Dominican Starfish Foundation Home Make-Over Projects--Leonida

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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March 2014-January 2015

A Dominican Starfish

Foundation Home

Make-over Project

We met Leonida in March of 2014 when Amarilis

and Louise were walking through the area where

her home was. They were looking for people with

great need. Leonida fit that description. At the

time she was 17 years old with 3 young children.

We created a presentation of

people who needed sponsors to

help build them a home.

Leonida was on this list.

Sponsors were found August 10th, 2014

when Zoe Palmer (age 12) and Gemma

Palmer (age 8) from Edmonton Alberta

decided that they wanted to raise

money to build a home for a family with

children in the Dominican Republic.

Zoe and Gemma’s grandmother, Louise ZoBell is the

Executive Director of Dominican Starfish Foundation.

Their parents Doug and Charlotte Palmer raised

money to build on of the first homes that were built by

the foundation which became a catalyst for the

building of many more homes by the foundation.

Zoe and Gemma have set a huge goal to raise

money to build a home each year before they

graduate from high school.


Their project was posted online and feature for World Humanitarian Day on August 19, 2014. That was a great start! $2115 was donated that day.

Zoe and Gemma took their ideas to their elementary school. Teachers and others from the school donated.

Their parents, Doug and Charlotte took information to their places of employment. Many people there generously donated and continue to donate to Dominican Starfish Foundation Projects

Zoe and Gemma with their parents hosted garage sales, bottle drives and passed out flyers in the community.

A fundraising site on social networks was continuously posted.

Since four of our sponsored families didn’t own

land, on October 3rd, 2014, Dominican Starfish

Foundation hosted a fundraiser in Stirling to help

purchase land for four families to build their homes.

Leonida’s family was one of those. The land we

purchased had the beginning of a house.

On October 19th, two months from

the day that fundraising was started,

Zoe and Gemma (with the help of so

many others) completed their goal

and construction began.

By October 29th when Louise

arrived in the Dominican, this is

what the home looked like.

By November 20th, most of the floor had

been poured and our friends Gloria,

Jeanne and Margaret helped paint.

Far away from the Dominican Republic

and far away from Edmonton, other

children were helping as well.

Garry and Janet Flake from Utah are serving in the

Dominican Republic for several years. Their children and

grandchildren from Utah worked together to raise money

to help furnish Leonida’s home.

In December the family visited their grandparents in the

Dominican Republic and were able to meet Leondia and

present her with gifts for her family. They were also able to see her new home in progress. They presented our

director, Amarilis with money to furnish the home.

January 14, 2015, Zoe and Gemma

were able to meet Leonida for the

first time and see first hand the

conditions she was living in.

Then they were able to take her by

the hand (a most touching

moment) and lead her into her new

beautiful home.

Zoe and Gemma are pictured here

with Leonida and her children in

front of their new home.

The new stove and washing machine,

thank you to the Flake family for the


The New Beds

The girls were able to bring toys and

gifts donated by themselves and

others for the family

Doug Palmers words from a facebook post January 16th 2015:My 9 year old daughter Gemma asked me what we had planned during

our last couple days here - I explained our schedule which included some

beach time - she asked if before we did any beach time we could go and

visit Leonida in her new home to check and see whether she had any food

for herself and her children. She has such a genuine love for Leonida and

her children - it melts my heart.

Zoe donated her $60 spending money

for her trip to the Dominican Republic to

buy food for Leonida and her children


WHO HELPED IN ANY WAY! Special thanks to:

Zoe and Gemma for initiating the project and working to accomplish their goal

Doug and Charlotte Palmer (Zoe and Gemma’s parents) for their support and encouragement and for bringing the girls to the Dominican Republic to experience first hand.

The Flake family for donating furnishings for the home and especially for the children working to help others.

Jose Luis and Amarilis, our directors in the Dominican who work continually to make the projects happen.

All who have donated money, supplies and support.