Dr.N.J.Paul is ascientist by profession. But God designed him to be a teacher. During his stay and...

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Dr.N.J.Paul is a scientist

by profession. But God designed him to be a teacher. During his stay and work abroad for twenty years in the Middle East, he established bible studies for various national and denominational groups who later founded full fledged churches for themselves. Those studies have been published on request, some in many Indian languages and some are translated into foreign languages as well. He wrote seventy stories for children with excellent color animated drawings by famous artists. This book on psalms will enable children to memorize some verses and formulate simple prayers for all needy occasions.To know more about other publications which are hot sellersEmail to: drnjpaul@mail.com or


• A Child’s Book Of Psalms

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LORD I need your Blessing

Lord, I need to be blessed in my studies,in my sports and everything I do at school. I want to be good at singing and music. Above all I want to be called a good child. I want to succeed in everything I do. Help me Jesus.

He who delights in the law of the Lord and on His law meditates day and night is like a tree planted by streams of water. Whatever he does prospers. Ps.1:2,3.

Lord help me to read my scriptures daily.

2www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Lord I am afraid.

Lord I am afraid of everything. Of dark-ness, of people who stare at me, of cock-roach and small insects.Of my exams and illness. I am afraid of ever so many things. Jesus help me.

To the Lord I cry aloud. And He answers me from His holy hill. I will not fear the ten thousands drawn up against me on every side. Ps. 3:4,6

Jesus will you protect me?

3www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Jesus I am sad

When I see other children eat chocolates and popcorn and enjoy coke and many other things; when I see them wear new clothes and play with expensive toys I feel sad because my Dad cannot buy such things for me.

Jesus I can be happy if you are with me

You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound. Ps.4:7

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Jesus can I see You?

Jesus your presence must be so bright and glorious with thousands of angels around you. How can I see You? What should I do to please you? Who may dwell in your sanctuary?

Jesus help me not to hurt my friends by word or deed.

Who does his neighbour no wrong and casts no slur on his fellow men Ps.15:3

5www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Lord it pains me

Some one got a virus fever and passed it on to me. It pains me all over. I don’t like the medicines. They are bitter. I am stuck to my bed. I cannot go out and play. Jesus why should I have pains without reason?

My God, my God,why have you forsaken me? Why are you far from saving me,so far from the words of my groaning?. Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no-one to help. Ps. 22:1,11.

6www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Jesus I am happy !

We have a get well party and all my friends came to wish me. They brought me flowers and fruits and greetings. And they prayed for me. Jesus I have no fears when you are by my side !

The Lord is my shepherd,I shall not be in want. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Ps.23:1,4.

7www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

I hate all bad people

I hate Susan who always taunts me and John who breaks my toys. They wouldn’t play with me. They steal others things. Jesus won’t you punish them?

Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; Trust in the Lord and do good. Ps.34:1,3

8www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

I fear my exams.

I hate math. I cant do good. But I have to get through this time. Jesus help me I my studies. Susan is good at maths. But she wouldn’t help me. She just taunts me. Jesus help me

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way. Ps.46:1,2

9www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

My friends failed me

It rained the other day and I got drenched as I walked back home from school. Susan would not pick me up on her bike. I could not get into any shop for shelter as I was wet. But I called you Jesus. And just then Dad came to pick me up

Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honour me.Ps 50:15

10www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Jesus I failedI joined bad people and I failed. Mother told me not to eat ice cream but Susan baited me and I disobeyed mother. If I fall ill or catch a cold mom will be angry. Help me Jesus.

Have mercy on me,O God, according to your unfailing love; For I know my trans- gressions, and my sin is always before me. Ps.51:1,3

11www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

I passed!

My exam results came and I passed in math with credit! My teacher was surprised and my parents were happy. I know I can trust Jesus at times of trouble. And He will answer me.

I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God. I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever. Ps.52:8

12www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Turn to God

Susan’s parents don’t go to church. Her father drinks and her mother brawls all the time.Susan does not attend Sunday school either.She says it does not pay to be God fearing.Will Susan turn to God one day?

The fool says in his heart “There is no God”. God looks down from heaven, to see if there are any who seek God. Ps.53:2

13www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Betty quarrels with me

I love Betty. She is my best friend. But she picked up a quarrel with me. She wanted the pen which dad gave me as my birthday gift.It is expensive. If she breaks it or spoils it Dad will be cross with me. So I did not give it to her. Jesus even my best friends are gone against me.

If an enemy were insulting me I could endure it. But it is you a man like myself my companion my close friend with whom I enjoyed sweet fellowship. Ps. 55:12.

14www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

I was much relieved

I came home. I was afraid if I should tell Dad all that happened at school. Will he be angry that I took the expensive pen to school? But he only gave it to me as a gift. If I had lost it..? Dad came home late that night and I went to bed early. Jesus thank you for helping me.

