Dr. bibi al ajmi - quality and knowledge management what you have to do with it

Post on 03-Nov-2014

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Dr. Bibi AlajmiKuwait University


Quality and Knowledge Management: What You Have to Do With It!

In an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty. The only sure source of lasting

competitive advantage is KNOWLEDGE.

Knowledge-based view of the Firm

R. M. Grant

Knowledge as the most strategically significant resource of a firm

What is knowledge and how do we gain knowledge?

Knowledge is not

information is not data

Knowledge according to Davenport & Prusak.

“Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight that provides a framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. It originates and is applied in the minds of knowers. In organizations, it often becomes embedded not only in documents or repositories but also in organizational routines, processes, practices, and norms.”

Source: Davenport & Prusak, Working Knowledge, p. 5.

Source: http://www.apo-tokyo.org/cgi/apo_p-glossary.pl?record=56

Knowledge Creation & Sharing

What is Knowledge Management ?

• knowing what another person knows.

• gain timely access to such knowledge or representations of knowledge.

• willingness to share and engage.• enabling culture

And another view of Knowledge Management:

Managing based on knowledge is a transformational shift for most organizations.

“It is a form of expertise-centered management focusing on using human expertise for business advantage.”

Source: Marianne Broadbent. (1998, May). The phenomenon of knowledge management. Information Outlook.

Quality Management

Improve Performance

what are the underlying processesthat govern performance improvement?

Process Map

Check Sheets


Pareto chart

Histogram Histogram

Control Chart



Learning Knowledge

Source: http://www.apo-tokyo.org/cgi/apo_p-glossary.pl?record=56

Where does KM help?

• When Organizations are faced with new technologies, outsourcing, new partnership, merging, new government regulations, economic uncertainty,

• KM teams have provided support through technology and knowledge transfer, as well as asset management.

• When business issues involved capacity management, cost reduction, and the environment,

• KM played a part through forecasting/scheduling and process and technique innovation. And to improve speed and convenience, KM initiatives have expanded to address point-of-sale technology adoption and procedure effectiveness

Where does KM help?

What does it take for an organization to make its tacit knowledge explicit?

• A “learning organization” culture• Models for articulation• Platforms for shared communication• A staff• Trust• Technology support• Support from organizational leaders• The will to do so.

Chevron’s KM

• Chevron's definition of KM is apt for much of the industry: processes, tools, and behaviors that deliver the right content to the right people at the right time, and in the right context so they can make the best decisions, exploit business opportunities, and promote innovative ideas.

All companies face a common challenge: using knowledge more effectively than their competitors do." - John

Browne, BP Amoco

We must become experts in capturing knowledge, integrating and preserving it, and then making what has been learned quickly and easily available to anyone who

will be involved in the next business decision." - D.E. Baird, Schlumberger

"We got into KM because we had so many projects going on that it was difficult to

standardize without limiting creativity. … Through KM, different leaders not only

share experience and knowledge, but go forward to create what I call 'contamination

centers' where people infect each other with ideas." - Rudulfo Prieto, PDVSA

KM Tools & Techniques Share it … Solve it

• Communities of Practice• Best Practices• Knowledge Café• World Café• Nominal group • Storytelling • Knowledge Bank• Mind Mapping • Peer Assist • Rapid Evidence Review (RER)

Make Knowledge Management … Your Management
