DOCUMENT RESUME PS 006 547 Bibliography on Early … · 2014-01-02 · DOCUMENT RESUME ED 078 928...

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ED 078 928 PS 006 547

TITLE Bibliography on Early Childhood.INSTITUTION Office of Child Development (DHEW), Washington,


EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29DESCRIPTORS *Bibliographies; Books; Child Development; Child

Rearing; Cognitive Development; *Early Childhood;*Early Childhood Education; Pamphlets; PreschoolChildren; Preschool Programs; Resource Materials

ABSTRACTThis bibliography provides listings of books,

pamphlets and reprints dealing with preschool children, earlychildhood, early childhood education, and various aspects of childdevelopment. A list of the addresses of the publishers of thepamphlets and reprints is also provided..WO




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Project Head Startice of Child DevelOpment

U. S. Departnent of Health; Education, and WelfareWashington, D. C. 20201

November 1970DHEW Publication No. (OCD) 72-48


Almy, Millie and others. Young Children's Thinking. New York:Teachers' Press, Columbia University. 1966.

Anderson, Margaret. The Children of the South. New York: DellPublishing Co., Inc. 1966.

Anderson, V.D. Reading and Young Children. New York: The MacmillanCo. 1968.

Arbuthnot, May Hill. Children and Books. Third ed., Illinois: ScottForesman and Co. 1964.

Ashton-Warner, Sylvia. Teacher. New York: Simon & Schuster. 1963.

Association for Childhood Education International; Association forSupervision and Curriculum Development International; ReadingAssociation; National Council of Teachers of English, JointCommittee. Children and Oral Language. Washington, D.C.:A.C.E.I. 1964.

*Association for Childhood Education International. Feelings andLearning. -Washington, D.C.: A.C.E.I. 1965.

Association for Childhood Education International. Readings fromChildhood Education - Articles of Lasting Value. Washington,D.D.: A.C.E.I. 1966.

Auerbach, Aline, B. Parents Imam Throu h Discussion: Princi lesand Practices of Parent Group Education.Wiley & Sons, Inc 1968.

New York: John

DHEW Publication No. (0CD)72-48


Bailard, Virginia and Strang, Ruth. Parent Teacher Conferences.

New York: McGraw Hill. 1964.

Baker, K.R. and Fane, X.F. Understanding and Guiding Young Children.

Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. 1967.

Balbernie, Richard. Residential Work with Children. New York:

Pergamon Press, Inc. 1966.

Baldwin, Alfred I. Theories of Child Development. New York: JohnWiley & Sons, Inc. 1967.

Bereiter, C. "Academic Instruction and Preschool Children." ,LanguagePfograms for the Disadvantaged. NCTE Task Force Report.

Bereiter, C. and Englemati, S. Teaching Disadvantaged Children in the

Preschool. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. 1966:

Bettelheim, Bruno. Dialogues with Mothers. Glencoe, Illinois: Free

Press of Glencoe. 1962.

Bettelheim, Bruno. Love is Not Enough. The Treatment of Emotionally

Disturbed Children. Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press of Glencoe.


Bettelheim, Bruno. The Empty Fortress. New Yorkr Free Press. 1967.

Beyer, Evelyn. Teaching Young Children. New York: Pegasus. 1968.

Blatz, W.E. Human Security. Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto

Press. 1966.


Bloom, Benjamin; Davis, Allison and Hess, Robert. CompensatoryEducation for Cultural Deprivation. New York: Holt, Reinhardtand Winston. 1965.

Bloom, B. Stability and Change in Human Characteristics. New York:John Wiley & Sons. 1964.

Boguslawski, D.B. Guide for Establishing and Operating Day Care Centersfor Young Children. Child Welfare League of America, Inc., NewYork. 1966. $2.5b.

Brackbill, Yvonne (ed.). Infancy and Early Childhood. New York: TheFree Press, Macmillian Co. 1967.

Brackbill, Yvonne and Thompson, G.G. (editors) Behavior in Infancyand Early Childhood. New York: The Free Press, Macmillian Co.1967.


Breckenridge, M.E. and Lee, V.E. Child Development. Philadelphia,Pennsylvania: Saunders. 1965.

Breckenridge, M.E. and Murphy, M.N. Growth and Development of theYoung Child. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Saunders. 1963.

Bruner, Jerome S. The Process-of Education. New York: Vintage Books,Random House, Inc.

Bruner, .F.S. Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge, Massachusetts:Belknap Press of Harvard University. 1966:

Caplan, Gerald. Emotional Problems of Early Childhood. New York:Basic Books.


Chall, Jeanne. Learning._ to Read:- The Great Debate. New York: McGraw.Hill., 1967.

Chess, Stella, et al. Your Child is a Person. New York: Viking Press.1965.

Christianson, H.;-Rogers, M.M. and Ludlan, B. The Nursery School:Adventures in Living and Learning. Boston, Massachusetts:Houghton-Mifflin. 1961.

Chukovsky; Kornei. From Two to Five. Berkeley, California: Universityof California Press. 1963.

Church, Joseph. Language and the Discovery of Reality. New York:Vintage Books, Random House. 1961:

Church, Joseph (ed.). Three Babies: Biographies of Cognitive Development.New York: Vintage Books, Random House. 1966.

Curriculum and Teaching Strategies for Non-English Speaking NurserySchool Children in a Family School. Mission Neighborhood Center,2595 Mission Street, San Francisco, California. $1.00.

