DOCUM ENT VERIFICATI ON IMP411 - European External …European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report...

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European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


Beneficiary Country: Republic of Serbia

Kosovo1 under UNSCR1244

Contracting Authority: The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and the European Union Office in Kosovo

Project Area: West Morava River Basin

Project Beneficiaries: Population that lives within the Project Area, downstream population of Serbia and neighboring countries

Beneficiary institution: Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of Kosovo and its Water Department and Municipalities

Coordinator of Project implementation: Directorate for Water of MESP

Project funded by: European Union

Project Title: Sewerage & Wastewater Strategic Master Plan for the West Morava River Basin, Serbia

Contract Number: 2009/227-048 and 2010/253-325

1 This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


This project is implemented by a consortium led by SAFEGE International consisting of


This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of SAFEGE and can in no way

be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

This report has been prepared as a team effort of the project experts.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


Project Beneficiary

represented by Contracting Authority

Name Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

The European Union Office in Kosovo

Contact Mr. Naser Bajraktari Director

Mr. Gazmend Selimi Project Manager

Address Ish Pallati i Mediave 14-17 Pristina 10000, Kosovo

Kosova street nr.1 PO BOX 331

Pristina 10000, Kosovo

Telephone +381 38 517 800 +381 38 5131 515

Fax +381 38 517 845 +381 38 5131 302





Date of Report: 31st July 2012


Team Leader: Lionel HUET

Project Director: Nicolas Jais-Nielsen

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin



Acronym Full name

BOD5 Biological Oxygen Demand

CAPEX Capital Expenditures

CCI Cross Cutting Issues

CES Cumulated Environmental Scores

COD Chemical Oxygen Demand

DSHSK Demographic, Social, Health Survey in Kosovo

ECD Delegation of the European Commission

EIRR Economical Internal Rate of Return

EIS Environmental Impact Study

EU European Union

FIDIC International Federation of Consulting Engineers

GIS Geographical Information System

IMS Information Management System

IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance

IRR Internal Rate of Return

KEPA Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency

KFOR Kosovo Force

LRMC Long-Run Marginal Cost

MGRI Municipal Groundwater Risk Index

MESP Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

NCF Net Cash Flow

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

O&M Operation and Maintenance

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


Acronym Full name

PE Population Equivalent

PM Project Manager

REC Index of presence of recreational water

RWC Regional Water Company

SMP Strategic Master Plan

SOK Statistical Office of Kosovo

ToR Terms of Reference

TSS Total Suspended Solids

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

WB World Bank

WFD Water Framework Directive

WHO World Health Organization

WMRB West Morava River Basin

WPZ Water Protection Zones

WWRO Water and Waste Regulatory Office

WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin



1 Executive Summary ................................................................................................. 1 

2 Background .............................................................................................................. 5 2.1  Government/Sector Policy .................................................................................. 5 

2.2  Features of the Sector .......................................................................................... 6 

2.3  Beneficiaries and Parties involved in the Project ................................................ 7 

2.4  Problems to be addressed .................................................................................... 7 

2.5  Cross-Cutting Issues to be mainstreamed ........................................................... 8 

2.6  Other Interventions .............................................................................................. 8 

3 Intervention ............................................................................................................ 10 

3.1  Overall Objectives ............................................................................................. 10 

3.2  Project Purpose .................................................................................................. 10 

3.3  Expected Results ............................................................................................... 10 

3.4  Activities ........................................................................................................... 11 

3.4.1  Activity No.1: Review of Legislation .................................................... 12 

3.4.2  Activity No.2: Preparation of Assets Inventory .................................... 12 

3.4.3  Activity No.3: Environmental Impact Assessment Review .................. 13 

3.4.4  Activity No.4: Conduct of Household Survey....................................... 14 

3.4.5  Activity No.5: Land Use, Population and Water Demand .................... 14 

3.4.6  Activity No.6: Tariff Considerations Report ......................................... 15 

3.4.7  Activity No.7: Planning Design Manual ............................................... 16 

3.4.8  Activity No. 8: Master Plan ................................................................... 16 

3.4.9  Activity No.9 &No.10 Institutional Arrangement ................................. 17 

3.4.10  Activity No.11: Model of Tender Documents ....................................... 18 

3.5  Mainstreaming of CCI ....................................................................................... 18 

3.5.1  Gender Equality ..................................................................................... 18 

3.5.2  Minorities Inclusion and Participation .................................................. 18 

3.5.3  Environmental Dimension ..................................................................... 19 

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


4 Assumptions ........................................................................................................... 20 4.1  Assumptions at Different Level ........................................................................ 20 

4.2  Risks and Flexibility .......................................................................................... 20 

5 Implementation ...................................................................................................... 22 5.1  Physical and Non-physical Means .................................................................... 22 

5.2  Organization and implementation procedures ................................................... 22 

5.3  Timetable ........................................................................................................... 23 

5.4  Costs and Financing Plan .................................................................................. 24 

6 Factors ensuring Sustainability ............................................................................ 25 6.1  Policy Support ................................................................................................... 25 

6.2  Appropriate Technology .................................................................................... 25 

6.3  Effective mainstreaming of Cross-Cutting Issues ............................................. 25 

6.4  Institutional and Management Capacity (public and private) ........................... 25 

6.5  Economic and Financial Analysis ..................................................................... 26 

7 Monitoring and Evaluation ................................................................................... 27 7.1  Definition of Indicators (incl. indicators for CCI) ............................................ 27 

8 Conclusion and Proposals ..................................................................................... 28 

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin



Annex A-1 Logical Framework ................................................................................ 29 

Annex A-7 Result Performance Report .................................................................... 31 


European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin



Table 1: Timetable of delivery of the reports ............................................................ 23 


European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin



Figure 1: Diagramme of execution of the Project ...................................................... 24 

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin



Executive Summary

The European Union Delegation to the Republic of Serbia has appointed our Consortium of Consulting Firms formed by SAFEGE, EPTISA, SEURECA, BEOINZENJERING 2000 and SAFEGE DOO, for the preparation of the Sewerage and Wastewater Strategic Master Plan for the West Morava River Basin. The main contract was signed on December 15th, 2009. Notice of award was issued on December 3rd, 2009 and the operations started on February 1st, 2010 following Administrative order No. 1. The Contracting Authority was modified by Addendum No. 2 dated November 12th, 2011 which amends art. (3) and Annex II of the Contract. The activities related to the Project area located in Kosovo started on December 1st. In December 2011, the EUO in Kosovo extended the term of this contract until July 31st, 2012.

