Dulcibella Legacy-G9 uni1

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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The Dulcibella Legacy

Generation 9 University 1

Welcome to Generation Nine University! I can’t believe I’m actually at nine! This is so exciting!

And I appear to have another name thief. This cheerleader has my nickname. *sticks out tongue*

Well, here we are at the Greek House, where Raisa has already sent the placeholder away.

Wait a minute, why aren’t you slap dancing?

Raisa: “I don’t know how.”

Holy cow mascot! You have got to be kidding me! A Dulcibella that doesn’t know how to slap dance. Well, that won’t last long once your brothers make it to Uni.

Raisa is a good little fortune sim and rolled up her major second day. Economics. And she had two fears of declaring the art major. She must really not like it. I blame Llarimar’s Lucy paintings.

And since Raisa was boring all by herself it is already time for the twins to move in!

Glasses: “Hey kid.”

Micah: “Shelly?”

Shelly: “Yup, that’s me.”

Micah: “What are you doing here?”

Shelly: “Oh, just passing by. I like to jam at the union, even though I’m not a college student myself.”

Micah: “I was hoping I’d see you again, since you were such a great help to me. Why don’t you come inside. There might even be some pizza left.”

Shelly: “Sounds great to me.”

Micah: “Shelly, this is my sister Raisa and my twin brother, Hansen.”

Raisa: “Wait, this is the Shelly? The one that convinced you to come home and you somehow just ran into her again?”

Micah: “Yeah, crazy right?”

Raisa: “Sounds like fate.” *sigh* “Why can’t something like that happen to me?”

Micah: “What?”

Hansen: “Where’d she go?”

Micah: “Hey Shelly, why are you hiding in here?”

Shelly: “Oh, hey kid.”

Micah: “Is everything all right?”

Shelly: “Course everything’s alright. I noticed you have a huge tv here, is all.”

Micah: “Sweet, football. Who’s winning?”

Shelly: “Who do ya think? Llamas of course. They always win. But I’m a die hard bunny fan myself.”

Micah: “What? I can’t remember the last game they won.”

Shelly: “True, but what can I say. I’ve always had a thing for the underdog.”

Raisa: “They’re talking about sports. How lame.”

What should they be talking about?

Raisa: “Fate, destiny, and romance.”

… I think you’ve been reading too many books.

Would you stop breaking things! Last night it was the computer, and now the shower!

Raisa: “Nope. It’s the only way I can get face time since I don’t have some special romance.”

Would you cut it out with that stuff! It’s incredibly cheesy.

Raisa: “I don’t wanna.”

Micah and Hansen: “We’re awesome!”

I agree. I like watching the synchronized slap dancing.

You guys really like being on top of each other, don’t you?

Micah: “We’re family right? Isn’t it supposed to be that way?”

You do realize that you three are hanging out in the bathroom, right?

Hansen: “And that matters because…?”


Raisa: “If only these sorts of things really happened.” *sigh*

Seriously. Put that down.


Oh you stupid wishing well!

Micah: “Can I leave now?”

No you have to change in front of all these people while they cheer.

Micah: “That’s awkward.”

I know, right?

Well, one good thing did come of this. He rolled up his major. History with a fear of math.

Shelly: “You’ve got quite the assortment of instruments, kid.”

Micah: “I’m not that much younger than you, you know.”

Shelly: “I know, but you’re still kid to me.”

Micah: “Wow, it sure got dark fast.”

Shelly: “Yeah, it did.”

Micah: “Shelly, I um…”

Shelly: “What?”

Micah: “Wait, Shelly, don’t go!”

Micah: “That was not how this was supposed to go.”

Averill: “I finally made it!”

Micah: “Mumfph.” *grumble*

Averill: “What’s wrong with him?”

Hansen: “Ignore him. He got rejected.”

Micah: “Why did she run? I really thought we had something.”

Sorry, Author interjection here. Long story short, Windows 10 hates my sims game so now it’s stuck in the smallest setting. I’ve tried everything to fix it, but nothing. So the pictures will be a bit more square from here on out. Okay, I’m done, back to the legacy!

Raisa: “Take that Shelly! And that. And that!”

Feeling aggressive much?

Raisa: “Of course I am! They finally do something romantic and she runs away! Grrr!”

Where are you going?

Micah: “I’m tired of sitting around moping. I’m going to find her and ask her why she ran.”

You might not like the answer.

Micah: “I need to know.”

The place you met. I could have told you she wouldn’t be here.

Micah: “Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Hey, your actually at the Union.

Raisa: “Eh, I was bored.”

Raisa: “You know, something about that girl looks familiar.”


Raisa: “Um, hi. I know this will sound kind of crazy…”

Green hair: “Whacha want. Can’t you see I’m busy?”

Raisa: “Wait, Shelly?”

Shelly: “Yeah. Now that you mention it, you do look mighty familiar.”

Raisa: “Why’d you leave? Micah’s beside himself. In fact, he’s out looking for you right now.”

Shelly: “Oh, your kid’s sister.”

Raisa: “Come on, come see him with me. Apologize, or at least tell him why you left.”

Shelly: “Look, you seem nice, but I can’t.”

Raisa: “Why not?”

Shelly: “Because I can’t. Kid’s the heir. He needs himself a perfect little legacy spouse, and I ain’t in that mold.”

Raisa: “Aren’t you the one that said ‘there are plenty of people in life that will put you down so you don’t need to do it to yourself?’”

Shelly: “That doesn’t apply here.”

Raisa: “It sure does. This time, the one running away is you. That’s what I think this, and the new look is about.”

Micah: “I couldn’t find her, Raisa.”

Person: “Then it’s a good thing she found you, kid.”

Micah: “Shelly! You, you’re…”

Shelly: “Yeah, it’s me. Raisa found me, and helped me see some things.”

Micah: “So why’d you leave?”

Shelly: “Well, you see, it’s just that…”

Shelly: “You’ve got your siblings and your family and they all love you. This house is full of your families' history. It’s filled to the brink with perfect family vibe. I’ve never had that, and frankly I was suffocating in it. I’m glad you’ve got this, but I can’t have it. I don’t get the perfect life. So this is my thing. I get uncomfortable and I give myself a new identity.”

Micah: “My family isn’t perfect, but when I’m around you I can believe that it can be.”

Micah: “Are you going to run away again?”

Shelly: “Maybe.”

Averill: “Don’t you think it’s kind of weird that we have a picture of our grandfather’s dead fiancée hanging in our living room?”

Hansen: “I’d rather not think about it.”

Raisa: “Nice to see you again Shelly. What’s with the bald look?”

Shelly: “It’s a statement. Just myself.”

Micah: “More like you couldn’t get the green hair dye out.”

Shelly: “Shush, you.”

Micah: “Okay.”

Hansen finally rolled up his major. And he let me pick! Drama or art. I picked art because he didn’t really seem like a drama major to me. I also found it funny that he rolled up fears of majoring in either of the majors his siblings have picked.

Raisa: “Hi, Matthew my friend who has had no face time.”


Raisa: “Ignore her.”

Matthew: “Want to come to a party at the fraternity? Even Francis is coming.”

Raisa: “Mr. Snob himself? How’d you manage that?”

Matthew: “No clue, really.”

Time for me to split… the chapter. Ug. Anyway, happy simming!