Drugs are any substances other than food that or...

Post on 06-Apr-2020

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Drugs are any substances other than food that change the structure or function of the body

or mind.

Legal Drugs Include any drugs used for a medical

purpose Medicines are legal drugs (typically

prescribed by a doctor or sold in stores or pharmacies)

Cigarettes and Alcohol are legal drugs

Illegal Drugs ▪ Marijuana

▪ Ecstasy

▪ Cocaine


▪ Crystal Meth

▪ Heroin

Take a minute to think about the answer to this question…

How are Medicines and Drugs related?

Medicines are drugs that are used to treat or prevent diseases or other


All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines.

Medical drugs are effective in treating illness when taken as directed by a physician or according to the label


1. Medicines that help prevent disease 2. Medicines that fight pathogens 3. Medicines that relieve pain and other

symptoms4. Medicines that manage chronic conditions,

help maintain or restore health, and regulate body’s systems

Today almost 95% of all children receive vaccines Vaccines a preparation that prevents a person from

contracting a specific disease▪ Contain a weakened or dead pathogen that causes the disease and

allows body to produce antibodies that fight the disease▪ Example: Flu

Antibodies are drugs that destroy disease-causing microorganisms, called bacteria

Pain Relievers include anything from aspirin to strong narcotics such as morphine or codeine.

Oral Medication▪ Taken in the form of tablets, capsules, or liquids

Topical Medications▪ Applied to the skin

Inhaled Medicines Injected Medicines

▪ Delivered in through a shot straight to the bloodstream

Medicines have a variety of different effects. Including:

Side-effects: reactions to medicine other than the one intended

Examples: drowsiness, fatigue

As a class make a list of as many side-effects as you can think of.

Tolerance: condition in which the body becomes used to the effect of a medication requiring larger doses of the medicine to produce the same effect.

Withdrawal: occurs when a person stops using a medicine on which he or she has become physiologically dependent.

Medicines should only be taken as prescribed or instructed onthe label.

Prescription Medicines are medicines that are dispensed only with the written approval of a licensed physician or nurse-practitioner.

Over-the-Counter Medicines are medicines you can buy without a doctor’s prescription and should be used only as the label directs.

Drug Misuse: Using medicine in ways other than the intended use

Drug misuse can prevent the user from getting the full benefit of themedicine and can have serious health consequences.

What are some examples of drug misuse?

Drug Abuse: Intentionally taking medications for nonmedical reasons

Drug misuse and drug abuse can lead to drug overdose (a strong, sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of a drug) or drug dependence.



Class Discussion:As a class discuss what you heard, what you saw, or how you felt about the videos you saw. In what ways can you relate to the individuals within each video?

All forms of tobacco contain chemicals that areharmful and dangerous to your health.

Why? Tobacco contains nicotine- the addictive drug found in

tobacco leaves

Nicotine is a stimulant- a drug that increases the action of the

central nervous system, heart, and other organs

Carcinogen is a cancer causing substance found in all tobacco products

Tar is a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas

found in cigarette smoke

Brain Chemistry Changes Respiration and Heart Rate Increases Taste Buds are Dulled and Appetite is reduced Bad Breath, Yellow Teeth, Gum Decay Smelly Hair and Clothes

Chronic Bronchitis Emphysema Lung Cancer Coronary Hearth Disease and Stroke Weak Immune System


Straw Activity: Round 1: Everyone perform 15 jumping jacks

and 10 push-ups then breathe normally through your straw.

Round 2: Perform 15 jumping jacks and 10 push-ups then breathe into the straw after plugging the end of it with a small piece of paper.

What did you discover from this activity?

Did you notice a difference in your breathing after you plugged the end of

the straw?

It is important to promote a smoke free and tobacco free environment.

Tobacco can truly effect the way a person lives and can change their life forever. Don’t allow you or your friends to become

just another statistic.

Terri Ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zWB4dLYChM

Terri’s Story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7neRG6dGRVY&feature=relmfu

What are some ways that advertisements make alcohol seem appealing to the public?

An addictive, and physically damaging drug that typically leads to other drug use.

Contains Ethanol—the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages (powerful and very addictive drug)

Depressant—a drug that slows the central nervous system unlike a stimulant

Slows reaction time Impairs vision Diminishes Judgment Intoxicates the body Intoxication—is the state in which the body

is poisoned by alcohol or another substance reducing a person’s physical and mental control.

It depends on the person…▪ Alcohol effects everyone differently:

Factors that Influence Alcohol’s Effects

Body Size- smaller people feel the effects faster than a larger person

Gender- alcohol generally moves into the bloodstream faster in females than in males due to body size

Food- food in the stomach slows down the passage of alcohol into the bloodstream

Rate of Intake- if a person drinks alcohol faster than the liver can break it down, then the person becomes intoxicated

Amount Medicine – alcohol can interfere with the effects of certain


All of these drinks contain the same amount of absolute alcohol.