The Overall Objective of The Project is “to strengthen the protection of water resources, water quality and public health improvement“.

The purpose of this assignment is “to prepare a master plan in order to speed up investment in wastewater treatment and sewerage, and protection of ground and surface water”.

Expected Results of the assignment consist of (1) the Strategic Master Plan approved by the relevant authorities involved in the implementation of investment programmes in the sector, and (2) Typical Tender Documents as may be required to implement wastewater treatment plant project with EU funding under applicable IPA grant application procedure.

Main direct beneficiaries are the 2 Regional Water Companies and the municipalities which shall be provided a clear road map for implementing effective investment programmes for improving sewerage and wastewater treatment with IPA funding instruments. About 2 Millions populations living in the Watershed of West Morava River shall benefit from the Project, of which 800,000 people are living in Kosovo within the Ibër River Basin.More population living along Morava River, downstream the confluence with South Morava shall benefit of the better quality of water in the receiving water bodies.

Kosovo's Law on Environmental Protection (UNMIK Regulation No 2003/9) lays down two fundamental objectives concerning wastewater management policy: i) to promote an increasingly healthy environment for the people of Kosovo through the

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


gradual introduction of EU Environmental Standards, and ii) to ensure that the creation of such an environment is accomplished in a manner that is affordable and consistent with sustainable economic development.

Morava River’s river basin constitutes a part of Danube River Basin. Increasing capacity of wastewater treatment in the Project Area shall have a positive effect on the water quality in Danube River.

Wastewater management in Kosovo currently consists of collection and discharge into rivers. With the exception of a single wastewater treatment plant that has been constructed in the Municipality of Skenderaj but is not yet on line, municipal wastewater treatment is non-existent apart from individual domestic septic tanks and some ponds that have formed naturally, accounting for the many highly polluted streams near municipal areas in Kosovo. Raw sewerage and industrial waste is discharged straight to surface waters untreated.

Previous assistance includes the EC funded capacity building of MESP institutional support of publicly owned water and wastewater utilities and waste regulatory office and projects supporting infrastructure improvements in both, water and wastewater sector.

The activities of the Sewerage and Wastewater Strategic Master Plan for West Morava River Basin were organized in two Parts:

1. Diagnostic of Current Status, Identification of main problems and typical improvement measures

2. Strategic Master Plan of sewerage and wastewater

The quality of existing data was found variable and, in a large extent, questionable, requiring comprehensive site investigations which ended in June 2012. The data from the asset inventory are organized in a database attached to a GIS (MapInfo tables).

The three municipalities with Serbian majority located in the northern part of the Ibër river basin did not collaborate with this process of data collection. For security reasons, the team of experts was unable to conduct required field investigations. The asset inventory is consequently not reporting the existing facilities in these municipalities.

The total consumption of water for drinking water supply within the Basin is roughly estimated to 65 million m3/year. Within the Basin, the annual water consumption of industrial sector has been roughly estimated to 36 million m3 and the consumption of agricultural (irrigation) sector to 26 million m3.

There are in total 17 municipalities totally or partially included in the Ibër River Basin including the Graçanicë/Gračanica Municipality created in 2008. Based on the census performed in 2011 in Kosovo, and older data as concerns towns inhabited by Serbian population, the population dwelling within the Ibër River Basin amounts

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


currently to nearly 705,000 inhabitants, with a density of 175 inhab./km2. The most populated municipalities (within the basin) are Prishtinë/Priština (193,684 inhab. i.e. 27% of total.), Podujevë/Podujevo (Besianë) (87,933 inhab. i.e. 12% of total) and Mitrovicë/Mitrovica (71,601 inhab, i.e. 10% of total).

The rate of connection to a sewage network for the population living in the Ibër Basin varies from 4% (Skënderaj/Srbica) to 100% (Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje and Novobërdë/Novo Brdo); it reaches 85% in Prishtinë/Priština, 66% in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica and 49% in Podujevë/Podujevo. In total, 422,904 people, i.e. 60% of the total population living in the Ibër River Basin is connected to a sewage network, the remaining 40% of population use formal (septic tank) or informal on-site sanitation system. Actually 39 % of the connected populations of the Basin live in Prishtinë/Priština, 10% in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica and 9% in Podujevë/Podujevo.

With a total lack of wastewater treatment plant, the pollution loads annually discharged by sewage networks into water bodies of the Basin have been estimated to 9,262 tons of BOD5, 18,523 tons of COD, 10,805 tons of TSS, 2,315 tons of N and 617 tons of P. The sewage network of Prishtinë/Priština is logically the most polluting, furthermore, it discharges into a small stream (Prishtevkë River) which is hence an actual open sewerage joining the Sitnica River few km downstream.

Septic tanks and other on-site sanitation system have been estimated to release annually 1544 tons of nitrogen and 412 tons of phosphorus into the soil.

Spatial Planning system is regulated by the Law on Spatial Planning no. 2003/14 and the amendment of Law no. 03/L-106 on Amending the Law on Spatial Planning no. 2003-14. Since 2004, municipal authorities in Kosovo have been working on their development strategies. An important effort has been made after 2008, and now almost all municipalities included in the project region have published finalized or draft municipal development plans. The planning documentation has been collected from the municipalities of Prishtinë/Priština, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Podujevë/Podujevo, Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje, Graçanicë/Grašanica, Kastriot/Obilić, Lipjan/Lipljan, Gllogoc/Glogovac, Shtime/Štimlje and Vushtrri/Vučitrn, and was used in the preparation of land use zoning.

The water demand was divided into three main types of users: domestic users, small non-domestic users and large non-domestic users. The large customers in the WMRB have been identified through the industrial survey and the customer databases of RWCs.The wastewater generation was evaluated for each agglomeration and rural area within the project area during planning period 2010 – 2037. Basic assumption was that all dwellings will be connected to public sewerage system by 2037.

The tariff policy and methodology has been reviewed by the project Further Supports to WWRO and ECLO considered that there was no need for additional consideration. Clarifications were obtained from the consultants assigned for this project regarding the issues related to wastewater tariff policy.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


The preparation studies allowed defining five sewerage agglomerations and identifying 14 locations for the construction of centralized wastewater treatment plants.

