drama Drama is a story told in dialogue by performers in front of an audience.

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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drama• Drama is a

story told in dialogue by performers in front of an audience.


• The playwright is the author of the play. Famous Playwright-Rod Serling

author of “The Twilight Zone” series.

actors• Actors are

the people who perform the play.


• Acts are the units of action in a drama.

• Act I

• Act II

Scenes• Acts are often

divided into parts called scenes.

Act I

Scene 1Scene 2Scene 3Scene 4

characterization• Characterization is the

playwright’s technique for creating believable characters.

dialogue• Dialogue is a

conversation between or among characters.

monologue• Monologue is a long

speech that is spoken by a single character. It often reveals the character’s private thought and feelings. Another word for monologue is soliloquy.

stage directions

• Stage directions are the sets of bracketed information that describe the scenery and how the characters should move and speak.

[exit stage left]

theatre• A theatre is a

place where plays are usually presented.


• Set is the term for the construction on stage that suggests the time and place of the action. Scenery is another word for set.

props• Props are small

movable items, such as a doctor’s clipboard or a student’s notebook, that the actors use to make their actions look realistic.

Three Types of DramaComedyTragedyDrama

Comedy• Comedy – This type of drama

has a happy ending and often features normal characters in funny situations. Comedies can be written to entertain, but they can also point out the faults of society.


• Tragedy is often contrasted with comedy. The distinguishing feature of a tragedy is that the events lead to the downfall of the main character. The character can be an ordinary person, but often is a person of great significance, like a king or heroic figure.


• Drama is a word often used to describe plays that address serious subjects.

Types of Plays• Screenplay

• Teleplay

• Radio plays

screenplays• Screenplays are the

scripts for films. They include camera angles and can allow for more scene changes than a play.

teleplays• Teleplays are scripts

written for television and often contain elements similar to a screenplay.

Radio plays

• Radio plays are written to be performed as radio broadcasts. They include sound effects and require no set, stage or directions that explain movement.