Drakir Dragonborn Dwarves turned Dragon Dwarves Crafter Hill … · 2020. 6. 26. · Goblins Gnomes...

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Drakir Dragonborn Dwarves turned Dragon


Crafter Hill

Scholar Duergar

Warrior Mountain


Dark Drow

Light High

Wild Wood

Goblins Gnomes Fey creatures

Forest ---

Rock ---


Nordir North

Scovans East (Woods)

Reikling (South)

Yokanir Far North

Jotunkin Goliath Jotun-Human hybrids

Trolls Firbolgs

Vaetir Half-Elf Demi-gods

Drakir In ancient days, a Dwarf-King took possession of a great horde, a cursed horde. He transformed himself into a Dragon in order to better guard his wealth, and extended this curse to all his kin and housecarls. These poor souls became Drakir, half dragons. When the king fell, his cursed descendants scattered to the corners of the world.

Physical Drakir are humanoids with distinctly draconic physical traits, including horns, scales, all of it. They are broad and tall, standing around six feet, and their scales are brightly colored in many hues.

Personality Most Drakir are descended from the Warrior clans of the Dwarves, and they retain much of that cultural outlook. Drakir are aggressive and domineering, but match this with a level of pragmatism and mercenary logic most Dwarves would balk at. Drakir still do not betray their own or their masters for coin, but their choice in clients and in sides can be quite mercurial up until coin is produced.

Society Drakir organize themselves along non-familial lines, instead often opting to identify themselves based on their relationship to various institutionalized warbands and mercenary guilds. Drakir villages, therefore, are more akin to Company Towns, their ultimate authority being the organization that funds their existence. Despite this, Drakir are possessed of a democratic mindset. Military service is rewarded with voting power in their assemblies, and leadership is sometimes measured by the number of kills one has committed in battle.

Adventurers Drakir who join adventuring parties are either desperate and outlawed by their own folk, or ambitious enough to strike out alone and join up with like-minded individuals. It is often a quest for wealth or glorious battle that convinces a Drakir to abandon his kin and set out into the wide world.

Names Drakir still retain Dwarven given names, though their surnames have shifted to reflect their new nature, usually referencing their draconic appearance.

Stats Drakir use a modified form of the Dragonborn statblock found in the D&D5E PHB.


ASI Increase your Strength by +2, and your Charisma by +1.

Age Drakir mature by 12 and can live up to 400 years.

Size Medium

Speed 30 ft

Language Common, Draconic, Dwarven

Darkvision You can see normally in dim lighting up to 60ft, and through darkness as though dim.

Claws You have claws, which deal 1d6 slashing damage and use your Strength.

Dragon Scales

When unarmored your AC is equal to 12 + your Dexterity modifier. You also gain Resistance to Fire.

Breath Weapon

As a Bonus Action, breathe a 15ft cone of fire. This deals 1d6 Fire damage, plus 1d6 for every 4 character levels you possess. Enemies can make a Dexterity save (DC13) to take half damage. You can make this attack a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier before needing a short or long rest.

Dwarves The Dwarves make their homes in the great Mountain Halls of Myrkheim, where glowing forges and hearthfires fight back against the encroaching winter storms. Dwarven smiths craft wonders beneath the mountain, while their warriors wage endless campaigns against the Dragons, Dark Elves, and fellow Dwarves who lust after their treasures.

Physical Dwarves are broadly built, as physically unyielding as the stone itself, though they pay for this with a bit of height compared to Men or Elves. They are a hard-scrabble folk, accustomed to hard-living which is etched onto their face and hands. They are most noted for their beards, in both length and in meticulous and wondrous styles.

Personality Dwarves are the exacting sort of people. All things must be exactly as they are meant to be, as though life itself were terms in a contract. And be sure, Dwarves hold tight to contracts. They will never break a rule directly, but will always seek a means of bypassing laws or promises which hinder them. You can always trust a Dwarf to follow his word, but only his exact words.

Society Dwarven society is divided into castes. These are the Crafter, Warrior, and Scholar castes. Among these, all Dwarves are considered equal, at least until one proves their worth with great deeds, masterly crafted inventions, or the creation of new and mighty magic spells. Theirs is a meritocracy, where the squeaky wheel ascends to the heights of the bureaucracy. The less said of the lowly, Laborer caste the better.

Adventurers Dwarven adventurers are often exiles looking to gain glory and gold enough to return home in triumph. Others are sent out into the world by their clans and elders on special tasks for the betterment of the Dwarves, and often these tasks take many years to be resolved.