Each programme of investment was valued according to prioritization criteria:

1. Environmental impact,

2. Readyness of the project,

3. Economical efficiency.

279 projects were identified; these projects were organised in 142 proposed measures including several alternative options. The impacts of each project on public health and on relevant environmental aspects have been evaluated through usual set of parameters. The results were consolidated in a Consolidated Environmental Score (CES) attributed to the investment programs.

The cost-effectiveness of investment projects is evaluated on the basis of the Long-Run Marginal Cost of improved wastewater operation compared to the CES. The social and economic benefits expected from the proposed investment programme are measured by the Economical Internal Rate of Return (EIRR).

The total investment requirement is estimated by 230 Million Euro at prices of 2011. The prioritization model allowed to phase out the 7 identified investment programs in 3 phases as required by the ToR.

The program recommended to be undertaken during Phase 1 (2013-2017) consists in the construction of the mutual WWTP for Prishtinë/Priština, the Capital city and two neighboring agglomerations: Fushë Kosovo/Kosovo Polje and Kastriot/Obilić, and the rehabilitation and construction of new sewage networks in Prishtinë/Priština and Kastriot/Obilić.

The current institutional framework operates on a regional basis whereby the RWCs provide services for a number of municipalities:

RWC Prishtina: 8 municipalities: ~500,000 people

RWC Mitrovica: 3 municipalities: ~200,000 people

Under the Water Law the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning has key responsibilities for water policy including preparation of strategic policy documents and overseeing the preparation of River Basin Management Plans by the River Basin District Authorities. Whilst considerable progress has been made with River Basin Planning as a result of recent EU-funded technical assistance, further work is needed to complete the policy framework and finalise the establishment of the River Basin District Authorities. However, these issues are due to be addressed in the course of a forthcoming EU funded TA project supporting the MESP. It is of note that this TA project includes provision for the preparation of the Kosovo Water Strategy and an associated Water Action and Investment Plan.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin




2.1 Government/Sector Policy2 Kosovo's Law on Environmental Protection (UNMIK Regulation No 2003/9) lays down two fundamental objectives concerning wastewater management policy: i) to promote an increasingly healthy environment for the people of Kosovo through the gradual introduction of EU Environmental Standards, and ii) to ensure that the creation of such an environment is accomplished in a manner that is affordable and consistent with sustainable economic development. The vision of the water sector was agreed by the MESP and the main stakeholders in the course of the Study of Wastewater Treatment Strategy (2004): All wastewater in Kosovo are treated to meet all wastewater collection and treatment related EU and local standards.The present wastewater management in Kosovo covers the collection of the wastewater and storm water out of the settlement area and the discharge of these flows untreated into the nearest river. Only approximately 30% of Kosovo’s population has access to a sanitation system, including less than 10% of the rural population.

The 2004 Study suggests the solution for centralized wastewater treatment is to have one wastewater treatment plant in each of the 7 regional water utilities, which, in the course of time, may also treat wastewaters from surrounding rural villages and urban centers. Centralized wastewater treatment is recommended as more feasible than a separate system for each city in the future, because:

Investment, operation and maintenance costs are lower in all future scenarios;

The most likely socio-economic development (migration to bigger towns) supports the centralized wastewater treatment option;

Regional collection and treatment systems facilitate the connection of smaller villages and rural areas to public water and sewerage systems;

Environmental impacts (effluent and recipient quality, reuse potential for treated wastewater, sludge disposal) are less harmful;

Ease of operation and better treatment results;

Higher capacity to tolerate shock loads; and

2UNDP - A Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) to Improve Water Governance in Europe & CIS.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


Higher institutional capacity to respond to changes in the operational environment.

2.2 Features of the Sector Of the total population of Kosovo, about 50% or 1,100,000 are served by public water utilities. The remainder of the population relies on village water supply systems, wells, or other sources. Roughly 9,800 local or village water supply systems are used in addition to the public supply system. These are at high risk to pollution and evidence is emerging that many deliver contaminated water or water of poor quality. The supply of water for drinking is more-or-less evenly split between surface water, which accounts for about 55% of the water supplied, and underground water sources, which account for the remaining 45%. Half the water supplied in Kosovo is taken from the five large impounding reservoirs and a further, significant 31% from the Karst natural springs, the latter providing a major source of high quality raw water. Several rivers are no longer suitable for water supply for even agricultural use. Wastewater management in Kosovo currently consists of collection and discharge into rivers. With the exception of a single wastewater treatment plant that has been constructed in the Municipality of Skenderaj, municipal wastewater treatment is non-existent apart from individual domestic septic tanks and some ponds that have formed naturally, accounting for the many highly polluted streams near municipal areas in Kosovo. Raw sewerage and industrial waste is discharged straight to surface waters untreated.

There are seven licensed RWCs in Kosovo whose collective service areas cover around 96% of the population and who supply water to 60% of the population that live in those areas. Of the 40% who do not receive water from a RWC, an estimated 7% live in a community with a piped running water system – some of which (3%) are not managed by anyone – and the remaining 33% do not have a piped water supply system, relying instead on water from household wells or springs. It is reasonable to assume that most of the 40% of the population that do not receive water from a RWC are not supplied with disinfected water.

Continuing development in Kosovo, particularly unplanned development, is almost certainly placing a greater stress on the water eco-system with consequent risks to the quality of raw water used for the public supply. RWCs report that of the 71 water sources in Kosovo used for drinking water supply 33 are at significant risk of some form of contamination. These at-risk sources provide around 65% of the drinking water that is put into supply. In particular many of the aquifer water sources were noted as at-risk from contamination. This situation is made worse by the lack of defined and established water protection zones (WPZs), a situation that leaves the drinking water sources vulnerable to continued adverse development and potential pollution.

The present wastewater management in Kosovo covers the collection of the wastewater and storm water out of the settlement area and the discharge of these flows untreated into the nearest river. Only approximately 30% of Kosovo’spopulation has access to a sanitation system, including less than 10% of the

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


rural population; the rest have, at best, septic holes. In the absence of a sewage network, the population tends to be self-providers, limited to simple cesspools, latrines or septic tanks. Access to sewerage disposal appears unrelated to ethnicity; 71% of Kosovo Albanians, 69% of Kosovo Serbs and 80% of other minorities reportedly have access (UNDP and USAID, 2009).