Consequences of Alcohol use:▪ Psychological Dependence- a condition in which a person

believes that a drug is needed in order to feel good or to function normally.

▪ Physiological Dependence- a condition in which the user has a chemical need for a drug.

Benefits of Living Alcohol Free: ▪ Maintaining Healthy Body ▪ Establishing Healthy Relationships ▪ Making Healthy Decisions ▪ Avoiding Risk Behaviors ▪ Achieving Goals

Illegal Drug: chemical substance that people of any age may not lawfully manufacture, possess, buy, or sell.

▪ Using illegal drugs is a crime called Illicit Drug Use (the use of or sale of any substance that is illegal)

Substance Abuse: includes the use of illegal substances, as well as the misuse of legal substances.

▪ Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for non-medical purpose.

Peer Pressure Family Members Role Models Media Messages Perceptions of Drug Behavior Misleading Information

Drug use can affect your health in many ways…

▪ What are some ways that drugs can affect your overall health?

1. Physical Health- leads to overdose

2. Mental Health- impair ability to reason and think by altering the brain’s structure and function

3. Social Health

Tolerance- a condition in which the body becomes accustomed to the

drug and causes the user to experience a need for more to achieve the desired effect.

Psychological Dependence- a condition that develops

over time and causes a person to believe that a drug is needed in order to feel good or to function normally.

Physiological Dependence- the user develops a chemical

need for a drug.

Addiction- a physiological or psychological dependence on a drug.

Marijuana- a plant whose leaves, buds, and flowers, are usually smoked

for their intoxicating effects.

Inhalants- substances whose fumes are sniffed of inhaled to give effect

Steroids- synthetic substances similar to male sex hormones

(anabolic=muscle building, androgenic=increased male characteristics)

Psychoactive Drugs- chemicals that affect the central nervous

system and alter activity in the brain

(change function of the central nervous system)

Marijuana is a drug that can be smoked, or eaten

Known as grass, weed, or pot Marijuana is the most widely

used illegal drug

Considered a Gateway Drug—a drug that may lead the user to trying other drugs.

All forms of marijuana are mind altering and cause major damage to the user’s health.

Usually inhaled through the nose causing a altered state of mind and can cause brain damage

Include anything from… Solvents Aerosols Glues Paints Varnishes Gasoline

Inhalants depress the central nervous system causing immediate effects such as a glassy stare, slurred speech, impaired judgment,

nausea, coughing, nosebleeds, fatigue, and lack of coordination.

Steroids are typically prescribed for medical conditions, but many people abuse them

Steroids can result in unnatural muscle growth

Side Effects: ▪ Weight Gain ▪ Acne ▪ High Blood Pressure ▪ Live and Kidney Tumors ▪ Violent Behavior ▪ Extreme Mood Swings ▪ Depression ▪ Paranoia

Risk for Males: Shrinking Testicles Reduced Sperm Count Baldness Development of Breasts Increase risk of Prostate Cancer

Risk for Females: Facial Hair Baldness Menstrual Cycle Changes Deepened Voice

Types of Psychoactive Drugs:▪ Stimulants

▪ Depressants

▪ Opiates

▪ Hallucinogens

Psychoactive Drugs change the function of CNS

▪ When these drugs are misused or abused they alter a person’s health and the function of all the body systems

Designer Drugs- synthetic drugs that are made to imitate the

effects of other drugs. (100x stronger than the drugs they imitate)

Types of Club Drugs: ▪ Rohypnol- (“Roofies”, or depressants, or sedatives that are colorless, odorless, and tasteless)

▪ Ecstasy- (Hallucinogen, or drug that alters mood, thoughts, and sense perceptions, including vision,

hearing, smell, and touch)


▪ Ketamine

▪ Meth- (Stimulant)

▪ LSD- (Acid)

What are some positive ways teens could live drug free lives?

Family Support Friends Get involved in Athletics School Clubs/Organizations

It’s okay to say “NO”… Today there are so many factors that influence the choices you make, and as a

teenager it can be a challenge to stand-up for what you believe in. However, when it comes to your health sometimes the best choice is

to just say “NO” and walk away.

STOP Steps:S: Say “NO”—with confidence

T: Tell why you choose to say “NO”

O: Offer another alternative; suggest another plan

P: Promptly remove yourself from the situation

Partner up with someone else and practice applying the STOP resistance steps.

▪ Have one partner create a scenario in which you try to convince the other partner to try some sort of drug. The other partner must then use the STOP steps to say “NO”.

Example: Partner 1: “Hey Sally, you know the cool thing to do is smoke

marijuana. Me and some of the others are going to my house to smoke after school. Do you wanna join?”

Partner 2: “No thanks, I have practice later tonight. Maybe we can just get together later and go shopping instead? I have to go now.”