Cohen, Dorothy H. and Rudolph, Marguerita. Kindergarten: A Year ofLearning. New York: Appleton- Century - Crofts. 1964.

Conner, Frances P. and Talbot, Mabel E. An Experimental Curriculum forYoung Mentallr Retarded Children. New York: Teachers College,Columbia University. 1961.

Cowles, Milly. Perspectives in the Education of Disadvantaged Children.

Cleveland, Ohio: World Publishing Company. 1967.



Darrow, Helen F. and Van Allen, R. Independent Activities for CreativeLearning. New York: Teachers' College, Columbia University. 1961.

Davis, Carroll. Room to Grow. Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto Press.

Dawson, M.A. and Newman, G.C. Language Teaching in Kindergarten and theEarly Primary Grades. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc. 1966.

Deutsch, Martin, The Disadvantaged Child. New York: Basic Books. 1967.

D'Evelyn, Katherine. Meeting Children's Emotional Needs. Englewood Cliffs,N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1963.

Dinkmeyer, Don. Child Development: The Emerging Self. Englewood Cliffs,New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1965.

Dinkmeyer, D.C. and Dreikurs, Rudolph. Encouraging Children to Learn.Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1963.

Dittmann, Laura (Editor). Early Child Care: The New Perspectives.New York: Atherton Press. 1968.

Doll, Ronald C., and Robert S. Fleming. Children Under Pressures.Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill. Books, Inc. 1966.

Dreikurs, Rudolph. Children: The Challenge. New York: Duell, Sloan& Pearce. 1964.

or) Erikson, Erik H. Childhood and Society. Second Ed. New York: W.W. Norton

g714and Co. 1963.


Flavell, J.H. The Developmental Psychology of Jean Piaget. Princeton,New Jersey: Princeton_Press. 1963.

Flint, B.M. The Child and the Institution. Ontario, Canada: Universityof Toronto Press. 1966.

Foss, B.M. Determinants of Infant Behavior. Vol. I and II. New York:Wiley and Sons. 1961, 1963.

Foster, Josephine and Headley, Neith. Education in the Kindergarten.New York: American Book Company, 4th Edition. 1966.

Frank, Laurence K. On the Importance of Infancy. New York: RandomHouse. 1966.

Fraiberg, Selma H. The Magic Years. New York: Charles Scribner &Sons. 1959.

Frierson, Edward C. and Barbe, Walter B. Educating Children withLearning Disabilities, Selected Readings. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. 1967.

Frost, Joe L. Early Childhood Education Rediscovered: Readings. NewYork: Holt, Reinhardt and Winston. 1968.

Frost, L.L. and Harkes, G.R. The Disadvantaged Child - Issues andInnovations. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton-Mifflin. 1966.

Gans, Roma. Common Sense in Teaching Reading. New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. 1963.


Gans, Roma; Stendler, Celia Burns; and Almay, Millie. Teaching YoungChildren in Nursery School, Kindergarten and the Primary Grades.New York: World Book Co. 1952.

Gardner, D. Bruce. Development in Early Childhood: The PreschoolYears. New York: Harper & Row Publishers. 1964.

Gardner, Dorothy E.M. and Cass, Joan E. The Role of the Teacher in theInfant and Nursery School. New York: Pergamon Press. 1965.

*Ginott, Haim G. Between Parent and Child. New York: The MacmillianCo. 1965.

Goodman, Mary Ellen. Race Awareness in Young Children. New York:Collier Books. $1.50. Revised Edition 1964.

Gordon, Ira J. Human Development Readings in Research. Glenview,Illinois: Scott Foresman and Co. 1964.

Gordon, Ira J. Studying the Child in School. New York: John, Wiley& Sons. 1966.

Gordon, Ira J.and Lally, Ronald. Intellectural Stimulation for Infantsand Toddlers. University of Florida, College of Education,Institute for the Development of Human Resources, Gainesville,Florida. 1967.

Gray, Susan W.; Klaus, A. Rupert; Miller, James 0.; Forrester, Bettye J.Before First Grade. Early Childhood Education Series; 525 West120th Street, New. York. 1966.


Green, M.F. and Ryan; Orletta. The School Children - Growing Up inthe Slums. 1966.

Hamlin, Ruth; Mukerji, Rose; and Yonemura, Margaret. Schools forYoung Disadvantaged Children. New York: Teachers CollegePress, Teachers College, Columbia University. 1967.

Harrington, Michael. The Other America. New York: Macmillian Co. 1962.

Harris, D.B. Children's.Drawing as Measures of Intellectual Maturity.New York:* Harcourt, Brace 6, World. 1963.

Hartley, R.E. et al. The Complete Book of Children's Flay. New York:Columbia University Press. 1960.

Hartley, R.E.; Frank, L.K.; and Goldenson, R.M. UnderstandingChildren's Play. New York: Columbia University Press. 1952.

Hartup, W.W. and Smothergill, N.L. (eds.). The Young Child: Reviewsof Research. Washington, D.C.: National Association for theEducation of Young Children. 1967.

Headley, Neith. The Kindergarten: Its Place in the Program ofEducation. New York: The Center for Applied Research inEducation, Inc. 1965.

Hechinger, Fred M. (ed.). Preschool Education Today. Garden City,New York: Doubleday and Co., Inc. 1966.

Hefferman, Helen and Todd, Vivian. The Kindergarten Teacher. Boston:D.C. Heath and Co. 1960.