There is no system for monitoring sewage discharge and treatment of municipal wastewater is virtually non-existent, with the exception of some septic tanks for restricted housing areas or natural ponds, which have been formed at the discharge points of wastewater collection systems. A few Kosovo Force (KFOR) camps and the hospital complex of Pristina have biological treatment plants.

Due to water contamination and unsafe hygiene (hand washing at critical times, unsafe handling, transportation and storing of drinking water), waterborne diseases are widespread among rural populations. Improvements have been made in urban areas; water contamination has reduced to 10% on average, but remains a big issue in Shtërpcë and Klina. Klina had 28 cases of typhoid in 2008 and 42 of Hepatitis A. No reliable scientific data portrays the level of infection of children and adults by waterborne diseases.

2.3 Beneficiaries and Parties involved in the Project About 2 Millions populations living in the Watershed of West Morava River shall benefit from the Project.

More population living along Morava River, downstream the confluence with South Morava shall benefit of the better quality of water in the receiving water bodies.

Morava River’s river basin constitutes a part of Danube River Basin. Increasing capacity of wastewater treatment in the Project Area shall have a positive effect on the water quality in Danube River.

2.4 Problems to be addressed Untreated sewage discharge represents a major source of pollution of natural waters, affecting dissolved oxygen, phosphorous and nitrogen content, and pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The main surface water polluters are municipalities and industries. Municipalities and communities discharge wastewater without any treatment, reducing water quality.

Appropriate measures need to be made in order to protect waters from pollution and other damaging effects; and to protect and improve the ecosystems.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


2.5 Cross-Cutting Issues to be mainstreamed Understanding gender roles and relations and how these affect and are affected by water and sanitation interventions can ensure greater sustainability and resource efficiency, potentially increasing the number of beneficiaries.

WM-SMP aims at the protection of the sources of drinking water, bio-diversity and of public health.

2.6 Other Interventions Previous assistance includes the EC funded capacity building of MESP institutional support of publicly owned water and wastewater utilities and waste regulatory office and projects supporting infrastructure improvements in both, water and wastewater sector.

The most relevant projects to this project financed by EC are:

Institutional support for environmental management to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Kosovo (Oct. 2003 – March 2005);

Institutional strengthening and capacity building of all departments of MESP ended in Sept. 2007: One of the main outputs of this project is provision of practical tools (GIS and hydraulic models) which will be compatible with the existing Information Management Systems (IMS) already installed in MESP and KEPA;

Institutional support to the Ministry of Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Kosovo ended Sept. 2007;

Further support to the Association of Kosovo Municipalities, May 2006 – July 2008;

EAR funded project to rehabilitate the hydrometric network in Kosovo (EUR 200,000). 2001 – 2003;

'Support Kosovo municipalities and MESP for the implementation of environmental Laws at municipal level' (Jan 2008 – April 2009)

Support MESP for the water resources management in Drini river basin Jan 2008 – Feb 2010;

Feasibility study on drinking water quality March 2009 – September 2009;

Further Institutional Strengthening Support to Water and Waste Regulatory Office (WWRO) June 2010 – ongoing.

In addition, a number of international donors provide assistance in the water sector. KfW supports the operation, consolidation and incorporation of water utilities in the Prizren and Peje regions and has carried out studies regarding to sewage disposal at Prizren. Much of this work has been carried out with the support of GTZ. Austria funds the improving of water supply at villages. The most important projects related to this programme are:

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


Water management preparatory project in Kosovo financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland (2004),

Under the financing of the Italian government a central laboratory for testing water, air and soil, has been established at the KEPA.

Development of south-eastern water resources financed by the Swiss Development Agency (ends 2007).

There are strong links between the engagement of KfW in the project “Water Supply and Sewage Programme in the City of Pristina (Phase I)“ and the EU (EAR), the second phase “Water Supply and Sewerage Programme in the City of Pristina (Phase II)” amounting to approx. EUR 17 million started in 2010.

The Water Task Force financed by the Swiss Development Agency (on-going) aims to develop and establish long term water sector management structures and the relationships between corporate entities, municipalities and the central government, including the sustainable takeover of water utilities by local institutions to provide cost-effective, high quality services to all sectors of the population.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin




3.1 Overall Objectives To strengthen the protection of water resources, water quality and public health.

Meeting such Objective is deemed to require implementing considerable and sustained investment efforts.

3.2 Project Purpose Provide improved conditions for increased investment in wastewater treatment

and sewerage, and protection of ground and surface water.

Increasing investment should be affordable for the population Beneficiary. In this respect improving conditions for increased investment involve securing access to soft funding resources.

Project’s results aim at providing to meet appropriate conditions for successful fast-track application of IPA grant funding.

Project measures shall be designed with a view to provide for achieving that water quality complies with WFD in accordance with agreed water quality objectives in Serbia under IPA scheduled arrangements when such arrangements exist.

At the same time, fast implementation of EU funded wastewater treatment projects under IPA policies may require using specific procurement methods which needs to be fully compatible with both local regulations and EU directives set forth by European Commission of competition.

3.3 Expected Results Sewerage and Wastewater Strategic Master Plan for the region of the West

Morava River Basin prepared.

Tender Documents prepared for the construction of a ‘model’ wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 20,000 PE.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


3.4 Activities The activities of the Sewerage and Wastewater Strategic Master Plan for West Morava River Basin were organized in two Parts:

1. Diagnostic of Current Status, Identification of main problems and typical improvement measures

2. Strategic Master Plan of sewerage and wastewater

The organization of the Deliverables is visualized in the figure below:

Diagnostic of current situation

Result 1

R8.1: Required Measures Identification

R8.2: Strategic Planning Criteria

R8.3: Implementation Program & Financial Planning

R9: Institutional Arrangements

R10: Proposals for Public Consultation

R1: Review of Legislation

R2: Assets Inventory Report

R3: Environmental Impact Review

R4: Household Survey Report

R5: Land Use, Population, WaterDemand and Wastewater Forecast

R6: Tariff Consideration Review

R7: Planning Design Manual

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


3.4.1 Activity No.1: Review of Legislation

The legal framework of water supply and wastewater operation in Kosovo is still in a process of development. The team leader of the consultant’s team has participated to the periodic meetings of the Water Task Force in charge of driving the process which will lead to establish strong institutional framework and legislation compatible with the EU directives for water and wastewater.