On my bed I remember you. I think of you through the watches of the night. I will praise you as long as I live Ps.63:6,4

15www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

They blame me !Betty lost her pen. And Susan jumped on me. She told the teacher it was me who stole it! They wanted even to search my bag. But then the teacher came round and found the pen lying on the ground beneath Betty’s desk. Jesus you know I am honest and you would protect me.

Do the rulers indeed speak justly? Surely the righteous are still rewarded. Surely there is a God who judges the earth. Ps. 58:1,11

16www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Susan was plotting!

Susan was not happy that I escaped out of problem. She wanted to take betty away from me. So she said all kinds of bad things about me. Jesus you know they are not true. Deliver me from bad people.

He will turn their own tongue against them and bring them to ruin. All mankind will fear; they will proclaim the works of God. Ps. 64:9

17www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Praise awaits you Jesus

Dad went to farmers market. He did not have enough money to buy all the things mom wanted. Dad prayed and went. Mom was surprised to see he brought all the things she needed. Dad said the prices were slashed this week. So he could buy all. Thank you Jesus

Praise awaits you O God, in Zion. You crown the year with bounty and your carts overflow with abundance. Ps.65:1,11

18www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

He bears our burdens

Our dog became suddenly sick. We took him to the clinic many days and the Vet could not find out the problem. He did not improve. We were worried. Then we prayed. Jesus heard our prayers!

Praise be to the Lord, to God our saviour who daily bears our burdens. Ps.68:19

19www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

We are chased !Benny and I were walking back from school. Suddenly a dog began to chase us. Benny was too small to run fast We called Jesus. In a moment a shop keeper came running with a stick and chased the dog away! Jesus helps always.

We give thanks to you O, God, We give thanks for your Name is near Men tell of your wonderful deeds! Ps. 75:1

20www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Benny in dangerOne day Benny went out. There is pond near our home and when Benny saw the waters he rushed to play in it. He went deep and deep and finally he slipped and was drowning. I cried for help. A man who was riding a cycle came and helped Benny out. He was angry we came without escort.

I cried out to God for help. I cried out to God to hear me. When I was in distress, I sought the LORD. Ps. 77.1

21www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

We forgot !One day Dad took us for a walk to the woods. While we were returning, dark clouds gathered with the thunder and lightning. We clenched dad’s hand in fear. Dad reminded us how Jesus helped us from the dog. We prayed and it didn’t rain till we reached home

Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds. Ps.78:7

22www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Susan’s father diedOne day Susan’s parents were quarrel-ing. The pastor who passed by thought he could step in and help them. He wanted to invite them to the church. But Susan’s father was wild and shouted against God and all Christians. Not many days later he met with and accident and died

But they put God to test and rebelled against the Most High. They did not keep His statutes. Ps.78.56

23www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Pest in our gardenDad was expecting a good harvest of tomatoes. But a pest came in and spoilt the yield. We wanted to buy so many things at Christmas and our hopes are gone. Would the pest spoil other crops as well?

Restore us O God make your face shine upon us that we may be saved. Ps.80.3

24www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Bird’s nest

We love pets and wanted Dad to buy a pair love birds. Dad said it is not good to put birds in a cage as they will be sad. Instead he took us to the garden and showed a nest built by two parrots and they were happy and flying freely. Pets in a cage are sad.

Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself- near your altar. Blessed are those who dwell in your house. Ps.84:3,4

25www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Eagle’s nest

Eagles are the strongest and high flying birds. They build their nest in cliffs and rocks where no one can go. It keeps her young ones very safe. Dad said we could see them through the binoculars one day. Jesus also keeps us safe.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge. Ps.91:1,4

26www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Praise music CDs.I asked Dad why the music they play in the church sound melodious and pleasant while the other pop music are noisy and queer. Dad said I could join the church choir if I get inspiration and feel happy singing.

It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning. Ps.92.1,2

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We went to the Church

We went to the church last Sunday. I could not understand all that the priest said. Dad told us that bad people may hide and not be caught by the police. But God will punish all the wicked people after their death.

He will judge the world in righteous-ness and the people with equity. Ps.98:9

Jesus is the judge!

28www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

God is forgiving!

Dad was angry with my brother Danny because he rode my bicycle and broke it. After that Danny was working in the garden and hurt his foot. He yelled to Dad for help. I thought Dad wouldn’t go. But Dad ran out to help him!