Names Dwarves have many names, concerned about having their real name stolen by magic. Dwarven names are harsh, slurred, and often long. Their surnames and clan names are usually very descriptive, and can help outsiders keep track of Dwarves by physical description alone.

Stats Crafter and Warrior Dwarves use the Hill and Mountain Dwarf stats, respectively, found in the PHB. Scholar Dwarves use the Duergar stats found in MToF, with the following exception: Your Intelligence increases by +1 in place of your Strength. Labor Dwarves may use either the Hill or Mountain Dwarf stats, but always have Disadvantage to social checks involving other non-Labor Dwarves.

Elves It is said by some that Alfheim was dredged up from the sea. Others say that it was pulled down from the heavens, from another branch of the World Tree. All agree that Alfheim is a place of deep magic and wonder, and its masters the Elves, are at one with its mysterious nature.

Physical Elves appear quite beautiful by human standards. Tall and fair, with fine features, bright eyes and hair. Their odd proportions and seeming immortality give Elves an alien allure. But this otherworldly beauty hides a menacing power. Elves are swift and alert, perceiving things far beyond the senses of other mortals.

Personality The Elven mind is a tricky thing to imagine. It is both simple and calculating like a cunning animal, while also being a repository of ancient knowledge and wisdom. Elves are patient creatures, capable of planning a century ahead, but emotional to the extreme. While they are capable of devious plans and insight, they are often undone by their unquenchable passions.

Society Elven piety is absolute, with their society centered around its temples and monasteries. Grand Abbots and Abbesses rule through ecumenical councils, unifying towns and farming villages under religious law. But those who dwell in their fortress monasteries are not fat, lazy priests. They train their bodies, minds, and souls in ancient forms of warfare, learning to kill with blade, spear, bow, fist and foot.

Adventurers Elven adventurers often travel for reasons of their own personal natures. They wish to prove themselves and their martial training, or they wish to travel the world and see what wonders Midgard has beyond the dense woodlands of Alfheim. Some also seek glory for their gods, in particular the Vanir Freyr.

Names Elven names are long and flowing, filled with vowels and sounds that are difficult for many to speak or hear properly. It is said only the Elves

themselves actually speak Elvish correctly, because only they can hear all the secret and hidden notes and subtle variations.

Stats Elves use the stats provided in the Plane Shift Zendikar pdf. Light Elves, those who hail from the ancient Elvish Royal bloodlines and who practice Aesir magic, use the Mul Daya Elf stats, though exclude Superior Darkvision and Sunlight Sensitivity. Wild Elves, those who practice the Elven martial arts and commune with nature, use the Joraga Elf stats. And the Dark Elves, those who were exiled, those who learned many crafts at the side of the Dwarves and battle even now in Myrkheim for supremacy, use the Tajuru Elf stats.

Goblins From out of the forests and cavernous warrens of Midgard came the Goblins. Considered the least of the mortal Fey people, the history of the Goblins is one of enslavement by the larger races such as the Elves and Men. But such oppression has not dulled their wit, nor their ancient magical prowess and their knowledge of lost things.

Physical Goblins are smallfolk, barely reaching half the height of the average Man. Their ears, and teeth as well, are long and sharp. Their skin runs through many hues of green, brown, orange, and others besides. Many would describe them as ugly, though only sometimes directly to them, which is unwise for they are far tougher and quicker and nastier than they appear.

Personality The Goblins are far more intelligent than they often let on. Though at times appearing senseless or whimsical, Goblins merely have a wicked sense of humor that they like to use as a mask when dealing with non-Goblins. They are a cunning folk, always looking for an angle or position of power to take for themselves. They are equally aware that the Bigfolk might take exception to this, and plan accordingly.

Society Goblins come from very, very large families where children can be born a dozen at a time. They are used to living in squalid, close-knit units, and handle crowds well. With no nations of their own, they content themselves with building their communities amongst the Bigfolk. Men and Elves often keep them around as servants and spies, but the Dwarves would sooner burn their beards.

Adventurers Born with nothing, many Goblins feel that charging out into the wider world to conquer and loot is the only option they have. Many though take a more generous look to adventuring, seeing it as a chance to rise above the stereotypes and myths about their people.

Names Goblins take many names. Their true names are only known by close friends and family. Their “face” names are usually similar to the Bigfolk around them, though sometimes they also choose shorter names meant to make them appear friendly, or even cute, all in the service of keeping Bigfolk off balance.

Stats Goblins use the Gnome stats found in the PHB, and may select either Forest or Rock subraces, to better reflect their homeland.