Hoffman, Martin L. and Hoffman, Lois. Review of Child DevelopmentResearch. Vol. I, Vol. II. New York: Russell Sage Foundation,1966.

Hunt, J. McV. Intelligence and Experience. New York: Ronald Press.1961.

Hunter, E. F. Conversations with Children. Boston: Beacon Press.1961.

Hymes, J.L. Jr. Before the Child Reads. 1958.

Hynes, J.L. Jr. Behavior and Misbehavior: A Teacher's Guide to Action.Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1955.

Hynes, J. L. Jr. The Child Under Six. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1963.

Hynes, J.L. Jr. Effective Home-School Relations. Englewood Cliffs,N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1953.

Hynes, J.L. Jr. Teaching the Child Under Six. Columbus, Ohio: CharlesMerrill Publishing Co. 1968.

Ilg, F.F. and Ames, L.B. School Readiness. New York: Harper & RowPublishers. 1965.

Ilg, F.L. and Ames, L.B. Parents Ask. New York: Harper & Brothers.1962.

Isaacs, Susan. Intellectual Growth in Young Children. New York: SchockenBooks, 1966. (Reprint)


Jersild, Arthur T. Child Psychology. Sixth Edition. Englewood Cliffs,N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1968.

Jersild, Arthur T. When Teachers Face Thems:lves. New York: TeachersCollege Press, Columbia University. 1955.

Jones, G.C. Parents Deserve to Know. New York: Macmillan Press. 1960.

Kellogg, Rhoda and O'Dell, Scott. The Psychology of Children's Art.New York: Random House, 1967.

Kessen, William. The. Child. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1965.

Klopf, Gordon J. and Hohman, William A. Perspectives on Learning. BankStreet College of Education and Mental Health Material Centers,69 Bank Street, New York. 1967.

Koehring, Dorothy. Getting Ready to Read. State College of Iowa,Cedar Falls, Iowa. 1964.

Kogan, Nathan and Wallach, Michael A. Modes of Thinking in Young Children.New York: Holt, Reinhardt and Winston, Inc. 1966.

Kozol, Jonathan. Death at an Early Age. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co.1967.

Lambert, Hazel. Early Childhood Education. Allyn & Bacon. 1960.


Landreth, Catherine. The Psychology of Early Childhood. New York:Knopf, Inc. 1964.

Langford, Louise M. Guidance of the Young Child. Somerset, N.J.: J('-^

Wiley & Sons. 1960.

Lark-Horovitz, B.; Lewis, H.P.; and Luca, M. Understanding Children's Artfor Better Teaching. Columbus, Ohio: Charles Merrill PublishingCo. 1967;

Larrick, Nancy. A Parent's Guide to Children's Education. New York:Trident Press. 1964.

Lear, M.W. The Child Worshippers.Crown Publishers. 1963.

Levitt, Jerome E., (ed.). Nursery-Kindergarten Education. New York: McGrawHill Book Co., Inc. 1958.

Lee, Doris M. and Allen, R.V. Learning to Read Through Experience. NewYork: Appleton-Century-Crofts. 1963.

Leeper, Sarah Hammond, et al. Good Schools for Young Children. SecondEdition. New York: The Macmillian Co , 1968.

Leonard, M. Edith: Vandeman, Dorothy; and Miles, Lillian. Foundations ofLearning in Childhood Education. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. MerrillBooks, Inc. 1963.


LeShan, Eda. How to Survive Parenthood. New York: Random House. 1964.

LeShan, Eda. The Conspiracy Against Childhood. New York: AtheneumPress. 1968.

Logan, Lillian. Teaching the Young Child. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin. 1960.

Loretan, Joseph and Umans, Shelley. Teaching the Disadvantaged. NewYork: Columbia University Press. 1966.

Lowenfeld, Viktor and Brittain, W. L. Creative and Mental Growth.New York: Macmillan. 1964.

McCandless, Boyd R. Children: Behavior and Development. Second ed.New York: Holt, Reinhardt and Winston. 1967.

Maier, H.W. Three Theories of Child Development. New York: Harperand Row. 1965.

Matterson, E.M. Play and Playthings for the Preschool. Child. Baltimore:Penguin Books. Rev. ed. 1965.

Medinnus, Gene R. Readings in the Psychology of Parent-Child Relations.New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1967.

Miles,L.V. Foundations of Learning in Childhood Education. Columbus, Ohio:Charles E, Merrill Books. 1963.

Montessori, Maria. Spontaneous Activity in Education. New York: SchockenBooks. 1965.

Montessori, Maria. The Montessori Elementary Material. Cambridge,Massachuetts: Robert Bentley, Inc. 1964.

Montessori, Maria. The Montessori Method. Cambridge, Massachuetts:Robert Bentley, Inc. 1965.

Montessori, Maria. Dr. Montessori's Own Method. Cambridge, Massachuetts:Robert Bentley, Inc. 1965.

Moore, Elenora H. Fives At School. New York: G.P. Putnam & Sons.1959.

Moore, S.B. andYork: Harper

Richards, P. Teaching in the Nursery School. New& Row. 1959

Murphy, L.B. Colin, A Normal Child. New York: Basic Books. 1963.

Murphy, L.B. Personality in Young Children. New York: Basic Books. 1962.

Murphy, L.B. The Widening World of Children. New York: Basic Books. 1962.

Mussen, P.H.; Conger, J.J. and Kagen, Jerome. Child Development andPersonality. New York: Harper & Row. 1963.


