DRAGON NEWSLETTER - Chinese International … · family perspective provides invaluable insights...

Post on 06-Sep-2018

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School starts each WED at 8:20 AM

Important Dates

October 27 Halloween Activities October 30 to November 3 - All

Saint’s / Soul’s Day Break (No Classes)

November 30 - Bonifacio Day (No Classes)

Chinese International School Manila October 6, 2017

Tim Boulton

Head of Schools





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Dear Parents, This week I found some time to observe our little ones as they enjoyed time at the play-ground. As I looked on, I contem-plated the importance of physical activity to a child’s social, emo-tional, creative, cognitive, and physical development. I have read before that play is essential for optimal brain development, and that a lack of spontaneous play can, in fact, be harmful to a child’s growth. One of the most common behaviors that I saw was climbing; it made me realize that children are built for physical play and have an innate propensity to do so. Our learners were clearly de-veloping a number of capacities including agility, balance, coordi-nation, and spatial awareness. Being honest, the ground was a bit moist and the sun was quite hot, so I am definitely looking for-ward to the installation of sun-shades and other playground en-hancements, which will com-mence in April 2018.

Building effective parent-school partnerships

Today we conducted our first round of Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTCs) for the 2017-18 school year. Through these interviews, we aim to foster positive parent-school partnerships that improve stu-dents’ educational outcomes. As an inclusive school, we recognize the positive impact of parent partnerships on student learning. The family perspective provides invaluable insights and information for educators as to what each child needs to be successful in school. In our experience, the most successful school-parent part-nerships result when the needs of the child form the basis of all in-teractions. Further, when parents are full partners in the decision-making process they feel more trusted and valued, which fosters mutual respect. In this context, we are striving to maintain a climate that welcomes parents and that expresses concern for their needs, as well as the child’s.

“we all want what is best for the child”

At CISM, we hold an underlying belief that we all want what’s best for the child, and as such we are equally willing to share responsi-bility for educational outcomes. Consequently, neither the school nor the parents look to lay blame during challenging times. Rather, we take responsibility for finding solutions and making new agree-ments. For example, while teachers look for new ways to personal-ize instruction, parents can re-enforce lessons by helping their chil-dren with homework and using positive language that helps to moti-vate the child whilst raising his or her confidence. At the end of the day, we are all in this together and our shared partnership is key to each child’s success.

Dragon Newsletter, Page 2 October 13, 2017

MS/HS Student Corner Epic Trials

By: Raymond Joseph Gabriel, Grade 9 IM

2050, space. Gabe learns from his adoptive Martian parents that the Earthling Association of Reliant, Talented Humans (E. A. R. T. H.) is trying to eradicate the whole alien race by first killing Gabe’s alien girlfriend, as she is the main leader of the aliens and the strong foundation of the alien empire. Gabe is determined to rescue her from Deez Troy, the head of the organization. The boys equip themselves and travel to Earth via portal, ready to find the three essential materials needed to defeat Deez. “Here we are, Planet Earth!” Gabe finally shouted after deactivating the portal. “Heard of the new technology? Humans have got smartphones on their hands, mutant species have arisen, and ink cannot ruin paper!” Enzo screamed with joy, admiring the flying cars that whizzed past them. “Do you know where the three bases of the organization are?” Gabe got out a map and tried locating them. “It seems like they are hidden on this map.” “I know where they are. Although they are unseen on a map, the bases are hidden somewhere throughout this quarter of Earth. Right this way!” Enzo directed as he pointed to a path. As the two marched down the path, Gabe suddenly made out the shape of a tree with pink foliage in the midst of a roofed forest. “I am guessing that that is the first base because the tree is different!” And off they went. As soon as they approached the fake tree, Enzo thought of an idea. “I have a pack of nuclear TNT that can de-stroy nearly anything.” With that, he rummaged in his knapsack for the bundle of TNT and fired it in front of the base door. BOOM! Went the dynamites. Gabe and Enzo ran for cover as they disappeared one by one. As the smoke cleared, they saw that the base was still intact—and a pair of hands darted behind the hedge near them. “Quick!” shouted Enzo. “A spy from E. A. R. T. H. has spotted us, and he’s going to report to the gunmen about this!” And he was right. Two friendly little girls opened the door of the base, luring the heroic duo with delicious French fries. “Gabe! That’s my favorite snack! Let us get one pack each.” Enzo licked his lips and followed the girls into the fake tree. The men fell for the girls’ trick, and found themselves in a cage made out of diamond! “We should not have fallen for the fries! It turns out that the girls were the gunmen in disguise!” Gabe murmured as he tried to shake himself out of the unbreakable cage. “Luckily, I have my trusty hacksaw with me, and it can break anything!” With that, he attempted to break free, but unfortunately, the hacksaw couldn’t break the cage as it was an ordinary hacksaw! Brian, the god of geology, heard Gabe and Enzo’s hollers for help. He flew down to the fake tree and appeared to the duo in the form of a talking rock with arms. “Good morning, my fellow heroes!” He whispered. “I have a spe-cial something that can help you. Take this silent laser, and slice through the cage several times. That way, you can escape. Good luck!” With that, he vanished.

