Dylan Cromhout_TDP Portfolio (01-10-13)

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A portfolio submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for

Teaching Development Programme


Dylan Cromhout


Junior Lecturer

In the Faculty of Business

At the Cape Peninsula University of Technology

October 2013



I certify that the contents of this portfolio to be my own and original work and that all sources

have been accurately reported and acknowledged.


D. Cromhout 1 October 2013

Junior Lecturer

Marketing Department

Extended Curriculum Programme

Faculty of Business

Cape Town Campus

Cape Peninsula University of Technology


072 625 1010



Declaration ii

Table of Contents iii

Appendices iv


1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Lesson Planning 1

1.3 Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning 2

1.4 Interactive Lectures, Case & Research Based Learning 4

1.5 Problem Based Learning 4

1.6 Academic Literacy 5

1.7 Community Engagement 5

1.8 Other Teaching Elements 6


2.1 Introduction 7

2.2 Summative Assessment 7

2.3 Formative & Continuous Assessment 8

2.4 Problem Based Learning Assessment 9

2.5 Online Assessment 10

2.6 Use Of Language In Assessment 12





Appendix A: Generic Formative Class Exercise 15

Appendix B: Digitised Management 3B Programme 16

Appendix C: Student-Lecturer Agreement 17

Appendix D: Video Of Lecture 19

Appendix E General Essay Feedback 20

Appendix F: Example Of Student Consultation Notes 22

Appendix G: Retail Management Video Lectures 23

Appendix H: Large Group Lesson Plan 24

Appendix I: Small Group Lesson Plan 25

Appendix J: One Week’s Lesson Plans For Marketing 1 27

Appendix K: Clicker Question & Answer Example 29

Appendix L: Black Board Video Lectures 34

Appendix M: Dropbox Video Lectures & Notes 35

Appendix N: Facebook Group – Accounting Group B 36

Appendix O: Facebook Group – Marketing 1 ECP 37

Appendix P: Wordpress Video Blog Post 38

Appendix Q: Students Comments & Lecturer Feedback 39

Appendix R: Real Life Case Study For Food Industry Marketing 40

Appendix S: Case Study (For Small Groups In Class Or As Homework Task) 46

Appendix T : Marketing Oriented Problem Based Learning Exercise 52

Appendix U: Concept Dictionary – Positioning 57

Appendix V: Non-Funded Service Learning Programme 58

Appendix W: Community Engagement Proposal 63

Appendix X: Summative Assessment Rubric Example 68

Appendix Y: Case Study – Groups At Home 70


Appendix Z: Case Study – Individual In Class 73

Appendix AA: Multiple Choice – Individual In Class 76

Appendix AB: Essay Questions – Individual In Class 82

Appendix AC: Scenario-Based Questioning 83

Appendix AD: Scenario Based Questions – Implemented 85

Appendix AE: Marketing Oriented Objectively Structured Practical Evaluation 88

Appendix AF: Turning Point Results By Participant Example 90

Appendix AG: Interactive Assignment Feedback Through Email 91

Appendix AH: Interactive Assignment Feedback Through Blog Comments 92

Appendix AI: Digital Assessment Of Blog Using A Rubric 93

Appendix AJ: Use Of Language In Assessment – Examples 95

Appendix AK: Complex Assessment Terms “Dictionary” 96

Appendix AL: Example Of Moderated Test & Memorandum 100

Appendix AM: Example Of A Moderated Communication Script (Includes Questions Paper

And Memorandum) 113

Appendix AN: Moderation Form Of A Generic Communication Cluster Test 126

Appendix AO: Reflection On PBL Workshop 127




This section covers my approach to and understanding of teaching and learning and starts

off with my views on lesson planning. It then continues with my reflections on technology

enhanced teaching and learning; interactive lectures, case & research based learning;

problem based learning, and academic literacy. This section ends with my thoughts and

experiences of community engagement and specifically service learning


Through the TDP I have learnt the importance of planning for specific sections of work and

individual lectures, especially when it comes to areas that the students struggle with. I have

also learnt that a lesson can be so much more than simply regurgitating information from a

textbook. It can be fun and interactive while at the same time encouraging deep level

learning and accomplishing the needed outcomes. However, combining content with

creativity and collaboration while still accomplishing effective learning cannot happen

spontaneously; it needs to be planned. The reason for this is that there is a limited amount of

time in which each lesson can take place. Therefore in order to accomplish effective learning

dynamically, each element needs to be planned, scheduled and prepared beforehand.

One way to begin the planning process is with a lesson plan mind map. I have developed

two such mind maps, one for a Large Group Lesson as well as one for a Small Group

Lesson (see Appendix H & I respectively for both these lesson plans).

Note: What I think is important to note is the difference between a lesson and a topic. The

mind maps that I have developed cover a specific topic, namely, Positioning. This topic,

although one, will take more than one lesson to cover. In future, what I will do is create a

topic mind map for each of the major sections of content and then develop individual lesson

plans (which usually cover individual concepts) and assessment plans to accomplish each

topic plan.

During the TDP we were shown that for a lesson plan to be effective it needs to cover certain

elements, namely, Learning Outcomes, Rationale, Teaching and Learning Activities, Exit

Level Outcomes, Content, Formative Assessment, and Summative Assessment. I believe


this is called “constructive alignment,” i.e. making sure that what is in the syllabus is what is

taught, and what is assessed. I have appreciated learning this way of developing a lesson

(or topic) plan as I can see the value that it holds for ensuring constructive alignment while at

the same time allowing for creativity and practical application (see Appendix J for an

example of 1 week’s worth of an individual lesson/concept plans).


I have been quite amazed by all the different technological methods and tools that are

available to aid teaching and learning. Although I was aware of many, I certainly did not

realise the power of them all. Some of those that were new to me were Black Board,

Clickers, Digital Story Telling, and the Kahn Academy. Clickers were an especially exciting

discovery for me. The way they can be used to generate participation, assess knowledge,

and also facilitate learning is wonderful. Although CPUT does not have that many Clicker

sets, I still plan to book them for a session or two this year (see Appendix K for an example

of a clicker Power Point presentation that I used to teach the concept of brand differentiation

during a recent interactive session. It includes an example of the questions as well as the

actual results from the class on 30 July 2013. Also see Appendix D for a video of this class

in which I use video clips as a teaching and formative assessment tool).

