DuPont 3-Year Accelerated Tyvek Aging Industry …...3-Year Accelerated Aging conditions were...

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DuPont™ Tyvek® Medical Packaging Transition Project

3-Year Accelerated Aging Industry Summary Report June 2015

Bruce A. Yost, PhD Global MPTP Technical Director

Michael H. Scholla, PhD Global MP Regulatory Director

Jennifer H. Van Mullekom, PhD Senior Consulting Statistician


Report Contents

Executive Summary

Medical Packaging Transition Project (“MPTP”) Overview Summary

Testing and Results Overview o Seal Strength (ASTM F88) o Microbial Barrier (ASTM F2638) o Package Integrity Testing (ASTM F1929)


Appendix A: Category Results o Coated 1073B Pouches/Bags o Coated 1073B Form-Fill-Seal o Coated 1073B Lids/Rigid Trays o Uncoated 1073B Pouches/Bags o Coated 1059B Form-Fill-Seal o Uncoated 1059B Pouches/Bags o Uncoated 1059B Form-Fill-Seal


3-Year Accelerated Aging package testing results for the 78 cells in the Medical Packaging Transition Project

(“MPTP”) by third-party Nelson Laboratories indicate Functional Equivalence between current Tyvek® styles

1073B and 1059B and Transition Protocol material styles 1073B and 1059B. Specific test data to support this

conclusion includes:

Seal Strength (ASTM F88): 78 out of 79 instances of Functional Equivalence

Microbial Barrier (ASTM F2638): 78 out of 78 instances of Non-Inferiority

Package Integrity (ASTM F1929): 1,404 out of 1,404 instances of No Dye Penetration

Additional details are provided in the Tables and Figures that follow, including those in Appendix A, where

results are presented by category.


The Pre-Sterilization and Post-Sterilization Industry Summary Report (November 2014; Corrected April 2015)

provides an extensive overview of MPTP. It can be found in the “Medical Packaging Transition Project

Industry Reports” section of the website. Important points to re-emphasize


Functional Equivalence means that attributes of Transition Protocol material meet functional and

performance requirements.

The U.S. FDA Transition Protocol is a study plan based on sound principles of experimental design and

statistical analysis for generating data to prove Functional Equivalence by comparing Transition

Protocol material and current Tyvek® using 60 different device/package combinations (“cells”) with a

validated design and a validated forming, sealing and assembly process. Table 1 summarizes all 60 U.S.

FDA Transition Protocol cells.


Table 1. Sixty Cell U.S. FDA Transition Protocol Matrix


EO Coated 1073B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

EO Uncoated 1073B 22 23 24 25 26 27

Gamma Coated 1073B

Gamma Uncoated 1073B

Electron-beam Coated 1073B

Electron-beam Uncoated 1073B

EO Coated 1059B

EO Uncoated 1059B 52 53 54 55 56 57

46 47 48

31 32

Pouches and Bags Form-Fill-Seal Rigid Trays

40 41 42

28 29 30

58 59 60

13 14


43 44 45

49 50 51

20 21

34 35 36 37 38 39

15 16 17 18 19

The Phantom Protocol involves the creation and testing of 18 additional sterilized medical device/

package combinations (“cells”) that are outside the scope of the U.S. FDA Transition Protocol but have

been requested by the industry to support risk assessments. Table 2 summarizes all 18 Phantom

Protocol cells.


EO Coated 1073B

EO Uncoated 1073B

Gamma Coated 1073B

Gamma Uncoated 1073B

Electron-beam Coated 1073B

Electron-beam Uncoated 1073B

EO Coated 1059B

EO Uncoated 1059B

Steam Coated 1073B X65 X67

Steam Uncoated 1073B X69 X70

Dry Heat Coated 1073B

Low Temp. H2O2 Coated 1073B

Low Temp. C2H4O3 Coated 1073B

Gamma Coated 1059B

Electron-beam Coated 1059B


X75 X71





Pouches and Bags




Rigid Trays






Table 2. Eighteen Cell Phantom Protocol Matrix


3-Year Accelerated Aging conditions were nominally 50 °C and 23% RH; aging times were calculated

based on an ambient temperature of 25 °C, which is the nominal temperature for real-time aging

Paired data sets (Transition Protocol material vs. current Tyvek®) for each cell were generated and

analyzed from the following tests:

o Seal Strength: ASTM F88 o Microbial Barrier: ASTM F2638 o Package Integrity: ASTM F1929 o Visual Inspection: ASTM F1886M (Only reported for Pre-sterilization and Post-sterilization time

points; no aging visual inspection results will be reported)

This Industry Summary Report summarizes the 3-Year Accelerated Aging data for all 78 cells. Industry

Summary Reports for other aging time points will be published as data generation and analysis are completed.