National Association for the Education of Young Children. Montessoriin Perspective. Washington, D.C.: NAEYC. 1966.

National Council of Teachers of English. Language Programs for theDisadvantaged. Corbin, Richard and Crosby, Muriel. NCTE. 1965.

National Education Association (Department of School Principals). ThoseFirst School Years. Washington, D.C.: NEA. 1960.

National Society for the Study of Education. The Forty-Sixth Yearbook -Part II - Early Childhood Education. Henry; Nelson. Chicago:University of Chicago Press. 1956.

National Social Welfare Assembly Workshop. Young Children Today. NationalSocial Welfare Assembly, 345 E. 46th Street, New York, New York. 60c

Neubauer, Peter. Concepts of Development in Early Childhood Education.Thomas Press. 1965.

Passow, A. Harry, Editor. Education in Depressed Areas. New York:Columbia University. 1963.

Pavenstedt, E. (ed.). The Drifters. Boston: Little Brown and Co. 1967.

Penetrell, Gladys E. Play Materials for Young Children. MelbourneUniversity Press, American Branch, 510 North Avenue, New Rochelle,Nei.) York. 1952.

Piageti. Jean. The Origin of Intelligence in Children. New York: Internationaluniversities cress. 1952.


Pines, Maya. Revolution in Learning: The Years from Birth to Six.

New York: Harper & Row. 1968.

Pitcher, Evelyn Goodenough and Ames, Louise Bates. The Guidance Nursery

School. New York: Harper & Row. 1964.

Pitcher, Evelyn Goodenough, et al. Helping Young Children Learn.

Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Books, Inc. 1966.

Provence, Sally A. Guide for the Care of Infants in Groups. Child

Welfare League of America, Inc. 44 East 23rd Street, New York,

New York. 10010. 1967. $2.50.

Provence, Sally A.; Lipton, Rose C. Infants in Institutions. New York:

International Universities Press, Inc. 1962.

Radin, N. and Kamii, C. "The Child-Rearing Attitudes of Disadvantaged Negro

Mothers and some Educational Implications." Journal of Negro Education.

1965. Available from ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Childhood Education,805 W. Pennsylvania Avenue, Urbana, Illinois 61801. Small fee.

Radler, D.H. and Kephart, N.C. Success Through Play. New York: Harper &

Row. 1960.

Rambusch, Nancy McCormick. Learning How To Learn - An American Approachto Montessori. Baltimore, Maryland: Helicon Press. 1962.

Read, Katherine. The Nursery School. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:W.B. Saunders, rev. ed. 1966.

Redl, Fritz. When We Deal With Children. New York: Free 'cress. 1966.


Ribble, Margaret A., M.D. The Personality of the Young Child. New York:

Columbia University Press. 1962.

Ribble, Margaret A., M.D. The Rights of Infants. Second Edition.New York: Columbia University Press. 1965.

Riessman, Frank. The Culturally Deprived Child. New York: Harper & Row.1962.

Riessman, T.; Cohen, J.J. and Pearl A.A. Mental Health of the Poor. NewYork: Free Press. 1964.

Riley, Clara and Epps, Francis. Head Start in Action. West Nyack, New York:Parker Publishing Company, Inc. 1967 .

Robison, Helen and Spodek, Bernard. New Directions in the Kindergarten.New York: Columbia University Press. 1965.

Rogers, C.R. On Becoming a Person. Boston, Massachuetts: Houghton-Mifflin.1961.

Rowen, Betty. Learning Through Movement. New York: Teachers College.Bureau of Publications, Columbia University. 1963.

Rudolph, M. and Cohen, D.H. Kindergarten: A Year of Learning, New York:Appleton-Century-Crofts.


Russell, D.H. Children's Thinking Blaisdell Publishing. 1965.


San Diego Board of Education. Language Experiences in the Kindergarten.

San Diego County, California. 1961.

Sawyer, Ruth. The Way of the Storyteller. New York: Viking Press. 1962.

Schulman, Anne Shaaker. Absorbed in Living-Children Learn. Washington,

D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children. 1967.

Schorr, A. Poor Kids. New York: Basic Books. 1966.

Segal, S.S. No Child is Uneducable. New York: Pergamon Press, Inc. 1967.

Shuey, R.M.; Woods, E.L. and Young, E.M. Learning About Children. Philadelphia

T.B. Lippincott Co. (3rd ed.) 1969.

Smart, Mollie S. and Russell C. Children: Development and Relationships.

New York: The Macmillian Co. 1967.

Stanton, Jessie and Rudolph, Marguerite. Planning a Nursery School Building.

New York: Bark Street College of Education.

Stendler, C.B. Readings in Child Behavior and Development. New York:

Harcourt, Brace & World. 1964.

Stone, L.J. and Church, L.J. Childhood and Adolescence. New York:

Random House. 1968. (Revised Edition)

Strang, Ruth. Helping Your Child to Develop His Potentialities.

New York: Sutton & Co., Inc. 1965.


Taylor, Katherine Whiteside. Parents and Children Learn Together.Early Childhood Education Series. New York: Teachers College,Columbia University. 1968.

Thomas, Alexander, et al. Behavioral Individuality in Early Childhood.New York: University Press. 1964.

Thompson, G.G. Child Psychology. Boston, Massachusetts: HoughtonMifflin. 1952.

Todd, V.C. and Hefferman, H. The Years Before School: Guiding PreschoolChildren. New York: The Macmillian Co. 1964.

