DTE Energy CIM Experience

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DTE Energy CIM Experience

CIM Role in Smart Grid for Transmission and Distribution EPRI Conference, Washington DC08-Sep-2010

Focus of discussion…

• Fast forward -- DTE Energy background

• Strategy -- key factors, gaining acceptance, and moving forward

• Implementation -- experiences with project teams


DTE Energy Overview: Facts and Figures


Company Name: DTE Energy Co. (NYSE:DTE)

Corporate Headquarters: One Energy PlazaDetroit, Michigan 48226

Chief Executive Officer: Anthony F. Earley Jr.

Employees: 11,000

Financial Information: Revenue $8 BillionNet Income $530 MillionMarket Cap $7.4 BillionAssets $24 Billion

Avg. Shares Outstanding: 165 million

DTE Energy Overview: Business Segments


DTE Energy Overview: Interesting Facts

• 10th largest electric utility and the 11th largest gas utility• License application filed to commission a new Nuclear plant• Investing $1 billion in biomass, solar, wind and other

renewable energy sources• Contributions of nearly $7 million to non-profit organizations• Currently operating in 26 states• U.S. Department of Energy grant of $84 million will

accelerate our Smart Grid program



SmartCurrents = Data-Connected Model-Equipment Specifications-Continuously updated mapping data

SmartCurrents = Customer Satisfaction-Shorter, less frequent outages-Control of home energy consumption and cost-Wind Power, Solar Power, and Electric Vehicles

SmartCurrents = Job Satisfaction-Dispatch direct to trouble locations-Reduced patrol time, particularly at night or in bad weather-Better operating maps and mapping products

SmartCurrentssm = The Future of Energy


Information Technology (IT)• 15 integrated IT systems to provide a complete and connected picture of the distribution network• Security and Interoperability

Smart Grid Investment Grant Project ScopeA two year project within the SmartCurrents program


Capabilities of the operationally outstandingCapability 1: Design work to see problems

• All work is designed so best practices are captured and problems are evident immediately.

Capability 2: Swarm problems when they occur• Problems are immediately addressed, both to contain their

effects from propagating, and to trigger problem solving.

Capability 3: Share knowledge where it is created• Knowledge generated locally becomes systemic through

shared problem solving.

Capability 4: Leaders train, coach, assist and teach• Leaders have to own the capability development process.

Continuous Improvement is one of the top corporate priorities

Capability 1: Process Design

Failure Mode: Pre-specification to ideal (no gap to ideal)

CMI at DTE Energy: The Perfect Storm

• Awareness of point-to-point problem • Awareness of service oriented architecture approach• Experience with services development for AMI• Promotion to SmartCurrents IT Program Manager• CIM revelation at Charlotte • Securing DOE funding • NIST standards as driver for DOE efforts• Control over how interfaces built


CMI at DTE Energy: The Perfect Storm


2005 2007 -2008 2009

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2010 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Purpose: Describe SmartCurrents IT approach for managing application interfaces

1. The most significant NIST standard for Smart Grid Interoperability relevant to IT applications is IEC 61968/61970 – Common Information Model (CIM)

… and SmartCurrents IT work shall comply2. SmartCurrents shall develop an Enterprise Semantic

Model (ESM) as the basis for all application interfaces3. SmartCurrents shall have a centralized project team

with responsibility to ensure development of ESM- compliant application interfaces


IT is key for smart grid through end-to-end system integration of utility operations; CIM is focal point of IT application interoperability standard

• “Interoperability” implies both inter-utility and intra-utility• Most standards relate to devices, interconnection,

security, but most important to applications pertain to semantics


Semantics: The study of meaning; in IT, the meaning

or definition of data

An ESM is a definition of terms, concepts, and data that is a corporate standard independent of any single department or application

Assertions:• The lack of an ESM results in a

proliferation of application specific data implementations… this is the root cause of point-to-point interfaces and “accidental architecture”

• The CIM is sufficient to provide a basis for a comprehensive ESM that meets the needs of SmartCurrents and DTE Energy