Learning how to use Black Board effectively has also really aided my teaching. Because of

it, I was able to create a solution for a Cape Town class that was running behind their

Bellville counterpart. To help them catch up, I recorded the last three lectures that I gave on

the Bellville campus and then uploaded them to Black Board (see Appendix L). This way, the

students could watch the videos in their study week and so be adequately prepared for their

assessment. Granted, it is not the most ideal situation, but it solved a problem that was out

of mine and the students control and ensured that both the Cape Town and Bellville group

completed the syllabus. To make the work available to students who were not familiar with

Black Board I also uploaded the videos to Dropbox (an online storage tool - see Appendix

M). This way the students were able to access the work from anywhere. Additionally, I

uploaded all the notes from the semester so that the students who for some reason did not

have all the notes, could download them in order to prepare for the exams.

I also enjoyed learning how tools that I was aware of and use everyday could be leveraged

to aid teaching and learning, like the use of Facebook pages for informal discussions and

Google Docs for Research Supervision. I have already encouraged both my first year


classes to set up Facebook groups and have been interacting with them on it this past

semester (see Appendix N & O).

Additionally, I have also made use of Wordpress as a teaching tool. Because I have dabbled

in Website Development I already had a fair understanding of Wordpress before I began

lecturing. So, when I started teaching, it was one of the first tools that I started using to aid

teaching and learning (see Appendix P & Q). Before I knew about Black Board I used it as a

subject management system. I placed up notes, links to relevant websites, posts about

subject content, posts for administration purposes (like informing students of a test date),

getting students to engage with me and one another, getting students to engage with

content for marks, and various other things. The Wordpress site that I used for this purpose

in 2011 for a Sales Promotion and Management class can be viewed at the following web

address: http://marketmanage.wordpress.com/. Additionally, I like how the use of a tool like

Wordpress can teach students additional skills that they could use in the workplace. Many

organisations and businesses have company blogs and websites that run on the Wordpress

platform. Thus, becoming familiar with Wordpress at a university level can aid the student in

getting employment one day.

Another element of Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning (TETL) that I have found

very helpful is its usefulness in organising programme material. For example, through simple

digital filing technology I have been able to move a part time subject that I teach for the

Horticulture department from a paper-based system to an entirely digital platform. All the

course content now fits onto a small DVD disc and can easily be distributed and shared

amongst students and staff (See Appendix B for a DVD disc containing the electronic

version of the Management 3B programme that I developed in the first semester of 2013.

This comprehensive database includes Power Point presentations covering each topic, topic

relevant handouts relating to the horticulture industry, class exercises for application

purposes, industry relevant videos, a project brief with accompanying material, two tests and

an exam with memorandums, additional resources, and notes for the lecturer covering the

correct implementation of each module and each class).

On the whole, TETL is definitely the way forward for us. Students are using technology daily,

so we as lecturers need to be familiar with what is out there so that we can engage with this

new digital generation effectively. I look forward to a lot more ‘experimentation’ with regards

to technology-enhanced teaching and learning in future.



I enjoy interacting with my students. It is one of the great things about being a teacher. I try

to encourage as much interaction as possible. For this reason I often ask the class questions

or even ask specific individuals what they think. I think it is very important for students to be

active participators in class as it helps their ability to process the content as well as grow

their confidence in the subject.

Through the TDP I have seen how powerful Case Studies can be for facilitating discipline

specific class interaction. I remember doing case studies when I studied marketing. I also

remember them adding a lot of value to my learning of the marketing discipline. The one’s

that I enjoyed the most were those that taught me to apply the theory we were learning while

at the same time growing my general knowledge about the world of business and marketing.

We would often do cases on local companies like Pick n Pay, FNB, Nashua, as well as

international companies such as Ikea, Microsoft, Mercedes Benz, and Samsung. These

types of cases were my favourite. I developed one such a case study on Famous Brands for

a B-Tech Marketing 1 class in the Consumer Science department. The students enjoyed

getting to grips with marketing in an industry that they were familiar with, namely, the food

industry (see Appendix R).

For my fist year marketing class I have decided to develop a case study that is not real. The

reason for this is that it is not easy to find a real-life case that will serve each learning

outcome, and therefore I decided to apply my creative abilities to develop an appropriate

case that could stir up some good conversation in the area of Marketing Positioning.

Additionally, most online articles are written in a fairly high level of English and also use a lot

of jargon - so I thought to develop one that used simpler language (see appendix S –

includes evidence of multiple attempts as well as correspondence between myself and

another colleague).


I am really grateful to have learnt about Problem Based Learning. I think it could definitely

work for Marketing students and have reflected on this briefly (see Appendix AO). I like the

way that it takes students deeper into a specific subject and encourages them to draw on

many forms of discipline knowledge.

I have developed a PBL exercise that could be used towards the end of the first year

marketing syllabus (see Appendix T). I really enjoyed developing it and look forward to


implementing it. I believe that it will help students integrate the work that they have learnt

and also facilitate creativity and problem solving in the context of their discipline. It will in

many ways be one of their first “challenges” as new marketers.


I have been encouraged by the professional way that AL was considered during the TDP. I

enjoyed learning about how I as a lecturer can help develop AL amongst my students in my

discipline areas. I liked learning about new tools that I can use to help facilitate AL like Multi-

Lingual Glossaries and Concept “Dictionaries” for lack of a better word - tools that help

explain complex academic terms in ways that the students can understand. I have even

started developing such a Concept Dictionary (list of concept terms and a simple

explanation) for Marketing that I hope to add to as time goes by (see Appendix U).

It is true that we are dealing with a new type of student, one that is literate, but not

necessarily in the traditional ways. They are socially and technologically literate, something

we as “traditionals” are not always. For this reason, I believe that if we consider the strengths

that our students do have, and work with them, we can help them grow new ‘literacies.’ It is

our job to help balance them so that they can go into the working world with a well-rounded

education. That means accepting the realities of our student’s social and demographic

situations and developing new methods and strategies to bring out the best in them.