Dragon Newsletter, Page 3 October 13, 2017

The police chief of the base fell asleep, giving the opportunity for the two to escape. Gabe slashed lines through the cage, and he and Enzo snuck out without him knowing. With skill and luck, they tried to dodge the lasers near the exit, but clumsy Enzo accidentally stepped on a laser, and the alarm rang. “Quick! before he finds us!” The terrified Gabe panted as he grabbed the glass-breaking rock beside him. The enraged chief and the gunmen were in hot pursuit of the duo as they raced down the path. Gabe, clever as can be, yelled “LOOK! OVER THERE!” and led the gunmen to a herd of mutant man-eating deer. “Phew. Thanks, Gabe!” Enzo whispered in Gabe’s ear. “You are my savior!” “On to the second base!” Gabe proclaimed as they wandered off to a nearby bay. “The water is extremely murky. How are we going to find it?” Enzo shouted, “Remember what your adoptive parents advised us? There is a button on your vest that enables you to breathe underwater.” “Oh, right.” Gabe realized. They pressed the button to find diving helmets on their heads, and they dove into the murky seawater. On the way to the second base, the duo met a group of undines with deceptive, shrill voices. “Brianna must have summoned these monsters to hinder us from obtaining the reverse clock!” Enzo explained. “Who is Brianna?” “She is the goddess of oceans. The aliens must have angered her and that made her want to hinder anybody who is brave enough to complete this quest. You can fight off the undines while I snatch the clock.” Enzo suggested, and swam inside the base. Enzo looked everywhere for the clock—behind the tables, behind the traps, and—could it be? The clock was placed on the bottom right corner of the dark room. As soon as Enzo was about to snatch the clock, a deafening roar filled the base, and a sea serpent entered! Enzo was horrified by the vicious beast that he quickly grabbed his encyclo-pedia and flipped through the pages for information. “Sea serpent—hypnotism—blind its eyes—EUREKA!” He took out his handy pocket knife and swam up to the serpent’s head, creating lacerations in the eyeballs. The serpent thrashed itself wildly, unable to set its eyes on the victim. Enzo had an advantage to trap it in the Chamber of Spikes, which was at the end of the base. He pushed the heavy beast into the chamber and securely bolted the metal doors. “Just right,” he said to himself as he grabbed the reverse clock. “Now, all we need to do is find the third base, which, I’m guessing is disguised as something as well, just like the fake tree”, Gabe explained as the two swam to the surface. Enzo was quickly searching for the hidden clue—an office building near a five-star hotel. “I know that is the base because the logo is the word ‘earth’ in lowercase. Per-haps they have disguised it to trick us that the building is not the base.” He pointed out. “Let’s go in. I bet the real base is on the hundredth floor!” Moments later, the two found themselves in front of a huge door that read, “E. A. R. T. H. property, keep out!” in big, red letters. “Maybe we can take a peek…” Gabe whispered as he slightly opened the door. Carnivorous plants in-fested the room, spied the two heroes (by smelling since they did not have eyes) and carried them to the room at the end of the hall. “Joey, the goddess of botany, must have heard Brianna and created these mutant Venus fly-traps to prevent us from acquiring the golden sledgehammer, which can break any metal!” the terrified scientist yelled as they were thrown in the room. “Oh, no! This room is full of enigmatic illusions! Can you use your wit to solve them?” Gabe uttered. “I sure can,” Enzo assured, and started scribbling the answers on the blackboards. Fortunately, all his answers were correct, and he wiggled his fingers in front of the sledgehammer. As soon as he laid his hands on it, the carnivorous plants rose out of the ground! “Get the encyclopedia from the bag! Just get it!” Came the shouts of Gabe. Enzo flipped through the pages and re-plied, “I currently do not have information about these plants! YOU might have a way to kill them.” Quickly, Gabe grabbed Enzo’s pocket knife and sliced the heads off the plants, revealing a pit full of sharp teeth. “That was close. I wonder what will happen later after all this chaos.” Enzo breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, the plants started to bulge, and the stomachs generated into new heads. “The horror, the horror!” Enzo screamed. “Just cut the heads off and dissect the stomach. I think the plants will stop growing that way.” Gabe did just that and shouted, “Deez Troy, here we come!” Grabbing the sledgehammer, the two then started their peril-ous journey to the headquarters, ready to save Princess Charlize from the tank of stomach acid.

