Don't do it! Tips for social media marketing

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Top social media “don’t do” tips

Don’t do it!



➤ 1. Think before you post! Creation takes seconds. Regrets take a lifetime.

➤ 2. Don't Feed the Trolls. It's a fight you can never win.

➤ 3. It's Not All About You. Don't tweet only about you and what you do. Share! Engage! Be SOCIAL!



➤ 1. Dialogue > monologue

➤ 2. Don't forget to be of service to your audience

➤ 3. Lack consistency



➤ 1. Not being authentic

➤ 2. Not sharing your knowledge with others

➤ 3. Not talking to others



➤ 1. Don't spam

➤ 2. Spread news, not rumours

➤ 3. Don't be a jerk - be kind, show gratitude, & give back to community



➤ 1. forget to be human

➤ 2. stop caring

➤ 3. only meet online



➤ 1. Don't over-automate community/social media management

➤ 2. Don't post negative messages

➤ 3. Don't forget to have fun with it



You need to keep relationships growing - think

long not short termBe candid, be human


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