Dulcibella Legacy-G6-C1

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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The Dulcibella Legacy

Generation 6 Chapter 1

Welcome back to the Dulcibella Legacy.This here is Kaladin who is getting married to his sweetheart, Nancy. That is the formal wear she grew up in. Lucky, isn’t it? Wait till you see her everyday wear.

Yup. Gavilar is being his romance sim self, and that person in the orange over there is Nancy. And since I’m too lazy to change the clothes of unimportant sims, she is remaining in that.

Ladrian: “Welcome home son.”

Adolin: “Um, thanks dad. Does something feel… off, to you?”

Ladrian: “Like what?”

Adolin: “Oh, I just have this strange feeling like everyone looks different.”

*cough cough* new skins and eyes that Keika found. Thank you!

Adolin: “Dad, is this really necessary?”

Ladrian: “Is chocolate cake necessary?”

Adolin: “No, but it’s wonderful.”

Ladrian: “Exactly. See you in a bit.”

Adolin: “Oh, so that’s what’s in this super secret heir room. Sort of a letdown. After all, how are these comparable to chocolate cake?”

Keika: “Keika is not amused with the wait.”

When are you ever amused with anything?

Keika: “I am thoroughly amused by family trees and names.”

Um, okay.

Adolin: “Hi!”

Keika: “Oh look who decided to show.”

Pony: “I don’t need to change out of my pajamas for a wedding, right?”

And now we watch Keika’s simself be Keika’s simself.

Keika: *slouch*

And Keika, I think your simself has a problem.

Keika: *EXTREMELY inappropriate heart fart.*

Ew. Just ew.

Here we have the lovely ceremony, as long as Keika doesn’t do anymore inappropriate things.

I think this is my favorite part of the game. Watching sims kiss. Yes I am a creeper.

Keika: “Congratulations on being hot!”

Ug. Enough of this. Let’s go cut the cake.

Keika: {Cake. Cake. Chocolate cake. Cake.}

Keika seems to be channeling her inner Arie.

Come on Adolin, you were supposed to shove it in her face.

Keika: “My husband loves me.”

*sticks out tongue*

Keika: “Hey, over here.”

Keika: *throw*

Keika: “Haha! You have stuff on your face!”

Wow, you are so nice. *rolling of eyes*

Keika: “Hello, I’m awesome!”

Lifetime want of Captain Hero.

Keika: “Well, someone needs to keep SimCity safe.”

Riiiiight. Admit it, you just want to be captain hero so you can fly.”

Keika: “Shh!”

Keika: “Why do I have to fix the sink.”

Because you entertain me.

Keika: “You know, this is starting to just be a slideshow of me.”

Um… you entertain me?

Keika: “And so it continues.”

Yes, but this is a pregnancy shot. It’s sort of mandatory for these published legacies. That is, if this ever sees the light of day.

Keika: “Oh brother. You know you’re publishing this when you finish.”

Hmm… do you think cow plants can eat pets? Probably not. It would be cruel to the cow plant.

Keika and Adolin: “Hi!”

Um, why is Janess powered down?

Keika: “I hate servos. They’re a pain. I don’t want to have to deal with one.”

This is my game!

Keika: “And this is my life. Ish.”


Adolin: “zzzzZZZzzznoisyzzzzzz”

Isn’t it wonderful to have an audience while giving birth?

Keika: “I has baby.”

Yeah, I know. A baby girl named Vivenna.

And then nothing interesting happened, so now it’s her birthday.


Moving on now.

Keika: “Oh! I’m pregnant again.”

*yawn* How many more of these slides are there?

Vivenna seems to have something against the nursury.

*sigh* I hate these kinds of toddlers. And I have so many toys to distract her in the nursery, too.

Seriously! How did you even get in there? The doors connecting to there are locked!

Vivenna: “Hehe!”

I really don’t know how she made it in there. When I tried to tell her to leave she couldn’t go through either of the doors. I had to unlock one to let her out. Maybe Adolin brought her in there for some reason and left her? That’s all I can guess.

Vivenna: “Keehehe!”

Yes, good! Pick on the pesky hideous pet.

Pooky: {Make this vagabond release its dirty little paws from me at once!}


Oh, yeah! Picture of a picture! Ho-rah!

