-Dr. De Vicente - Epidimiologist -Dr. Loaiza - Neurologist ... · Vinicius’s Hospital-Dr....

Post on 25-May-2020

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Vinicius’s Hospital

-Dr. Jiménez - Cardiologist-Dr. García - Oncologist-Dr. Loaiza - Neurologist-Dr. De Vicente - Epidimiologist


- Cardiology.(coronary arteriopathy)- Oncology. (Liver Cancer)- Epidemiology. (Ebola, )- Neurology. (Stroke)


Dr Jimenez: Cardiology (CORONARY ARTERIOPATHY)

I will talk about the coronary arteriopathy and it’s symptoms, preventions, treatment and the % índice in society of this heart disease.

What is the coronary arteriopathy? Coronary artery disease is a heart disease that causes an inadequate supply of blood to the heart: a potentially serious condition. Coronary artery disease is also known as coronary heart disease.


Because coronary artery disease (blocked arteries) can develop over many years, the symptoms are often not felt until the obstructions are severe and life-threatening.

- Discomfort or chest pain (angina)- Respiratory difficulty- Extreme fatigue when making effort- Swelling in the feet- Pain in the shoulder or arm- Women may feel an atypical pain in

the chest. The pain may be fleeting or sharp, and may be felt in the abdomen, back, or arm.


Prevention of the coronary arteriopathy:

Is based on the modification of risk factors such as reducing cholesterol levels and stress, treating obesity and hypertension, eating a healthy diet and not smoking, following a diet rich in omega fatty acids. 3 and vitamin C and take acetylsalicylic acid, etc


PHARMACEUTICAL TREATMENT:When arteriosclerosis is detected at an early stage, medications such as nitrates, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, aspirin, etc. These medications can slow the progress of the disease or relieve symptoms.

You can do many things to control cardiovascular disease. Take medication Change your diet Exercise. When these changes are not enough, your doctor may recommend the implantation of a stent or revascularization surgery.

CORONARY ARTERIOPATHY (% of causes in society)

Already in our environment, it is estimated that every year cardiovascular disease causes, in total, some 4 million deaths in Europe and 1.9 million in the European Union, most of them due to coronary heart disease (CD) 3, which is a 47% of all deaths in Europe and 40% of the European Union


A blocked coronary artery can cause a heart attack. For both men and women, coronary artery disease is one of the leading causes of death in Spain.

RISK FACTORS:As a person ages, arteries harden. However, some risk factors can speed up the process:

- Age (over 45 for men and over 55 for women)- Family history of heart disease- Smoking- High blood pressure

OncologyDr. García: Liver Cancer

Dr. García: Oncology (Liver Cancer)What is liver cancer?

Liver cancer is a disease in which malignant or cancerous cells form in the tissues of the liver. Liver cancer can either originate in the liver (primary liver cancer) or start elsewhere and then spread to this organ (metastatic liver cancer). When tumor cells, capable of invading healthy surrounding tissues and reaching distant organs and implanted in them, are located in the liver, we are talking about liver cancer or hepatocarcinoma.

Liver Cancer (Symthoms)You will know if you have liver cancer if:

- Weight loss (without trying to lose weight).- Loss of appetite.- Sensation of fullness after eating little.- Nausea or vomiting.- An enlarged liver (feels like a mass under the ribs on the right side).

Liver Cancer (Prevention)

You can prevent liver cancer by:

- Avoid and treat hepatitis infections.- Limit alcohol and tobacco use.- Achieve and maintain a healthy weight.- Treatment of diseases that increase the risk of liver cancer.- Limit exposure to chemicals that cause cancer.

Liver Cancer (Treatment)Depends on:

- The stage and degree of cancer.- The likelihood that some form of treatment can cure the cancer or be useful in some way.- Your age.- Other health problems you have.- Your opinion about the treatment and the side effects involved.

