Draft (October 26, 2019) - IEEE BIBMLiang, Tingzhen Ding, Jing Pan, Jian Shen, Xiao Huang, and Jin...

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2019 IEEE International Conference on

Bioinformatics and Biomedicine

San Diego, CA, USA, November 18-21, 2019

Draft (October 26, 2019)


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Program Schedule

Conference and Workshop Schedule at a Glance ...................................... 4

Conference Hotel Floor Plan ........................................................................ 5

Brief Workshop Schedule ............................................................................. 7

Detailed Workshop Schedule ....................................................................... 8

Brief Conference Schedule ........................................................................... 9

Detailed Conference Schedule ................................................................... 10

Tuesday, 11/19: Morning sessions .............................................................................. 10

Tuesday, 11/19: First Afternoon sessions ................................................................... 11

Tuesday, 11/19: Second Afternoon sessions .............................................................. 12

Wednesday, 11/20: Morning sessions ........................................................................ 13

Wednesday, 11/20: First afternoon sessions ............................................................... 14

Wednesday, 11/20: Second afternoon sessions .......................................................... 15

Thursday, 11/21: Morning sessions ............................................................................ 16

Posters........................................................................................................... 17

WiFi Connection at Conference Site ......................................................... 18

BIBM 2020 Call For Papers ....................................................................... 19


Conference and Workshop Schedule at a Glance

Sunday, Nov. 17: Registration for 2-6pm at Foyer (2F)

Time Mon, Nov. 18 Tue, Nov. 19 Wed, Nov. 20 Thr, Nov. 21

8am – 6pm Registration Registration Registration (8:30am-6pm)

Registration (8:30am-10:30am)

8:45-9:00 Workshops Welcome & opening

9:00-10:00 Keynote: Ying Xu

(Legends, 2F)

Keynote: Kristin Bennett

(Legends, 2F)

Keynote: Pavel Pevzner

(Legends, 2F)

10:00-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-12:30 Workshops Workshops Sessions 1-4 Sessions 13-17 Sessions 28-31

12:30-2:00 Lunch (on own) Lunch (provided) End of conference

2:00-4:00 Workshops Workshops Sessions 5-8 Sessions 18-22

4:00-4:20 Coffee break

4:20-7:00 Workshops Workshops Sessions 9-12 Sessions 23-27

7:00-9:00 Banquet (ticket required)

Keynotes: 60 minutes (45 mins for talk and 15 mins for Q&A)

Invited talks: 40 minutes (30 mins for talk and 10 mins for Q&A)

Regular papers: 20 minutes (15 mins for talk and 5 mins for Q&A)

Short papers: 15 minutes (12 mins for talk and 3 mins for Q&A)


Conference Hotel Floor Plan 1

st f




d f







3D version is available at www.hardrockhotelsd.com/floorplan_2.php

Brief Workshop Schedule

Time Monday, November 18 Tuesday, November 19 Thursday, November 21

8am-6pm Registration Registration Registration (8:30am-10:30am)


9:00-10:00 Keynote: Ying Xu Legends (2F)

Keynote: Pavel Pevzner Legends (2F)

10:00-10:30 Coffee break


12:30-2:00 Lunch (on own) Lunch (provided) at Woodstock (4F) Rooms available (Legends 1&2) (Legends 3&4) (Legends 5&6) (Celebrate) (Imagine 1) Imagine 2 Encore 1 Encore 2 Encore 3


4:00-4:20 Coffee break


Detailed Workshop Schedule

Special Session Medical Informatics and Engineering

18th Dec, 14:00 to 17:10; Room: TBD

Session Chairs: Bin Hu & Hanshu Cai

Time Title Presenter/Author

14:00-14:20 Disease Prediction Model Based on BiLSTM and Attention


Yang Yang and Xiangwei



Dense Encoder-Decoder Network based on Two-Level Context

Enhanced Residual Attention Mechanism for Segmentation of

Breast Tumors in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Ying Gao, Yin Zhao,

Xiongwen Luo, Xiping Hu,

and Changhong Liang


Topological Characterization of the Multi-feature based

Network in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild

Cognitive Impairment

Weihao Zheng, Tingting Liu,

Haotian Li, and Dan Wu

15:00-15:20 Logical Model and Verification of Emotion Triggers for BDI


Yun Su, Yongqiang Dai, and

Xiaohong Li

15:20-15:40 Individual Similarity Guided Transfer Modeling for EEG-based

Emotion Recognition

Xiaowei Zhang, Wenbin

Liang, Tingzhen Ding, Jing

Pan, Jian Shen, Xiao Huang,

and Jin Gao

15:40-16:00 Sentiment Analysis Using Autoregressive Language Modeling

and Broad Learning System

Xin-rong Gong, Jian-xiu Jin,

and Tong Zhang

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30-16:50 Indefinite Kernels in One-Class Support Vector Machine and

its Application on Virtual Screening

Choujun Zhan, Benjamin Yee

Shing Li, Quansi Wen, Ying

Gao, and Tianyong Hao

16:50-17:10 Computational Methods for scRNA-seq Analysis at Cell Level Tinghao Zhu, Jinfei Zhou, Le

Zhang, and Yang Cao

17:10 Closing Remarks

Brief Conference Schedule

Time Tuesday, November 19 Wednesday, November 20 Thursday, November 21

8am-6pm Registration Registration (8:30am-6:00pm) Registration (8:30am-10:30pm)

9:00-10:00 Keynote: Ying Xu Legends (2F)

Keynote: Kristin Bennett Legends (2F)

Keynote: Pavel Pevzner Legends (2F)

10:00-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-12:30 Session 1: Biomedical Intelligence 1 (Legends 1&2) Session 2: Biological Network Analysis 1 (Legends 3&4) Session 3: Next Generation Sequencing & Metabolomics (Legends 5&6) Session 4: Biomedical Signal & Image Analysis 1 (Celebrate)

Session 13: Computational Biology 1 (Legends 1&2) Session 14: Healthcare Informatics 1 (Legends 3&4) Session 15: Biomedical Data/Text Mining (Legends 5&6) Session 16: Machine Leaning Methods in Bioinformatics 1 (Celebrate) Session 17: Machine Learning for Medicine 1 (Imagine 1)

Session 28: Medical images 2 (Legends 1&2) Session 29: Analysis in Bioinformatics 2 (Legends 3&4) Session 30: Machine Learning for Medicine 3 (Legends 5&6) Session 31: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Celebrate)

End of conference 12:30-2:00 Lunch (provided) at Woodstock (4F)

2:00-4:00 Session 5: Biomedical Intelligence 2 (Legends 1&2) Session 6: Biological Network Analysis 2 (Legends 3&4) Session 7: Biomedical Signal & Image Analysis 2 (Legends 5&6) Session 8: Medical images 1 (Celebrate)

Session 18: Computational Biology 2 (Legends 1&2) Session 19: Healthcare Informatics 2 (Legends 3&4) Session 20: Cheminformatics and Computer-Aided Drug Design (Legends 5&6) Session 21: Biomedical Text Mining and Ontologies (Celebrate) Session 22: Machine Leaning Methods in Bioinformatics 2 (Imagine 1)

4:00-4:20 Coffee break

4:20-6:50 Some sessions may end earlier.