UNICEF. Children of Developing Countries. London? Thomas Nelsonand Sons. 1964.

Utley, Jean. What's Its Name? Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois.1968.

Wallach, M.A. and Kagen, N. Modes of Thinking in Young Children. NewYork: Holt, Reinhardt and Winston, Inc. 1965.

Wann, Kenneth D.; Dorn, Meriam Selchen; and Liddle, Elizabeth Ann.Fostering Intellectual Development in Young Children. New York:Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University. 1962.

Wilensky, H. Observational Techniques in Preschool Classrooms. Institutefor Developmental Studies, School of Education, New York University.Available from ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Childhood Education, 805Pennsylvania Avenue, Urbana, Illinois.

Wills, Clarice and Lindberg, Lucile. Kindergarten for Today's Children.

Chicago: Follett Publishing Co. 1967.


Wells, Clarice Dechart and Stegeman, William H. Living in the Kindergarten.

Chicago: Follett Publishing Co. 1963.

Woodward, D.M. The Earliest Years. New York: Pergamon Press, Inc.


World Health Organization. Deprivation of Maternal Care: A Reassessment

of its Effects. Geneva, Switzerland. 1962.

Young Children's Thinking. New York: Columbia University Press. 1966.


A Beginner's Bibliography. January, 1968. Reprintedfrom Young Children. National Association for the Education ofYoung Children. 20e

Addiss, L.K. Job Related Expenses of the Working Mother. Reprintedfor the Children's Bureau, U.S. Department of Health, Educationand Welfare, from CHILDREN. 1963.

Association for Childhood Education International. Aides to Teachersand Children. The Association. $1.50.

Association for Childhood Education Incernational. All Children haveGifts. The Association, Bulletin No. 100, 75e.

Association for Childhood Education International. Art for Children'sGrowing. The Association. Bulletin No. 64. 75e

Association for Childhood Education International. Basic Propositionsfor Early Childhood Education. The Association.. 75e.

Association for Childhood Education International. Bibliography ofBooks for Children. The Association, Bulletin No. 37. $1.50.

Association for Childhood Education International. Bits & Pieces. TheAssociation, Bulletin No. 20A.

Association for Childhood Education International. Early Childhood:Crucial Years for Learning. The Association, Bulletin No. 17A.$1.25.

Association for Childhood Education International. Children Can Make it:Experiences in the World of Materials. The Association, Bulletin-No.28.


Association for Childhood Education International. Children's Booksfor $1.50 or less. The Association, Bulletin No. 36. 75Q.

Association for Childhood Education International. IndividualizingEducation. The Association, Bulletin No. lla.

Association for Childhood Education International. Nursery SchoolPortfolio. The Association, Bulletin No. 1, 1961. 750.

Association for Childhood Education International. Play - Children'sBusiness - Guide to Selection of Toys and Games. The Association,

Bulletin No. 7a.

Association for Childhood Education International. Space Arrangement-Beauty in Schools. The Association, Bulletin No. 102.

Association for Childhood Education International. What are KindergartensFor? The Association, Bulletin A.

Auerbach, Alene B. The Why and How of Discipline. Child StudyAssociation of America. 1964.

Baker, Katherine Read. bet's Play Outdoors. National Association forthe Education of Young Children. 1966. $1.00.

Bank Street College of Education. Packet-for Nursery School Teachers.The College. $1.75.

Bank Street College of Education. Packet for Nursery School Teachers - II$1.75.


Beyer, Evelyn. Nursery School Settings: Invitation to What? NationalAssociation for the Education of Young Children. 1958.

Biber, Barbara. How Does It Feel to be Bad? Bank Street College ofEducation.

Bloomberg, Warner. The Young Child in Cultural Change. Reprint, fromYoung Children. National Association for the Education of YoungChildren. 34.

Board of Education of the City of New York. Pre-Kindergarten CurriculumGuide. Curriculum Bulletin No..11. Board of Education, 110Livingston Street, Brooklyn, New York. 1965-66 Series. $2.50.

Boguslawski, D.B. Guide for Establishing and Operating Day Care Centersfor Young Children. Child Welfare League of America, Inc., 44East 23rd. Street, New York, NY. 1966. $2.50.

Burke, Lillian. Something for the Boys. Reprint, from Young Children.National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Caldwell, Bettye M. On Reformulating the Concept of Early ChildhoodEducation -Some Whys Needing Wherefores. Reprint from YoungChildren. National Association for Education of Young Children.25.

Cauman, J. Family Day Care and Group Day Care: Two Essential Aspectsof a Basic Child Welfare Service. Available froM the Children'sBureau. A reprint from CHILD WELFARE 40: 20-23. October,1961.

Child Care Arrangements of the Nation's Working Mothers. A PreliminaryReport. U.S. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau, Washington, D.C.1965.


Child Care and Guidance: A Suggested Post-High School Curriculum. U.S.

Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education,Washington, D.C. 1967. Limited Free Supply.

Child Welfare Services. Children's Bureau Publication 406. Children'sBureau. 1963. Free.

Children in Day Care, With Focus on Health. Children's Bureau Publicationrrx-- No. 444, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1967. 50o.

Chilman, C.S. Growing up Poor. U.S. Department of Health, Educationand Welfare, Welfare Administration, Division of ResearchPublication No. 13. Washington, D.C: Government Printing Office.1966. 45o.

Comprehensive Care Services in your Community. Public Health Service,U.S. Department of HEW, Washington, D.C.: Government PrintingOffice. 1967. 25o.