On 17 August ECLO provided the “Review of Legislation relating to Water Sector in Kosovo”3 and a review for each directive of a) implementation status in Kosovo legislation and b) compliance in practice with the Directive’s requirements. The main outcomes of these documents are incorporated in the Deliverable R3 Environmental Impact Review.

Kosovo is in transition under UNMIK administration, and as a result the passing and implementation of national legislation related to water and sanitation is ongoing. All legal authority is derived from resolution 1244 (1999) which established UNMIK. A complex and rapidly evolving mix of human rights, environmental law and water law is applicable in Kosovo.

3.4.2 Activity No.2: Preparation of Assets Inventory

Baseline data concerning existing facilities is the result of an extensive review of number of data and information collected from municipalities and from Regional Water Companies, and from previous or on-going studies conducted by several donors.

The quality of collected data was variable and, in a large extent, questionable, requiring comprehensive site investigations which ended in June 2012. The three municipalities with Serbian majority located in the northern part of the Ibër river basin did not collaborate with this process of data collection. For security reasons, the team of experts was unable to conduct required field investigations. The asset inventory is consequently not reporting the existing facilities in these municipalities.

The Asset Inventory report (Deliverable R2) compiles information concerning all existing public sewerage facilities and treatment facilities (sewer mains, boundary of the service areas, outlets, pumping stations, WWTPs) for the main settlements of the 13 Municipalities which have resulted concerned by wastewater collection within the River Basin.

The data from the asset inventory are organized in a database attached to a GIS (MapInfo tables).

3Gail Warrander, SDC. June 2010.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


3.4.3 Activity No.3: Environmental Impact Assessment Review

This activity consists in the assessment of the impact on public health and the environment of the current wastewater discharges and sanitation practices in the Region. The Environmental Impact Assessment Review report contains recommendations regarding remedial measures.

A large part of this activity consisted in the evaluation and localization of industrial effluents and of discharges of domestic sewage as well as in assessing the impact of on-site sanitation facilities in the 9 municipalities with urban centers located in the River Basin (the information regarding the industrial pollution in the 3 northern municipalities with Serbian majority was not made available).

The report was submitted to ECLO in English on November 24th and then to the MESP in Albanian on December 20th, 2011.

The drinking water supply within Kosovo municipalities rests with the Regional Water Companies and with small-scale local companies scattered in rural areas. Moreover the municipalities with Serbian population have their own autonomous Water Companies. The total consumption of water for drinking water supply within the Basin is roughly estimated to 65 million m3/year. Within the Basin, the annual water consumption of industrial sector has been roughly estimated to 36 million m3 and the consumption of agricultural (irrigation) sector to 26 million m3.

There are in total 17 municipalities totally or partially included in the Ibër River Basin including the Graçanicë/Grašanica Municipality created in 2008. Based on the census performed in 2011 in Kosovo, and older data as concerns towns inhabited by Serbian population, the population dwelling within the Ibër River Basin amounts currently to nearly 705,000 inhabitants, with a density of 175 inhab. /km2. The most populated municipalities (within the basin) are Prishtinë/Priština (193,684 inhab. i.e. 27% of total.), Podujevë/Podujevo (Besianë) (87,933 inhab. i.e. 12% of total) and Mitrovicë/Mitrovica (71,601 inhab, i.e. 10% of total).

The rate of connection to a sewage network for the population living in the Ibër Basin varies from 4% (Skënderaj/Srbica) to 100% (Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje and Novobërdë/Novo Brdo); it reaches 85% in Prishtinë/Priština, 66% in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica and 49% in Podujevë/Podujevo. In total, 422,904 people, i.e. 60% of the total population living in the Ibër River Basin is connected to a sewage network, the remaining 40% of population use formal (septic tank) or informal on-site sanitation system. Actually 39 % of the connected populations of the Basin live in Prishtinë/Priština, 10% in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica and 9% in Podujevë/Podujevo.

With a total lack of wastewater treatment plant, the pollution loads annually discharged by sewage networks into water bodies of the Basin have been estimated to 9,262 tons of BOD5, 18,523 tons of COD, 10,805 tons of TSS, 2,315 tons of N and 617 tons of P. The sewage network of Prishtinë/Priština is logically the most polluting, furthermore, it discharges into a small stream (Prishtevkë River) which is hence an actual open sewerage joining the Sitnica River few km downstream.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


Septic tanks and other on-site sanitation system have been estimated to release annually 1,544 tons of nitrogen and 412 tons of phosphorus into the soil.

The ecosystem quality assessment results in three categories of water bodies:

Water bodies with good ecological status which encompass upstream-most river stretches and reservoirs.

Water bodies with moderately bad ecological status, which are the river stretches moderately polluted by urban wastewater, for instance: the Ibër between Zubin Potok and Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, and few km downstream of Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, the Sitnica from the junction with Llap River to the junction with Trepca River (upstream of Mitrovicë/Mitrovica), Llap River downstream of Podujevë/Podujevo, as well as Drenica and Shtime/Štimlje rivers.

Water bodies with bad to very bad ecological status, which mainly are the Prishtevkë River (from Prishtinë/Priština to the junction with Sitnica), the Sitnica River from the junction with Prishtevkë to the junction with Llap River and the Sitnica just upstream o its junction with Ibër River in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica.

3.4.4 Activity No.4: Conduct of Household Survey

SAFEGE proposed to carry out a household survey. Building representative sample of 500 households requires using reliable statistical data. Following the recommendations of the Steering Committee, we addressed a request to the MESP in a view to use the mapping and the statistical attributes of the enumeration districts used in the census 2011 in the design of the sampling strategy.

The realization of a household survey has been abandoned due to the lack of reliable statistical baseline data. The census data will not be available for public access before September 2012 and the SOK had not resources available to provide effective support for defining the representative sample of households required by the Project.

After several failed intents supported by the Permanent Secretary and by the EUO in Kosovo, an alternative methodology was developed with using existing studies.

3.4.5 Activity No.5: Land Use, Population and Water Demand

Since SOK did not authorize SAFEGE to use the statistical data of census 2011, the identification of settlement, population forecast, water demand and consequently the estimate of domestic wastewater effluents will be based on consultants’ assumptions. Particular attention was paid to assessing the population data.