Session 9: Biomedical Intelligence & Precision Medicine (Legends 1&2) Session 10: Computational Systems Biology (Legends 3&4) Session 11: SNPs and Haplotype Analysis, GWAS, Personalized Genomics (Legends 5&6) Session 12: Biomedical Signal & Image Analysis 3 (Celebrate)

Session 23: Computational Biology 3 (Legends 1&2) Session 24: Healthcare Informatics 3 (Legends 3&4) Session 25: Analysis in Bioinformatics 1 (Legends 5&6) Session 26: Modeling and Data Integration (Celebrate) Session 27: Machine Learning for Medicine 1 (Imagine 1) Banquet at Legends (2F) for 7-9pm

Detailed Conference Schedule

Tuesday, 11/19: Morning sessions

Session 1: Biomedical Intelligence 1

(session chair: Dr. Jim Keller)

R B361 "Deep Learning Prediction of Mild Cognitive Impairment using Electronic Health Records" Sajjad Fouladvand, Michelle Mielke, Maria Vassilaki, Jennifer Sauver, Ronald Petersen, and Sunghwan Sohn

R B364 "Grouped Correlational Generative Adversarial Networks for Discrete Electronic Health Records" Fan Yang, Zhongping Yu, Xiaolu Gan, Kaibiao Lin, Quan Zou, and Yifeng Zeng

R B397 "How Robust is Your Automatic Diagnosis Model?" Ke Wang, Guangyu Wang, Ning Chen, and Ting Chen

R B403 "Fine-tuning BERT for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction in Chinese Medical Text" Kui Xue, Yangming Zhou, Zhiyuan Ma, Tong Ruan, Huanhuan Zhang, and Ping He

S B294 "Efficient Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Incremental Record Linkage Using Complete Linkage Clustering" Abdullah Baihan and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran

S B349 "Data Reconstruction Based on Temporal Expressions in Clinical Notes" Zhikun Zhang, Chunlei Tang, Joseph Plasek, Yun Xiong, Min-Jeoung Kang, Patricia Dykes, David Bates, and Li Zhou

S B610 "Patient Entity Recognition by Automatic EHR Context Understanding and Deep Learning" Zhaohui Liang, Jun Liu, Honglai Zhang, Jimmy Xiangji Huang, Ziping Li, and Stephen Chan

Session 2: Biological Network Analysis 1

(session chair: Dr.)

R B298 "Predicting Drug-disease Treatment Associations Based on Topological Similarity and Singular Value Decomposition" Guangsheng Wu and Juan Liu

R B493 "Drug and disease similarity calculation platform for drug repositioning" Lan Huang, Huimin Luo, Fang-Xiang Wu, and Jianxin Wang

R B671 "Supervised prediction of aging-related genes from a context-specific protein interaction subnetwork" Qi Li and Tijana Milenkovic

S B211 "Ensemble Classifier based on gene synergistic network improves breast cancer outcome prediction" Bo Lu and Xiong-Hui Zhou

S B230 "Detecting protein complex based on hierarchical compressing network embedding" Xiangmao Meng, Xiaoqing Peng, Fang-Xiang Wu, and Min Li

S B286 "Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Dynamic Modules in Cancer Temporal Attribute Networks" Dongyuan Li and Xiaoke Ma

S B305 "Algorithms for inferring multiple microbial networks" Sahar Tavakoli and Shibu Yooseph

Session 3: Next Generation Sequencing &

Metabolomics (session chair: Dr.)

S B263 "An Approximate Alignment Algorithm and Bidirectional Fuzzy Index for Next Generation Sequencing" wei quan and guang-ri quan

S B270 "LysoPhD: predicting functional prophages in bacterial genomes from high-throughput sequencing" Qi Niu, Shaoliang Peng, Xiang-li-lan Zhang, Shuai-cheng Li, Xiang-Cheng Xie, and Yi-Gang Tong

S B642 "SOF: An Efficient String Graph Construction Algorithm" S. M. Iqbal Morshed and Shibu Yooseph

R B275 "Metabolite identification using artificial neural network model" Ziling Fan, Kian Ghaffari, Amber Alley, and Habtom Ressom

R B627 "A knowledge driven mutual information-based analytical framework for the identification of rumen metabolites" Mengyuan Wang, Huiru Zheng, Haiying Wang, Richard Dewhurst, and Rainer Roehe

S B651 "Efficient Shared Peak Counting in Database Peptide Search Using Compact Data Structure for Fragment-Ion Index" Muhammad Haseeb and Fahad Saeed

S B752 "Integrative Analysis of DNA Methylation and Gene Expression Patterns in Tissues from Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients" Megan Barefoot, Yifan Chen, Rency Varghese, Yuan Zhou, and Habtom Ressom

R B539 "SACall: a neural network basecaller for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data" Neng Huang, Fan Nie, Peng Ni, Feng Luo, and Jianxin Wang

Session 4: Biomedical Signal & Image

Analysis 1 (session chair: Dr. Surya


R B258 "An Attention based Semi-supervised Neural Network for Thyroid Nodules Segmentation" Jianrong Wang, Ruixuan Zhang, Xi Wei, Xuewei Li, Mei Yu, Jialin Zhu, Jie Gao, Zhiqiang Liu, and Ruiguo Yu

R B355 "Multi-Stage Attention-Unet for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Image Bleeding Area Segmentation" Sizhe Li, Jiawei Zhang, Chunyang Ruan, and Yanchun Zhang

R B366 "Liver Histopathological Image Retrieval Based on Deep Metric Learning" Pengshuai Yang, Yupeng Zhai, Lin Li, Hairong Lv, Jigang Wang, Chengzhan Zhu, and Rui Jiang

S B253 "Network features of simultaneous EEG and fMRI predict working memory load" Yutong Wang, Ying Liu, Yao Li, and Xiaojie Zhao