More detailed and comprehensive reports than Industry Summary Reports will be prepared and submitted to

the U.S. FDA and other regulatory bodies under Confidentiality Agreements. After submission of the 1-Year

Real-time Aging Report to the U.S. FDA, a letter affirming Functional Equivalence is expected (~3Q2015).


Data were analyzed for the three different attributes detailed in the approved study design for 3-Year

accelerated aging: seal strength, microbial barrier, and package integrity. In the following sections, a brief

overview of the study design and associated statistical methods is provided, followed by a high-level summary

of the results.

It should be noted that for the Pre-sterilization and Post-sterilization time points, three sealing conditions

across the sealing window were tested for both the Test Material (also called Test or Transition Protocol

material) and the Control Material (also called Control or Current Tyvek®). These three sealing conditions

were denoted as Lower, Nominal, and Upper sealing conditions. However, for accelerated and real-time aging

time points, only one sealing condition across the sealing window was tested. This sealing condition was

specified by the Medical Device Manufacturers (“MDMs”) for each cell, and was based on the sealing

condition used by the MDMs for their original stability testing during package qualification.

For the majority of cells, test packages for aging time points were manufactured with Nominal sealing

conditions, while Lower sealing conditions were used for the remainder. No Upper sealing conditions were

used for any aging time points.

Seal Strength (ASTM F88) Seal strength was assessed via ASTM F88 in accordance with metric details specified by the MDMs. These

metric details include a designation of either Maximum Load or Average Load as the response, as well as the

testing apparatus/material orientation used. See Figure 1 for a visual description of the different seal strength

methods/techniques employed in the study.


Figure 1. Description of Seal Strength Methods/Techniques

At the chosen sealing condition, 48 samples were tested for both Test Material and the Control Material. For

most cells, this consisted of 4 test strips cut from each of 12 packages. However, some packages were too

small to obtain 4 samples per package so either 1 or 2 test strips were cut per package resulting in a total of 48

and 24 packages per condition, respectively.

Functional Equivalence was assessed by calculating the appropriate 90% confidence interval on the Difference

in the Means (Test-Control) for each cell at the chosen sealing condition. If this interval was contained within

the Functional Equivalence bounds, then the Seal Strength was declared Functionally Equivalent. While the

Transition Protocol material must satisfy the Functional Equivalence criteria, Transition Protocol material

packages must also meet or exceed Current Tyvek® package performance with respect to achieving minimum

seal strength requirements, as defined by the MDMs.

In the two figures that follow, the Average Percent Change in Seal Strength relative to the Control is calculated and presented in Figure 2 for all cells designated as Maximum Load. Figure 3 details the results for Average Load cells. Note this Average Percent Change is computed by calculating individual cell percent changes:

Percent Change = Mean (Test-Control)/Mean (Control)*100

and then taking the average of the individual cell percent change values. Average Percent Changes for

Maximum Load cells for 3-Year Accelerated Aging are similar to the results for Pre-sterilization, Post-

sterilization, and 1-Year Accelerated Aging cells (~4-6%), while Average Percent Changes for Average Load cells

for 3-Year Accelerated Aging are ~2-7%, which are in-line with 1-Year Accelerated Aging results (~3-7%) and

approximately two percent less than Pre- and Post-sterilization results (~5-9%).


As noted in the Pre-Sterilization and Post-Sterilization Industry Summary Report, packages from three cells in

the study contained non-peelable seals due to their constructions as vent, Kwikbreathe™ True Header, or weld

seal bags. Because non-peelable seals were outside the scope of the study, these packages were not included

in the Percent Change calculations. Moreover, in creating the Maximum and Average Load Figures, five cells

were double packages and both the inner and outer seal strength data were included. Eighty peelable seal

strength assessments have been reported in previous time points: N=58 + N=22 totals N=80, determined from

78 cells – 3 cells (design) + 5 cells (double). For 3-Year Accelerated Aging, only 79 seal strength assessments

are being reported because for one cell, the majority of the seal failures in both the Transition Protocol and

Control materials were due to a failure mode other than peeling of the seal.