I have always tried to involve SL in my teaching. When I started lecturing in 2011, I

developed a non-funded SL programme for my part time Public Relations and Visual

Merchandising course. They needed to find a local food retailer and serve them with PR and

VM services to help improve their businesses. The students really enjoyed it (even though it

was a lot of work) and I believe that the businesses also benefited (please see Appendix V

for a write up of their project brief as well as the marks Rubric).

During the TDP, I was introduced, for the first time, to the funded form of SL. Because my

experience had historically been with non-funded programmes I assumed that that is all

there was. However, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this was not the case, and

that CPUT actually has a SL department that worked with lecturers in developing suitable

programmes and funding suitable partners. It was encouraging to hear that CPUT is

supporting these types of initiatives with such enthusiasm. Through correspondence with this

department, and in particular with Hanlie Dippenaar, I have developed a draft SL proposal


for the Marketing department (see Appendix W – includes correspondence between Hanlie

and myself in the form of comments that are displayed in text boxes). In it I have outlined

exactly what I foresee for the running of an SL programme in the hopes of supporting local

business with marketing support while at the same time facilitating a wonderful learning

experience for the students.

In future, I definitely look forward to developing and implementing many more SL

programmes for the benefit of my students and the local business community.


Mutual respect: From the get-go I treat students as adults. I try to encourage them to respect

me as an adult (and fellow human) and also to respect one another as such. For this reason

I try to emulate what respectful behaviour looks like by treating them with respect. My hope

is that they will learn from me through osmosis and adopt this behaviour. This also relates to

punctuality. For example, if students are going to be late they need to inform me about it by

sms or email. Otherwise they are not allowed to enter the class (see my Student-Lecturer

agreement in Appendix C for more of the values I encourage in the classroom).

Feedback: I believe that I have underestimated the importance of feedback. Upon reading a

fellow colleagues Ad Hominem promotion portfolio I discovered the following piece very


“I believe that to cement the learning process, timely feedback must be given to reinforce the

knowledge in the students’ minds... My philosophy is simple, the sooner students receive

feedback, the easier it is for them to establish the areas that need work. I also continuously

provide the students with feedback in terms of their marks as the semester progresses,

which are placed on the attendance registers which are circulated in class” (Duffet, 2012: 3).

For this reason, I plan to be diligent in giving my students feedback on their work as quickly

as possible (see Appendix E for an example of some general feedback I recently gave my

communication students on their essay assignments. See Appendix F for an example of the

notes from a recent consultation with a student).




This section starts off by looking at summative assessment, and then moves on to formative

& continuous assessment. It further takes a look at the use of problem based learning

assessments and online assessment, and concludes with considering the use of language in



Through the TDP I have learnt that summative assessment can be done in many different

ways. I have especially enjoyed learning how to use all forms of assessment as a teaching

tool. I have also enjoyed learning that on the whole, with regards to summative assessment,

we are moving away from the accumulation of isolated facts (rote learning), to the

application and use of knowledge; and from assessment that is separate from teaching, to

assessment that is integrated with teaching and learning. The key is to get students away

from being experts at theories in the textbook to being experts at applying the knowledge in

real life contexts in an integrated way.

Something important that we learnt about evaluating summative projects is the use of

rubrics. I had been introduced to rubrics before the TDP, and had even been using them, but

I did not really know all the theory behind using them. Personally, I like how rubrics have a

multi-faceted function. They give students a good picture of what is expected of them, while

at the same time ensuring a simple, transparent and fair evaluation process for the lecturer.

For this reason, students can almost determine exactly what type of mark they would get

based on how much effort they put into each area of the rubric. This empowers the students

to apply themselves in the way that suits their situation in order to get the marks that they

desire. At the end, there can be no fingers pointed because students knew exactly what the

criteria were for getting good, average or poor marks. I usually like to combine a rubric with

an example of a very good project (from previous years). This gives students a reference

point to work from and gives them an example to follow. Some students take it upon

themselves to develop something better than the example (in which case their project

becomes the example for future classes).


I have developed many rubrics that serve as outlines for student performance as well as

evaluation (see Appendix X). This particular rubric is used to assess the personal blogs of

3rd year Public Relations students in the Consumer Science: Food and Nutrition department.

It is a very simple rubric that outlines all the various areas that they need to have covered

before the end. Each area is covered in a practical class in a computer lab in an in depth

way. I take all the students through the process of setting up a blog and help each of them

do so. The process of excelling in each of the areas is then left up to them.

Additionally, the main form of assessment used at CPUT is the end-of-term test. I have

developed a few of my own tests and have also been involved with the Communication

cluster in the development and collaborative marking of generic tests (see Appendix AL for

an example of a test that I have developed with the accompanying memorandum; Appendix

AM for a moderated marketing script, and Appendix AN for an example of a moderation form

for a generic Communication cluster test).


I have enjoyed learning how a formative assessment not only assesses but also acts as a

very powerful teaching and learning tool. It encourages deeper learning and application of

content. At times, the allocated marks simply serve as a guideline as to how many points are

expected or to which depth the students are required to answer or develop material. This

creates an environment where we (the students and I) are working together instead of me

just lecturing and them just remaining passive listeners. Formative activities allow them to

take ownership of their learning and really get their hands dirty.

Through the TDP I have learnt about various forms of tools that can be used to assess on a

formative level and how those tools assess different areas of understanding. Some of the

types of formative assessment tools that I have used or enjoyed learning about are as


Case study - groups in class: this is where students read (or watch) a case and then discuss

answers to various questions related to the case (see Appendix A & S)

Case Study – groups at home: I have either given students a case study in class or placed

one on black board for them to download. With some I have given extra material to aid them

in answering the questions effectively (see Appendix Y).