S B334 "Weakly Supervised Vitiligo Segmentation in Skin Image through Saliency Propagation" Zhangxing Bian, Siyu Xia, Chao Xia, and Ming Shao

S B385 "Bone Age Assessment by Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Combined with Clinical TW3-RUS" Xiaohong Liu, Guangyu Wang, Yiming Xu, Ning Chen, and Ting Chen

Tuesday, 11/19: First Afternoon sessions

Session 5: Biomedical Intelligence 2

(session chair: Dr. Jim Keller)

R B422 "A Machine Learning Approach for Quality Assurance of SNOMED CT" Ankur Agrawal and Kashifuddin Qazi

R B638 "An Unsupervised Framework for Detecting Early Signs of Illness in Eldercare" Omar Ibrahim, James Keller, and Mihail Popescu

S B384 "DeepTriager: A Neural Attention Model for Emergency Triage with Electronic Health Records" Guangyu Wang, Xiaohong Liu, Ken Xie, Ning Chen, and Ting Chen

S B418 "A Systematic Framework for Drug Repurposing based on Literature Mining" Gaocai Dong, Ping Zhang, Jingya Yang, Dongdong Zhang, and Jing Peng

S B445 "Combined Self-attention Mechanism For Biomedical Event Trigger Identification" Zhichang Zhang and Ruifang Zhang

S B473 "Optical Flow, Positioning, and Eye Coordination: Automating the Annotation of Physician-Patient Interactions" Daniel Gutstein, Enid Montague, Jacob Furst, and Daniela Raicu

S B486 "Phenotyping Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome Using Temporal Trends in Critically Ill Children" Emily Stroup, Yuan Luo, and L. Nelson Sanchez-Pinto

Session 6: Biological Network Analysis 2

(session chair: Dr. Yang Dai)

R B691 "CoPath: discovering cooperative driver pathways using greedy mutual exclusivity and bi-clustering" Ziying Yang, Guoxian Yu, Jiantao Yu, Maozu Guo, and Jun Wang

R B706 "Prediction of Microbe-Drug Associations Based on KATZ Measure" Lingzhi Zhu, Guihua Duan, Cheng Yan, and Jianxin Wang

S B413 "HNEDTI: Prediction of drug-target interaction based on heterogeneous network embedding" zhangli lu, yake wang, min zeng, and Min Li

S B461 "Network Analysis of Antibiotic Resistance Identifies Compelling Mutations across Pathways" Kimia Ameri and Kathryn Cooper

S B526 "Hypergraph Clustering Based on Intra-class Scatter Matrix for Mining Higher-order Microbial Module" Limin Yu, Xianjun Shen, Xingpeng Jiang, Jincai Yang, Yujuan Yang, and Duo Zhong

S B550 "Multi-classification of Cancer Samples based on Co-expression Analyses" Hongyang Jiang, Qiang Huang, Liang Chen, Zhi Li, Ying Xu, Huiyan Sun, and Yi Chang

S B592 "Measuring Disease Similarity Based on Multiple Heterogeneous Disease Information Networks" Ling Tian, Jianliang Gao, Jianxin Wang, and Xiaohua Hu

Session 7: Biomedical Signal & Image

Analysis 2 (session chair: Dr. Surya


R B432 "Fusing Transformer Model with Temporal Features for ECG Heartbeat Classification" Genshen Yan, Shen Liang, Yanchun Zhang, and Fan Liu

R B453 "Predicting Tumor Mutational Burden from Liver Cancer Pathological Images Using Convolutional Neural Network" Hong Zhang, Fei Ren, Zhonglie Wang, Xiaosong Rao, Li Li, Junbo Hao, Rui Yan, Jiancheng Luo, Ming Du, and Fa Zhang

R B480 "Estimating Brain Effective Connectivity in fMRI Data by Non-stationary Dynamic Bayesian Networks" Jinduo Liu, Junzhong Ji, Liuyi Yao, and Aidong Zhang

S B257 "Joint 2D-3D Breast Cancer Classification" Gongbo Liang, Xiaoqin Wang, Yu Zhang, Xin Xing, Hunter Blanton, Tawfiq Salem, and Nathan Jacobs

S B541 "NIV-NGM - A Novel Non-invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Method based on Near-infrared Videos" Weijie Liu, Guangyu Wang, Anpeng Huang, and Ping Wang

S B667 "Self Tuned Adaptive Filter for Estimation and Removal of Power Line Interference from Electrocardiogram" Inam Ur Rehman, Nauman Razzaq, and Tahir Zaidi

S B693 "2D Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Classification" Yu Zhang, Xiaoqin Wang, Hunter Blanton, Gongbo Liang, Xin Xing, and Nathan Jacobs

Session 8: Medical images 1 (session

chair: Dr. Haohan Wang)

R B343 "Global Bank: A Guided Pathway of Encoding and Decoding for Pathological Image Analysis" Hansheng Li, Baosheng Kang, Lei Cui, Yuxin Kang, Feihong Liu , Wenli Hui, Chunbao Wang, Jun Feng, and Lin Yang

R B370 "Medical Image Collaborative Training Based on Multi-Blockchain" Wanlu Zhang, Qigang Wang, and Mei Li

R B555 "Semi-supervised Attention-guided CycleGAN for Data Augmentation in Medical Image" Zhenghua Xu, Chang Qi, and Guizhi Xu

S B529 "CeliacNet: Celiac Disease Severity Diagnosis on Duodenal Histopathological Images Using Deep Residual Networks" Rasoul Sali, Lubaina Ehsan, Kamran Kowsari, Marium Khan, Christopher A. Moskaluk, Sana Syed, and Donald E. Brown

S B344 "Liver Segmentation in CT Images Using a Non-Local Fully Convolutional Neural Network" Lei Chen, Hong Song, Qiang Li, Yutao Cui, Jian Yang, and Xiaohua Tony Hu

S B367 "Blind Image Inpainting Using Pyramid GAN on Thyroid Ultrasound Images" Xuewei Li, Hongqian Shen, Mei Yu, Xi Wei, Jialin Zhu, Jie Gao, Zhiqiang Liu, Yulin Zhang, and Ruiguo Yu

S B377 "A Squeeze Convolutional Network For MRI Right Ventricle Segmentation" Zexiong Liu Zexiong Liu and Xuan Yang Xuan Yang

Tuesday, 11/19: Second Afternoon sessions

Session 9: Biomedical Intelligence &

Precision Medicine (session chair: Dr. Sunghwan Sohn)