Council of Chief State School Officers. Responsibility of State Departmentof Education for Nursery School and Kindergarten. The Council,

1201 - 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.1961.

Criteria for Assessing Feasibility of Mother's Employment and Adequacyof Child Care Plans. Children's Bureau, Department of HEW,Washington, D.C. (Mimeographed) 1966.

Cross-Tell. Resource material prepared by Communicating Research on theUrban Poor, 1101 M Street, NW, Washington, D.C. Includes: Poverty's

Children: Three Generations; Tellin& It Like It Is; Culture classand Poverty.


Crystal, Frances Hale. The Holiday Dilemma: Celebrating_ the Holidays'

in Preschools and Kindergartens. November, 1967. National

Association for the Education of Young Children. 24.

Day Care: An ExpandingLResource for Children. Booklet J-51. Child

Welfare League of America, Inc. 1965. $1.50.

Day Care for Other People's Children in Your Home. Children's Bureau

Publication 412. 1964. Free.

Day Care for Your Child in a Family Home. Children's Bureau Publication

411. Children's Bureau, Washington, D.C. 1964. Free.

Day Care Services. Children's Bureau Publication 420. Children's

Bureau, Washington, D.C. 1965. Free.

Deutch, Martin; Nimnicht, Glen; et al. Memorandum on Facilities

For Early Childhood Education. Educational Facilities Laboratories,

477 Madison Avenue, New York, NY. 1966.

Douglas, Joseph H. Mental Health Aspects of Discrimination on Children.May, 1967, National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Enjoy Your Child - Ages 1, 2 and 3. Public Affairs Pamphlet 141, PublicAffairs Pamphlets, 381 Park Avenue South, New York, New York. 25.

Ekstein, Rudolf. The Child, The Teacher and Learning. Reprinted fromYoung Children. National Association for the Education of Young

Children. 34.

Ellison, Louise. Cities Aflame....Young_Inginations on Fire. Reprintedfrom Young Children. National Association for the Education ofYoung Children. 25.


Flavell, John N. Role Taking and Communication Skills in Children.Reprinted from Young Children. National Association for theEducation of Young. 30c.

Foster, Florence. The Impact of Early Intervention. Reprinted fromYoung Children. National Association for the Education of YoungChildren. 20c.

Foster, Florence P. Premature Independence in Preschools for theDisadvantaged. Reprinted from Young Children. NationalAssociation for the Education of Young Children. 20c.

Fowler, William. Concept Learning in Early Childhood. Reprinted fromYoung Children. National Association for the Education of YoungChildren. 25c.

Friedlander, David. Client Involvement in the Public Welfare Systems:Communication and Participation Technical Assistance Pro'ect.American Public Welfare Association, 1313 East 60th Street,Chicago, Illinois. 60637.

Front Page Story. National Council of Jewish Women. 1964. Free.

Gordon, Ira. Children's Views of Themselves. Association for-Child-hood Education, International Bulletin. 1959.

Hamilton, Alicita. A Preschool Program for Children with LimitedHearing. Reprinted, from Young Children. National Associationkor the Education of Young Children. 20c.

Handbook for Project Head Start. Available from the Anti-DefamationLeague of B'nai Writh in cooperation with the University ofChicago, 315 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY. 50c.


Hayman, Hannah L. Snap Judgement: A Roadblock to Progress on ParentInvolvement. May, 1968. National Association for the Educationof Young Children. 25c.

Heard, Ida Jane. Number"Games with Young Children. Reprinted fromYoung Children. National Association for the Education of YoungChildren. 30c.

Hille, Helen M. Food for Groups of Young Children Cared for during theka. Children's Bureau Publication 386. U.S. Department of HEW,Social Rehabilitation Service, Children's Bureau, Washington, D.C.1960. Free.

Hochman, Vivienne. Trips in Early Childhood Education. Bank StreetCollege of Education. 1967.

Hodges, Walter L. and Spickler, Howard M. The Effects of PreschoolExperiences on Culturally Deprived Children. Reprinted fromYoung Children. National Association for the Education of YoungChildren. 40c.

Homemaker Service: How it Helps Children. Children's Bureau Publication443. U.S. Department of HEW, Social and Rehabilitation Service,Children's Bureau, Washington, D.C. 1967. Free.

How to Operate a Community Homemaker Service. American MedicalAssociation, 535 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. 1963.

Housing for Early Childhood Education: Centers for Growing and Learning.Association for Childhood Education International. 1968. $1.50.


Howell, Ruth R. Spring comes to a City Nursery School Playground.March, 1968. National Association for the Education of YoungChildren. 20c

Hynes, James L. et al. Discipline. Association for Childhood EducationInternational. Bulletin 99. 1957.

Hynes, James L. Early Childhood Education: An Introduction to theProfession. National Association for the Education of Young

Children. $1.25.

Hynes, J.L. Teacher Listen; The Children Speak. Mental HealthMaterials Center, 104 E. 25th Street, New York, NY.

Hynes, J.L. A Pound of Prevention. Mental Health Materials Centers,104 East 25th Street, New York, Nework.

Hynes, J.L. Three to Six: Your Child Starts School. Public AffairsPamphlet #141. Public Affairs Pamphlets, 381 Park Avenue, South,New York, New York. 25c.

It's Fun to Teach Creative Music. The Play Schools Association, 120West 57th Street, New York, New York. 75c.

