Dusk legacy-1 Autonomous

Post on 12-Feb-2017

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The Dusk Legacy Chapter 1GustDragon

Nix: “Whoa, What?”


I’m GustDragon!

Nix: “Nix Dusk. Nice to meet you. What am I doing here?”

You’re going to be my new founder!

Nix: “Whoa! Hold it! I’m an exiled Dark Fairy, Not a founder!”

Too late. Get started.

Nix: “We’re not allowed.”

You’re exiled. You’re on my island now. Get to work.

Nix: “I don’t like this.”

Sure you do, you’re smiling. What’s your lifetime want by the way?

Nix: “Reach golden anniversary.”

Ah, nice and easy. Family sims.

Nix: “Did you say something?”

Go back to reading.

Now get a job.

Nix: “Culinary?”



Nix: “Hello! The sun sure is bright today!”

So Nix meets her first human. Next, she’ll be scouting for a husband!

What did I tell you?

Dramatic eyebrows? You can’t have him.

Nix: “Quiet GustDragon.”

Yay, hangout! But you still can’t have him, He’s a playable!

Nix: “I thought legacy Sims were supposed to live in big mansions and have lots of money. Not a shack.”

Welcome to being a founder, Nix.

Anyway, you’ll get there. I promise.

Nix: “Yeah, sure.”

Nix: “I found a map!”

Yay! Four hundred simoleons!

Nix: “Oh! Sunlight!”

Off you go! Get me more simo- I mean, a promotion!


Nix: “That was easy.”

Ah, painting. One of the many skills…

Nix: “Why am I getting up…”

Because you’re not getting any younger! Beat it to that community lot!

I get distracted for a bit, and she’s already been here a while. Oops!

Nix: “And you’re the one who was hurrying me!”

Anyway, man hunt. Take it as you will.

Flat face here looks good.

Flat Face: “Wha?”

Nix: “Hey there! How about a date?”

He was also the only one there that fit. So, they dated.

Whoa! I did not do that! He did it autonomously!

Well, he left as soon as it was over.

Nix: “Hey, look who it is!”

Really? It’s Malcolm again!

Nix: “My needs are low.”

Sim behind tree: “Fear me…”

Yay for that being done!

Nix: “Working. Ignoring you.”

And another promotion! Good job!

Which means you need to skill!

Nix: “When did I get a chess table?”

Is Flat Face coming?

Nix: “Yep. He’s bringing a friend to.”

Hurray for final date!

Nix: “Hurray.”

Wait a minute…

He’s his friend!?

Malcolm: “My plan is working.”

Malcolm: “First this chess table, then the legacy!”

Yeah, Right.

Malcolm: “Oh, ah, you didn’t hear that.”

Nix: “Will you marry me!”

Malcolm: “Well. I think my work here is done for now. Maybe.”

And, of course, they waste no time getting married. This is a legacy after all.

Oops. Nix isn’t in love yet. My bad!

Ah, there it is! You didn’t see anything. She was in love the whole time.

Yay for the big funds he brought in! Ah, what’s his name anyway?

Trevor. How nice.

Trevor: “Look! I can hold the plate flat in the air without the food falling off!”

Malcolm: “Just like your face.”

Trevor: “Ah, I can’t seem to get it off.”

Malcolm: “Should have glued it to your face. Then it would be less flat.”

Trevor: “Alright, It’s been great and all, but it’s about time you left.”

Malcolm: “First this handshake, then the legacy!”


Yay, promotion. Alright, everyone outside!

Alright, so the inside isn’t done at all, and there are no windows, but it’s basically done! It’ll slowly upgrade as we go on.

Huh? Did I just hear a lullaby?

Which has nothing to do with what’s on the TV.

… wait.

Quick! Get me money! I haven't done the nursery yet!

Nix: “Yep, sure. Hello sun!”

Hello first pop!

This looks familiar.

Nix: “Except I’m pregnant. And it’s a bigger house.”


Yay, autonomous flirting in front of fish.

Ah. Heads. Oops.

Trevor: “All skilling shall be for the job you actually want, not randomly have!”

Too bad, Flat face. I need money, and you already have a job.

Second pop!

And we end the chapter with a promotion. Congratulations Trevor on not bringing over Malcolm!

Trevor: “Sure!”

I promise that the next chapter will be better!