Drive! Energy for change

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Getting AND keeping energy to see fundamental organizational change through isn't easy in a constantly changing world. Becoming conscious of the real WHY of your change is a start. But there's more... This presentation is the framework of a more comprehensive lecture on the subject given at the ABN Amro Dialogues House in Amsterdam, Netherlands on January 14th 2014 by Dirk Anton van Mulligen. Dirk Anton wrote the book Geef je organisatie toekomst (Futureproof your organization) together with Kim Castenmiller. Please note: the two 'white' slides contain unique videos shown at the lecture itself.


Dirk Anton van Mulligen,

Drive! Energy for Change

ABN Amro Dialogues House

14 januari 2014

Dirk Anton van Mulligen

Author, Speaker & Facilitator at

‘Futureproof your Organization’ with Kim Castenmiller

Getting AND Keeping Energy for Change!

“There’s only one thing that

counts: do you have staying


Noel Coward

Well actually there’s more...

Just what is Energy by the way?

Energy can be blocked, dissipated, wasted ... or flow, recharge and be used effectively!

Energy =

< Force+

Information >

The most vital information: WHY do we want and create


Conscious capitalism. Because going broke is hardly

‘sustainable’Purposeful work generates employee engagement

“Just as happiness is best experienced when not aiming for it directly, profits are best achieved by not making them the primary goal of the business”

Gallup: 70% not,or even actively, disengaged from their companies, which equals to a productivity loss of 500 billion a year.

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You can’t do it alone......nor should you want


Aaron Antonovsky

Unraveling the mysteries of health

What keeps people healthy and resilientLong-termAdaptiveUnder demanding and stressful circumstances

Martha Graham“There is a vitality, an energy that is translated through you into action. And because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique.

If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. Forever.

You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open...”

What we need most, is what we find hardest to do...

To enter the stillness...

Health(y) resolutions?Steady does it…

The energy to make it to the finish line AND still have your reserves

Sugar Spike = hunt for kicks, adrenaline rush, big bonusses, short term extremes, addictive and ultimately burning out...Steady energy supply = being satisfied carrying out work that’s meaningful to you, durable and renewable. Feeling fulfilled. The ideal bonus: cherry on the carrot cake

Dirk Anton van Mulligen,

Thank you and wishing you the energy you need to manifest the change

you envision!

And remember...

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Keep on moving!

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