Jackson, Philip and Wollson, Bernice J. Varieties of Constraint in aNursery School. Reprinted from Young Children. National Associatio-1for the Education of Young Children. 30c.

Johnson, Harriet. The Art of Block Building. Bank Street College ofEducation. 1966.


Kennedy,J. and Huey,R. "Homemaking Education for Needy Families!' ,American Vocational Journal 38:4. pp. 20-22. April 1963.

Kidd, Aline H. and Kidd, Robert M. The Head Start Classroom as aTheraputic Environment. Reprinted from Young Children.National Association for the Education of Young Children. 100.

Kraft; Ivor andChiiman, Catherine S. Helping Low Income FamiliesThrough Parent Education: A Survey of Research. U.S. Departmentof Health, Education and Welfare, Social and RehabilitationService, Children's Bureau, Washington, D.C. 1966. Free.

Kugel, R.B. and Parsons, M.H. Children of Deprivation. Children'sBureau Publication No. 440. Department of HEW, Washington, D.C.:Government Printing Office. 1967. 350.

Law, Norma R. Are the Public Schools Ready for Preschoolers? Reprintedfrom Young Children. National Association for the Sducation ofYoung Children. 200.

Leeper, S.H. What Research says to the Teacher on Nursery Schooland Kindergarten. Washington, D.C.: Association of ClassroomTeachers of NEA. 1968. 250.

Levine, Milton L. Early Sex Education. October, 1966. NationalAssociation for the Education of Young Children. 200.

Levitt, Edith. Views of Cognition in Children: "Process" vs. "Product"Approach. Reprinted, from Young Children. National Associationfor the Education of Young Children. 200.

Lipson, Roselle. A Mobile Preschool. Reprinted from Young Children.National Association for the Education of Young Children. 250.


Low-Income Life Styles. Irelan, L.M. (ed.). U.S. Department of HEW,Welfare Administration, Publication No. 14, Division of Research,Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. 1966. 35g.

McAfee, Oralie. The Right Words. Reprinted, from Young Children.National Association for the Education of Young Children. 20Q.

Mental Health of Children. The Child Program of the National Institutesof Health, U.S. Public Health Service Publication No. 1396. WashingtonD.C. : Government Printing Office.

Mentzer, Roy T. Head Start? Reprinted from Young Children. NationalAssociation for the Education of Young Children. May 1968. 25Q

Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. Vol. 10#3, July, 1964. Selectedpapersfrom the Institute for Developmental Studies, Arden HouseConferende on Preschool Enrichment of Socially DisadvantagedChildren.

Mills, William N. and McDaniels, Garry R. Montessori, Today and Yesterday.January, 1966. National Association for the Education of YoungChildren. 10Q.

Moffitt, M. and Onwake, E. The Intellectual Content of Plax.New York State Association for the Education of Young Children,Albany, N.Y. 75Q.

Mulcqrji, Rose. _,Teaching is ... Reprinted from Young Children.National Association for the Education of Young Children. 20Q.

Mukerji, Rose and Robinson, Helen F. Teaching Strategies forDisadvantaged Kindergarten Children. Reprinted from YoungChildren. National Association for the Education of YoungChildren. 20¢.

Music for Fours and Fives. Washington Music Educators Conference,

National Education Association. 1958. 75Q.

National Association for the Education of Young Children. Teaching

the Disadvantaged Young Child. 834 Connecticut Avenue, NW,

Washington, DC. Publication No. 112. $2.00.

National Association for the Education of Young Children. Water,

Sand and Mud as Play Materials. 1959. 50c.

Naylor, Naomi Le B., and Bittner, Marguerite. Curriculum Development

Program for Preschool Teacher Aides: Final Report. Southern

Illinois University Center for the Study of Crime, Deliquencyand Correction, Edwardsville, Illinois 62025. 1967.

The Negro Family: The Case for National Action. Moynihan, Daniel.Office of Policy Planning and Research, U.S. Department ofLabor, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. 1965. 40Q.

Nelson, Lois, W. Maximizing Creativity in the Classroom. Reprinted

from Young Children. National Association for the Education of

Young Children. 20Q.

New York State Council for Children. Good Living for Young Children.

Albany, NY. 1960. 75Q.

New York State Education Department. Equipment for Children in

Kindergarten. The Department, Albany, New York. 1960.

Osborn, D.K. and Haupt, D. Creative Activities for Young Children.

Merrill-Palmer Institute, 71 East Ferry, Detroit, Michigan. 1964.


uslesfox_rxeldmol. National Council of Jewish Women. Free.


Parents as Partners. Report to the Secretary of Health, Education andWelfare by Task Force on Parent Participation. August, 1968.

Peet, Anne. Helps for Parents in Housing. The Play Schools Association,120 W. 57th Street, New York, New York. 1967. 75Q

Piers, Maria. How to Work with Parents. Bulletin 5-1121. ScienceResearch Associates, Inc., 259 East Erie Street, Chicago,Illinois. 1955.

Pitcher, E.G.;Lasher, M.G. et al. Helping Young Children Learn.Columbus, Ohio: Charles Merrill Co. (Workbook)

Plank, Emma. Young Children and Death. Reprinted from Young Children.Association for the Education of Young Children. 30Q.

Platoff, Joan. Preschool Prototypes: An Integrated, Semi-CooperativeNursery School. Reprinted from Young Children. National Associationfor the Education of Young Children. 20Q.

