Dreams - A Mysterious World

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By: Shafin Verani

April 2013

Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dreams Welcome to the Mysterious World

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013


• Dreams have fascinated people for centuries.

• The reasons why dreams occur are still obscure. When something is not clear, there is always room for speculation.

• Dream interpretation is still very popular.

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Scientific Enquiry About Dreams: • The search for an understanding of dreams is thousands

of years old.

• Yet to this day there are disagreements between researchers.

• Over the past 100 years, three theories dominated research:

• Late 19th century, Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams;

• 1950s report of correlation of dreaming and newly discovered rapid eye movement (REM) sleep;

• 1970s theory that dreaming was triggered by random neural activity in the brainstem.

• New approach to dreaming is to consider it as a memory processing mechanism.

Dreams Welcome to the Mysterious World

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

• The leading scientific theory is that sleep has a large function in memory processing.

• It appears from different research studies that different stages of sleep have different functions with respect to memory processing.

• Future research is needed to better identify these functions.

• It also remains to be understood, whether dreams have a specific function, or are simply a byproduct of memory processing in sleep.

Dreams Welcome to the Mysterious World

Sleep Function

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

• In quantitative research dream is defined through four base components:

oA form of thinking that occurs under minimal brain direction

oA form of experience

oSomething memorable

oHave some interpretation

Dreams Welcome to the Mysterious World


By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dream is a report of a memory of a

cognitive experience that happens

under the kinds of conditions that

are most frequently produced in a

state called ‘SLEEP’.

Bill Domhoff / Adam Schneider

Dreams Welcome to the Mysterious World


By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

“God takes the souls at the time of their

death, and those that die not during their

sleep, then He withholds those on whom

He has passed the decree of death and

sends the others back till an appointed

term; most surely there are signs in this for

a people who reflect.”

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Surah 39: Verse 42

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Death in Islam is not merely an almost instantaneous

phenomena of soul being detached from the material

body, but it is a period of life and takes some time which

may be comparable to the whole person’s life in length,

although it would seem like almost instantaneous to us.

Sleep is similar to death in that soul is detached from the

material body in both of them. So that the souls can

experience things and states through dreams as a dead

person experiences.

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Sleep: Death’s Sister

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

“Nor is there any reason to suppose that thought and

intuition are essentially opposed to each other. They spring

up from the same root and complement each other. The

one grasps Reality piecemeal, the other grasps it in its

wholeness. Both seek visions of the same Reality which

reveals itself to them in accordance with their function in

life. In fact, intuition, as Bergson rightly says, is only a

higher kind of intellect.”

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Thought & Intuition

Dr. Mohammed Iqbal

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Generally, three types of dreams are

accepted within the Muslim scholars.

They are:

a. Bodily Origin

b. Satanic Origin

c. Divine Origin

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Types of Dreams

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

• Dreams with bodily origin, for example some dreams seen after eating heavy meals, or some dreams when the body is not in a comfortable state; although not all dreams in these cases are necessarily fake.

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Types of Dreams: Bodily Origin

• Dreams rooted in the happenings experienced by a person before falling asleep, say during the day or the past couples of days; or thoughts that have affected the person much so that intensely engaging his mind such that he cannot stop thinking about them, even the person may be not thinking about the subject but if the subject has affected his mind much, he would recall the issue while asleep in the form of a dream.

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

• A second type of dream is the result of Satanic

whisperings or inspirations. Satan, the avowed

enemy of man, is ever-present with us and he

sees us in ways that we do not see him. Unless

we take proper safeguards against him and

such inspirations, he may trap us in his nets. He

inspires in us all kinds of bad thoughts and

suggestions, both in conscious and unconscious

states. A person may be predisposed to such

Satanic visions and inspirations if he is constantly

exposed to sights, sounds and thoughts that are

obscene or filthy.

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Types of Dreams: Satanic Origin

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

• When we say our prayers we talk to Allah and when we read the Qur'an Allah talks to us. There is another way in which Allah talks to us, that is through dreams. Allah talks to us in dreams, sometimes giving us direct messages and sometimes encoded messages which only the wise can interpret.