In Kosovo, Spatial Planning system is regulated by the Law on Spatial Planning no. 2003/14 and the amendment of Law no. 03/L-106 on Amending the Law on Spatial Planning no. 2003-14. Since 2004, municipal authorities in Kosovo have been working on their development strategies. An important effort has been made after 2008, and now almost all municipalities included in the project region have

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


published finalized or draft municipal development plans. The planning documentation has been collected from the municipalities of Prishtinë/Priština, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Podujevë/Podujevo, Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje, Gračanica/Graçanicë, Kastriot/Obilić, Lipljan/Lipjan, Gllogovc/Glogovac, Shtime/Štimlje and Vushtrri/Vučitrn, and was used in the preparation of land use zoning. In order to compensate for the lack of accurate land use zoning in some municipalities, it is possible to use the mapping of built-up areas from the SOK 2009.

The projection is made by application of the "components method", given the population distribution according to the sex and age group bands of fiveyear. Existing demographic data were produced by four main sources:

The Census 2011 (preliminary results);

The data from the registry office;

The Demographic, Social, Health Survey in Kosovo (DSHSK) from 2003 and 2009;

The estimations published by the Population Reference Bureau4.

The future migration scenario used for the baseline scenario was based more on plausible assumptions than observations. It was assumed that measures from the government promoting the return of emigrants would be successful and that the situation would return to a « normal »state by 2037.

The water demand can be divided into three main types of users: domestic users, small non-domestic users and large non-domestic users. The demand of each type of users has its own rationale and drivers and needs to be studied independently:

The large customers in the WMRB have been identified through the industrial survey (Activity 3) and the customer databases of RWCs.

The wastewater generation was evaluated for each agglomeration and rural area within the project area during planning period 2010 – 2037. Basic assumption was that all dwellings will be connected to public sewerage system by 2037.

3.4.6 Activity No.6: Tariff Considerations Report

The tariff policy and methodology has been reviewed by the project 'Further Supports to WWRO and ECLO considered that there was no need for additional consideration. Clarifications were obtained from the consultants assigned for this project regarding the issues related to wastewater tariff policy.

Based on the extensive information provided by the Regulatory Office, the report on Tariff Consideration Review was submitted on March 1st; 2012. The outcome of this review was used in the economic and financial analysis of the proposed investment programs.

4 Population Reference Bureau. 1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW • Suite 520 • Washington, DC 20009-5728 • USA

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


3.4.7 Activity No.7: Planning Design Manual

The “Planning Design Manual” was prepared in order to be applicable in the entire extent of the project area (West Morava River Basin). The harmonization of the design criteria in the context of Kosovo was carried out and the document was submitted in Albanian language to the consideration of the MESP on February 1st, 2012.

3.4.8 Activity No. 8: Master Plan

This activity comprises the main tasks of preparation of the master plan. It comprises 1) the identification of needed works required to meet targeted service performance levels, 2) organizing these projects in programs and ranking these programs according to a set of priority criteria which were defined in respect to environmental, economic and financial ranking criteria, and 3) phasing the implementation of identified programs over the 25-year planning period on consideration to implementation management requirement and to affordability criteria.

The preparation studies allowed defining five sewerage agglomerations and identifying 14 locations for the construction of centralized wastewater treatment plants.

It started with the asset inventory which allowed collecting outstanding information concerning the immediate rehabilitation and repairs requirement. The environmental impact review (Activity 3) identified issues to be addressed in order to approximate

the objectives of the EU directives concerning wastewater management.

279 projects were identified; these projects were organized in 142 proposed measures including several alternative options. The impacts of each project on public health and on relevant environmental aspects have been evaluated through usual set of parameters. The results were consolidated in a Consolidated Environmental Score (CES) attributed to the investment programs. The prioritization takes into account the settlement policies and planning proposals prepared by the municipalities with the assistance of IRD in coordination with SHUKOS5.

5 Investment Plan in the Infrastructure of Water Supply and Sewage System, 2012.

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The main program which consists in the construction of the mutual WWTP for Prishtinë/Priština, the Capital city and two neighboring agglomerations: Fushë Kosovo/Kosovo Polje and Kastriot/Obilić, and the rehabilitation and construction of new sewage networks in Prishtinë/Priština and Kastriot/Obilić. Considering the size of the project (nearly 630,000 P.E.) and the vulnerability of the receiving milieu (middle stretch of the Sitnica River), this program can be considered of uppermost environmental priority.

Four sets of programs with a CES above 100 can be considered of very high environmental priority.

The financial feasibility was assessed in respect to the cost to be borne by connected users by the Long-Run Marginal Cost (LMTC) which relates the present value of the capital and to operating expenditure resulting from the implementation of the proposed measures, with considering a social discount rate of 5.5%, to the population equivalent effectively served by improved sanitation.

The economic rate of return of each program was evaluated in order to measure the social benefit of the measure.

The total investment requirement is estimated by 230 Million Euro at prices of 2011. The prioritization model allowed to phase out the 7 identified investment programs in 3 phases as required by the ToR.

3.4.9 Activity No.9 &No.10 Institutional Arrangement

In compliance with section of the Terms of Reference, a review has been undertaken of the institutional and management arrangements for implementation and monitoring of the Strategic Master Plan.

The current institutional framework for water management in Kosovo involves, as is common in the sector, a large number of Government institutions and other stakeholders including numerous Ministries and associated institutions.

The current institutional framework operates on a regional basis whereby the RWCs provide services for a number of municipalities:

RWC Prishtina: 8 municipalities : ~500,000 people

RWC Mitrovica: 3 municipalities : ~200,000 people

The performance of the Regional Water Companies is assessed regularly (annually) by the WWRO and the PMUPE. Whilst performance of both companies has improved, there remain a number of performance shortfalls.

Both RWCs have made losses in recent years, RWC Prishtina has lost about 2 million Euros per annum in 2009 and 2010, whilst RWC Mitrovica has lost about 0.3 million Euros per annum in the same period.

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Whilst considerable progress has been made with River Basin Planning as a result of recent EU-funded technical assistance, further work is needed to complete the policy framework and finalise the establishment of the River Basin District Authorities.

The current framework for water supply and sanitation services (water utilities) provides for an appropriate division of competences and achieves reasonable levels of aggregation in service provision.

3.4.10 Activity No.11: Model of Tender Documents

This activity was carried out as part of the main contract under the supervision of the EU Delegation in Belgrade. A model of procurement documentation has to be prepared in order to meet the Result 2. The model was developed for the Municipality of Raska in Serbia.

