Donald Koide Identity

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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Creation of a logo and identity system for Donald Koide Design.




3Donald Koide Design // Identity Kit


© Copyright Donald Koide Design 2011

All Content, Design and Illustrationsby Donald Koide

No part of this publication may be reproduced except by express written consent from the publisher, Donald Koide.

First Edition

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This mark represents both years of thought and attempts at creating a visual identity for myself, and a single instant where an idea materializes out of a completely unrelated conversation.

For the last few years I have been trying to create a visual mark to us as a representation of myself. It had to be something I would be comfortable using to showcase my skill and tastes from a design perspective as well as hold some personal meaning for me.

Then one day, as I was sitting in a review of options for a client’s proposed identity. Someone mentioned something about a bird and I began sketching birds. After a few iterations of more realistic birds, I started to simplify, stripping the image down to basic shapes. Eventually I arrived at a minimal, geometric and iconic rendering that resembled a duck.

Growing up I endured some teasing about my name, most being called Donald Duck. More recently I coached a volleyball team full of thirteen year old girls who called me Duck, going so far as to name their team after me. When my girlfriend heard about it she started calling me Duckie. Suddenly, I had an image that held some meaning for me from both a personal standpoint and from a design perspective. Additionally my initials ‘DK’ sound like ‘duck’ when spoken aloud.

I created some custom type that fit together with the duck symbol; the ‘K’ nesting with the tail of the duck. The type is geometric and mono-line matching the simplicity of the symbol and keeping the whole mark as minimal as possible. This reflects the sensibility I try to achieve in my design work.


Color / Pattern Studies


Logo Sketches


Primary Color Palette

Pantone Process Black R = 35 G = 31 B = 32C = 0 M = 0 Y = 0 K = 100

WhiteR = 255 G = 255 B = 255C = 0 M = 0 Y = 0 K = 0

// OR

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Minimum Clear Space Requirements

Minimum clear space around the mark equals X, the x-height of the primary word mark. All secondary typography must fall outside these boundaries.

The secondary word mark (ie Donald Koide Design) is the distance of the cap height (Y) below the primary mark.


Secondary Mark Options

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Secondary Color Options

Pantone Cool Gray 6R = 186 G = 188 B = 190C = 0 M = 0 Y = 0 K = 30

Pantone Cool Gray 11R = 113 G = 112 B = 116C = 0 M = 0 Y = 0 K = 70


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