Keika: “Pregnant.”

Pooky: {Hmm, this tyke might not be so bad after all.}

Vivenna: “Fuffy!”

This feels oddly familiar. Like when Keika last gave birth.

Adolin: “zzzZZZZzzzsleepyzzz”

Adolin: “Alright darling, I’m up, I’m up.”

Keika: “Baby! Family sim is happy!”

Yes, my cow plant, eat the stupid townie that insists on making my poor sims cry! I’m sick of him being a jerk all over my neighborhood!

Nonono! Don’t sniff him! You’re supposed to eat him! Honestly, even the cow plant won’t eat him. How am I supposed to get rid of this jerk!

Hooray for birthdays! Sort of. I don’t like them, but it progresses the legacy, so yay!

(Insert over used line expressing the fact that Vivenna is older and bigger.)

Holy cow, she’s a miniature Keika! Well, not as much as I originally thought, but there is a fairly large resemblance. I’ll check again when she’s older.

Um, Janess, I’m sorry, but multitasking doesn’t come until Sims 4. Even then I don’t think you can cook and hold a baby at the same time. Please don’t horrendously glitch my game or cook the baby into whatever you’re making. *shudder*

Vivenna: “Look at me! I’m more important than whatever you were just looking at!”

Mini-Keika also has Adolin’s ears. *grin*

On another note, the baby was not harmed, and Susebron has been returned to his crib. And the Servo has gone back to being powered down. Thank goodness.

Hmm… There are some people who are noticeably absent. But not Pooky.

Pooky: {They are lucky I am gracing them with my presence.}

Oh, he is so adorable! There is no way someone that cute can grow up ugly, right? Right?

… I’m worried.

Keika being Keika.

Keika: “Oh cool!”

Susebron: “Hehe!” {Mommy’s silly!}

Keika: “Boring.”

Pst! Susebron has Pony’s ears too! I am so happy!

One of these things is not like the other.

Death. And right in front of poor Susebron. Fun. But don’t worry, he hasn’t rolled any death fears so he won’t go into negative for this.

Let’s see, Ladrian. You were, um, just a sec. I need to check my previous chapter to double check who you are. Oh, right. You almost died while you were still an adult, but I honestly wouldn’t have minded, since you already had your kids. You were sort of boring, but I honestly enjoyed you at the same time. Other than almost dying, nothing else really happened except that you ressurected Vin, so I guess I am happy you survived, because I like having her back. But then, you did go and activate the servo that’s a real pain, so I don’t know… I jest. I did like you even if you were boring. By, my friend.

Boring birthday.

And he’s a kid.

Keika: “Oh, what do you know. What happened to two?”

This one is an exception.

Keika: “How so?”

Because it is.

Don’t worry Adolin. You were watching for UFOs so you won’t get pregnant. Probably. I just wanted to make sure my abduction was still working, because when Keika put her new skins in it was messed up. Looks like it’s working just fine.

Adolin: “OW!”

You’d think after how many times they’ve done this, they would be more gentle.

Now, breaking out of the box, Keika gives birth in the hall!

Keika: “Ooooh baby!”

Keika: “… wait a minete. This kid has blue eyes. That doesn’t make any sense.”


Keika: “Rosiiiieeee! Spill! Don’t tell me…”

Okay, okay, so I couldn’t resist.

Keika: “A reaper child? Really?”

Yes really. Every legacy has one, and I figured you would be a good sport about it.

Keika: “Well, that clears up that. But there’s still something off. She has brown hair. I thought all reaper children have black.”

Me too. I guess it isn’t a guaranteed thing like I had assumed.

Keika: “Rosie, if you’re pulling my leg…”

I’m not! See, she is all nice and registered as Grim’s daughter. Happy now?

Keika: “I guess. It’s still weird.”

Yeah, I know.

Are we serious right now? This guy has now made TWO simselves cry. That’s it. I don’t care what the rules say.

Yeah. Bored.

Someone go wake up the servo. We need a new set of clothes pronto.

Much better.

From this look, you’d think T’Telir was a boy.

I forgot to get a makeover shot, ah well.

This is where I’m cutting off this chapter. Happy simming!