S B499 "Tentative diagnosis prediction via deep understanding of patient narratives" Ying Yu, Min Li, Fang-Xiang Wu, and Jianxin Wang

S B533 "Predictive Multi-level Patient Representations from Electronic Health Records" Zichang Wang, Haoran Li, Luchen Liu, Haoxian Wu, and Ming Zhang

S B536 "Semi-supervised learning for classification on Chinese drug treatment questions" xinyuan wang and Jiangtao Ren

S B623 "Using Fuzzy Neural Network in Clinical Decision Support for Patients with Advanced Heart Failure" Heming Yao, Keith Aaronson, Lu Lu, Jonathan Gryak, Kayvan Najarian, and Jessica Golbus

S B699 "Deep Neural Networks with Broad Views for Parkinson's Disease Screening" Xiaobo Zhang, Yan Yang, Hao Wang, Shangming Ning, and Heng Wang

S B448 "Varying Mutational Classes Illuminate Differential Genetic Patterns Between Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder" Weidi Wang, Yu Fang, Xue Jiang, Wu Huang, Zhen Wang, and Guan Ning Lin

S B528 "Genomic Diagnosis over Encrypted Genomes: A Hardware-Aided Cryptographic Approach" Minxin Du, Sherman S. M. Chow, Qian Wang, and Xiang Yue

Session 10: Computational Systems

Biology (session chair: Dr. Yang Dai)

R B438 "DMIL-III: Isoform-isoform interaction prediction using deep multi-instance learning" Jie Zeng, Guoxian Yu, Jun Wang, Maozu Guo, and Xiangliang Zhang

R B243 "Pattern formation analysis by colored Petri nets with quantitative manipulation of a gene" Fei Liu, Ena Yamamoto, Katsunobu Shirahama, Tsubasa Saitoh, Shuhei Aoyama, Yumiko Harada, Ryutaro Murakami, and Hiroshi Matsuno

R B399 "DoRC: Discovery of rare cells from ultra-large scRNA-seq data" Xiang Chen, Fang-Xiang Wu, Jin Chen, and Min Li

S B282 "A Novel Algorithm for Prioritizing Disease Candidate Genes from the Weighted PPI Network" XIWEI TANG, BIHAI ZHAO, and QIU XIAO

S B442 "BnBeeEpi: An Approach of Epistasis Mining Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Optimizing Bayesian Network" Chen Yang, Hui Gao, Xuan Yang, Suiyu Huang, Yulong Kan, and Jianxiao Liu

R B682 "Protein Ubiquitylation and Sumoylation Site Prediction Based on Ensemble and Transfer Learning" Fei He, Rui Wang, Yanxin Gao, Duolin Wang, Yang Yu, Dong Xu, and Xiaowei Zhao

R B388 "LncRNA-disease Association Prediction Based on Autoencoder and Rotation Forest" Jincai Yang, Shunping Ma, and Xingpeng Jiang

R B579 "Predicting circRNA-disease associations using deep generative adversarial network based on multi-source fusion information" Lei Wang, Zhu-Hong You, Li-Ping Li, Kai Zheng, and Yan-Bin Wang

Session 11: SNPs and Haplotype Analysis,

GWAS, Personalized Genomics (session

chair: Dr. Ankur Agrawal)

R B506 "Ant Colony Optimization with Self-Evolving Parameter for Detecting Epistatic Interactions" Boxin Guan, Yuhai Zhao, Yuan Li, and Ying Yin

S B518 "Graph-structured Sparse Mixed Models for Genetic Association with Confounding Factors Correction" Haohan Wang, Changpeng Lu, Wei Wu, and Eric Xing

S B652 "FaceSNPs: Identifying Face-Related SNPs from the Human Genome" Somadina Mbadiwe, Jeremy Dawson, and Donald Adjeroh

R B660 "A Global Similarity Learning for Clustering of Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data" Xiaoshu Zhu, Lilu Guo, Yunpei Xu, Hong-Dong Li, Fang-Xiang Wu, Jianxin Wang, and Xiaoqing Peng

S N208 “Interpretable machine learning approaches for understanding functional genomics in brain disorders” Daifeng Wang

S B347 "Identifying functional evolution processes according to the pathological stages of colorectal cancer" Bolin Chen, Manting Yang, Li Gao, and Xuequn Shang

Session 12: Biomedical Signal & Image

Analysis 3 (session chair: Dr. Ashis Kumer


R B570 "Cardiac Motion Tracking in Short-axis MRI using Siamese Convolution Network" Jiangyue Tang Jiangyue Tang, Ziyu Gan Ziyu Gan, and Xuan Yang Xuan Yang

R B577 "Brain MRI Super-resolution Reconstruction using a Multi-level and Parallel Conv-Deconv Network" Lulu Wang, Jinglong Du, Ali Gholipour, Zhongshi He, and Yuanyuan Jia

R B594 "Cerebrovascular Segmentation Algorithm based on Focused Multi-Gaussians model and weighted 3D Markov Random Field" Zhilong Lv, Rui Yan, Xinyu Liu, Zhongke Wu, Yicheng Zhu, Shiwei Sun, Fa Zhang, Xingce Wang, and Xiaohua Wan

R B618 "Wavelet-Based Compression and Estimation of the N-State Stochastic Microtubule Signal" Vineetha Menon and Shantia Yarahmadian

S B715 "Texture-based Deep Learning for Effective Histopathological Cancer Image Classification" Nelson Zange Tsaku, Sai Kosaraju, Tasmia Aqila, Mohammad Masum, Dae Hyun Song, Ananda M. Monda, Hyun Min Koh, and Mingon Kang

Wednesday, 11/20: Morning sessions

Session 13: Computational

Biology 1 (session chair: Dr. Chinwe Ekenna)

R B495 "An Application of Random Walk Resampling to Phylogenetic HMM Inference and Learning" Wei Wang, Qiqige Wuyun, and Kevin Liu

R B670 "AttentionDTA: prediction of drug–target binding affinity using attention model" Qichang zhao, Fen Xiao, Mengyun Yang, Yaohang Li, and Jianxin Wang

S B576 "Phylogeny-RF: A novel Phylogeny guided Random Forest Approach for classifying 16S rRNA Metagenomic Data" Jyotsna Talreja Wassan, Haiying Wang, Fiona Browne, and Huiru Zheng

R B248 "Identifying Near-Native Protein Structures via Anomaly Detection" Sivani Tadepalli, Nasrin Akhter, Daniel Barbara, and Amarda Shehu

R B323 "Identification of protein hot regions by integrated machine learning algorithm" Jing Hu, Haomin Gan, Xiaolong Zhang, and Nansheng Chen