Case Study – Individual: this I have administered in the form of a small class test where the

students must answer questions that relate to a case study in a limited time (see Appendix


Multiple Choice – Individual: I have implemented a few different multiple choice tests and

have changed the way I administer them over the last few months. I now print out a

memorandum for each student so that they can mark their own test once they have

completed it. This promotes immediate learning and growth using the test (see Appendix


Long essay type questions in small test – Individual: these I design to emulate the type of

questions that they could get in an exam. They also get a limited time to complete the

questions in class. After taking them in, I hand out a different test to each student with the

memorandum so that they can mark one of their peers’ tests. After marking it, they give a

total and then need to sign at the bottom. Once they are done they need to give it back to

the person who’s test it is. Should the person have any queries regarding the marking, they

then get a chance to discuss the marks with the person who marked it and argue any

discrepancies they may notice. – This really promotes a level of taking ownership of their

work as peer evaluators and moderators (see Appendix AB).

I plan to develop these assessment tools further and look forward to trying out other forms of

formative assessments in future.


I like the idea of problem-based assessment (PBA). It makes assessment a lot more

interesting and encourages students to think deeper and broader by having to apply their

work to a real life context. It also follows on quite nicely from PBL method of teaching.

In the TDP we learnt about two different types of PBA’s, namely Scenario Based

Questioning (SBQ) and Objectively Structured Clinical/Practical Examinations

(OSCE/OSPE). To get to grips with SBQ we had to develop a simple scenario and a set of

questions that start off at a lower level of cognitive development and move higher as the

questions proceed (see Appendix AC – includes first and second attempts as well as

comments from a colleague). This was a good exercise in that it encouraged us to apply

what we had learnt while also getting feedback from another colleague in the TDP. The

feedback I got was very helpful and I worked the suggestions into the 2nd version of the



I was so encouraged by the SBQ concept that I was inspired to add one into a Management

exam that my 3rd year Horticulture students wrote this past semester (see Appendix AD).

Although it is not a conventional SBQ it is quite a nice one because the scenario grows as

the students proceed further along, so, building on the story and encouraging them to give

more information. In some ways, it is a combination of SBQ and a PBL Case Study. I

enjoyed setting up this question and on the whole the students did quite well in answering it.

I’m not sure if they liked the question or not, but I’m sure they appreciated the real life

context that it provided for their somewhat theoretical answers.

As for OSPEs, they are generally not associated with business disciplines. As mentioned in

the TDP they are used extensively in the medical field and work very well to assess a

student’s ability to perform effectively in different scenarios by using real-life “role play” so to

speak. I have done a basic search for the use of OSPEs in business, and on the surface

there is nothing on the topic. A more extensive search (particularly of journals) may yield

better results. However, after thinking about it a little, I believe that it can be used in the

business field. For this reason I have developed a broad outline of a potential Marketing-

Oriented OSPE (see Appendix AE). In order for it to be workable, much work will need to go

into developing the “storyline” for the various characters involved. I believe though that it

could be facilitated by a department of lecturers who all take on the role of one of the people

in the story. Additionally, it could be widened to other departments in the business like

finance, law, IT, etc and so include the possibility for lecturers who specialise on those

various aspects to be a part of the OSPE. However, as mentioned, this will require input

from a few lectures and will probably work best with more mature students who need to learn

to consult. In the marketing department these would be B-Tech marketing students.


I will use the term “technology-enhanced assessment” (TEA) in this document when referring

to “Online Assessment.”

What I like about TEA is that it can speed up the submission and marking process. Black

Board is a good example of a system that allows for this. I was glad to have learnt how to

administer assignments and receive submissions through BB. The fact that you can see who

has handed in and who has not is also a great feature. I have not yet experimented with it

yet, but plan to do so in the future.


As previously mentioned I enjoyed learning about clickers and how they can be used to

encourage participation by every student in a fun and interactive way. I also enjoyed learning

about how they can be used to assess formally by using the unique codes of each clicker.

The only problem was that it did not always register every click and for that reason it is not a

credible form of summative assessment. However, it can certainly be used for formative

assessment purposes. I plan to experiment with a recent clicker session I did where I asked

each student to write down the identity code of their clicker. This would then enable me to

compare the clicker ID with the relevant answers that the student gave and so determine

how effectively each student answered (see Appendix AF for a snapshot from a report of the

recent clicker session that would be used to do such a calculation).

I have also used Wordpress to enhance formative assessment, especially in my Consumer

Science classes. Once, I put up videos about Marketing and Management and asked

students to comment on the videos with their thoughts about what each one was (see

Appendix P & Q). This worked very well and many students came onto the course blog to

watch the videos and comment.

Another way that I use Wordpress is for summative assessment. All my 3rd year Public

Relations students need to develop food-related blogs (as referred to in the Summative

Assessment section) and manage it for a period of four months. Each students needs to set

up their blog in the way illustrated to them in class and then develop blog posts to be posted

every week for 16 weeks. The idea is that they manage the blog as their own bit of internet

retail and use it to express their thoughts and feelings about food while at the same time

developing their professional image online. It serves as a great marketing tool for future

employment and can also help them practice and sharpen their food writing skills. Besides

those that have been mentioned, there are also many other benefits that this assessment

achieves. One student that I had in 2012 still has an active blog that can be viewed here:


I make comments on their blogs and also email them suggestions (see Appendix AG & AH).

At the end of the 16 weeks I assess their blogs digitally in a rubric (see Appendix AI) and

then upload the marks. This is a completely digital assessment and makes use of absolutely

no traditional channels. The lectures are all digital, as are the notes. The actual projects are

all digital, and the marking is all done digitally in word documents.



I have generally taken for granted that students understand the wording we use in

assessments. Probably because they are normal words used in the English language and

because I understand them and use them all the time. However, I have realised that I cannot

assume that students will understand them. They may know the words, but that does not

mean that they understand what they mean. This can often mean that students, who know

their work, are unable to answer questions correctly because of a lack of understanding of

the terms used in the question itself. This is sad, and should try and be avoided at all costs.

Students should not be disadvantaged because of a lack of vocabulary. For this reason I am

very glad that this reality has been brought to my attention through the TDP.

