Dustin's project

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Gender and Sex

What’s the difference?

By Dustin Hickok


So, the ultimate question is, what’s the difference between gender and sex?

There is no difference, right? Wrong. A good example for this would be a

pregnant woman. Her friend walks up to her and says, “Congratulations!

respond with, “Oh, thank you! It’s a girl/boy.” The truth of the matter is, you

What gender is your baby? Is it a boy or a girl?” Now most people would

don’t know what gender the baby is, but you do know the sex.


When a woman is pregnant, she can get an ultrasound to see her child forming. It takes approximately 12 weeks for the sex of the baby to be identified through ultrasound. It is around this time when the baby’s genitilia is formed. When the baby is born, the parents should already know what sex the baby is.

Based off this information from the ultrascan, the gender of your baby is obvious, right? Wrong. Gender is completely different.


Just because someone is born with a certain body part, does not mean that it defines them. Your gender is defined by how you view yourself. Regardless of what sexual organs you are born with, what gender you identify with is your choice.

I asked this question on Ask.com and people’s responses were shocking. Almost all of the people had no idea what the true issue is.

Finally, ONE person got the answer right.


It sad to see this, but it proves how little people know about gender and sex. I chose to categorize it as Parenting & Family because I thought that people from this category would be more likely to know the correct answer. The truth of the matter is, it doesn’t matter what category the people are from. Society has not made it clear enough to people that there is a difference between gender and sex. Based off of these responses, 1/11 people know the difference. Now let’s go large scale. Let’s say 5,265,378 people are all taken into account. Multiply the equation by this number and we get 5,265,378/57,919,158. That means that approximately 5,000,000 out of 58,000,000 people know the difference between gender and sex. This is shocking to say the least. Of course these statistics aren’t accurate due to the meager amount of responses, but it still gets the point across.


It’s sad to see how little people know about gender and sex. But, through hard work and generations, I believe that America can change and that we can make a difference.