Dredced Dredalnl , , Drawlnl FebZO/Z9 Dredced ID Z009 Z011 ......#1.00 T‐DOCK 25S 13W 18 105Z1...

Post on 28-Jan-2021

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  • Port of Coos Bay Unified Permit °For discussion and potential modification.

    Est. 1-toSbllh Est. olume Port cy) (cy) (cy) (cy) (cy)M• Disposal: Lllely need

    Annual (cy) Depth Web ~ed Dredpd Dred&ed Dredced (cy) 21,1013 Upland, for Dredalnl New Prev River Dredce Volume _.fvr It· Drawlnl Map ~/Alii Od/Nov ZOlD- FebZO/Z9 Dredced Elllllfl ODMDS within 5 year

    ID ID Dock Name MHe Prism levi Syun (MLLW) ,_, ID izoos Z009 Z011 zou ISe!ltZOU Auth IIE,F,H) [permit qde SEF status Shoreslde Comer Points 1.00 ~ -Dock 5.6 150x 100 500 2,500 20' 3 B U,F 4

    7 .. ~-•"''f't.

    . :... - ~ - - ··-·· ··-·· Roseburg Forest 2010+ 5 43 25.497'/124 15.487'

    2.00 B Products 7.9 1400x 100 7,000 35,000 40' 4 E 16270 13629 6612 16100 U, F 5 =2015 43 25.522'/124 15.272'

    09-2012+ 2 43 24.576'/124 13.206'

    3.00 c Ocean Terminals 11 1600x 115 7,000 35,000 40' 4 F 8400 150 U, F 5 =2014 43 24.640'/12413.194' 2009+ 7 43 23.946'/124 13.060'

    4.00 M CEDCO 11.5 2700x 100 10,000 50000 40' 5 UF 1 =2016 43 24.173'/124 13.152' 5.00 D Tyree Oil Terminal 12.4 80Dx 100 1,500 7,500 40' 5 G U,H 1

    Oregon Chip 2005 +7 43 23.266'/12413.186'

    6.00 E Terminal 12.5 1000x 100 7,000 35,000 40' 6 H 5812 12048 10500 U,H 5 =2012 43 23.420'/12413.136' Sauce Bros. Bayshore

    7.00 F Dock 12.6 53Dx 100 2,500 12,500 40' 6 I U,H 1 Fay Family/Ei

    8.00 L Conquistador 12.7 700x 100 2,500 12,500 40' 7 U,H 1 9.00 0 Citrus Dock 12.9 250x 100 1,500 7500 20' 7 J 1663 U,H 2 10.00 N Dolphin Terminals 13.1 700x 100 2,500 12,500 40' 8 K U,H 2

    43 22.782'/12413.006' 11.00 p Orcas Dock 13.2 130x20 500 2,500 20' 8 663 U,H 3 2012 43 22.799'/12413.023'

    12.00 G Central Dock 13.3 950x 100 1,000 5,000 40' 9 U,H 1 Coos Historical

    13.00 H Society 13.4 730x 100 1,000 5,000 40' 9 U,H 1 Sauce Bros. Hillstrom

    14.00 I Dock 13.8 78Dx 100 1,000 5,000 25' 10 U,H 1 City of Coos Bay

    15.00 Q Moorage Dock 14.2 550x 30 1,000 5,000 25' 10 7845 U,H 3 Oregon Resources

    16.00 J Corporation 14.8 755x 100 3,500 17,500 40' 11 M U,H 2 1D-2009+ 7 43 21.663'/12412.245

    17.00 K Georgia Pacific 14.9 1450x 100 7,000 35,000 40' 11 0 11398 U,H 5 =2016 43 21.738/124 11.990




    Project Location 



    #1.00  T‐DOCK 25S 13W 18 105Z1 90418 TransPacific Parkway, North Spit of Coos Bay Prism:  150x100 to ‐20MLLW at River Mile:  5.6   

    NOTE:  Prism diagrams                           are not to scale.  Please see the text box and spreadsheet for additional information for each location.  



    #2.00 ROSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS 25S 13W 04 300 66237 Jordan Cove Road, North Spit of Coos Bay Prism:  1400x100 to ‐40MLLW at River Mile:  7.9   

    #3.00 OCEAN TERMINALS 25S 13W 10 600 At the foot of California Street, North Bend Prism:  1600x115 to ‐40MLLW at River Mile:  11   



    #4.00 CEDCO 25S 13W 15 100 At the foot of State Street, North Bend Prism:  2700x100 to ‐40MLLW at River Mile:  11.5   

    #5.00 TYREE OIL TERMINAL 25S 13W 22AD 200 341 Newmark Street, North Bend Prism:  800x100 to ‐40MLLW at River Mile:  12.4   



    #6.00 OREGON CHIP TERMINAL 25S 13W 22AD 2700 US 101 at Tower Street, North Bend Prism:  1000x100 to ‐40MLLW at River Mile:  12.5   

    #7.00 SAUSE BROS. BAYSHORE DOCK 25S 13W 22DA 100/101Z 2580 Bayshore Drive, US 101, Coos Bay Prism:  530x100 to ‐40MLLW at River Mile:  12.6   



    #8.00 FAY FAMILY/EL CONQUISTADOR 25S 13W 22DA 399Z1 Highway 101 at the foot of Teakwood Avenue, Coos Bay Prism:  700x100 to ‐40MLLW at River Mile:  12.7   

    #9.00 CITRUS DOCK 25S 13W 22DD 5100 2100 Bayshore Drive, Coos Bay Prism:  250x100 to ‐20MLLW at River Mile:  12.9   



    #10.00 DOLPHIN TERMINAL 25S 13W 22DD 6600 1610 Bayshore Drive  Hwy 101 at the foot of Kingwood Avenue, Coos Bay Prism:  700x100 to ‐40MLLW at River Mile:  13.1   

    #11.00 ORCAS DOCK 25S 13W 26BB 100 Highway 101 at the foot of Juniper, Coos Bay Prism:  130x20 to ‐20MLLW at River Mile:  13.2   



    #12.00 CENTRAL DOCK 25S 13W 26BB 400 Hwy 101 at the foot of Hemlock and N. 3rd St, Coos Bay C Prism:  950x100 to ‐40MLLW at River Mile:  13.3   

    #13.00 COOS HISTORICAL SOCIETY 25S 13W 26BD 101 1210 N. Bayshore Drive, Coos Bay Prism:  730x100 to ‐40MLLW at River Mile:  13.4   



    #14.00 SAUSE BROS. HILLSTROM DOCK 25S 13W 26BD 200 912 N. Front Street, Coos Bay Prism:  780x100 to ‐25MLLW at River Mile:  13.8   

    #15.00 CITY OF COOS BAY MOORAGE DOCK 25S 13W 26CD 400 200 S. Bayshore Drive, Coos Bay Prism:  550x30 to ‐25MLLW at River Mile:  14.2   



    #16.00 OREGON RESOURCES CORPORATION 25S 13W 35 399A1 1 Mullen Street, Coos Bay Prism:  755x100 to ‐40MLLW at River Mile:  14.8   #17.00 GEORGIA PACIFIC 1170 Newport Avenue, Coos Bay Prism:  1450x100 to ‐40MLLW at River Mile:  14.9 

  • Attatchment A Roseburg Forest Products North Bend Export Chip Facility Taxlot 300 Gov•t Lots 3 & 4, Section 4, T25S, R13W

    De lin~~ tecl \VetlQncls D DisposoJ Area_ @3

    SCALE t·~ 300'

    Property Line

    Property Line

  • Existing work dock


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