Figure 2. Avg. Percent Change in Mean Seal Strength (Test-Control) for Maximum Load Cells; N=58

Figure 3. Avg. Percent Change in Mean Seal Strength (Test-Control) for Average Load Cells; N=21


A high level summary of the results tested for each package configuration, material, and sterilization

combination is shown in Table 3. There are 78 instances of Functional Equivalence for 3-Year Accelerated

Aging. All cells with peelable seals met the Functional Equivalence criteria with the exception of one Phantom

Protocol cell – an uncoated 1073B pouch. This cell failed the Functional Equivalence criteria by 0.06 lb/in. on

the upper end of the equivalence limit, indicating the Transition Protocol material produced higher seal

strength than the Control material.

Table 3. Summary of Seal Strength Functional Equivalence Results*

Industry Summary: MPTP Test Results after 3-Year Accelerated Aging,

Pass/Fail Summary for Seal Strength* — ASTM F88

A Root Cause Failure Analysis (“RCFA”) identified a phenomenon denoted as “Tail Flipping”, which increased

the variability of the Maximum Load measurement designated for the cell, as the root cause of the non-

equivalence. “Tail Flipping” is pictured in Figure 4 and has only been observed for seal strength testing

Technique “C”. Sources of variability discounted as causes of “Tail Flipping” include sterilization type,

Tyvek® style and coatings. The investigation concluded that less stiff, lighter gauge film systems, and to

a lesser extent package fiber orientation, were the key influences in conjunction with Technique “C” and

Maximum Load measurements. However, the higher Test material seal strength should not compromise

package integrity; rather it should improve it. Thus, the logical juxtaposition of statistical and physical

evidence leads DuPont to conclude seal strength Functional Equivalence.


Microbial Barrier (ASTM F2638) Microbial barrier performance was tested using ASTM F2638. The % pMax value for three Test samples and three Control samples from each cell was determined; a lower/smaller % pMax value indicates better microbial barrier performance. A statistical test of non-inferiority was performed to indicate the Test material does not underperform Control material. A 95% student’s t upper confidence bound was calculated and compared to the pre-established non-inferiority criteria from the study design. The Difference in the Means (Test-Control) for % pMax was calculated for each cell. These differences

were then sorted according to Tyvek® style (1059B or 1073B) and coating status (coated or uncoated).

The endpoints of each of the bars shown in Figure 5 represent the highest and the lowest Difference in the

Means (Test-Control) observed for % pMax. A 0.00 value for the Difference in the Means indicates that the

Transition Protocol material Mean and the Current Tyvek® Mean are the same. The dashed line in each bar

represents the Mean of the Difference in the Means for each group. Dashed lines which fall below 0.00

(i.e. negative values) indicate the Transition Protocol material had a lower/smaller Mean than Control

material (and thus better barrier). All 78 cells pass the Microbial Barrier Non-Inferiority Criteria for

3-Year Accelerated Aging, representing 78 instances.

It should be noted that the vertical scale in Figure 5, as well as vertical scales on microbial barrier graphs in the

Appendix, are very small numbers and represent minimal differences in the Means. Moreover, due to the

outstanding microbial barrier performance of Tyvek®, individual % pMax values used in calculating differences

were very small as well.

Figure 4. “Tail Flipping” Phenomenon

Start of Peel Tail begins to “flip”

near end of peel

Tail has flipped End of peel


Figure 5. Range of Differences in % pMax Mean (Test-Control)

for All Cells by Tyvek® Style, Time Point, and Coating Status

Package Integrity Testing (ASTM F1929)

ASTM F1929 was applied to assess package integrity via a dye penetration test. In the 3-Year Accelerated

Aging phase of the study, package integrity testing was performed at the Lower or Nominal sealing condition,

whichever was defined by the MDM for the cell. Nine Transition Protocol material packages and nine Current

Tyvek® packages were tested for each cell; Figure 6 shows a summary of the data. No package failed the dye

penetration test due to a material defect in Tyvek®; there are 702 instances of no dye penetration in

Transition Protocol material and 702 instances of no dye penetration in Current Tyvek® for a total of 1,404

instances of no dye penetration. Due to the discrete nature of this data, the pass/fail criteria for package

integrity will be assessed at the conclusion of the study.

