Does A Low AMH Level Indicate Infertility

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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AMH levels and their link to fertility issues are a heated debate among fertility specialists. Some agree that they are connected while others remain skeptical. Here is some insight into what they are.


Does A Low AMH Level



What is AMH?

- AMH (Anti-Mullerian

Hormone) is a substance

produced by granulosa cells at the beginnings of

ovarian follicle development

- It is used to predict a

women’s chances of fertility

because the number of these cells are related to the number of

follicles that ultimately become

fertilizable eggs.

- AMH has been linked to

infertility by some fertility



- As displayed in a case study conducted by

fertility specialist, Julia Indichova,

AMH’s link to infertility is highly


- In the case study, a 28 year

old woman couldn’t conceive her second child after trying the same method

(Clomid) she used for her first child 6 months eariler, due to low AMH


- After doing her own research, she found that she needed to

trust an alternative

method with rest and norishment

for her body after her first


Most Common Measurement of AMH

LevelsHigh AMH Over 3.0ng/ml

Normal AMH Over 1.0ng/ml

Low Normal AMH 0.7-0.9ng/ml

Low AMH 0.3-0.6ng/ml

Very low AMH Less than 0.3ng/ml

- Based on 20 years experience,

Indichova has given women with low AMH

levels hope. She concludes that low AMH levels

are not a reflection of a woman’s egg
