Dr. Steven J. Hutchison Principal Deputy Developmental Test and...

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Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-1

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

Dr. Steven J. Hutchison Principal Deputy

Developmental Test and Evaluation November 2012

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-2

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

Persistent, rapidly composable, secure representation of the Joint Information Environment

Test & Evaluation


Performance Reliability

DT&E for Complex Systems

System Integration Labs



Modeling & Simulation

Cyber Range



Interoperability Information Security

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-3

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

The DoD Acquisition Model

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-4

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

Test, Evaluation, Certification

Late to Need!

DIACAP Security T&E

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-5

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

Hindsight is 20-20

What did we know?

What did we test?

To reduce discovery late in the acquisition lifecycle, • test in mission context, • against realistic threat,

and….. Shift Left!


Interop & IA Assessments

Fielded systems: • Interoperability issues • IA Vulnerabilities

Compliance with IA Controls and

Interoperability Standards and Profiles

are necessary but not sufficient

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-6

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

Net Ready KPP New Role for DASD(DT&E)

New Language • “DISA will ensure JITC leverages

previous, planned and executed DT&E and OT&E tests and results to support joint interoperability test certification and eliminate test duplication.”

• “DASD(DT&E) shall approve Developmental Test and Evaluation plans in support of Joint Interoperability Test Certification as documented in the TEMP. JITC shall advise DASD (DT&E) regarding the adequacy of test planning in support of Joint Interoperability Test Certification.”

DASD(DT&E) approves adequacy of Interoperability test planning

CJCSI 6212

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-7

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

Information Assurance Policy

Information Assurance compliance activities need to be integrated into DT&E and included in the TEMP

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-8

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

Information Assurance What’s Changing?

• Implements Risk Management Framework (RMF) instead of Mission Assurance Category/Confidentiality Level (MAC/CL)

• Adopts new guidance from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Committee on National Security Systems Instruction (CNSSI) documents on Cybersecurity

• Goes beyond IA and adopts the term: “Cybersecurity”

• Lexicon Changes – “Certification and Accreditation” becomes “Assessment and Authorization” – “Designated Approving Authority (DAA)” becomes “Authorizing Official (AO)” – “Certifying Authority” becomes “Security Control Assessor”

Threat = Any event with potential to cause harm to the network Vulnerability = Absence/weakness of safeguards to protect the network

Risk = Likelihood that a threat will realize or exploit a vulnerability

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-9

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

Implementing Cybersecurity What’s Being Proposed?


• Oversight of test planning in support of Cybersecurity C&A(A&A)

• Establish procedures to ensure that DT&E authorities for acquisition programs verify that adequate DT&E is planned and resourced to address Cybersecurity

• Confirm DT&E can be executed in a timely manner prior to approval of program Test and Evaluation Master Plans (TEMPs)

DASD(DT&E) will ensure adequate Cybersecurity test planning

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-10

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

DT&E in the Cyberspace Domain

An Integrated T&E Enterprise Capable of Creating a Realistic Cyberspace Test Environment at All Required

Security Levels

Cyberspace Threat Representations

Systems Under Test

Test Tools

Instrumentation BAF




IO Range



Desired Federated Cyberspace T&E Capability


Methodology Infrastructure


Persistent, rapidly composable, secure representation of the Joint Information Environment

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-11

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

DT&E Cybersecurity Process Summary

Step 1 Cybersecurity Test

Requirements Evaluation

Focus on initiating an approach to Cybersecurity DT&E at Milestone A or B, with update at Milestone C.

Step 4 Cybersecurity Test in

Realistic Cyber Environment

Focus is on Cybersecurity readiness in an operational mission environment to understand capabilities and limitations of the SUT and interconnections against a cyber threat using Red Team testing.

Step 3 Cyber Kill Chain


Focus is assessment of Cybersecurity of the system under test, in a realistic mission and cyber environment, using exploitation testing techniques, post-CDR.

Step 2 Cybersecurity

System Integration Evaluation

Focus is assessment of Cybersecurity in component and system integration vulnerability testing, between MS B and C.

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-12

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

Cybersecurity Testing in the Acquisition Lifecycle


JCIDS Process

Full Rate Production

Decision Review

CBA Joint

Concepts (COCOMs)


Strategic Guidance (OSD/JCS)


ICD Technology Development

CDD Engineering & Manufacturing Development

Production and Deployment O&S MDD

Materiel Solution Analysis
















Cyber Test Step 1

Cyber Test Step 1 Step 2

Cyber Test Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Cyber Test Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Reduce the Cyber Attack Surface

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-13

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395


• DT&E in mission context

• Improve Interoperability

• Improve Cybersecurity

• Reduce discovery in IOT&E

• Improve Acquisition Outcomes

To ensure rapid fielding of enhanced capabilities to the Warfighter …

Shift Left!

Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-14

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395


Shift Left Nov 2012 Page-15

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Cleared for Open Publication by OSR on November 21, 2012 – SR case number 13-S-0395

T&E Plan – Test – Report cycle can exceed six months!

•Multiple Test Orgs – DT, OT, Iop, IA

•Multiple Decision Makers – MDA, CIO, DAA

Pilot Record OTRR

60 days

OTRR Full Deployment Decision Review

60 days

Eval Report


Interop Testing


Operational Test Plan

Test Concept Brief

60 days

Test Plan Approved

User Training Support Implemented

Interop Cert


Tester Training DT&E

14 days

DoD Test, Evaluation, & Certification