Drink and Drive

Post on 09-Sep-2014

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In most jurisdictions a measurement such as a blood alcohol content in excess of a defined level, such as 0.05% or 0.08% defines the offense, with no need to prove impairment or being under the influence of alcohol.

In some jurisdictions, there is an e.g. THE PROBLEM' Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable.

THE FACTS' Most drivers who have had something to drink have low blood alcohol content or concentration (BAC) and few are involved in fatal crashes. On the other hand, while only a few drivers have BACs higher than .15, a much higher proportion of those drivers have fatal crashes.

THE SOLUTION' Drunk driving, like most other social problems, resists

simple solutions.



Driving safely

If you are on the move and about to make a manoeuvre, make sure that you take the necessary time to look around you before doing so – whether this is taking a turn, overtaking,

moving away from a junction or going onto a roundabout.

Don't rush

Exceeding the speed limit actually only accounted for 3% of car accidents, so you need not only make sure that you are driving at the right speed for the conditions; you should try very hard not to become agitated. Slippery roads or questionable road conditions mean you should slow your speed down below the limit and being stressed can cause you to be more reckless than you would normally be.

Keep your distance

Even on roads where the speed limit is lower than on a dual carriageway or motorway it is possible to misjudge the distance between you and the car in front – so always give yourself a little more breathing space (and therefore braking distance) than you think you need.

Be covered

Car insurance is mandatory in the UK and it's important to make sure that you have the right level of cover.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the majority of accidents, whether in the car or out of the car are often down to the same contributory factors. Of course, if a car is involved the potential for physical harm is considerably higher.



How Accidents Happen

Coming home we drive into the wrong house and collided with a tree we don't have.

The other car collided with yours without giving us warning of its intention.

we think our window is down, but we find it was up when we put our head through it.

we collided with a stationary truck coming the other way.

A pedestrian hit us and went under my car. The guy was all over the road. we have to swerve several times before I hit them. They pulled away from the side of the road, glanced at our mother in law and headed over the embankment.

In an attempt to kill a fly, we drive into a telephone pole.

we had been shopping for a plant all day and was on my way home.


A traffic collision, also known as a traffic accident, motor vehicle collision, motor vehicle accident, car accident, automobile accident, Road Traffic Collision (RTC) or car crash, occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree or utility pole. Traffic collisions may result in injury, death and property damage.

A number of factors contribute to the risk of collision including; vehicle design, speed driver behavior.


What is it about people, an office, or a work scenario that causes accidents? The U.S. Census Bureau reported in the year 2000 that the following general categories of causes resulted in fatal work injuries:

Transportation — 43%

Assaults & violent acts — 16%

Contacts with objects — 17%

Falls — 12%

Exposure to harmful substances or environment — 8%

Fires — 3%

Other — 1%

Some of the factors associated with accidents and loss have been identified as those relating to management style and beliefs, human resource policies, operational procedures, and storage of supplies and merchandise. Let us examine how each of these factors contributes to workplace accidents.

The way a manager approaches obligations, and the beliefs about personnel and the nature of work affect the way in which the person manages. AN ACCIDENT IS AN UNPLANNED EVENT.


Making a Claim= If you've been involved in a collision that may result in a claim, contact your insurance representative

as soon as possible. You must notify your insurer as soon as possible (some policies specify within seven days) about any

accident involving the automobile: Most policies state that a written declaration ("proof of loss") must be made within

90 days of the accident.

Preventing further loss = If you are involved in a collision, you are responsible for protecting your vehicle from

further loss or damage. The insurer, however, will pay for the damage if you have purchased Collision or All Perils

coverage. You must not order repairs, other than those needed for protection of the vehicle from further loss or damage,

until the insurer has consented or has had a reasonable amount of time to inspect the damage.

Claims adjuster = Once your insurance company has been advised, a claims specialist – an "adjuster" – will be assigned

to look after your claim. The amount you receive for your claim will depend on the type of coverage you bought. The

adjuster's job is to determine the facts relating to the claim and the extent to which the claim is covered by insurance.

When you don't have Collision coverage = If the collision was the other driver's fault, you could claim

payment of your

damages from the at-fault driver. (In Ontario and Quebec, Direct Compensation - Property Damage may apply, in which case

you would claim from your own insurer.) If it was your fault, you will be personally responsible for your damages.


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2008, there were more than 5.8 million police-reported traffic crashes in which 37,261 people were killed and more than 2.3 million injured the United status

After a crash, a person may feel a wide range of emotions — shock, guilt, fear, nervousness, or anger — all of which are normal. But take a few deep breaths or count to 10 to calm down. The calmer you are, the better prepared you will be to handle the situation.

Keep yourself and others safe.- If you can't get out of your car — or it's not safe to try — keep your seat belt fastened, turn on your hazard lights, then call 911 if possible and wait for help to arrive. If you can drive your car and are in an unsafe spot or are blocking traffic, find a safe and legal place to park your car.

Reporting the Incident- Check on everyone involved in the crash to see if they have any injuries. This includes making sure you don't have any serious injuries. Be extremely cautious — not all injuries can be seen. If you or anyone involved isn't feeling 100%,

you should call 911 or any other number OF YOUR STATES requesting.

Take Down Driver Information- If you are feeling up to it, ask to see the driver's license of the other drivers involved in the crash so that you can take down their license numbers. Also get their name, address, phone number, insurance company, insurance policy number, and license plate number.

Take Notes on the Crash- If the crash is minor and you feel that you can describe it, try to do so. Detailed notes and photos of the scene may help the court and insurance agencies

decide who is responsible. Get a good description of car.

The Aftermath- While the crash itself might be upsetting, dealing with the aftermath can be too. In the hours or days following a collision, some people may still be shaken up. They may be beating themselves up over what happened — especially if they feel the crash was avoidable. Sometimes, people close to those who were involved (like families and best friends) can experience some emotional problems too. These feelings are all normal.

AND SOME STEPS ARE; Safely bring your car out of traffic and stop

Set up your breakdown site.

Get help if you need it

Don't walk in or get near traffic


What should people do when they feel a accident

Things to remember when you witness or come across an accident that no emergency personnel have responded to yet.

•Do not panic.

•Get as much detail as you can.

•Call 911.

•Stay safe.

•Ask if anyone is hurt if it is safe to do so.

•Stay near by to answer question, if safe to do so.

Whether or not you are a pedestrian that saw the accident from the side of the road or a drive that saw it happen in

front of you on the road, it is important for you to remain calm and remember that this is not your emergency. If you

panic you may end up putting yourself in harms way or you may not be a reliable source of information for the 911. Dispatcher so try to stay calm





We must pray for them and see that they are comfortable in the hospital the car they are hitting by must be with police. And the driver who was driving the car must be arrested and should give the person money and also to his family.

What happens to people who are in hospital ?

The people in the hospital does not survives much and die but the people who survies must be ok and we must pray for them that they led a good life and they must be fine .

they say don’t drink and drive.


somehhsssome stay but some be………………….



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