Figure 6. Package Integrity Testing Summary



In summary, 3-Year Accelerated Aging testing indicates:

78 out of 79 instances of seal strength Functional Equivalence

78 out of 78 instances of microbial barrier Non-Inferiority

1,404 out of 1,404 instances of No Dye Penetration

The one 3-Year Accelerated Aging Phantom Protocol cell that did not meet the seal strength Functional

Equivalence criteria exhibited higher seal strength in the Test material than Control material, which

should not compromise package integrity. This was attributed to increased variability of the Maximum

Load measurement due to a phenomenon denoted as “Tail Flipping”, which has only been observed with

seal strength testing Technique "C". Ultimately, the juxtaposition of statistical and physical evidence for

seal strength in conjunction with the microbial barrier results leads DuPont to conclude Functional

Equivalence. Package integrity results will be assessed at the conclusion of the study but show no

material related defects thus far.



3-Year Accelerated Aging overall testing results were presented in the previous section. Appendix A

presents the data in a different format, i.e. by category, where it is broken down in further detail to

help facilitate industry risk assessments. As evaluations are done, be cognizant of the number of cells

represented by each Figure.

A set of 3-Year Accelerated Aging Seal Strength, Microbial Barrier and Package Integrity results are shown for

each of the following categories:

Coated 1073B Pouches/Bags

Coated 1073B Form-Fill-Seal

Coated 1073B Lids/Rigid Trays

Uncoated 1073B Pouches/Bags

Coated 1059B Form-Fill-Seal

Uncoated 1059B Pouches/Bags

Uncoated 1059B Form-Fill-Seal


Figure A1. Avg. Percent Change in Mean Seal Strength (Test-Control) for Coated 1073B Pouches/Bags

Coated 1073B Pouches/Bags

Figure A2. Range of Differences in % pMax Mean (Test-Control) for Coated 1073B Pouches/Bags


Figure A3. Package Integrity Summary for Coated 1073B Pouches/Bags

Coated 1073B Form-Fill-Seal

Figure A4. Avg. Percent Change in Mean Seal Strength (Test-Control) for Coated 1073B Form-Fill-Seal


Figure A5. Range of Differences in % pMax Mean (Test-Control) for Coated 1073B Form-Fill-Seal

Figure A6. Package Integrity Summary for Coated 1073B Form-Fill-Seal


Coated 1073B Lids/Rigid Trays

Figure A7. Avg. Percent Change in Mean Seal Strength (Test-Control) for Coated 1073B Lids/Rigid Trays

Figure A8. Range of Differences in % pMax Mean (Test-Control) for Coated 1073B Lids/Rigid Trays


Figure A9. Package Integrity Summary for Coated 1073B Lids/Rigid Trays

Uncoated 1073B Pouches/Bags

Figure A10. Avg. Percent Change in Mean Seal Strength (Test-Control) for Uncoated 1073B Pouches/Bags


Figure A11. Range of Differences in % pMax Mean (Test-Control) for Uncoated 1073B Pouches/Bags

Figure A12. Package Integrity Summary for Uncoated 1073B Pouches/Bags


Coated 1059B Form-Fill-Seal

Figure A13. Avg. Percent Change in Mean Seal Strength (Test-Control) for Coated 1059B Form-Fill-Seal

Figure A14. Range of Differences in % pMax Mean (Test-Control) for Coated 1059B Form-Fill-Seal


Uncoated 1059B Pouches/Bags

Figure A15. Package Integrity Summary for Coated 1059B Form-Fill-Seal

Figure A16. Avg. Percent Change in Mean Seal Strength (Test-Control) for Uncoated 1059B Pouches/Bags


Figure A17. Range of Differences in % pMax Mean (Test-Control) for Uncoated 1059B Pouches/Bags

Figure A18. Package Integrity Summary for Uncoated 1059B Pouches/Bags


Uncoated 1059B Form-Fill-Seal

Figure A19. Avg. Percent Change in Mean Seal Strength (Test-Control) for Uncoated 1059B Form-Fill-Seal

Figure A20. Range of Differences in % pMax Mean (Test-Control) for Uncoated 1059B Form-Fill-Seal


Figure A21. Package Integrity Summary for Uncoated 1059B Form-Fill-Seal

This entire document is Copyright © 2015 DuPont. All rights reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™ and Tyvek® are trademarks or registered trademarks of

E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates. Kwikbreathe™ is a trademark of Printpack Inc.