Don’t Be Late part one With the Angry Family Wow, that is a nice new clock. Vaya, ese reloj nuevo...

Post on 23-Jan-2016

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Dont Be Latepart oneWith the Angry Family

Wow, that is a nice new clock.Vaya, ese reloj nuevo es bonito.

Five minutes later...

Cinco minutos despus...

Its ten past twelve. Where is Miss Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face? Son las doce y diez. Dnde est Miss Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face?

She was here half an hour ago.Estaba aqu hace media hora.

We dont know.

We dont know.No lo sabemos.


Tenemos a vuestra zanahoria.Si queris volver a verla en una pieza, encontraos conmigo en la comisara de polica dentro de veinte minutos.We have your carrot.If you want to see her again in one piece,meet me at the police station in twenty minutes.



Oh!! Thats terrible!!Oh!! Es terrible!!

But... I have to wash my hair first!Pero... Tengo que lavarme el pelo primero!

What! Our precious carrot is in danger.Qu?! Nuestra querida zanahoria est en peligro.

Erm... Ok, but hurry up! Its already quarter past twelve!Mmm... Vale, pero date prisa!Ya son las doce y cuarto!

Thirty minutes later...

Treinta minutos depus...


Where is Mr Confused and Angry Wolfman? Its already quarter to one. Were late. Dnde est Mr Confused and Angry Wolfman? Ya es la una menos cuarto. Llegamos tarde.


Sigh. Sometimes you are an idiot.Ahhh... A veces eres un idiota.

It is five to one. We are a bit late...Es la una menos cinco. Llegamos un poco tarde...

Where is our carrot? Wait! That looks like her hair.Dnde est nuestra zanahoria? Esperad! Eso parece su pelo.

Llegasteis tarde.No lo volvis a hacer. Encontraos conmigo en la oficina de correos a las dos en punto.Por favor no lleguis tarde.You were late. Dont do it again.Meet me at the post office at two oclock. Please dont be late.



My god, that animal. Right, lets go there now. We have to be on time. Dios mo! Qu animal! Vale, vamos all ahora. Tenemos que llegar a tiempo.

Vocab Time phrasesSometimesTo be lateTo be on timeHurry up!5 minutes LaterHalf an hour agoIn twenty minutesAlreadyNowFirst

A vecesLlegar tardeLlegar a tiempoDarse prisa!Cinco minutos depusHace media horaDentro de veinte minutosYaAhoraPrimero

Vocab - BuildingsPost officePolice stationHairdressersLibraryCinemaHouse

Oficina de correosComisaraPeluqueraBibliotecaCineCasa

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