Driver Safety. Driving Safety Statistics Someone is injured every 18 seconds Motor vehicle accidents...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Driver Safety

Driving Safety Statistics

•Someone is injured every 18 seconds

•Motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause of death

•35% of work-related fatalities are associated with motor vehicles (source: BLS)

More Statistics

•Most collisions occur in daytime and in good weather conditions.

• 62% of work-related vehicle fatalities occur between 7 AM – 4 PM except trucking which occur between 3–7 AM.

•Most urban collisions occur at intersections.


•Leading Driving Hazards

•Accident Avoidance

•Safe Backing Techniques

•Other Driving Hazards


General Safety

Always use seatbelts!

When backing up, use caution: if you have passenger, ask them to get out and direct; if not, get

out and check area before backing.

If vehicle is not operating properly, report and discontinue use.

Shut off motor and do not smoke or use cell phone while refueling.

Do not leave engine running in an unattended vehicle.

Report all work accidents, no matter how minor, to your supervisor.

Leading Causes of Collisions

•Unsafe Lane Changes

•Following Too Closely

•Excessive Speed

•Distracted Driving

•Vehicle Malfunctions

•Not Adjusting to Road/Conditions


Rear-End Collisions

Rear-ending other vehicles is the leading cause of vehicle accidents

Maintain 3-second following distance to react safely.

Braking distance is 3 – 12 X longer in bad weather conditions


Accident Avoidance Tips

Keep Space around Vehicle’s Never Drive Side-by-Side Know Your Blind Spots Keep Out of other Peoples Blind Spots


Unsafe Behaviors


Distracted Driving

Drivers that use cell phones are four times more likely to get into injury-producing crashes.

The #1 source of driver inattention: using a wireless device.

Text messaging, talking on a cell phone, grooming, watching a movie, writing a grocery list, putting in contact lenses, changing radio stations, looking for items in your vehicle, changing your vehicle instrument settings all equal distracted driving. Emotional conversations where people get angry and upset can lead to deadly distractions.

Cell phones contribute to 24% of crashes (National Safety Council, 2012)

Driving Hazards:Dangerous Conditions

•Bad weather

•Difficult road conditions

•Poor light or glare

•Heavy traffic

•Road work



Neglecting maintenance can cause crashes. Monitor condition of and air pressure in

your tires. Not doing so could cause blowout or a flat.

Change wiper blades regularly.

Vehicle Maintenance

Pre-Drive Inspection


•Leaks under vehicle

•Windows clean, nothing blocking vision

•Mirrors properly adjusted

•Lights working properly

Watch Out for Fatigue

•Be especially careful during late night, early morning, and mid-afternoon hours

•Stop, take a nap, and drink coffee if you’re tired

•Avoid medicines that make you drowsy

Keep Cool in Traffic

•Keep your emotions in check

•Take steps to stay relaxed no matter what

•Allow enough time to get there

•Don’t provoke other drivers

•Report aggressive drivers to the police

Avoid Road Rage Incidents

Don’t offend, don’t engage. Adjust your attitude (stay calm). Avoid cutting people off. Don’t tailgate or follow closely. Don’t make obscene/questionable gestures. Avoid eye contact. Give angry drivers lots of room – You just

can’t know what else is going on with them!


Don’t Drink or Take Drugs and Drive

Alcohol and drugs impair:

•Ability to determine distances

•Reaction time•Judgment•Vision

Remember:•Only time, not

coffee, will sober you up

•Use a designated driver


Traffic deaths are three times greater at night than during the day (Source: National Safety Council).

Depth perception, color recognition and peripheral vision is compromised.

Aging eyes need more light. 50 year old needs 2x more light than 30 year old.

Night Driving


Increase following distance to 4+ seconds Clean headlights, taillights, signal lights and

windows (at least weekly). Replace wiper blades. Have vehicle headlights properly aimed. Don’t overdrive headlights – should be able

to stop inside illuminated area Turn lights on 1/2 hour before sunset

Night Driving

What’s behind you?


Vehicle Backing Safety

Think In Advance Use a Spotter Do a Walk-Around Know Clearances


Backing out of a driveway

Think in Advance

Try to position vehicle so you don’t have to back up.

Choose easy exit parking spots that don’t crowd neighboring vehicles.

Back into the space if possible when parking.

Back to the left if possible so you can see objects on the driver’s side.


Use a Spotter

Use another person to help when backing. Turn off radio and roll down window to hear

what spotter is telling you. Make sure driver and spotter clearly

understand hand signals. Don’t have spotter walking backwards while

giving instructions.


Do a Walk-Around

Conduct a circle of safety walk-around to look for hazards.

Get back into vehicle ASAP Look over shoulders & check both mirrors. Give two horn blasts before backing up.


Know Clearances

6 Dimensions of Vehicle: front, back, left, right, above and below.

Walk-around will identify obstructions, low hanging branches or clearance-related problems.

Be vigilant of vehicle’s blind spots.


Best Back-up Solutions

Park defensively to minimize need to back-up. Take a moment to get a spotter to assist. Practice situational awareness. Encourage management to pursue back-up

sensor and/or rear camera technology.


Did You Know

Immediately after driving you have an increased chance of a lower back injury from lifting?

Neck, shoulder and back pain are common after sitting for long periods, and from whole body vibration.


Driver Ergonomics

Change seat position a notch or two every 30 minutes. Use lumbar support and seat cushions. Adjust steering wheel periodically. Rest/stretch break 5 minutes every hour.


Did You Know?

About 25% of reported slips in snowy and icy conditions in NEWESD 101 School Districts happen when employees are exiting their vehicle.


Ten Driver Safety Tipsfrom “How Stuff Works”

Keep Your Vehicle Safe Practice Defensive

Driving Watch Out for the

Other Guy Don’t Follow Too

closely Be Extra Careful in Bad


Wear Your Seat Belt Don’t Drive Drowsy Don’t Speed Avoid Distractions Don’t Drink and Drive


Need more info?

Don Ebert


Risk Manager

(509) 789-3517