Include lessons learnt. Recommendations that may go beyond the scope of the project (e.g. as regards similar project sectors and for follow-up measures required) may be included as well.

3.5 Mainstreaming of CCI

3.5.1 Gender Equality

According to the Kosovo Gender Profile 2009, Kosovo scores 0.76 on the Gender Development Index, the lowest in the Balkan region. No exact data are available on gender disparity in access to water and sanitation in the rural areas, yet women are likely to bear the major burden of taking care of the sick suffering from waterborne diseases; a consequence of contaminated wells and poor hygiene.

Global improvement of protection of water resources shall have a positive impact on improving the quality of surface and ground water, on preventing risks of degradation of water supply and on improving quality of waters in recreation areas. It will consequently improve Public Health in particular as concerns children.

Regarding the execution of the activities under this project, it is worth underlining that in accordance with the policy adopted by the consortium of consulting firms, all experts were selected on the basis of their knowledge and experience. Overall, the Consultant firms involved in the Project adhere to EC policies on equal rights and non-discrimination.

3.5.2 Minorities Inclusion and Participation

Global environmental approach based on environmental impact assessment shall allow identifying measures which better concern general public interest. Special attention was paid to recommending effective Public Consultation (Activity 10)

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methods which should ensure participation and support of minorities living in the watershed.

However, Serbs represent an ethnic minority, but are majority in 4 municipalities concerned by the project. Serbian majority municipalities have refused to register as Kosovo municipalities. In refusing to acknowledge the new political situation, the Serbian (and partly Roma) community are strengthening their support and consolidating their ties and dependence towards the parallel institutions administrated by the Republic of Serbia in Kosovo, especially in the northern part of Kosovo. Under this project the lack of cooperation, with Serbian administration and with the authorities in charge in Kosovo, of 3 Serbian majority municipalities located in the northern part of the project area conduced to neglect the needs of this population.

Nevertheless, in municipalities (as in Graçanicë/Gračanica) already connected to a water supply system under the jurisdiction of a regional water company of Pristinë/Prishtina, Serb non-cooperation still represents a major issue. The company provides water but does not receive payments to reinvest in the network.

3.5.3 Environmental Dimension

Assessment of environmental aspects related to water and wastewater management in the whole watershed is providing the key driver of planning process. The prioritization of the investment projects needed to meet the master plan objectives and goals is based on an environmental score which reflects the impacts of each project component on the environment.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin




4.1 Assumptions at Different Level The main assumptions upon which the project intervention is based (Specific Objectives to Overall Objectives) is that increased investment is made in the provision of wastewater treatment and sewerage facilities to protect public health and the environment and (Results to specific objectives) that there is political stability, that the process of economic transition continues and that national income grows (thereby providing the conditions for increased investment).

The assumptions upon which the project activities will lead to the envisaged results were:

That sufficient information is made available by the Water Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Municipalities and by the water utility companies.

That the Water Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management undertakes a credible public consultation process.

The Water Department of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of Kosovo will make available necessary information and permissions.

That the municipalities and regional water companies in Kosovo will provide the permissions and the necessary information.

Sufficient support, will and commitment from the recipient institutions;

Continuous support and active involvement of the MESP and MEF;

Absorption capacity and technical capability of the various institutions to fulfill their commitments;

Unrestricted access to all available relevant data including maps, water quality and quantity records, population data, municipal development plans, etc.

Timely approval of the submitted reports by the authority and timely approval of necessary actions, licenses etc. from the appropriate authorities.

4.2 Risks and Flexibility In consequence the main risks to project implementation were:

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


That political instability results in administrative paralysis, hindering the process of economic transition and reducing national income growth.

That insufficient information is made available by the Water Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Municipalities and wastewater treatment bodies.

That the Water Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management fails to undertake a credible public consultation process.

Non co-cooperativeness of relevant stakeholders in Kosovo.

Insufficient availability and/or capacity of key stakeholders to actively and effectively participate in the project;

Incompletely defined and developed structure, framework, for management of needs identification, prioritization, and investments in WSS infrastructure, and lack of clearly defined responsibilities of relevant government entities which likely will not be resolved prior to the timeframe of the project.

Difficulties in coordinating key stakeholders: poor and/or slow co-ordination could be time consuming for the project and reduce time available for the effective implementation of project tasks.

Delays in obtaininginformation

Delays in obtaining comprehensive and accurate information on existing facilities have led to reconsider the terms of the project. Six months extension had to be agreed by the EUO and by the EU Delegation in Belgrade until the 31st of July 2012.

Such delays have resulted from major difficulties encountered in accessing recent population data; the publication of data from the census realized by the Statistical Office of Kosovo in 2011 was not possible before September 2012 and such data processing disabled this institution to support the identification of future needs as it would have been expected to develop this Master Plan.

Other source of delays was the poor institutional environment in which the wastewater facilities have been developed over the last 10-year period.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin




5.1 Physical and Non-physical Means Nine international experts who have contributed to the preparation of this project over the 20 months of execution:

Lionel HUET: Key Expert 1 and Team Leader who was the team leader for the overall river basin project;

Romain Denoix: Assistant team leader, coordinator of local experts;

Georges Petitzon: Senior expert for sewers networks;

Pascal de Giudicci: Key Expert for environmental impact studies;

Jacques Bonneric: Key expert for economical and financial studies;

Ursula Lewis-Peutot: Senior espert in wastewater Treatment;

Manuel Eguido: Senior expert for on-site sanitation and treatement facilities for small communities;

Grégoire Landel: Senior expert in financial modeling;

Dominique Waltisperger: Senior expert in population studies.

In order to support the team of international expert in collecting data and in establishing appropriate communication with the municipal authorities and with the Regional Water Companies, SAFEGE has counted with the collaboration of ENBIKO Consulting group acting as an authorized sub-contractor of SAFEGE.

Safege established a permanent office in Prishtina for the duration of the project and appointed Mr Adnan Ahmeti for assistance in translation.

5.2 Organization and Implementation Procedures The Contracting Authorities are the Delegation of the European Commission to the Republic of Serbia and the European Union Office in Kosovo represented by Mrs. Iva Stamenova and Mr. Gazmend Selimi as Task Managers.