Humans Of all the peoples in Midgard, Humans or the race of Men appear to be the most beloved by the gods. Despite having no special power or ability one can reliably call their own, Men have grown to become the dominant race in the world, not only those on the islands that make up Midgard, but also the Men of the south, whom the people of Midgard regard as Skraelings and raiding targets.

Physical The many races of Men cover seemingly every description imaginable. Some are tall, others short. Some thin, others broad.

Personality It is said that no two men are alike. Good and Evil abound in their hearts in equal measure. It infuriates Dwarves to deal with Men, because Men are not as bound to their oaths as Dwarves are, and Elves find the minds of men too straightforward and blunt.

Society Nordir, Reiklings, and Skovanes live as Freemen, not bound to the land but free to chart their own course. A ruling class of warriors, the Jarls and their Housecarls, maintain the peace and dictate law. But every Freeman can have their say through the largely democratic All-

Things. Yokanir tribes are semi-nomadic, following where the Radjar, their mystical reindeer travel. The men of the southern lands rarely come so far north as Midgard, but it is said mighty kingdoms and empires lie to the south

Adventurers There is no one reason for adventuring. Some do so to raid, to loot, and to plunder. Some do so to gain favor with the Gods. Others simply wish to see the world in all its glory.

Names Midgardian Humans share a common language, and so their names are shared by all Men. It is said the Dwarves taught Men their first language, and so they share a love of descriptive names and titles. Unlike Dwarves, Men will also give one another names that are the opposite of descriptive, even ironic, a sign of either a sense of humor or a degenerate mind.

Stats Humans may select either the standard or Variant human stats found in the PHB. They may also select the following alternative stats:

Midgardian Human

ASI Increase one ability score of your choice by +2, and two others by +1 each.

Age Humans mature by their mid-teens, and can live up to a century.

Size Medium

Speed 30 ft

Language Common, plus one other

Skilled You have Proficiency in two skills or tools of your choice.

Inspiration Once per short rest you may grant yourself Advantage on a single Ability Score, Save, or Attack roll.

The Races of Men The many races of Men have more in common with one another than even they realize, but if one is looking for more information on humanity’s diversity in Midgard, look no further.

Nordir The Nordir are the second-most northerly humans in Midgard. They are renowned for their great size and strength, their golden hair, and their sea-colored eyes. The Nordir are the most devout followers of the Aesir, revering Thor, Tyr, and Odin above all others. They follow the warrior’s path, as their lands are the poorest of all. Their lands are cold and rocky, cut by steep fjords and wracked by howling winter wind. This has encouraged a culture of war, raiding, and revenge-killings only held at bay by the institution of the Wergild, the man-price or bounty system that just barely holds the worst violence in check.

Reiklings The Reiklings live along the South-Western coast of Midgard. They are dark-haired, and quick-witted. In many ways they are the most Elf-like of Men. The Reiklings love the Vanir best, the gods of music, nature, and fertility. Like the Elves, they pay homage to Freyr, Freyja, and Heimdall. Theirs is the most bountiful land, blessed with temperate winters and fertile harvests. Its people are the most numerous of the races of Man, and the most organized, for to bring in such harvests every year has demanded strong-handed Jarls and Kings. Trade between their towns and cities far afield has made the Reiklings a rich and prosperous people.

Skovanes The Skovanes dwell in the black forests of the East, and it is said that amongst them black magic and the worship of dark gods exist in greater number than all other lands of Men. They are possessed of brown and red hair, and tie magnificent knots into their beards, in emulation of their trade partners in Myrkheim.

Skovanes live in a dark land filled to burst with ancient monsters. They contest their mastery of the forests against the frightening Fey and their chief rivals amongst the Troll folk.

Yokanir The Yokanir live in the far north, where the sky is lit by the light of the Gods. They are dark of hair and eye, and adapted perfectly to survive in the coldest of all lands. The Yokanir live as semi-nomads. Outside of a few fortified settlements, they follow the Radjar, the legendary white reindeer whose magical properties are well-known. Their shepherding skills have made the Yokanir famed throughout Midgard. They worship many of the Aesir and Vanir, but revere before all others a goddess of the sun known as Beaivi, who they consider their great ancestor. Their harsh lifestyle and strange ways set them apart from other men, and the Yokanir seem to like it that way.

The Men of the South Little is certain of the Men in the South. There are a myriad of kingdoms immediately south of Midgard, tales of great cities and an ancient Empire, and of a mighty horde from out the desert wastes that races the wind. And many lands beyond.