You need to:

- Surgery (partial hepatectomy or liver transplant).- Ablation of the tumor.- Embolization of the tumor.- Radiotherapy.- Targeted therapy.- Immunotherapy.- Chemotherapy.

Liver Cancer (% Incidence in society)The 5-year survival rate indicates the percentage of people who survive at least 5 years after the cancer is detected. The 5-year overall survival rate is 18%. Survival depends on the stage of the disease.For 43% of people who receive a diagnosis at an early stage, the 5-year survival rate is 31%. If liver cancer has spread to surrounding tissues or organs or regional lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is 11%. If the cancer has spread to a distant part of the body, the 5-year survival rate is 3%.

Liver Cancer (Datas)In 2019:

- Approximately 42,030 new cases (29,480 in men and 12,550 in women)- Approximately 31,780 people (21,600 men and 10,180 women) will die from these cancers.

Since 1980, the number of cases of liver cancer has more than tripled. However, rates in young adults have begun to decline recently. The mortality rates of liver cancer have increased by almost 3% per year since 2000. Liver cancer is more common in men than in women.


EPIDIMIOLOGYWhat does epidimology consist of?

studies or is an expert in the branch of medicine which deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases.

-Dr.De Vicente-What is the Ebola?The Ebola is a virus which is transmitted by animals into humans,after this happens ,it’s transmitted from a human to another,it also happens to primates.A high percentage of the affected people die,so that’s why this disease is highly protected and isolated from society.


-Dr.De Vicente-What are its symptoms?After the Ebola is contagied,a series of symptoms happen to the affected human,this are the main ones;

Diarrhea Headache

Vomiting. Bleeding

Muscle pain



-Dr.De Vicente-What is its treatment?

At the moment,there is no treatment or cure to fight this illness,but affected people are given special attention and medicines in order to cure or prevent the illness’es symptoms.

-Dr.De Vicente-How can I prevent it?

The main preventions are the following ones:

Avoid affected people

If you notice a symptom go to hospital as soon as possible

Avoid eating raw or undercooked food.

Maintain higiene by washing your hands after eating.

-Dr.De Vicente-How much people does it affect?

The majority of the cases happen in the south-west of Africa ,from 2014 to 2016 it’s recorded that 28400 people were affected and about 11,300 people died from this disease,as a result of this,40% of the affected people die from it.

Dr. Loaiza


Stroke is a disease that affects the arteries leading to and within the brain.A stroke is a medical emergency that needs immediate medical attention. A stroke occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is either interrupted or reduced. When this happens, the brain does not get enough oxygen or nutrients, and brain cells start to die.

Dr. Loaiza: Neurology What does stroke consist of?

Dr.Loaiza What are its symptoms?-Trouble with speaking and understanding; You can confuse the words and you can forget how to talk.

-Paralysis or numbness of the face, arm or leg; You may develop sudden numbness, weakness or paralysis in your face, arm or leg.This often happens in only one side of the body.

-Trouble with seeing in one or both eyes; You can have problems to see and you can see blurred.

-Headache; You can have headache repetitive and you can vomit a lot of things.

-Trouble with walking; You can lose coordination and you can fall down because you lose the balance.

Dr. Loaiza How can we prevent it?

The best way to help prevent a stroke is to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol. These lifestyle changes can reduce your risk of problems.

Dr. Loaiza What is its treatment?As ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes have different causes, both require different forms of treatment;

Ishcemic stroke ; treatment starts with drugs that break down clots and prevent others from forming. Aspirin can be given, as can an injection of tissue plasminogen activator. TPA is very effective at dissolving clots but needs to be injected within 4.5 hours of stroke symptoms starting.

Hemorrhagic stroke; Treatment can begin with drugs given to reduce the pressure in the brain, control overall blood pressure, prevent seizures and prevent sudden constrictions of blood vessels.

Dr. Loaiza How much people is affect?Each year nearly 800,000 people experience a new or recurrent stroke. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. Up to 80 percent of strokes can be prevented.