S B224 "A Deep Neural Network for Antimicrobial Peptide Recognition" Jianyuan Lin, Xiangxiang Zeng, Yun Zuo, and Xiangrong Liu

S N207 “Detecting somatic mutations with high accuracy in plasma cell-free DNA with TNER2” Shibing Deng, Joy Hsu, Jadwiga Bienkowska, Paul Rejto, and Tao Xie

S B694 "Functional similarities of protein-coding genes in spatially-proximate genomic regions" Chenguang Zhao, Tong Liu, and Zheng Wang

S B683 "B-cell Epitope Prediction Method based on Deep Ensemble Architecture and Sequences" Pingping Sun, Yang Yu, Rui Wang, Mingjun Cheng, Zhiguo Zhou, and Hui Sun

Session 14: Healthcare

Informatics 1 (session chair: Dr. Ashis Kumer Biswas)

R B669 "Supervised Mixture Models for Population Health" Xiao Shou, Georgios Mavroudeas, Alexander New, Kofi Arhin, Jason Kuruzovich, Malik Magdon-Ismail, and Kristin Bennett

R B306 "Prioritization of Multi-Level Risk Factors for Obesity" Lu Wang, Dongxiao Zhu, Ming Dong, and Elizabeth Towner

R B464 "The Utility of Shapelets for Analyzing Physical Activity of COPD Patients and non-COPD controls" Yuan An, Siling Chen, Nicholas Locantore, Matthew Allinder, Divya Mohan, and Russell Bowler

S B654 "Estimating Biological Age from Physical Activity using Deep Learning with 3D CNN" Syed Ashiqur Rahman and Donald Adjeroh

S B261 "Representing UMLS knowledge using FHIR Terminological Resources" Rishi Saripalle

S B439 "Inpatient2Vec: Medical Representation Learning for Inpatients" Ying Wang, Xiao Xu, Tao Jin, Xiang Li, Guotong Xie, and Jianmin Wang

R B431 "Automatic ICD code assignment utilizing textual descriptions and hierarchical structure of ICD code" Yuwen Chen and Jiangtao Ren

Session 15: Biomedical Data/Text

Mining (session chair: Dr. Sunghwan Sohn)

R B484 "OverlapLDA: A Generative Approach for Literature-Based Discovery" Juncheng Ding and Wei Jin

R B629 "CTGA: Graph-based Biomedical Literature Search" Tianwen Jiang, Zhihan Zhang, Tong Zhao, Bing Qin, Ting Liu, Nitesh Chawla, and Meng Jiang

R B645 "Active Learning with Deep Pre-trained Models for Sequence Tagging of Clinical and Biomedical Texts" Artem Shelmanov, Vadim Liventsev, Danil Kireev, Nikita Khromov, Alexander Panchenko, and Dmitry Dylov

R B687 "SCENARIO: Discovery of Similar Aspects for Gene Similarity Explanation from Gene Information Network" Yidan Zhang, Lei Duan, Huiru Zheng, Jesse Li-Ling, Bin Hu, Ruiqi Qin, and Chengxin He

S B547 "Microbial Interaction Extraction from Biomedical Literature using Max-Bi-LSTM" Zhong Ran, Xusheng Li, Sun Xia, Fu Chengcheng, Jiang Xingpeng, and He Tingting

S B620 "Analysis and Visualization of Mutation Enrichments for Selected Genomic Regions and Cancer Types" Andrea Gulino, Eirini Stamoulakatou, Arif Canakoglu, and Pietro Pinoli

Session 16: Machine Leaning

Methods in Bioinformatics 1

(session chair: Dr. Chunjiang


R B238 "Predicting gene-disease associations via graph embedding and graph convolutional networks" Zhaolin Hong, Lvxing Zhu, and Haoran Zheng

R B259 "Predicting Disease Genes Using Connectivity and Functional Features" Lorenzo Madeddu, Giovanni Stilo, and Paola Velardi

R B291 "LncRNA–disease association prediction through combining linear and non-linear features with matrix factorization and deep learning techniques" min zeng, Chengqian Lu, Fuhao Zhang, Fang-Xiang Wu, Yaohang Li, and Min Li

R B313 "Predicting gene-disease associations from the heterogeneous network using graph embedding" Xiaochan Wang, Yuchong Gong, Jing Yi, and Wen Zhang

S B288 "Interpretable Prediction of Protein-Ligand Interaction by Convolutional Neural Network" Fan Hu, Jiaxin Jiang, and Peng Yin

S B292 "Deep learning enables accurate alignment of single cell RNA-seq data" Yuanke Zhong, Jing Li, Jie Liu, Yan Zheng, Xuequn Shang, and Jialu Hu

S B395 "GraphCPI: Graph Neural Representation Learning for Compound-Protein Interaction" Zhe Quan, Yan Guo, Xuan Lin, Zhi-Jie Wang, and Xiangxiang Zeng

Session 17: Machine Learning for

Medicine 1 (session chair: Dr. Daniel Gutstein)

R B350 "A New Approach to Batch Effect Removal Based on Distribution Matching in Latent Space" Huaqing Li, Haluk Dogan, and Juan Cui

R B508 "Drug Target Interaction Prediction using Multi-task Learning and Co-attention" Yuyou Weng, Chen Lin, Xiangxiang Zeng, Xiangrong Liu, Yun Liang, and Hui Li

R B509 "Deep Inductive Matrix Completion for Biomedical Interaction Prediction" Haohan Wang, Yibing Wei, Mengxin Cao, Min Xu, Wei Wu, and Eric Xing

R B532 "Recognizing Nested Named Entity in Biomedical Texts: A Neural Network Model with Multi-Task Learning" Hao Fei, Yafeng Ren, and Donghong Ji

S B478 "Integrated Multi-omics Analysis Using Variational Autoencoders: Application to Pan-cancer Classification" Xiaoyu Zhang, Jingqing Zhang, Kai Sun, Xian Yang, Chengliang Dai, and Yike Guo

S B523 "Overlook Graph Representation for Absence Epilepsy Classification" Jialin Wang, Dake He, Ye Wang, Jiangang Ma, Yanchun Zhang, Jiaqiu Shen, and Xiaoyuan Hong

S B640 "Variational Autoencoder based Latent Factor Decoding of Multichannel EEG for Emotion Recognition" Xiang Li

S B227 "Forest Representation Learning with Multiscale Contour Feature Learning for Leaf Cultivar Classification" Wenbo Zheng, Chao Gou, Lan Yan, and Fei-Yue Wang

