Dulcibella Legacy-G4-uni

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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The Dulcibella Legacy

Generation 4 University

Welcome to Gen 4 Uni! Where we have a resident werewolf.

Nathan: “You have a werewolf living here? I am so gone!”

Bye-bye placeholder.

I’m starting to think that maybe I should stop putting in slides for when they roll their major. They all do so within the first semester, so what’s the novelty anymore?

I downloaded a little something to help with my Cow Mascot infestation.


Karigan: “Hehehe, that cow mascot is in pain. This is awesome!”

Oh, so this is why everyone uses the repo gun on the mascot. It’s part of the object.

Muahaha! Justice!

Karigan: “It got away…”

Oh, come on Karigan, how am I supposed to have justice if you let it get away? Oh well, you’ll get it next time.

Yay, Karigan got me a wishing well! But, I don’t think that’s the best place for it. You’d think the Garden Club would think more about not putting wishing wells on top of plants.

Karigan: “Mmff.”

Yup, the wishing well works. She happens to be having a toga party right now, which is why she’s in a night dress.

Estora made it! Um… why are you wearing a tutu?

Estora: “Isn’t it pretty!”

I think the cheese is finally starting to get to her.

Karigan: “I just finished repairing the computer and now it looks completely different.”

That’s because it’s not the same computer. It breaking reminded me that I should probably upgrade a bunch of your guy’s stuff. There’s still a few things I want to upgrade, but you guys are kind of out of money…

Don’t talk to him Estora!

Estora: “Why? He has good taste in clothes.”

I am not going to dignify that with a response.

Estora: “How dare you insult grilled cheese!”

Cow: “But I didn’t! I promise.”

Estora: “Too late.”

Karigan: “Hey, I’m ready to leave. No, I don’t want a party. All the guys I would invite all think they’re the only one. Yes, I’m a romance sim. Can I leave now?”

That outfit would make a green rider proud.

Karigan: “Thanks. What happened to my alien half-brothers?”

Oh, I decided not to put them through college. They’re just going to sit in the college neighborhood for the rest of the legacy.

Karigan: “That’s sort of depressing.”

Welcome to cheesy. This is Estora’s new business, which sells grilled cheese. It will most likely expand to kitchen stuff and cheesecake later, but I don’t have the cash to put those in, because Estora is in college and is on a strict budget.

Mia: “That sandwich has a bite out of it.”

You’re at a store run by a grilled cheese sim selling grilled cheese, and you expect them to be whole grilled cheese?

Mia: “You have a point there.”

SimMe: “I think giving you a star would be sort of biased of me.”

Estora: “So?”

SimMe: “Sold!”

Keika: “Why is she selling the grilled cheese when she should be eating the grilled cheese?”

What else would she sell?

Keika: “Um… something else?”

I see Anne was finally willing to submit to my cheesyness. She passed by at least three times before coming inside. Which I think is probably the best thing to do with sim run businesses.

And of course, the only two customers here at five in the morning are simselves.

Sam: “I’m here for roll call.”

Thai’s been around a lot, it took me forever to get a picture of him.

Anyway, I’m sure you’re bored of store slides, I know I am. It’s a good thing she reached level ten. Time to finish college!

In this trip she went from broke to having well over 100,000, so she now has the memory of earning 100,000. This isn’t important, but it makes me happy.

Essentially every moment of Estora’s existence is consumed with class and inhaling grilled cheese. I’m surprised she isn’t sick of it by now.

Estora: “I’m a grilled Cheese sim. I don’t get sick of it.”


Hey, Estora.

Estora: “What?”

That’s your 200th grilled cheese. You know what that means?

Estora: “I’m permaplat?”

Yes, and…

… it’s finally time for you to be skinny again!

Estora: “This is a reward?”

Yes, for me. It’s been killing me to not have you work off the extra pounds, but then you would have only been wasting your time with all the grilled cheese you had to down.

Much better. I just don’t think the weight suits Estora. She is much better fit.

Estora: “This isn’t grilled cheese.”

I know! Isn’t it great!

Estora: “Meh. I still prefer grilled cheese.”

It’s graduation time!And she’s kissing a simself. I need the pretty genes.

Thai: “I don’t get heirs very often.”

Your welcome.

F’ryan will be placeholding for me this Gen. I still don’t know if I’ll let him graduate.

Estora: “I know we’ve only really just met, but let’s get married and have cheese children together!”

Thai: “I don’t know about the cheese, but sure!”

Then she grows up in something not as bad as it could be.

This concludes Gen 4 Uni!