In Kosovo, the Consultant’s primary counterpart has been Mr. Naser Bajraktari, Director of the Water Department of the MESP.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


The Drector of the Water Department of the MESP established a Steering Committee involving the following persons:

Naser Bajraktari MESP – WD Director

Iva Stamenova and Gazmend Selimi ECLO Task managers

Sami Hasani WWRO Head of department for Tariff and financial regulation

Kero Bardhaj WWRO

Hazir Çadraku MESP – WD

Miradije Asllanaj MESP – EI Officer

Hikmete Morina MESP – EI Officer

5.3 Timetable The time table of deliveries is summarised in the table hereafter.

Table 1: Timetable of delivery of the reports

No. Name Draft submitted

to the Beneficiray on

Draft submitted to the PM on

2 Assets Inventory Report 20/12/2011 19/12/2011

3&1 Environmental Impact Review 20/12/2011 24/11/2011

5 Land Use, Population, Water Demand and Wastewater Generation 10/07/2012 10/07/2012

6 Tariff Consideration Review 29/02/2012 29/02/2012 7 Planning Design Manual 01/02/2012 01/02/2012

8,1 Required Measures Identificaton 27/07/2012 27/07/2012

8,2 Prioritization and Phasing of Investment Programmes 27/07/2012 27/07/2012

8,3 Financial Planning 27/07/2012 27/07/2012

9&10 Institutional Arrangements and Proposals for Public Consultation 27/07/2012 27/07/2012

Progress Report 1 22/08/2011 22/08/2011 Progress Report 2 06/10/2011 12/10/2011 Progress Report 3 01/02/2012 01/02/2012 Progress Report 4 17/05/2012 17/05/2012

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Figure 1: Diagramme of execution of the Project

5.4 Costs and Financing Plan The project has been financed by a lump sum budget of 725,000€.

















Actual Progress

Initial Planning

Poly. (Actual Progress)

Poly. (Initial Planning)

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin



Factors ensuring Sustainability

6.1 Policy Support WWRO tariff policies should ensure appropriate conditions to ensure the sustainability of the project. However, a proper tariff policy for wastewater is still missing. The investment programs of the Master Plan has been scheduled at the level of the 2 licensed Regional Water Companies in accordance with the general policies and criteria issued by the WWRO (internal rate of return, tariff increase do not exceed 10% per annum…).

6.2 Appropriate Technology Use of GIS integrated database covering the entire river basin.

6.3 Effective mainstreaming of Cross-Cutting Issues According to the OECD Gender Policy Marker, the project is classified as "0" - not targeted. The objectives to be reached by the project are equally important for both genders. The project has not been planned with a gender-based approach, but such a method would not lead to improving its impact significantly.

The application of good environmental practices and the mitigation of the damage caused by inappropriate ones are the core objectives of this intervention. The correct implementation of the project should contribute to the improvement of water quality and to the compliance with the EU environmental acquis, i.e. the EU Water Framework Directive.

6.4 Institutional and Management Capacity (public and private) The new institutional framework establishing Regional Water Companies operating under the regulation of a water and wastewater regularoy office is deemed to strengthen the capacity of the sector to implement the proposed master plan.

However these institutions still need to improve considerably their operational efficiency before embarking in massive investment programs for wastewater.

European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


6.5 Economic and Financial Analysis In general tariffs are affordable and meet international standards that state less than 5% of domestic income should be spent on water and sewerage services.

RWCs low performance regarding non revenue water (water losses, illegal connections), bill collection and metered consumption remain major hindrances to the overall economic performance of RWCs.

Both RWCs face continued problems of revenue collection from customers, particularly RWC of Mitrovica which may not be in condition to afford undertaking the huge amount of investment required for the construction of centralized WWTP in the Phase 1.

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Monitoring and Evaluation

7.1 Definition of Indicators (incl. indicators for CCI) The submitted deliverables listed in the ToRs are deemed to be the indicators Reviews/evaluation.

An interim evaluation of the project was carried out in April 2011.

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Conclusion and Proposals

RWC Pristina is in condition to undertake the implementation of one major programme of investment during the first 5-year period: Constuction of a Construction of WWTP in Kastriot/Obilić, rehabilitation of Prishtina, Fushë Kosovo/Kosovo Polje, Kastriot/Obilić. The feasibility study of this project was developed; it may have to be revised in order to include provisions for further integration of the sewerage systems of Lipljan/Lipjan and Graçanicë/Gračanica.

The timetable of implementation of the other programmes of investment will be adjusted in accordance with the actual operational and financial performance of the RWCs.

Wastewater charges need to be increased progressively in accordance with WWRO policies.

Technological solutions are proposed for smaller villages under 2,000 PE which would not be connected to a centralized sewerage system. The implementation of such smaller projects may be envisaged in Phase 2 after completing the legislation concerning the ownership of these facilities, and of the institutional and legal framework governing the O&M obligations of the RWCs with a view to ensure the sustainability of such investment programmes.

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European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin


Intervention Logic Objectively verifiable Indicators Sources of Verification Risks &Assumptions

Overall Objectives

• To strengthen the protection of water resources, water quality and public health.

• Ground and surface water quality.

• Health of population

Official environmental and health data

Specific Objectives

• Provision of improved conditions for increased investment in wastewater treatment and sewerage, and protection of ground and surface water.

• Municipal plans for construction of sewerage and wastewater treatment plants

Budgets of Municipalities Increased investment in the provision of wastewater treatment and sewerage facilities.

Results • Sewerage and Wastewater Strategic Master Plan for the region of the West Morava River Basin prepared.

• Tender Documents prepared for the construction of a ‘model’ wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 20,000 PE.

• Sewerage and wastewater master plan

• Tender documents.

Project Reports Political stability Economic transition continues, National income growth Water Directorate undertakes a credible public consultation process.

Activities Inception Report Component 1: Preparation of the Wastewater and Sewerage Master Plan • Review of Legislation • Preparation of Asset Inventory • Review of Environmental Impact • Conduct of Household Survey • Preparation of Land use, Population and Water

Demand Estimates • Review of Tariff Considerations • Preparation of Planning Design Manual • Preparation of Master Plan • Preparation of proposals for public

consultation Component 2: Preparation of tender documents for construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant of capacity 20,000 PE.

To be completed by Consultant

To be completed by Consultant

Sufficient information made available by the Water Directorate, Municipalities and wastewater treatment bodies.

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European Union Office in Kosovo Final Report Sewerage and Wastewater SMP for the West Morava River Basin