no reference could be the Doctor) but no reference could be made to 'The Doctor' due to licensing made to 'The Doctor' due to licensing restricions.restricions.

Martha jonesMartha jonesFreema Agyeman first played Martha's Freema Agyeman first played Martha's cousin Adeola in The Army of Ghosts. She cousin Adeola in The Army of Ghosts. She returned in Series Three as Martha but left returned in Series Three as Martha but left at the end of the series. Then, she at the end of the series. Then, she returned twice in Series Four for five returned twice in Series Four for five episodes including the epic two-part finale episodes including the epic two-part finale and a cameo alongside husband Mickey in and a cameo alongside husband Mickey in The End of Time. The End of Time.

Donna nobleDonna nobleComedian Catherine Tate starred in for a Comedian Catherine Tate starred in for a one-off appearance in The Runaway one-off appearance in The Runaway Bride and was given the chance to go Bride and was given the chance to go with the Doctor but turned him down with the Doctor but turned him down only to regret the decision and hunt him only to regret the decision and hunt him down in Partners in Crime to become his down in Partners in Crime to become his full-time companion before having to full-time companion before having to leave due to a whole situation with a leave due to a whole situation with a memory wipe and a Timelord/Human memory wipe and a Timelord/Human metacrisis... It's a long story. She had a metacrisis... It's a long story. She had a minor appearance in The End of Time. minor appearance in The End of Time. But then, who didn't? But then, who didn't?

Rose tylerRose tyler

The Doctor's first companion (of the The Doctor's first companion (of the reboot) left in tragic circumstances and reboot) left in tragic circumstances and could never see the Doctor again... which could never see the Doctor again... which can only mean he is going to see her can only mean he is going to see her again, but that can only mean bad things again, but that can only mean bad things involving Daleks will happen in the final involving Daleks will happen in the final three parts. Of course the viewer knew three parts. Of course the viewer knew nothing about her impending return, just nothing about her impending return, just the subtle hint in Episode One. And Two. the subtle hint in Episode One. And Two. And Four. And Ten. And Four. And Ten.

Wilfred mottWilfred mottBernard Cribbins had a brief cameo in The Bernard Cribbins had a brief cameo in The Voyage of the Damned and that was going Voyage of the Damned and that was going to be that. Then Russell T. Davies asked to be that. Then Russell T. Davies asked him back as Donna's granddad He made him back as Donna's granddad He made regular appearances in Series 4, but just regular appearances in Series 4, but just like his granddaughter before him, he like his granddaughter before him, he tracked the Doctor down in The End of tracked the Doctor down in The End of Time to have his starring role as the Time to have his starring role as the Doctor's companion. Doctor's companion.

Cpt. jackCpt. jackAfter being left behind in Series One, Cpt. After being left behind in Series One, Cpt. Jack got his own spin-off in Torchwood Jack got his own spin-off in Torchwood before running off at hearing the TARDIS before running off at hearing the TARDIS engines and became the first ever engines and became the first ever passenger to ride the TARDIS from the passenger to ride the TARDIS from the outside. Then came series two of outside. Then came series two of Torchwood, then alongside his Torchwood Torchwood, then alongside his Torchwood friends he, like everyone else turned up for friends he, like everyone else turned up for the Series Four cross-over, reunion party, the Series Four cross-over, reunion party, let's kill all the Daleks finale episode. And let's kill all the Daleks finale episode. And then, like everyone turned up in The End then, like everyone turned up in The End of Time during DT's Lord of the Rings-like of Time during DT's Lord of the Rings-like endless goodbye scenes. endless goodbye scenes.

Sarah-jane Sarah-jane smithsmith

Nobody has returned as their character Nobody has returned as their character more times than Elisabeth Sladen as more times than Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah-Jane Smith. After her last regular Sarah-Jane Smith. After her last regular appearance in The Hand of Fear she appearance in The Hand of Fear she starred in her own spin-off in K9 and starred in her own spin-off in K9 and Company in which she met up with K9 Company in which she met up with K9 (who she'd never actually met within the (who she'd never actually met within the show). She returned to Doctor Who in The show). She returned to Doctor Who in The Five Doctors alongside her original co-star Five Doctors alongside her original co-star Jon Pertwee. She also starred in numerous Jon Pertwee. She also starred in numerous audio adventures with Pertwee and in her audio adventures with Pertwee and in her own adventures. Then, she returned to the own adventures. Then, she returned to the rebooted series alongside David Tennant rebooted series alongside David Tennant in School Reunion, during which we all fell in School Reunion, during which we all fell in love with Sarah Jane once again. When in love with Sarah Jane once again. When CBBC wanted a Children's Drama from CBBC wanted a Children's Drama from Russell T. Davies he suggested The Sarah-Russell T. Davies he suggested The Sarah-Jane Adventures which ran for five series Jane Adventures which ran for five series during which she returned again to Doctor during which she returned again to Doctor Who in The Stolen Earth/Journey's End Who in The Stolen Earth/Journey's End and The End of Time. David Tennant and and The End of Time. David Tennant and Matt Smith also made guest appearances Matt Smith also made guest appearances in Sarah Jane's own show. in Sarah Jane's own show.

The Royal Mail has announced that a special set of Doctor Who stamps will be released to celebrate the show's fiftieth anniversary. All eleven incarnations of the Doctor will each get their own first class stamp while the four-set of second class stamps will feature villains such as Daleks and Cybermen.

DR WHO STAMPSTHE COMPANIONS who came back for more

“It's Sherlock Holmes!”

cOLIn BakeR:Timelord of the Jungle



He lost two stone. He danced with a Pussy Cat Doll. He broke a world record. He was bitten by a crab. He became camp Buddha. His name is Colin Baker. Timelord, Campmate, Legend.

Colin became the first Timelord to enter the ITV show. And he was brilliant. He was the camp-mate who cheered everyone's day up and made the audience at home roar with laughter with he and Eric Bristow's 'rap' or dancing with Ashley Roberts to Don't Cha.

In his time he did one trial versus Eric Bristow to decide who left the jungle in which he was mauled by an angry crab.

His weight was one of the main reasons for him entering the jungle which led him to become the camp Buddha, with everyone rubbing his belly for luck. Thanks to Corrie's Helen Flanagan failure at the Bush Tucker Trials, his waistline shrank dramatically losing two stone in weight. Colin Baker has, simply, reconfirmed himself as a legend.













“It's Soufflé girl... AGAIN!”