O, LORD our God, you answered them You were to Israel, a forgiving God,though you punished their misdeeds. Ps.99:8

29www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

God loves Praises!I asked Dad why Jimmy wags his tail when we give him a biscuit or a candy. Dad said, that is the way he wants to express his thanks to us for everything we give him. We should also say thanks to God for everything we get

Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my, inmost being, Praise His Holy name. Ps 103:1

30www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Mr.Sam is sickMr.Sam smokes and drinks too much. Doctor said that his liver and lungs have been affected. He would die if he would not give up these habits. Dad prayed to God to help him do that and heal him. Jesus helps. Jesus heals!

He forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. Ps.103. 3

31www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

How does dog talk? Our dog Jimmy is very quiet. But one day he came to the front door and was wagging his tail. Dad told us that he has some need or wants to tell us something. We asked Dad how dogs communicate to each other or us. We have mouths to talk. Animals and children are helpless!

They all look to you to give them their food at the proper time, When you give it to them, they gather it up. Ps.104: 27,28

32www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

What is Heaven?“Where do all people go after death?”, I asked Dad one day. “Good people go to Heaven and the bad people to hell”, he replied. Jesus is happy to receive the good people into Heaven. It is a joyful place. And there is no math classes and exams!

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints. Ps.116:15

33www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Sin is a poison!Somebody drank a poison by mistake and they rushed him to hospital in an ambulance. They gave him some medicine so that he could vomit it. Sin is also a poison and the Bible and God’s word are the best medicines.

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Ps. 119:11


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What do I like best?What do people do on a Sunday? Some sit and watch Cricket and football match. Others watch TV serials. Some go out for fishing or a picnic and a few others sit at home with their story and comic books. It shows what they like best. But I like my Bible

Oh,how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long . Ps.119:97

Fun or God which is important?

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God is my helperMom’s kitchen gadget failed. Dad was out of town. Mom was looking for some one to help her. Our church priest passed by and he said he could do it for her. He did it in a minute and Mom was happy that it cost her nothing! God sends helps.

I lift up my eyes to the hills –where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord . Ps.121:1,2

36www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

The Lord protectsThere was an earth quake in a place hundred miles away from us. Many died and suffered loss. “Can’t we stop it?”, I asked Dad. “No, we can get only some indications”, he replied. “We are helpless against floods, virus infections and natural disasters. Only God can protect”, he replied.

Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. Ps.127:1

Jesus protect me from dangers

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Blessed family

Why are some families happy and others quarrelling, fighting, and unhappy? The priest said that the people who fear the LORD would be blessed and be happy and prosperous.

Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in His ways … blessing and prosperity will be yours. Ps.128: 1

38www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

God is our Guide

We went for mountain trekking during our holidays. The guide told us to observe all the instructions and follow him carefully. It was a happy time. Still Robert was careless at a point and would have fallen into great danger. He would have died.

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Ps.143:10

Jesus lead me.

39www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

We are God’s people!

We went to town and Dad showed us people from different countries in the shopping malls. Chinese, Korean, Arabs, African and so on. He said we could identify people from their dress and language. Whom do we belong to?

Blessed are the people of whom this is true; blessed are the people whose God is the LORD. Ps.144:15.

I belong to Jesus!

40www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

By Dr. N. J. Paul

Word of Christ INDIA 625002

41www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

My Prayer Book(A child’s book of Psalms)

Copyright© 2003


Dr. N. J. Paul

First Edition in 2003

Copies 2000




MADURAI 625002

42www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

Jesus loves all people

Dad loves all of us. He loves our dog and all the animals in the farm. He loves his friends. Many come to him for help because he loves people. I love my Dad. I love Jesus

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving to all He has made. Ps. 145:8,13

43www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

44www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

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46www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com

16. Susan was plotting 31

17. God provides wonderfully 33

18. Jesus cares for us 35

19. We are chased 37

20. Benny in danger 39

21. We forget God’s help 41

22. Susan’s father died 43

23. Pest in our garden 45

24. Bird’s nest 47

25. Eagle’s nest 49

26. Church music sounds.good 51

27. God will punish bad people 53

28. God forgives 55

29. God loves praises 57

30. Mr. Sam is sick 59

31. How does dog talk? 61

32. What is Heaven? 63

33. Sin is poison! 65

34. What do I like best? 67

35. God is my Helper. 69

36. The Lord protects 73

37. God is our Guide 77

38. Jesus loves all people 79

Dedicated to all the little

children who love God.

47www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com


1. Lord I need your blessings 1

2. I am afraid of many things 3

3. I am sad 5

4. I like to be in your presence 7

5. I have fever and pain 9

6. I am happy you are with me 11

7. I hate all bad people 13

8. I fear my exams. 15

9. My friends won’t help 17

10. I listened to bad people 19

11. I passed my examinations 21

12. Turn to God 23

13. Betty quarrels with me 25

14. They blame me 27

15. I was much relieved 29

48www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@mail.com