I have now decided to be more careful of the wording I use in assessments. I now try to

simplify it as much as possible, and in places that no other term can be used, I give an

explanation in brackets (see Appendix AJ). It is important to realise that we are not testing

vocabulary (even though it is important), but knowledge of content. Therefore, each student,

no matter what their background, should have a fair chance of sharing their content

knowledge in an assessment. We should not try to “catch students out” by using words that

are unnecessarily difficult. We need to be aware of the type of students we are dealing with

and have grace for the situation that most students find themselves in. We need to be

cognisant of the cultural and societal realities in South Africa and accommodate students

from every language and background as much as possible. One such way is through the use

of Multi-Lingual Glossaries, and what I am calling “Complex Term Dictionaries.” A complex

term dictionary is something that explains complex terms that are often used in

assessments. I have developed such a “dictionary” for use in the 1st year marketing course

(see Appendix AK) and am looking forward sharing it with my students. I would like to add to

the list as I go forward in my teaching career and so build up a comprehensive dictionary

that can be used by students at all levels of their studies in the field of Marketing. This I

believe can be a helpful resource for future students at CPUT, and I trust that my other

colleagues will also be motivated to invest in it.



On the whole, I believe that we as lecturers need to be humble in our approach to teaching.

We should realise that teaching is taking what you get and making something grow from it. A

good teacher, just like a good horticulturist can work with any type of seed in any type of soil

in any type of conditions, because he/she knows what to do to fix the issues and ensure that

life is produced. They know what to add and what to subtract to see that seed germinating

and producing flowers and ultimately fruit. May we as teachers also have this professional

approach and be confident in our abilities as creative, problem solving, life cultivating

individuals and teams.



1. Duffet, R.G. 2012. Teaching Portfolio: A portfolio submitted in fulfilment of the

requirements for Ad Hominem Promotion. Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

Cape Town. [16 January 2012]

2. Steenkamp, P.K. 2010. Teaching Portfolio: A portfolio presented to the Faculty of

Business of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the Distinguished Teacher Award 2010. Cape Peninsula University

of Technology. Cape Town. [30 July 2010]




Marketing 1 Class Exercise

Topic: Positioning

Concepts Covered: Targeting, Positioning Strategy, Differentiation.

Harley Davidson Positioning Exercise

After watching the Harley Davidson (HD) Video answer the questions that follow in groups of three.

1. Which segment of the motorbike market does HD target?

2. Describe/ Profile the typical Harley Davidson owner?

3. Give five words that define HD’s positioning.

4. What unique features distinguish a HD from another motorbike?

5. How do HD differentiate themselves from their competitors? (List the competitors and

determine what how they are all positioned and then compare HD to them.)




See the DVD disc at the back of the printed document

Once the disc has loaded, the programme files can be found in the folder entitled

“Appendix B – Digitised Management 3B Programme (2013)”




In any relationship it is vital that both sides have a clear understanding of their roles and expectations

of the other. For this reason, it is only helpful for us to agree upon these aspects from the beginning of

our journey together.

Ultimately, what I would like is a constructive and positive environment that can facilitate the most

optimal learning environment for everyone involved. As your lecturer I am committed to your success

as a young adult and upcoming professional. For that reason I would like to use this contract as a way

for us to establish the grounds upon which we can build our relationship together. It is my desire to

serve you and I can only do that if we are truly in united in one spirit to achieve the ultimate goal:

ensuring that you are ready for the working world.

Lecturer Responsibilities

To respect the privacy and boundaries of my students.

To be on time for lectures, and to notify the class representative if I am running late.

To be well prepared for every class.

To be motivated, enthusiastic and passionate about the subject.

To give reasonable time to study for tests.

To give assessments that are of a reasonable standard and in line with university policy.

To give constructive, open, and honest feedback to completed assessments.

To organise work, notes and subject administration in a coherent and meaningful fashion.

To deliver lecturers and facilitate learning in a professional and effective way.

To evaluate student’s continuously and inform them of their progress.

To prepare students for their assessments effectively.

To develop/ ensure that assessments are fair and

To motivate and inspire students to be quality learners.

To be available for consultation times and any other academic queries and support. (At specific times of the day and week)

To provide insight and guidance concerning academic and career elements.

To listen to students struggles and try to accommodate them where possible. I, ___________________________________, agree to adhere to the above mentioned responsibilities to the best of my ability for the year of _________. Date_________________________ Signature ____________________________________


Student Responsibilities

To treat myself, my peers and my lecturer with courtesy and respect....always!

To be on time for class, apologise upon entry if late, and notify the lecturer should they not be

able to attend.

To be passionate about my subject and

To make the utmost effort to complete class work and all assessments well.

To keep up to date with the course work by coming to class, completing all the activities.

To prepare for class by reading he appropriate sections in the textbook before class.

To attend all classes and participate in all class activities with enthusiasm.

To complete work with ethical and honest integrity.

Students will not commit plagiarism - pass off someone else’s work as their own -

To support other students in helpful in assisting other student

To take communicate effectively with the spoken and written language.

To learn from mistakes and

To be honest about what I have and have not done.

To respect the lecturers leadership and authority within the bounds of the subject.

I, ___________________________________, agree to adhere to the above mentioned responsibilities to the best of my ability for the year of _________. Date_________________________ Signature ____________________________________




See the DVD disc at the back of the printed document

The Videos can be found in the folder entitled

“Appendix D – Video of Lecture”


Go to the following Dropbox link to view or download the videos online





Academic Essay

In general, you have completed the assignment fairly well. You have included in text citations and

have also attempted a bibliography. Well done for this!


It is important that it is not like a speech introduction (like where you say “I will be talking about....”).

Instead, you need to introduce it with your argument statement: “Effective communication by financial

administrators is key to the success of organisations,” or with a story/ statistic that relates to and leads

into your argument statement.

Story Example: Mary recently graduated from CPUT as a financial manager and has been working at

Tiger Brands for the last three months. After noticing a discrepancy in the books related to marketing

costs she considers going to her manager to inform him about it. However, if she is correct, it could

mean that the marketing manager has been using finances incorrectly and could possibly mean that

he will be fired. This is a very sensitive situation and will need to be handled with much care. She

realises that if this haphazard spending does not cease, it will jeopardise the organisation’s


Statistic Example: In a recent survey it was discovered that the top 10% of businesses in South Africa

have all hired financial administrators that can communicate effectively (Moolman, 2012:4).


With many of your essays, I am not sure where your introduction ends and where your body starts. It

is important to plan your essay effectively by dividing it into various sections. Here is an example of

structure planning.