S B740 "Lung Disease Classification using Deep Convolutional Neural Network" Zeenat Tariq, Sayed Khushal Shah, and Yugyung Lee

Wednesday, 11/20: First afternoon sessions

Session 18: Computational

Biology 2 (session chair: Dr. Po-

Lin Chiu)

R B380 "DMCTOP: Topology Prediction of Alpha-Helical Transmembrane Protein Based on Deep Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network" Han Wang, Yuning Yang, Jiawen Yu, Xi Wang, Pingping Sun, Dawei Zhao, and Dong Xu

R B521 "PNAB: Prediction of protein-nucleic acid binding affinity using heterogeneous ensemble models" Wenyi Yang and Lei Deng

R B582 "A deep neural network approach using distributed representations of RNA sequence and structure for identifying binding site of RNA-binding proteins" Lei Deng, Youzhi Liu, Yechuan Shi, and Hui Liu

S B284 "Predicting protein functions through non-negative matrix factorization regularized by protein-protein interaction network and gene functional information" Wei Peng, Lun Li, Wei Dai, Jielin Du, and Wei Lan

S B360 "Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Selection of Near-Native Protein Tertiary Structures" Nasrin Akhter, Raviteja Vangara, Gopinath Chennupati, Boian Alexandrov, Hristo Djidjev, and Amarda Shehu

S B389 "A Weighted Voting Algorithm for Detecting Reliable Common Lines in Single Particle Cryo-EM" Xiangwen Wang, Yonggang Lu, Zhenyu Lu, Xingcheng Ran, and Jiaxuan Liu

S B558 "A Protein Complex Identification Algorithm Based on essential protein" Junmin Zhao and Jingpu Zhang

R B639 "OnTimeURB: Multi-Cloud Resource Brokering for Bioinformatics Workflows" Ashish Pandey, Zhen Lyu, Trupti Joshi, and Prasad Calyam

Session 19: Healthcare

Informatics 2 (session chair: Dr. Dhundy Bastola)

R B311 "Depth Sensor-Based In-Home Daily Activity Recognition and Assessment System for Stroke Rehabilitation" Zoe Moore, Carter Sifferman, Shaniah Tullis, Mengxuan Ma, Rachel Proffitt, and Marjorie Skubic

R B626 "vGuard: A Spatio-temporal Efficiency Supervision Method For Vaccine Production Based On Double-level Blockchain" Xing Hu, Shaoliang Peng, Chengnian Long, and Lijun Wei

S B401 "Survival Prediction from Longitudinal Health Insurance Data using Graph Pattern Mining" Yongjian Ren, Kun Zhang, and Yuliang Shi

S B573 "Biclsutering-sim: A Novel Method to Identify Abnormal Co-occurrence Medical Visit Behaviors" Ruican Li, Hui Li, Wei Guo, and Lizhen Cui

S B659 "Feature-aware Multi-task feature learning for Predicting Cognitive Outcomes in Alzheimer’s disease" Peng Cao, Shanshan Tang, Min Huang, Jinzhu Yang, Dazhe Zhao, and Osmar Zaiane

S B575 "SHAREChain: Healthcare data sharing framework using Blockchain-registry and FHIR" Ah Ra Lee, Min Gyu Kim, and Il Kon Kim

S B595 "Building a Risk Model for the Patient-centred Care of Multiple Chronic Diseases" Stephane Deparis, Pierpaolo Tommasi, Alessandra Pascale, Hicham Rifai, Julie Doyle, and John Dinsmore

Session 20: Cheminformatics and

Computer-Aided Drug Design

(session chair: Dr.)

R B271 "TOP: towards better toxicity prediction using deep mixed molecular representation learning" Peng yuzhong, Ziqiao Zhang, Qizhi Jiang, Jihong Guan, and Shuigeng Zhou

R B562 "DeepAtom: A Framework for Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity Prediction" Yanjun Li, Mohammad A. Rezaei, Chenglong Li, and Xiaolin Li

R B566 "DeepDock: Enhancing Ligand-protein Interaction Prediction by a Combination of Ligand and Structure Information" Zhirui Liao, Ronghui You, Xiaodi Huang, Xiaojun Yao, Tao Huang, and Shanfeng Zhu

S B319 "Molecular Graph Generation with Deep Reinforced Multitask Network and Adversarial Imitation Learning" Chenrui Zhang, Xiaoqing Lyu, Yifeng Huang, Zhi Tang, and Zhenming Liu

S B637 "Accelerating Large-Scale Molecular Similarity Search through Exploiting High Performance Computing" Chunjiang Zhu, Tan Zhu, Haining Li, Jinbo Bi, and Minghu Song

S B442 "BnBeeEpi: An Approach of Epistasis Mining Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Optimizing Bayesian Network" Chen Yang, Hui Gao, Xuan Yang, Suiyu Huang, Yulong Kan, and Jianxiao Liu

S B616 "Predicting Disease-related Associations based on Graph Attention Adversarial Network" Jinli Zhang, Xiaohua Hu, Zongli Jiang, Bo Song, and Wei Quan

Session 21: Biomedical Text

Mining and Ontologies (session

chair: Dr. Illhoi Yoo)

R B250 "Distantly Supervised Biomedical Named Entity Recognition with Dictionary Expansion" Xuan Wang, Yu Zhang, Qi Li, Xiang Ren, Jingbo Shang, and Jiawei Han

R B327 "An Active Gene Annotation Corpus and Its Application on Anti-epilepsy Drug Discovery" Yuxing Wang, Kaiyin Zhou, Jin-Dong Kim, Kevin Cohen, Mina Gachloo, Yuxin Ren, Shanghui Nie, Xuan Qin, Panzhong Lu, and Jinbo Xia

R B381 "Hierarchical Question-Aware Context Learning with Augmented Data for Biomedical Question Answering" Yongping Du, Wenyang Guo, and Yiliang Zhao

R B423 "Integrating Deep Textual Features to Probability Matrix Factorization for Metabolite-disease Association Prediction" Qing Zhu, Chang Han, Qiang Zhu, Tingting He, and Xingpeng Jiang

R B450 "Unsupervised Annotation of Phenotypic Abnormalities via Semantic Latent Representations on Electronic Health Records" Jingqing Zhang, Xiaoyu Zhang, Kai Sun, Xian Yang, Chengliang Dai, and Yike Guo

Session 22: Machine Leaning

Methods in Bioinformatics 2

(session chair: Dr. Yuan An)

