Duy Linh Profile

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Individual profile


LinhTran Duy Brief information

Jan 20th, 1994


+84 974 625 217

Hanoi, Vietnam

Social channel Click to icons if you want to know more about me

AboutmeI’m studying in Software Engineering, graduate in 2016. I’m interested in a field of graphic design, video making, and volunteering. I’m a kind of introvert person who always look for perfection.

With me graphic design is a passion, I came to graphic design when I was high school student. Graphic design gave me a lot of experiences. All of things I gained was from process of self-training, so if you are looking for diploma of artist, its not mine

I don’t expect everyone will like my worksbecause i made them to satisfy my passion

Lets start from my individual logoThere are two main colors that are my favorite: Cyan and Organe.The shape of logo is combined of charaters “D“ and “L“.

the next is some of my works>> During time I worked for some NGOs

“ Vietnam Power Shift is part of Global Power Shift the 350.org’s worldwide climate campaign, which is taking place in 133+ countries throughout 2013-2014

“ 50/50 Movement competition that took place between October 2013 and May 2014. The overall objective of the project was to encourage students to come up with innovative ideas to empower women in using social enterprise approaches

“ Centre for Social Initiatives Promotion (CSIP) is a Vietnamese non-governmental and not-profit organisation. CSIP provides a leading role in supporting the emerging social entrepreneurship sector in Vietnam

the next is some of my works>> In my free time