Effective communication in the workplace

Communication Barriers in the workplace

Intercultural communication in the workplace

Communication between managers and staff in the workplace

Financial administration and communication in organisations

How financials impact the organisation’s success

The importance of communicating financials effectively


You then flesh out (adds words to) your structure by writing various paragraphs to cover each section.

This will ensure that your essay covers all the needed topics and also has a relevant progression.


Quotations and other references.

Many of you have just placed quotes into the essay randomly. There was no strategic thought about

how it fits into your argument. Some quotes might not even suit your argument. In those situations

you should not use them. Only use references that actually add “weight” to your argument. They need

to support what you are saying. The essay is not just about putting in a lot of quotes, but actually

creating a compelling argument.

Therefore your essay needs to FLOW!!!! It cannot just be random different pieces of information

connected to communication and financial administrators. Start somewhere, lead it into a body, and

then finish it off. It needs to have what is known as a “golden thread” flowing through the document.

Remember: Think about it as a lawyer would.

Usually a lawyer takes a stand point (makes an argument or case) that his client is innocent. Then

proceeds to prove his case using various points which he supports with evidence. This is the same for

writing because the writer takes a specific stand on a topic and then makes various points which

he/she backs up with references from various sources (evidence). The key is that the argument must

flow and that the reader must be convinced just like the judge must be convinced. Therefore, the

points and evidence must be strung (linked) together effectively to create compelling story/ argument.

You need to convince me of your case!!!!

Bibliography: Many of you have not followed the correct Harvard referencing technique. This is

unacceptable. You need to simply just use the same technique as what is displayed in your hand out

notes. Just copy the style and use the information from your sources.

Some of you made smaller mistakes. Some of them I have noted with my red pen. Like a lack of

spacing, incorrect punctuation, no full stop, etc. Make sure that your referencing is correct!

Professional appearance: Make sure that the document is typed in Arial 12, 1.5 line spacing as

indicated on the brief. Also, make sure that the front page is neat and that your name and student

number are also printed. Some of you have used funny, swirly type fonts. This is not acceptable. You

need to use professional lettering in all academic writing.

Edit your work: I highly recommend that you read through your work to make sure that it is all

correct, and then that you give it to someone who is better at English and writing and ask them to

check it for you as well. This will help you correct errors that you maybe did not see. And it will greatly

improve your writing as well as your ultimate mark.





Background: Comes from the Eastern Cape. In 2004 she moved to Cape Town and currently stays

with her aunt, cousins and sisters. She went to high school here in Khayalitcha. Had business studies,

accounting, consumer studies, and maths literacy. Did well in Matric but did not do well in Accounting.

Reason for Study: Because her siblings studied at CPUT. Decided to study marketing because it

seemed interesting. It was her first choice. HR was her second.

CPUT Experience: She is enjoying being at CPUT, but has not met many friends yet.

Study Environment: No noise, but not always enough time to study because she has many chores.

She needs to cook and clean up. She ends up doing work after class in the afternoons at CPUT.

Finding Marketing: Is finding marketing a bit hard. It is interesting but difficult.


29 43 29 29 19 45 10

Is quite inconsistent. Seems to be a problem with her day to day studying. Puts in about 2 hours a day

to study, but all this time is not necessarily used to study marketing. She says that the inconsistency

can be due to that she thinks she is being lazy at times, but is not sure why.

37 17 47

Improved quite dramatically, which is good. When she fails something, she usually tells herself that

she can do better. So that is what happened here. She says that she sometimes does not understand

the work. She says she does understand when I explain in class but not always when she reads the

textbook. She says that she does not really study with others.

Study Method: First reads a chapter and then tries to summarise it. Says that summaries are not

really working for her. She usually just keeps reading and reading.

Study Time & Improvement: Can put time in on Saturdays. Will need to put more effort into her

studies. Good idea for her to form a study group with others in the class and study with them for tests


Goals: Wants to get 80%. Thinks she can definitely get 60%. So that is the goal.




See the DVD disc at the back of the printed document

The videos can be found in the folder entitled

“Appendix B – Digitised Management 3B Programme (2013)”

Click on the following folders to get to the videos:

1. Appendix B – Man 3B Programme

2. Material

3. #T2 – Retail Management

4. Videos

5. Video Lectures


Go to the following Dropbox link to view or download the videos online












SEMESTER 2 – WEEK 1 (22 – 26 AUG)


Goal 1: Go through test

Give each student their test back and go through the test and memo so that they can see where they

made errors.

Goal 2: Project Hand ins

Take in Target Market Assignment

Tell them how to hand in Marketing Plan Project.

Goal 3: Confirm consultation times for week.

Tell the students that you would like to see each of them for 30 minutes in the week and send around

a roster with potential slots in which they need to come and see me.

Things to discuss:

- Where they come from (Background)

- Reason for choosing to study marketing

- Progress thus far

- How they did in the test

- Goals for the term


Go through page 202 – 207 LO1 – LO4

Multiple Choice Test will be written on it in first 15 minutes of class.

*Copy pages 201-207 for the students...


Write Test – 15 questions, 30 minutes.

Discuss questions and answers – use time to teach.

Watch Harley Davidson video.

Complete class exercise in groups.

Harley Davidson Positioning Exercise

After watching the Harley Davidson (HD) Video answer the questions that follow in groups of three.

6. Which segment of the motorbike market does HD target?


7. Describe/ Profile the typical Harley Davidson owner?

8. Give five words that define HD’s positioning.

9. What unique features distinguish a HD from another motorbike?

10. How do HD differentiate themselves from their competitors? (List the competitors and

determine what how they are all positioned and then compare HD to them.)


Goal 1: Student presentations

Students to present their target market strategies for the “green product.”

5 minutes x 10 groups = 50 minutes. (1 period)

Goal 2: Complete Harley Davidson Exercise

20 minutes to complete.

Discuss for 20 minutes.


Determine in which groups the 5 ungrouped students will be in.

Remind about completing Workbook for Monday at 12 pm – cut off time on blackboard.

Tell them to read next section of the work for a test on Tuesday.