Preschool Story in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Greater New Orleans, NewYork, St. Louis. National Council of Jewish Women. Free.

Proceedings of the Chapel Hill Workshop for Day Care Administrators.Presented by School of Social Work, University of North Carolinaand North Carolina State Department of Public Welfare in Cooperationwith the Extension Division, University of North Carolina. Universityof North Carolina, Extension Division, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.1967.


Quill, Jeanne. One Giant Step. National Association for the Educationof Young Children. 1968. 75c.

Reaching the Young Child. A compilation of documents and statementspresented at the 1965 session of the UNICEF Executive Board,together with a summary of the Board's conclusions. Availablein mimeographed form on request to Documents Officer, UNICEF,United Nations, New York (Document UNICEF/MISC. 109, January 12, 1966.)

Recruiting Low-Income Families for Family Life Education Programs.Four reports. Child Study Association of America. 1965. 50c.

Ridenour, Nina and Johnson, Isabel. Some Special Problems ofChildren- Aged Two to Five Years. Child Study Association ofAmerica. 1966.

Rockwell, Robert E. and Bittner, Marguerite L. Rating Teachers andAides. September, 1967. National Association for the Educationof Young Children. 10c.

Roeper, Annemarie ; Siegal, Irving. Finding the Clue to Children'sThought Processes. Reprinted from Young Children. NationalAssociation for the Education of Young Children. 30c.

Schwartzberg, Bernard & Weiner, Ruth. Mental Health Consultation inthe Nursery School. Reprinted from Young Children. NationalAssociation for the Education of Young Children. 20c.

Shoemaker, Louise Proehl. Parent and Family-Life Education for Low-Income Families. Children's Bureau Publication 434. Children'sBureau. 1965. Free.



Sonquist, Hanne D.. and Kamii, Constance K. Applying Some Piagetian

Concepts in the Classroom for the Disadvantaged. Reprinted from

Young Children. National Association for the Education of

Young Children. March 1967. 25c.

Sources of Information and Assistance:" A Guide for Parents and Those

Who Work with Young Children. Cornell University, New York

State College of Home Economics, Department of Child Developmentand Family Relationships, Ithaca, New York. 1968. 35c.

Standards for Day Care Services. Child Welfare League of America, Inc.

(Revised Edition) 1968. $1.50.

Stant, M. Let's Try This in Nursery School and Kindergarten. CollegePark, Md.: Sarnnar Publishing Company. 1963. $1.00.

Stein, Lias S. Techniques for Parent Discussions in Disadvantaged

Areas. Reprinted from Young Children. National Association for

the Education of Young Children. 25c.

Suggested Guidelines for Evaluation of the Nutritional Status of Pre-

school Children. Free. (revised, 1968)

Tarney, Elizabeth Boak. What does the Nursery School Teacher Teach?National Association for the Education of Young Children. 1965.


The One-Way Screen. National Council of Jewish Women. Free.

Three to Six: Your Child Starts School. Public Affairs Pamphlet #141.



U.S. Office of Education. Educating Children in Nursery Schools andKindergartens. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1964. 35.

Wallace, Helen M. Day Care for Handicapped Children. Reprinted from

Young Children. National Association for the Education of YoungChildren. 25.

Ward, Evangeline. Early Childhood Education: Approaches, Materials,

Equipment. Dansville, NY.: Owne Publishing Co. 19618. $1.00..

What is Good Day Care? Children's Bureau Folder 53. Children's

Bureau. 1964. Free.

White, G.0.; Hill, A.D. and Amidon, E. Improving Home and Family

Living Among Low-Income Families. Bureau of Family Services

and Home Economics Branch, Office of Education, Department of

HEW: Government Printing Office. 15.

Wickens, Elaine, Please Don't Tell the Children. Reprinted from

Young Children. National Association for the Education of

Young Children. 10k.

Witmer, Helen L. (Editor). On

Institutions. Mildren'sJepartment of HEW, SocialBureau, Washington, D.C.

Rearing Infants and Young Children in

Bureau Research Reports 1. U.S.

and Rehabilitation Service, Children's

1967. Free.

Wolf, Katherine M. The Controversial Problem of Discipline. Child

Study Association of America. 1953.

Working with Low-Income Families. American Home Economics Association,

1600 Twentieth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 1965. $1.50.


Young, Ethel. The Nursery School Program for Culturally DifferentChildren. Menlo Park, California: Pacific Coast Publishers, 1965.$1.50.

* Recommended for nonprofessionals.

Following is a list of publishers of the pamphlets and reprints. Each has acomplete list of their current publications available on request

Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)3615 Wisconsin Avenue, NWWashington, D.C. 20016

Bank Street College of Education69 Bank StreetNew York, New York 10011

Children's BureauOffice of Child DevelopmentDepartment of Health, Education, and WelfareWashington, D.C. 20201

Child Study Association of AmericaPublishing Department9 East 89th StreetNew York, New York 10028

Child Welfare League of America44 East 23rd StreetNew York, New York 10010

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)1834 Connecticut Avenue NWWashington, D.C. 20009

National Council of Jewish Women1 West 47th StreetNew York, New York 10036

National Education Association1201 16th Street NWWashington, D.C. 20036

Superintendent of DocumentsGovernment Printing OfficeWashington, D.C. 20402

For research - related documents dealing with the development ofchildren from birth through age eight, write:

Educational Resources Information CenterEarly Childhood EducationUniversity of Illinois805 W. Pennsylvania AvenueUrbana, Illinois 61801