Dulcibella Legacy-G5-C2

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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The Dulcibella Legacy

Generation 5 Chapter 2

Welcome back to the Dulcibella Legacy where we have ducky floaties!

This kid acts so cute! I only wish his face matched.

Thai: “Hey, being dead isn’t so bad after all.”

Of course you’re one of the Ghosts that can make it off the island. *sticks out tongue*

… why are you dying? I seriously have no clue. He was demoted, because of a stupid chance card, and when he got back… this.

I feel like I should be freaking out, but… he’s had kids already, so he’s sort of a waste of space. I’m really nice, aren’t I?

Pony: “Please, Grim, Please don’t take my husband!”

Estora: “Hmm… good day for cheese.”

Pony: “I win!”

Good. I didn’t want him to mess up my platstone prettiness.

Ladrian: “Wow, I feel so loved.”

Ready to be teenagers, boys?

Galivar: “Oh, yeah!”

Adolin: “Does that mean we get to date?”

Galvinar: {I wonder if I can wish for a pet. Would that work?}

Adolin: {What sort of girlfriend should I wish for?}

And they are teens. Estora, one order of outfit for Adolin, please.

*jawdrop* HOLY COW! What happened to your squiffy face? You are CUTE!

Adolin Galvinar

Okay, so Galvinar isn’t as cute as I thought must have been the angle, though still much cuter than I was expecting.

I’m still leaning toward making Adolin heir. He has the ears. I wants them.

Estora: “Why is the camera trained on me?”


Do you want to wear your princess dress today?

Estora: “Cheese wilikers! How fun!”

*sad face*

Wow. Estora’s relatives are made up of men. If you look in the window, you can see Gavilar is on his way too.

Though, Pony and Gavilar seem to be missing the point of this venture outside.

Gavilar figured it out. Pony on the other hand…

Pony: “My husband is attractive when he’s mourning.”


Estora. You know, I’m gonna miss you. You were fun. When I picked you, your sister was more fun, but you were just right for being heiress, you know? Anyway I loved playing you, and sort of picking on you because your name sake annoyed me. You were also my first real grilled cheese sim, which is another special thing about you. Thanks for handling all the crap I gave you, because of said name sake, and it made you fun.

On another note, I’ve never had so many platinum graves in my game before!

… I just killed it, didn’t I.

I know, bad pun.

… what. Is that.

Ladrian: “Mom made it. She said to initialize it after she died.”

Servo. Hate.

Ladrian: “I forgot about this room. Wait a minute!”

Ladrian: “I feel so stupid! We have a bone phone! I hope this works.”

Ladrian: “Um, hi. I’d like my sisters back please.”

One per Customer.

Ladrian: “But they were only teenagers! I couldn’t possibly leave one dead!”

We’re sorry, but that is the rule. Your sister is on her way. We’ll take the money from your account.

Ladrian: “Wait, which sister?”

The one who’s life line wasn’t meant to end. Good day. *click*

Ladrian: “What was that supposed to mean?”

Ladrian: “Whoa!”

Ladrian: “Wow. It’s really my sister.”

Ladrian: “Oh my gosh, Vin!”

Vin: “Ladrian? This is so weird.”

Ladrian: “I know, but it’s okay.”

Vin: “You’re… old.”

Ladrian: “Yeah, about that…”

Adolin: “Hey dad, who’s that? And why is she green?”

Adolin: “She’s my dead aunt! Holy cow dad! But she’s younger than me.”

Ladrian: “Comes from being dead. Now, watch yourself. I’m not totally sure why she’s green, I was only just a teenager at the time and my parents didn’t like to talk about it. I think that it might have to do with how they ended up dead though. Sodon’t push her. Not to mention it would be pretty strange to be resurrected after so long being gone.”

Adolin: “So, treat her like a lost kitten?”

Ladrian: “Um, sure?”

Vin: “It’s strange. My room hasn’t even been touched. Everything has changed, but this hasn’t. The one thing I wanted to change, and it hasn’t. I suppose it isn’t that easy.”

Vin: “…”

Adolin: “…”

Vin: “…”

Adolin: “Hi.”

Vin: “What?”

Adolin: “Just wanted to say hi. Because, um, hi?”

Vin: “Hi.”

Adolin: “Oh, this is so awkward.”

Vin: “Tell me about it.”

Adolin: “So, um, are you going to go to university with us?”

Vin: “I don’t know. I’m still sort of getting my bearings. Figuring stuff out.”

Adolin: “Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Just know you can come. I still have a while left before I go, too. So you have plenty of time to think about it.”

Vin: “Um, thanks.”

Pony: “Bye Kaladin!”

Adolin: “See you soon!”

Vin: “Ladrian, look! I’m not green anymore!”

Ladrian: “That’s wonderful! Are you feeling any better?”

Vin: “A bunch. Your kids are great.”

Adolin: “Hi!”

Keika: *slouch*

Keika: “I know where this is going.” *slouchidy slouch slouch*

You volunteered. Perk of being my sister and knowing I was doing this without posting.

Keika: “Yes, and I’m happy. Pointy ears.”

You don’t look happy.

Keika: “My simself is never happy in your game.”

You must be pretty dumb thinking you can just make a simself cry like that.

Vin: “Wow, my rooms changed. Weird.”

Vin: “Oh, well.”

Pony: “Are you sure I have to get older?”

Ladrian: “That’s how it works.”

Pony: “Rose?”

Sorry Pony. I’m not saving you from old age.

… Adolin, why are you in a swimming suit?

Adolin: “Water wigglers are awesome!”


Hehe. Hehe. Hahaha!

Pony: “Shut up.”

*muffled laugh*

Ladrian faired much better. He gets to keep his outfit. I like it.

There you go, Pony.

Pony: “Why am I still grey. I don’t want to be grey.”

Too bad. Elders go grey. There’s no avoiding this.

Adolin: “Hey, can I go to Uni now?”

Yeah, sure. I’m using the neighborhood tool so that you and your brother can go together, okay? So no taxi.

Adolin: “Fine with me!”

Soon thereafter it was Vin’s turn to follow them to Uni.

Watch out! There’s an old lady with a sparkler!

Pony: “Oh, shut up.”

Estora decided to grace me with her presence.

Hmm… I seem to remember there being a sim here…

Oh, there was a sim there.

What is that?!

Janess: “I would think you would know a dog when you see one.”

That is not a dog. That is a fluff ball of evil.

Now it is time to see what the kids have been up to in college. Happy simming!