Dsm 5 vu class

Post on 17-Jan-2017

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CHANGES FROM DSM - IVNo More Multiaxial SystemAsperger’s Disorder is GoneADHD Replaced ADD

DSM – IV DSM – VAxis I: 296.22 – Major Depressive Disorder, 296.22 – Major Depressive Disorder, moderatesingle episode, moderate 301.83 – Borderline Personality DisorderAxis II: 301.83 Borderline Personality Disorder 340 - Multiple SclerosisAxis III: 340 Multiple Sclerosis Axis IV: HomelessnessAxis V: GAF 40


HOW IT IS HELPFULFrame of ReferenceKnowing What You’re Trying to Improve on504/IEP’SMedication A Guide to Keep you on Track

HOW IT IS HARMFULMisdiagnosis – Ex. ADHD instead of TraumaInsurance Companies – stay on medical record

OvermedicatedUsed to acquire financial assistance for disability

CASE EXAMPLE314.01 – ADHD – Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation300.02 – Generalized Anxiety Disorder315.1 – Specific Learning Disorder with Impairment in Mathematics

CASE EXAMPLE296.44 – Bipolar 1 Disorder, current or most recent episode manic, with psychotic features315.39 – Language Disorder995.52 – Child Neglect, Suspected

CASE EXAMPLE313.81 – Oppositional Defiant DisorderV60.0 – Homelessness307.7 - Encopresis

Noah is an 8-year-old, has few friends, makes little eye contact, and spends a lot of time alone. He does okay in school and isn’t a behavior problem for his parents or teachers. Noah has a keen interest in movies and superheroes. He can quote long pieces of dialogue from his favorite movies, which he has watched many times. He collects superhero action figures and calls his room his “fortress of solitude,” because he feels peaceful in his room.To fall asleep at night Noah usually bounces on his bed enough to make the mattress jiggle a bit. His parents sometimes notice that he rocks himself gently, especially when he is feeling a lot of stress.Noah likes to write stories about superheroes that he creates, and he is interested in clocks and lamps.   

WHAT DO WE FOCUS ON?ADHD – Emotional AspectsPersonality Disorders – takes time to changeOppositional Defiant Disorder – what if parents aren’t involved?

Learning Disorders – emotional aspectsMedical Disorders – 504/IEPASD – Social Norms/Emotion Regulation

HOW TO HANDLE DIAGNOSIS WITH KIDSAge Appropriate Language – worry instead of anxiety

Help them not identify with diagnosis – it’s part of them but not who they are

Testing Results – not to be sharedMedication – why they take it