• Incremental integration using the ESM to define data messages is a successful approach for ESM refinement and application interface development


Also known as a Canonical Data Model; a proven pattern

for system integration






An industry problem is point-to-point interfaces: each interface is a mapping between two application data implementations


The IEC 61968-1 Interface Reference Model (IRM) Provides The Framework For Identifying Information Exchange Requirements Among Utility Business Functions

CIM Users Group: CIM for Enterprise Integration

All IEC 61968 Activity Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams are organized by the IRM


The CIM provides the basis for the DTE Energy ESM, then we extend it as necessary to meet situational needs


Key Concept: Incremental Integration - in Step With Business Needs

CIM Users Group: CIM for Enterprise Integration

Semantically Consistent ESB







The required skills and maturity for ESM/CIM- based implementation requires a centralized approach with our best technical people


• Provides: Needs for application integration or interface

• Application data semantics

• Receives: Service and payload design

• Provides: Needs for application integration or interface

• Application data semantics

• Receives: Service and payload design

• Provides: Application data semantics

• Receives: Needs for application integration or interface

• Service and payload design

• Provides: Application data semantics

• Receives: Needs for application integration or interface

• Service and payload design

• Provides: Mapping of application to ESM data

• ESM changes• Standards feedback• Implementation

specifics (ESB)• Receives: Standards


• Provides: Mapping of application to ESM data

• ESM changes• Standards feedback• Implementation

specifics (ESB)• Receives: Standards


• Requires: CIM training• Consulting services to

assist in mapping application to ESM

• Requires: CIM training• Consulting services to

assist in mapping application to ESM

• Technical Architect acts as liaison supporting both ESM Services and Application Teams in realizing objectives

• Technical Architect acts as liaison supporting both ESM Services and Application Teams in realizing objectives

Several services now exist in our “Service Catalog”


Service Name Description Producer Team

Consumer Team

createMeterReadings Send a request to get meter reading data


getMeterReadings Send a request to get readings from a meter


disconnectMeter Send a request to open the disconnect switch of a meter


resetDemand Send a request to reset demand registers of a meter


pingMeters Send a request to get energization status for a list of meters

AMI AMI Operations

powerOutageNotification Send a notification of a power outage event from a meter


powerRestorationNotification Send a notification of a power restore event from a meter


Services use various CIM objects

Service Operation CIM Object implementation

MeteringService createMeterReading MeterReading

MeteringService pingMeter MeterReading

MeteringService resetDemand EndDeviceControl/EndDeviceEvent

MeteringService disconnectMeter EndDeviceControl/EndDeviceEvent

MeterDataService getMeterReading MeterReading

OutageService createdMeterOutage EndDeviceEvent

OutageService createdMeterRestoration EndDeviceEvent


Steps that the Enterprise Services Development team followed

• Jump start session with SISCO guided our first CIM implementations.

• Business partners, IT leadership, and development teams participated in CIM orientation.

• Working sessions addressed services/object exchanges.• Mapping documents created for services outlining

attributes of CIM objects. Corresponding XSDs and WSDLs created.

• Producer and Consumer application teams built interfaces based on the contract.


As a result of the process, the Enterprise Services Development team proposed CIM changes

• Use case: Trouble ticket for reporting power problems. – Developed new objects. – Other attribute format changes.

• Left with our consultants to recommend changes with the working groups.


Retrospective – What went well?

• Availability of industry experts.

• Support from CIM community.

• CIMUg engagement.

• Centralized development team for our Enterprise Semantic Model and services.

• Well defined and documented objects.


Retrospective – What did we learn?

• Leadership support: getting right people involved at the right time.

• CIM orientation provides necessary context.

• Ambassadorial approach to ensure understanding and engagement.


Retrospective – What should we do differently?

• Repository of results (document management versus searchable web).

• Assume responsibility for entire services design earlier (error handling, SLAs, and other details).


Retrospective – What still confuses us?

• No visibility into CIM working group.

• Confusion around implied duplication. – Example: ‘ping’ a meter for its energization status.

MeterReading or EndDeviceControl/Event?

• How do we get the right people in the room at the right time?