To view the commercials that each of the clicker questions are about, please see the folder entitled

“Appendix K - Video Commercials” on the DVD disc. Alternatively, part 2 of the video lecture in

Appendix D can be viewed to see the students watching the videos and then voting for the correct












To view any of these videos or notes, please go to:














To Ssee more responses please go to the following web page:





Famous Brands enters entry-level


02 November 2011 07:41, by Famous Brands

Launches Blacksteer Home of Shisanyama venture.

In its first foray ever into the mass-based entry-level market, Famous Brands has developed a custom-built offering designed

to capture the appetites of LSM 3 to 6 consumers. Menu items include pap and vleis, boerewors, Russian sausages, stews,

flame grilled and fried chicken, burgers, mash, chips, soft serve ice-cream and a range of carbonated soft drinks. Price

points are under R20 (twenty Rand) and the ‘tummy-fill’ factor is paramount to this offering. Blacksteer Home of

Shisanyama’s pilot restaurant, situated in Jules Street in Malvern, has met with very favourable consumer response since

opening last week. The franchisee, Peaceful Ngcube, is a former long-standing employee of Famous Brands.

Chief Executive Officer, Kevin Hedderwick says, “Our Blacksteer Home of Shisanyama (Blacksteer) venture is a revelation

for Famous Brands. The Group has never directly participated in the LSM 3 to 6 market segment in a meaningful and

focused manner, but in line with our ambition to constantly innovate and broaden our portfolio offering, we have identified

this sector as one with vast potential. Developing our new concept has demanded a totally new mind-set in terms of site

selection, trading format, the look and feel of the brand, its core offering, pricing, procurement, and how we will market it.”

“While consumers in the LSM 3 to 6 category have limited disposable income, they do buy ‘out of home’ meals on a regular

basis, and these meals are often the main meal of the day. Despite the limited individual spend, the sheer volume of the

target market is enormous,” Hedderwick notes.

In 2010 Famous Brands acquired the trademarks and franchise agreements of Blacksteer - restaurants which have either

closed, or the Group has converted, or is in the process of converting to an alternate and appropriate Famous Brands’

brand. “The Blacksteer vehicle was thus available for use,” comments Hedderwick. “The imagery of the black steer is

extremely powerful and its association with flamed grilled red meat is obvious. We have adopted the best elements of the

original branding and revitalised them for this purpose.”

Shisa nyama is a Zulu phrase meaning to ‘burn the meat’. In many South African townships the term is used to describe an

informal braai where friends come together near a butchery, to grill meat on an open fire.

Hedderwick says, “This offering positions us in both the lower-end branded food service category as well as the ‘unbranded’

sector which includes operators ranging from street vendors and informal traders to traditional food retailers selling hot

meals. Our research shows that consumers will gravitate to an offering that is fresh, has home-cooked flavour, and is

quickly and hygienically prepared. We have taken those elements and combined them with an appealing, sociable setting

centred around communal seating and eating. We are cognisant that one should not underestimate this market’s awareness

of brands which combine value with quality, and our ambition is to build a strong brand that is top of mind and delivers on

that value quality offering.”

“The key elements of Blacksteer’s business model are compelling: including low set-up costs, low rentals, and limited

staffing. The trading format is primarily Quick Service take-away with limited seating, catering for customers seeking a

convenient, substantial meal. Restaurants will be situated in urban areas where there is a high concentration of LSM 3 to 6

workers,” he notes.

Hedderwick says the new venture has an important empowerment component. “Blacksteer’s offering, market niche and low

start-up costs, (in the order of R500 000), position the business favourably for investment by black entrepreneurs with finite

capital but a keen insight into the LSM 3 to 6 market.”

Franchisee, Peaceful Ngcube, says, “I was on the team that researched this new concept and when it came to appointing a

franchisee, I put my hand up. Having a share in this business is a dream come true. My focus is on growing this restaurant

and ensuring it delivers. In the long term I’d like to own three or four Blacksteer’s restaurants, but right now we must make a

success of this one.”


Val Bourdos, Managing Executive, Brand Development, who headed up the team responsible for this project comments,

“Our extensive research into the Blacksteer’s Home of Shisanyama concept has ensured that this offering is well targeted,

and brings to consumers an authentic, local experience underpinned by the standard franchise disciplines for which Famous

Brands is recognised.”

Hedderwick concludes, “We are tremendously excited about the prospects for this new brand.”

Famous Brands' portfolio includes Steers, Wimpy, Debonairs Pizza, FishAways, Mugg & Bean and Brazilian Café, among



Instructions: Read the Article and then answer the questions that follow in groups two. See the attachment below for information necessary to answer question 5. Write down your answers on one piece of paper that has both your names and your students numbers at the top.


1. Determine which growth strategy Famous Brands is using and motivate your answer. (3)

2. Which marketing orientation Famous Brands has applied in the development of its new brand?

Explain your answer. (3)

3. Discuss the how Famous Brands has planned to “capture the appetites of” (target) the LSM 3-6

segment in South Africa? (4)

4. How do you believe this is a clever “strategic move” for Famous Brands with regards to Social and

Demographic factors in South Africa? Motivate. (4)

5. Draw a BCG matrix and plot at least 5 of the brands in the Famous Brands portfolio (Remember to

indicate their position and size). (6)

TOTAL: 20 Marks


Additional Elements: Famous Brands Performance 2011

Like on Like (or Like-for-like) sales only takes into consideration sales that were achieved from businesses or products that

were part of the companys stable the previous year. Should the business have opened any new business or introduced any


new products, sales from them will not be included. In this case, Wimpy UK sales were not included because this was the

first year that these stores started operating. The same goes for any new stores in any of the other brands. So these like-on-

line figures are calculated for 1861 (total stores) – 111 (new stores) = 1750 stores.



Question 1

Determine which growth strategy Famous Brands is using and motivate your answer. (3)

Model Answer

Market Development: Even though Blacksteer is a new type of food-outlet, Famous brands is in the business of

restaurants, so opening another one would not be considered product development, even though is offers a

new range of food products. Up until the introduction of Blacksteer, Famous Brands has mostly focused on the

higher LSM’s with food outlets in the affluent urban areas of cities and towns. The case mentions that “The

group has never participated in the LSM 3-6 market segment in a meaningful and focused matter.” Blacksteer

is a clear move to develop a new market that has not previously been focused upon.