R B409 "LncPred-IEL: A Long Non-coding RNA Prediction Method using Iterative Ensemble Learning" Yanzhen Xu, Xiaohan Zhao, Shuai Liu, Shichao Liu, Yanqing Niu, Wen Zhang, and Leyi Wei

R B417 "LncRNA-miRNA interaction prediction from the heterogeneous network through graph embedding ensemble learning" Shuang Zhou, Xiang Yue, Xinran Xu, Shichao Liu, Wen Zhang, and Yanqing Niu

R B472 "Statistical Linear Models in Virus Genomic Alignment-free Classification: Application to Hepatitis C Viruses" Amine M. Remita and Abdoulaye Baniré Diallo

S B516 "DeePEL: Deep learning architecture to recognize p-lncRNA and e-lncRNA promoters" Tanvir Alam, Mohammad Islam, Sebastian Schmeier, Mowafa Househ, and Dena A. Al-Thani

S B524 "Prediction of Drug Classes with a Deep Neural Network using Drug Targets and Chemical Structure Data" Jeonghee Jo, Hyun-Soo Choi, and Sungroh Yoon

S B641 "Predicting the Expression Profile for Plasmodium Falciparum Genes during the Blood Stage Life Cycle" Tuan Tran, Tania Rajpersaud, and Chinwe Ekenna

S B747 "Extracting Drug-drug Interactions with a Dependency-based Graph Convolution Neural Network" Wuti Xiong, Fei Li, Hong Yu, and Donghong Ji

Wednesday, 11/20: Second afternoon sessions

Session 23: Computational

Biology 3 (session chair: Dr. Po-

Lin Chiu)

R B599 "DKCirc2GO: Predicting Gene Ontology of circRNAs Using Dual KATZ Approach" Lei Deng, Xin sun, and Jingpu Zhang

R B636 "Domain Randomization for Macromolecule Structure Classification and Segmentation in Electron Cyro-tomograms" Chengqian Che, Zhou Xian, Xiangrui Zeng, Xin Gao, and Min Xu

R B665 "Regularized Adversarial Training (RAT) for Robust Cellular Electron Cryo Tomograms Classification" Xindi Wu, Yijun Mao, Haohan Wang, Xiangrui Zeng, Xin Gao, Eric Xing, and Min Xu

S B540 "D2VCB: A Hybrid Deep Neural Network for the Prediction of in-vivo Protein-DNA Binding from Combined DNA Sequence" Lei Deng, Hui Wu, and Hui Liu

S B416 "Win-win Cooperation: A Novel Dual-Modal Dual-Label Algorithm for Membrane Proteins Function Pre-screen" Yi Zhang, Zhecheng Zhang, Hao Cheng, Hengyang Lu, Lei Zhang, Chongjun Wang, and Junyuan Xie

Session 24: Healthcare

Informatics 3 (session chair: Dr. Yuan An)

R B563 "Multi-level Glioma Segmentation using 3D U-Net Combined Attention Mechanism with Atrous Convolution" Jianhong Cheng, Jin Liu, Liangliang Liu, Yi Pan, and Jianxin Wang

S B210 "Discriminative Multi-label Model Reuse for Diagnosing Parkinson's Disease" Yi Zhang, Zhecheng Zhang, Yinlong Zhu, Lei Zhang, Chongjun Wang, and Junyuan Xie

S B468 "Midline Shift vs Mid-Surface Shift: Correlation with Outcome of Traumatic Brain Injuries" Cheng Jiang, Jie Cao, Craig Williamson, Venkatakrishna Rajajee, Jonathan Gryak, Kayvan Najarian, and Reza Soroushmehr

R B440 "Fine-Grained Thyroid Nodule Classification via Multi-Semantic Attention Network" Shuai Li, Yuting Guo, Wenfeng Song, Zhennan Pang, Bo Zhang, and Hong Qin

R N205 “Knowledge Abstraction Matching for Medical Question Answering” Jun Chen, Jingbo Zhou, Zhenhui Shi, Bin Fan, and Chengliang Luo

Session 25: Analysis in

Bioinformatics 1 (session chair:

Dr. Chinwe Ekenna)

R B696 "Recurrent Neural Network for Gene Regulation Network Construction on Time Series Expression Data" Yue Zhao, Pujan Joshi, and Dong-Guk Shin

R B631 "Drug-drug Interaction Prediction with Graph Representation Learning" Xin Chen, Xien Liu, and Ji Wu

R B549 "Detection of Cell Types from Single-cell RNA-seq Data using Similarity via Kernel Preserving Learning Embedding" Zeming Liu, Chengzhi Hong, Meng Gao, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Wen Zhang, and Feng Liu

R B522 "MHCherryPan, a novel model to predict the bindingaffinity of pan-specific class I HLA-peptide" Xuezhi Xie, Yuanyuan Han, and Kaizhong Zhang

R B225 "Y-SPCR: A new dimensionality reduction method for gene expression data classification" Jie Li, Zhun Zhao, Li Zhou, and Yadong Wang

S B585 "MUFold-Contact and TPCref: New Methods for Protein Structure Contact Prediction and Refinement" Jeffrey Ruffolo, Zhaoyu Li, and Yi Shang

Session 26: Modeling and Data

Integration (session chair: Dr. Dhundy Bastola)

R B455 "de novo repeat detection based on the third generation sequencing reads" Xingyu Liao, Xiankai Zhang, Fang-Xiang Wu, and Jianxin Wang

R B574 "Identifying Common Driver Pathways based on Pan-cancer Data" Jingli Wu, Ke Pan, Kai Zhu, and Qirong Cai

R B677 "Multi-Stage Probabilistic Bipartite Graph Algorithm - Effect of Herbal Medicines on the Gut Ecosystem" Suganya Chandrababu and Dhundy Bastola

S B268 "Effect of Funny Current’s Properties on Creating Engineered Biological Pacemaker" Yacong Li, Kuanquan Wang, Qince Li, Cunjin Luo, Xiangyun Bai, and Henggui Zhang

S B376 "Toward Depression Recognition Using EEG and Eye Tracking: An Ensemble Classification Model CBEM" Jing Zhu, Zihan Wang, Shuai Zeng, Xiaowei Li, Bin Hu, Xin Zhang, Chen Xia, Lan Zhang, and Zhijie Ding

S B398 "CP Decomposition for Integrative Disease Subtyping" Diana Diaz, Aliccia Bollig-Fisher, and Alexander Kotov

S B544 "Monte Carlo Tree Search for 3D/2D Registration of Vessel Graphs" Jianjun Zhu, Shuang Song, Shuai Guo, Danni Ai, Jingfan Fan, Hong Song, Ping Liang, and Jian Yang

S B634 "Data Provenance Management of Bioinformatics Workflows in Federated Clouds" Polyane Wercelens, Waldeyr da Silva, Klayton Castro, Aletéia Araújo, Sérgio Lifschitz, and Maristela Holanda

Session 27: Machine Learning for

Medicine 2 (session chair: Dr.

