Dressage Pure And Simple

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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July edition out soon, and here is a taster of what is to come!








How it can help you understand

your horse

Scales of Training

Rhythm, Rhythm,


The healing properties of the Scenar Machine.

If, like us, you hadn’t heard of this machine,

this article is a must read!



in July

Our resident columnist Flossy imparts some of his v i e w s , m u s i n g s a n d experiences for your enjoyment


the less than perfect dressage horse

Conditioning The Dressage Horse

Find out more to help the wellbeing of your horse

& interactive lessons, Q&A and much more...



Coming in JulyThe Seat, how to take control of it and make it work for you

God For A Day

Best Kept Secret? Find out what the Psoas muscle is and why knowledge of the way it works is vital to riding success


Meet The Team

I have been involved in magazines and media for as long as I can remember. I started a magazine at school with some friends, sadly we lasted 2 editions unt i l the head pu l led i t for be ing too sensationalist..., whilst still at school I started writing for a local magazine called La Vista, doing a column, writing restaurant reviews and helping lay out and edit the magazine. This continued for a number of years until I was editing the magazine and it had become very large with a circulation that exceeded all expectations, not bad for an English language magazine in Southern Spain. I came to the UK in 1997 after meeting my now husband - I only came for the weekend but never went home, that’s a whole other story - and quickly got a job working for a current affair discussion programme with the BBC. From there I went to work for Reuters and then moved on to work on a top end luxury yearly bible of all that was good and great in Europe. Once I started my family I concentrated on becoming a yummy mummy, failed dismally and quickly pulled my breeches and boots back on and realised that slobbing around the yard was more me than the PTA ever would be! I am so very excited to be involved in Dressage Pure and Simple, being a bit of a dressage phobic, even reading the words Trot Up The Centre Line makes my mouth go dry, I hope that our publication will encourage and cajole those who, like me, get a bit daunted by the whole prospect of being judged for their riding skills. It is my personal aim to have people coming and saying thank you for making the whole dressage world more accessible...even if it is only one person I will feel we have achieved what we set out to do!

Gloria LeverettFounder

Louise LambEditor

I was raised mainly in Germany and learnt to ride there, having been horse mad from the age of three. My passion growing up was jumping, and I was fortunate to have worked for the late, great Caroline Bradley. Deciding to take the sensible path our folks all wish for, a career away from horses, I trained as a nurse, albeit continuing to show-jump and event until the fences became rather awesome and subsequently took up dressage. For years I battled through long, hard shifts and growing paperwork until my craving for fresh air forced me to leave nursing to work with horses again. Having done my training as a chiropractor at the McTimoney college, I am now a self employed Osteomyologist treating both people and animals, which is very fulfilling. Being a BD list 2a judge it would be fair to say dressage is now my passion although all things equine interest me. The idea for the magazine came about when I was reading topics on BD forum, some of my best ideas have come from there! Sadly I am not a superstar dressage rider, but like the majority involved in the sport I enjoy competing and have trained my horse

from prelim to advanced. Knowledge is power and I wish I had known thirty five years ago what I know now! I am excited about Dressage Pure and Simple because I believe it will help those who have not had previous experience of the sport and also prove that you do not have to be born rich, tall, blonde and talented to enjoy dressage, neither do you have to have a fabulously expensive warmblood!

gloria@dressagepureandsimple.com editor@dressagepureandsimple.com