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Types of Dreams: Divine Origin

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dream 1:

“Behold, Joseph said to his father: father, I saw (in a

dream) eleven stars and the sun and the moon; I saw

them prostrating themselves before me. He said: O my

son, say nothing of this dream to your brothers, lest they

should plot evil against you: the devil is the sworn

enemy of man. And thus will your Lord choose you

and teach you the interpretation of sayings and

make His favor complete to you and to the

children of Yaqoub, as He made it complete

before to your fathers, Ibrahim and Ishaq; surely

your Lord is Knowing, Wise.” (Qur’an: Yusuf:-12:4-5)

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dream 1: The dream of Joseph (a.s.) eventually fulfilled some

twenty or thirty years later when his father, mother

and all eleven brothers came to Egypt many years


“Then when they entered the presence of

Joseph, He provided a home for his parents with

himself, and said: Enter ye Egypt (all) in safety if it

please Allah. And he raised his parents high on the

throne (of dignity), and they fell down in prostration

(all) before him. He said: O my father! This is the

fulfillment of my dream of old! Allah has made it

come true!” (Qur’an: Yusuf:12:99-100)

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dream 2:

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dream 2:

“Two young men went to prison with him

(Joseph). One of them said: I saw (in a

dream) that I was pressing grapes. And the

other said: I saw (in a dream) that I was

carrying bread on my head, and that birds

came and ate of it.” (And both entreated

Joseph) Let us know the real meaning of

this. Verily, we see that you are one of

those who well know (how to interpret

dreams). ” (Qur’an: Yusuf:-12:36)

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dream 2:

“(And now) O my companions in the prison! I

shall tell you the meaning of your dreams:)

As to one of you he will (again) pour out wine

for his lord (the King) to drink: but as for the

other, he will be crucified, and the birds will

eat from his head. (But whatever be your

future,) the matter on which you have asked

me to enlighten you has been decided (by

Allah).” (Qur’an: Yusuf:-12:41)

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dream 3:

“The King said: I saw seven fatted cows

which seven lean ones devoured; and seven

green ears (of wheat or corn) and seven

others dry. O my nobles, tell me the meaning

of this dream, if you can interpret dreams.

They said: They are confused dreams; nor

are we skilled in the interpretation of

dreams.” (Qur’an: Yusuf: 12:43-44)

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dream 3:

“For seven consecutive years shall you sow.

But leave your entire harvest of wheat (or

corn) in the ear (the better to preserve it)

except a little which you may consume

(i.e., consume the minimum amount of food

for those seven years). Then there will follow

seven years of drought (and thus hardship)

which will force you to consume all but a little

of the food which you stored. Then there will

come a year of abundant rain in which

people will press the grape.” (Qur’an: Yusuf: 12:47-49)

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dream 4:

“We gave him the good news of a gentle son. And when he

reached the age when he could work with him his father said to

him: My son, I dreamt that I was sacrificing you. Tell me what

you think (i.e., tell me what is your response). He replied:

Father, do as you are bidden. Allah willing, you shall find

me one of those who are steadfast. And when they had both

surrendered themselves to Allah’s will and Abraham had laid

down his son prostrate upon his face, We called out to

him, saying: Abraham, you have fulfilled your vision. Thus

did We reward the righteous. That wasindeed a trial, clear in

itself. We ransomed him with a tremendous sacrifice and

bestowed on him(the praise) of later generations. Peace be on

Abraham!” (Qur’an: al-Saffat: 37:99-109)

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dream 5:

“Behold We inspired (with wahi) thy mother: Place the

child in a basket, and place the basket in the river.

The river will cast him up to the bank,and he will be

taken up by one who is an enemy to Me, and an

enemy to him.” (Qur’an: Ta Ha: 20:39)

“So We sent this wahi (inspiration) to the mother of

Moses: Suckle (thy child), but when you are

concerned about his safety put him down in the river.

Have no fear, nor be dismayed; for We shall restore

him to you and make him one of the apostles.” (Qur’an: al-Qasas: 28:7)

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dream 6:

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dream 6:

“And (remember) when Allah made them appear to

you in a dream as a small band. Had He shown

them to you as a great army, your courage would

have failed you and you would have quarreled over

the affair. But this Allah spared you. He knows what

is in the hearts. And when you met them He made

each appear to the other as few in number, that He

might accomplish what He ordained. To Allah shall

all things return.”

(Qur’an: Al Anfal: 44-46)

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Dream 7:

“Allah has in truth fulfilled His Apostle’s

vision (i.e., dream). You shall certainly

enter the Sacred Masjid in security if Allah so

wills, with hair cropped or shaven and

without fear. He knew what you did not

know; and what is more, He granted you a

speedy victory.”

(Qur’an: Fatah: 48:27)

By: Shafin Verani - April 2013

Dreams in Quran Welcome to the Mysterious World

Practical Steps:

1. Try to Sleep as early as possible at night.

2. Try not to sleep after Fajr.

3. Read Farmans and Surah Al Falaq and Surah An Nas

before sleeping.

4. When in front of people try to smile, and your tears,

sadness etc should be before Allah only or some

chosen loved ones.

5. Keep yourself involved in matters that make you

'remember' Allah during the day.

6. Try not to eat just before sleeping