Illhoi Yoo)

R B565 "Continuous Pain Assessment Using Ensemble Feature Selection from Wearable Sensor Data" Fan Yang, Tanvi Banerjee, Mark Panaggio, Daniel Abrams, and Nirmish Shah

R B269 "Early Prediction of Vital Signs Using Generative Boosting via LSTM Networks" SHIYU LIU, JIA YAO, and Mehul Motani

R B332 "An Improved Biomedical Event Trigger Identification Framework via Modeling Document with Hierarchical Attention" Jinyong Zhang, Dandan Fang, Weizhong Zhao, Jincai Yang, Wen Zou, Xingpeng Jiang, and Tingting He

S B387 "Health Insurance Anomaly Detection Based on Dynamic Heterogeneous Information Network" Bei Zhao, Yuliang Shi, Kun Zhang, and Zhongmin Yan

S B217 "Discovery of a Sepsis Patients Severity Prediction via Pre-training BiLSTM Networks" Qing Li, Lei Huang, Jiang Zhong, Lili Li, Qi Li, and Junhao Hu

S B221 "Multivariate Time Series Missing Data Imputation Using Recurrent Denoising Autoencoder" Jianye Zhang and Peng Yin

S B712 "Hierarchical Adaptive Multi-task Learning Framework for Patient Diagnoses and Diagnostic Category Classification" Salim Malakouti and Milos Hauskrecht

Thursday, 11/21: Morning sessions

Session 28: Medical images 2 (session

chair: Dr. Haohan Wang)

R B320 "Automatic Tongue Image Segmentation For Real-Time Remote Diagnosis" Xinlei LI, Dawei YANG, Lizhe QI, Fufeng LI, and Wenqiang Zhang

S B475 "Low Dose CT Image Denoising Using Multi-level Feature Fusion Network and Edge Constraints" Dongdong Ren, Jinbao Li, Lingli Li, and Haiwei Pan

S B556 "Tumor Segmentation Based on Deeply Supervised Multi-Scale U-Net" Lei Wang, Bo Wang, and Zhenghua Xu

S B542 "Higher-order Transfer Learning for Pulmonary Nodule Attribute Prediction in Chest CT Images" Qingfeng Wang, Jun Huang, Zhiqin Liu, Jie-Zhi Cheng, Ying Zhou, Qiyu Liu, Yaobin Wang, Xuehai Zhou, and Chao Wang

S B657 "A CNN-based approach for three-class classification of motor imagery EEG data including 'rest state' in hybrid multi-user BCI" Jianhai Zhang, Chongwei Su, Dariusz Zapala, Li Zhu, Gaochao Cui, and Wanzeng Kong

S B711 "Ultrasound Tongue Contour Extraction using Dilated Convolutional Neural Network" M. Hamed Mozaffari, Chanho Kim, and Won-Sook Lee

S B721 "Discrepancy Guided Data Augmentation and Domain Adaptation for Vessel Segmentation in X-ray Angiograms" Shuo Wang, Yang Hua, Heng Cao, Yuxin Ma, Tao Song, Zhengui Xue, Ruhui Ma, and Haibing Guan

Session 29: Analysis in Bioinformatics 2

(session chair: Dr. Po-Lin Chiu)

R B578 "Classification of Schizophrenia by Iterative Random Forest Feature Selection Based on DNA Methylation Array Data" Xinyu Hu, Min Li, Linconghua Wang, Xingyi Li, Fang-Xiang Wu, and Jianxin Wang

R B242 "DualRank: multiplex network-based dual ranking for heterogeneous complex disease analysis" Xingyi Li, Ju Xiang, Fang-Xiang Wu, and Min Li

R B322 "Extraction of Voice Parameters from Continuous Running Speech for Pulmonary Disease Monitoring" Viswam Nathan, Md Mahbubur Rahman, Korosh Vatanparvar, Ebrahim Nemati, and Jilong Kuang

R B538 "A two-variate phenotype-targeted test for detection of phenotypic biomarkers on breast cancer" Jinxiong lv, Shikui Tu, and Lei Xu

R B337 "Acceleration of the Pair-HMM forward algorithm on FPGA with cloud integration for GATK" Rick Wertenbroek and Yann Thoma

S B554 "Large-scale Parallel Design for Cryo-EM Structure Determination on Heterogeneous Many-core Architectures" Liang Qiao, Hongkun Yu, Kunpeng Wang, Ruixin Sun, Wenlai Zhao, and Guangwen Yang

S B663 "Computational predictions of host-pathogen interactions using domain and sequence signature" Dibyajyoti Das, Sowmya Ramaswami Krishnan, Gopalakrishnan Bulusu, and Arijit Roy

Session 30: Machine Learning for

Medicine 3 (Removed)

R B537 "A General Fine-tuned Transfer Learning Model for Predicting Clinical Task Acrossing Diverse EHRs Datasets" Zhe Sun, Shaoliang Peng, Yaning Yang, Xiaoqi Wang, and Fei Li

S B675 "Convolutional Neural Network with an Element-wise Filter to Classify Dynamic Functional Connectivity" Zhihui Chen, Junzhong Ji, and Yin Liang

S B678 "Deep Forest with Cross-shaped Window Scanning Mechanism to Extract Topological Features" Junwei Li, Junzhong Ji, Yin Liang, Xiaodan Zhang, and Zihan Wang

S B400 "GATB-LSTM: Medical Treatment Behavior Prediction Based on Health Insurance Data" Lin Cheng, Yuliang Shi, Kun Zhang, and Zhiyong Chen

R B214 "A Novel Framework for Maternal ECG Removal from Single-Channel Abdominal Recording" Wei Zhong, Zhongping Cao, Xuemei Guo, and Guoli Wang

R B341 "Structural Network Embedding using Multi-modal Deep Auto-encoders for Predicting Drug-drug Interactions" Shichao Liu, Ziyang Huang, Yang Qiu, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, and Wen Zhang

S B338 "Automatic Epileptic Seizure Detection via Attention-Based CNN-BiRNN" Chengbin Huang, Weiting Chen, and Guitao Cao

Session 31: Computational Biology and

Bioinformatics (Removed)



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Late November or Early December, Seoul, S.Korea