Jotunkin Born from the fabled race of Giants, the enemy of Asgard, and the daughters of Man, a race of giants now walks the earth. The Jotunkin loom large in even spacious halls, their physical and innate magical power overshadowing all who oppose them. These lesser giants are rare to find, but a welcome addition to any Thane or Jarl’s retinue.

Physical Jotunkin appear very similarly to the race of Men, though much larger. They stand near seven or eight feet tall, and are well-proportioned, with only the occasional horn, fang, or change in complexion to mark them as anything other than a large Man.

Personality Jotunkin are not as stupid as one might expect from their reputation. Like the Goblins, Jotunkin hide their cunning intellect behind a mask of power and animal brutality. They understand power, and what it takes to gain and secure power. They are calm and collected in most instances, only riled by the most strenuous of actions and circumstances.

Society Jotunkin largely do not have a society. When they do congregate in anything larger than a single family, experience and age outweigh all other considerations.

Adventurers Jotunkin, with no nation nor true powerbase in the world since their exile from the Jotun homeland of Udgard to the far, far north, the Jotunkin take to adventuring as a means of survival, seeking a place in Man’s society.

Names Jotunkin have long since adopted the tongues and names of Man.

Stats Jotunkin use the stats of the Goliath from EEPC, with the following exception:

Bonus Cantrip: You learn a single cantrip from the Druid spell list. Wisdom is your casting stat for this.

Trolls In ages past, the Trolls were hewn from the stones of Asgard and made to war against the Aesir as one of the Jotun’s great efforts to win their ancient blood-feud. But drenched they were in the waters of Mimir’s Well, and with newfound thought and free will they fled the field of battle to inhabit the secret places of the world, high in the mountains and deep within the forests, to live their lives as they saw fit.

Physical No two Trolls are alike. They vary by size, shape, and color to an unbelievable degree. Some are horned, while others possess tails, scales, and all manner of strange shape and form. They are most commonly like a hairy Man of great size, though not so great as the Jotunkin.

Personality Trolls are willful, and belligerent at the best of times. They select their own paths through life, and damn the consequences. Though despite this apparent hostility, they treasure few things more than a kind word or a friendship forged. Once sworn, it takes a mighty betrayal for a Troll to turn upon a friendship.

Society Trolls are solitary, and do not frequently live together in anything larger than a single, family household. They try not to cause trouble while traveling the lands of Men, as they are aware of the danger Man poses in numbers.

Adventurers As with the Jotunkin, traveling, raiding, and adventuring are a natural extension of the Troll’s wants and desires. They dislike hearing their Fates spoken aloud, and so take to the road to meet it as it comes.

Names Trolls favor the names of both Dwarves and Elves, though their harsh tongue will tend to garble the originals.

Stats Trolls use the Firbolg stats as found in VGtM.

Vaetir The Gods are not so separate from mortal races. They are not immortal spirits nor gargantuan titans in the sky. They live, they love, the fight. And some of their blood has found its way into the lines of Men, Elf, and Dwarf in ancient days. So are the Vaetir, the demigods, come into the world.

Physical Vaetir are in appearance almost like Men, Elves, and Dwarves. But they are often the largest and fairest in appearance of their birth race. They are born with markings of the Gods on their flesh, such as Thor’s Hammer, Odin’s Ravens, or Heimdall’s Horn.

Personality Vaetir are larger than life, filled with great melancholy and great mirth in equal measure. They are daring and courageous, cunning and clever, bold and decisive. Each one can be said to be an exaggeration of Man, Elf, or Dwarf, whichever mortal or divine line they descend from.

Society Vaetir are intensely communal, and love to be around others, both of their kind and of the other mortal races. They make friends easily, though sometimes their antics can make enemies just as swiftly. For this reason, despite their heritage and mirth, most rulers look for ways to keep Vaetir away from civilization, where they can only hurt the monsters.

Adventurers Vaetir all know that they, on some level, must be worthy of their divine heritage, or else risk being left out of the final battle at Ragnarok. Most travel to seek glory and gold, for that is the swiftest means of earning ever-lasting fame.

Names Vaetir take upon themselves names that hint at their divine origin, often invoking relationship with one of their ancestor gods.

Stats Vaetir use the Half-Elf stats found in the PHB with the following exception:

In place of Skill Versatility, you may select one of the following traits:

• Powerful Build. Double your Strength Score for determining carrying capacity. Use any Versatile weapon’s higher damage die, even when wielded one-handed.

• Far Sighted. You can cast the spell Augury as an Action and without material components once. You must finish a short or long rest to use this again.

• Tough. Gain +1 additional hit point per character level.