Draft 5 planning

Post on 13-May-2015

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Assignment 16 Planning: Draft 5

Chelsea Fashole-LukeLaura Cuk

Rosalin Zein

Rosie Zein – 7479

Chelsea Fashole-Luke – 7357

Laura Cuk – 7341

Genre and Purpose

ThrillerPsychological thrillerThe purpose is to excite and thrill the audience while presenting enigmas that they could try to solve as the film progresses.


1. Desk – long shot. Stuff around the desk (folders, papers, photos etc).

2. Rosie coming into the room (door opens from inside). Walks in, sits down.

3. Camera connecting to computer – all photos uploading to computer (around 100)

4. Close ups of some images (shot reverse shot of Rosie’s face)

5. First set of photos – Laura walking down the street

6. Back to photos on computer – scrolling – Rosie’s face – photos.

7. Laura getting into car – looking rough

8. Back to photos – scroll down – Rosie’s face

9. Laura shopping – glamorous – reverse shot of Rosie, camera lens


10. Back to photos – scroll down

11. Scrolling to 4th set – extreme close ups – Rosie ‘sly face’

12. Open new email – paste photo – extreme close ups

13. Camera moves around photo – full picture not shown

14. Sly face – typing email

15. Keyboard, onscreen words, keyboard – closer shot of words, keyboard, extreme close up of one word

16. Send button – extreme close up



Shotlist1. Low angle of desk2. Close up of photography magazine3. Close up of photos of Laura on desk4. Close of certificate5. Extreme close up of "successfully achieved"6. Extreme close up of "photography"7. Close up of section on magazine8. Mid shot of Rosie walking in9. Close up of hand closing door10. Mid shot of Rosie walking towards desk11. Match on action of walking towards desk12. Mid shot of Rosie pulling out chair13. Match on action - Rosie pulls out chair and sits down14. Mid shot of Rosie taking off camera15. Match on putting camera on table and putting bag on table16. Over head shot Rosie opening laptop and typing password17. Overhead shot of taking out wire18. Match on action - connecting it to camera19. Extreme close up of connecting wire to laptop20. Match on action of continuing to put wire in laptop21. Mid shot of Rosie scrolling on laptop22. Close up of photo albums on screen23. Close up of Rosie's face24. Extreme close up of mouse clicking on first photo album25. Pan of first row photos26. Close up of corresponding photo*FLASHBACK*27. Wide shot of Rosie and Laura28.

Shotlist continued

Inspirational films

• Se7en• Hard candy• Memento

Genre and conventionsConventions you are applying in opening sequence

Use/develop or challenge?HOW?WHY?

Similarities/differences to real films(annotated pictures)

1. Mystery Use – identity of ‘stalker’ was hidden

Se7en – opening sequence doesn’t show identity of person at the beginning

2. Stalking Use – one of the main characters is being stalked

3. Incorporates elements of mystery and drama

Use – There is mysterious character who’s identity is hidden.Why? To create suspense within the audience.


4. The music used within the film is usually high pitched and eerie

Use – To create a suspenseful and dark atmosphere.How? We will find background music which fits the description.

A woman in black

Target AudienceFor our opening sequence our target audience is rated 15.

How will we attract the audience ?- Creating enigmas from the beginning of the opening sequence

• Forms- Social networking- Word of mouth- Below the line marketing- Above the line marketing

• Conventions- With the use of well known conventions in the thriller genre (as seen in previous slide)

• Marketing strategies- Focus groups- Previews- Reviewers

Target Audience (A)

Primary Secondary ExplanationAge 15+ 25+ The main characters are teenagers.

Adults will be able to educate young people on the dangers of social media.

Gender Female Male Typically aimed at females, although males could benefit from the message of the sequence.

Race/ethnicity Western culture Eastern Europeans Issues typically represented in the western culture.To buy into the western culture.

Social class Working class Middle class It is part of the leisure activities, whereas middle class would attempt to take part in the activities of the upper class.

Target Audience (A): continuedPrimary Secondary Explanation

Interests/hobbies Social networking, computing, socialising, technology

Stalking, The main interests presented in the opening sequence are related to the social network generation.

Social group Internet junkies, social networkers,

These people will be attracted to the conventions of the film, including the presence of digital technology.

Sexuality heterosexual Homosexual The sexuality of the characters are hidden/ambiguous

Profession/role Students, Parents, teachers, mentors, student guidance counsellors,

These people will be able to benefit and learn from the message.

Target Audience (B)• Why would your target audience be interested in you film because of the idea/plot?Our target audience will be interested in our film because it would relate to their daily lives (e.g

and the character going about her life) and this would make it more thrilling/suspenseful. Also, the plot creates a lot of enigmas.

• Why would your target audience be interested in your film because of the form (how the film is constructed= editing, transitions, music, etc)?

Our target audience would be interested in the music as it would create another level to the suspenseful atmosphere already constructed by the film itself.

• Why would your target audience be interested in your film because of the genre & conventions?

Our target audience would be interested because the film does reinforce some conventions however it also develops them – so they might like to see how we have changed the genres conventions to make the film more exciting for them to watch.

LocationsWe thought this would be good place to film because the location connotes someone of wealth. It is a very clean and nice area.

Also, it would allow Rosie (The photographer) to be close enough to Laura to take pictures but hidden enough that Laura would be unable to see her.

This is the opposite road from above where Laura was standing in front of the second building.

We thought it would be a good place to film as it would show Laura walking in a nice area and her build her character.

LocationsThe gate at the front of the house we used to show Laura coming out of her ‘house’, towards a waiting car.

Another view of the entrance to the house (including parked car).

The car used in our ‘car’ flashback scene.

LocationsWe used this street because it had a lot of high end shops that our character would shop in.

Rosie’s character is seen to be standing behind this pillar as she waits for Laura’s character.

We used this street because it wasn’t so busy that we couldn’t film, but it wasn’t so empty that it would make the scene look unrealistic.


In our other drafts the lighting in the rooms where bad so in this draft we decided to film inside Chelsea house and as you can see from the picture the lighting is very good.

We brought papers, magazines and a MacBook and put them on the desk as they would connote the type of job out character has.


Before After


before after

Costume/propsCostume:JeansPrinted T-shirtLeather JacketBlack Vans

Props:SunglassesPhone Shopping bagsHand bag

Costume:Grey tracksuit bottoms Plain white t-shirt Black vans

Props:Car Keys Sunglasses

Costume :Black jeansHeeled boots Red coat

Props:Phone HandbagStarbucks cupSunglasses

Costume:Grey blazerWhite blouseBlack jeansBlack shoesGlasses

Props:DSLR cameraCamera bag

BBFC and film rating• To understand what BBFC and film ratings were we researched it and found the official site.• We found the different types of ratings which are U, PG, 12A, 12, 15, 18 and R18.

BBFC Rating

• For our opening sequence we decided to go for the BBFC rating of a 15.

• We chose this rating as it fits in with our target audience as they would be around the age of 16 and above.