Dragon Newsletter, Page 4 October 13, 2017

Grade 3 Artwork


Julia Jade

Madison Julan Grace


Arwen Marie

Natalie Putri

Dragon Newsletter, Page 5 October 13, 2017

Grade 4 DD Artwork - Color Pencil Rendering




Lira Isabelle Maria

Dragon Newsletter, Page 6 October 13, 2017

Grade 9 IM Artwork - Landscape Painting

Shangrila Daniela Marie


Dragon Newsletter, Page 7 October 13, 2017

Solutions for Last Week:

Each of 18, 4, 32, and 53 leaves a remainder 4 when divided by 7. But 16 leaves remainder 2

when divided by 7.

Dragon Newsletter, Page 8 October 13, 2017

Solution for Last Week:

Across 4. What kings were called in Ancient China 5. Continent that China is located on 6. Type of fabric from a worm Down 1. An invention that you fly on a windy day 2. An invention that helps you with directions 3. An invention that we use today during the 4th of


Fun with Mandarin

Dragon Newsletter, Page 9 October 13, 2017

Dragon Newsletter, Page 10 October 13, 2017

Dragon Newsletter, Page 11 October 13, 2017

Dragon Newsletter, Page 12 October 13, 2017

Dragon Newsletter, Page 13 October 13, 2017

Dragon Newsletter, Page 14 October 13, 2017


Thursday, October 19, 10:00 AM


Monday, October 23, 10:00 AM APU Ritsumeiken (Japan)

Friday, October 27, 9:30 AM

Singapore Management University (SMU)



Dear Parents,

As we continue to streamline the School's security measures, we would like to seek the cooperation of parents in ensuring that their child in Middle School and High School will wear their school IDs at all times while in CISM campus grounds.

Questions and clarification on this note may be forwarded to us.director@cismanila.org.


Dragon Newsletter, Page 15 October 13, 2017

Main Show: April 21, 2017 at 7:00 PM

Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium, RCBC

Matinee Show: April 21, 2017 at 3:00 PM

Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium, RCBC

Tickets are available at the Cashier. Please look for Imee.

Dragon Newsletter, Page 16 October 13, 2017


PhP 10,000.00


PhP 7,000.00

Logo on Seussical, Jr. banners (Larger Print)

Logo on Seussical, Jr. posters (Larger Print)

Logo on Seussical, Jr. flyers (Larger Print)

Advertisement in souvenir program

Full Page (9”x6”)

300 x 600 dpi per inch

Half Page (4.5”x6”)

300 x 600 dpi per inch

Mention in the beginning of each of the 2 productions X

Logo in the weekly CISM parent newsletter X

Logo on backstage crew shirts X

Marketing material / samples included in the loot bag,

1,150 pieces (to be provided by the company) X


Name of Student: Grade:

Company Name:


Contact Number(s):

E-mail address:

I would like to sponsor:

Platinum (Php 10,000.00) Gold (Php 7,000.00)

Please return this form to Kitin Conchu at the Admissions and Advancement Office. You may submit

your company’s ad lay-out through email to mconchu@cismanila.org. Please ensure that your sub-

mission is in high resolution jpg or pdf format. Deadline for submission of ad layout/s will be on De-

cember 22, 2017.

You may pay by CASH or CHECK, payee: Chinese International School Manila, Inc.



Dragon Newsletter, Page 17 October 13, 2017

Thank you to our generous sponsors.

Dragon Newsletter, Page 18 October 13, 2017

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Dragon Newsletter, Page 20 October 13, 2017