Question 2

Which marketing orientation Famous Brands has applied in the development of its new brand? Explain your

answer. (3)

Model Answer

The Marketing concept (consumer orientation): This concept is based on identifying, understanding, and

satisfying the needs of consumers. And Famous Brands has found a market who’s needs are currently not

being met. They have realised that consumers in LSM 3-6 are currently unnerved on a commercial fast-food

level. And for that reason they have developed Blacksteer to cater for that need. This can be seen in the case

by what Hedgewick says “...consumers gravitate to an offering that is fresh, has home-cooked flavour, and is

quickly and hygienically prepared. We have taken those elements and combined them with an appealing,

sociable setting centred around communal seating and eating.”

Question 3

Discuss the how Famous Brands has planned to “capture the appetites of” (target) the LSM 3-6 segment in

South Africa? (4)

Model Answer

In terms of Demographic factors, LSM 3-6 are rural South Africans with an average monthly income of R2 267 –

R5 755. This group has access to running water and electricity, televisions, radios, kitchen appliances, and

many own cellphones. Although many do not take part in outdoor or extracurricular activities most spend

their evenings at home in front of the T.V and therefore often do purchase fast foods. Hedderwick mentions

that “while many consumers in the LSM 3-6 category have limited disposable income, they do buy ‘out of

home’ meals on a regular basis, and these meals are often the main meal of the day.”

The fact that Blacksteer developed a menu to suit the appetites and wallets (price points are under R20) is also

very clever, especially considering that there are so many of them in South Africa. Blacksteer offers this

segment a convenient and affordable time saving, family centred quality food service with meals that are

unique and desirable by African cultures. that “include pap and vleis, boerewors, Russian sausages, stews,

flame grilled and fried chicken, burgers, mash, chips, soft serve ice-cream and a range of carbonated soft

drinks,” as mentioned by the article.


The name and branding is also very appropriate for this market. As mentioned by the article, “Shisa nyama is a

Zulu phrase meaning ‘to burn meat” which is relates to this target segment because “In many South African

townships the term is used to describe and informal braai where friends come together near a butchery, to

grill meat on an open fire.” Additionally, as noted by Hedderwick, “The imagery of the black steer is extremely

powerful and its associations with flame grilled red meat is obvious.” These are important factors to this

segment and it is a clever move for Famous Brand to brand it in such a way that will appeal and relate to the

target market.

Question 4

How do you believe this is a clever “strategic move” for Famous Brands with regards to Social and

Demographic factors in South Africa? Motivate. (4)

Model Answer

On a social level the role of families and working woman is changing. The rise of double income families means

that people have more money and less time. For this reason, having access to good quality fast-food is

desirable for African families in South Africa. And considering that the African (black) segment is more than

70% of the population (most being LSM3-6) a fast-food outlet like Blacksteer should do well. And this, not

because they have large amounts of disposable income, but because, as Hedderwick notes “...the sheer

volume of the target market is enormous.”

The generations most likely to be Blacksteer’s primary customer are Baby Boomers and Generation X who

both like convenience. Many Baby Boomers have families with children that are either still at high school or

studying. For this reason, many would appreciate affordable and convenient meal options that are flavourful

and similar to what they are used to. In terms of Generation X, many are young working professionals that

either live at home with their parents still (and therefore have extra disposable income) or they are married

(or living a married lifestyle). For this reason, many would purchase a take away meal for lunch or for the

evening meal.

The Black Diamond market should also not be forgotten. This segment, although in LSM7-10 often live by their

families in the townships (LSM3-6) over the weekend. Some even live in the townships because their families

live there and they are used to the culture. Because Black Diamonds have a large amount of disposable income

and have grown up eating township food they will most likely purchase from Black Steer outlets as well.

Question 5

Draw a BCG matrix and plot at least 5 of the brands in the Famous Brands portfolio (Remember to indicate

their position and size). (6)

1 mark for each correct placement and 1 mark for a correctly drawn BCG matrix.




Evidence # 1A: First Letter to Colleague

Hi Rodney

As you know I am doing this teaching development programme.

For the latest assignment I must develop a case study that will give the students a real life scenario to

work through in small groups. The idea is to generate different questions that will give them different

levels of learning. Some shallower, some deeper.

The other part of the assignment is to ask one of my colleagues to give me feedback on it and then

make changes.

So, I was wondering if you would do the honours. You are the only person I know here who will be

completely honest. One or two paragraphs would suffice.

Just to note, it has been written at a very basic level. I guess I took the level of my students into

account while writing it.

I have attached it for your convenience.




Dylan Cromhout

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Faculty of Business

Marketing Department: Junior Lecturer

P O Box 652, Cape Town, 8000

South Africa

Telephone (w): 021 460-3072

E-mail: cromhoutd@cput.ac.za


Evidence # 1B: Case Study – First Draft

Marketing Case Study – Duplex Fisheries

Mr Duplex runs a small fish shop in Kuilsriver in Cape Town. It has been running for roughly 25 years

and has really become an established business in the local Kuilsriver area. He is known far and wide

for providing fresh fish and chips that is good value for money.

Recently, a large new housing complex was built very close to hi store. As it was being built he

thought that there would surely be a lot of new customers coming to his shop once all the people start

moving in. However, what he failed to notice was that a Fish Away’s was also being built right across

road from the complex.

Three months later the complex was complete and almost all the flats had been filled up with people.

He knew it was only a matter of time before his new customers started streaming in. However, 2

months later, not one new customer had entered his store; only his older more loyal customers

continued purchasing from him. He just could not understand why. So he went for a walk to think

about what he could do. As he came around the corner of the block of flats he saw before him the

reason for his troubles, the new Fish Aways shop.

So, in order to determine what was going on, he went across the road to order some fish and chips

from Fish Aways and evaluate their service for himself. As he walked in he noticed that the shop was

very clean and neat and that the staff were all dressed in uniforms. He noticed that they had big

menus that were above the counter that gave a list of all of the different meals that they offered as

well as their prices. Another element he noticed was that they had a poster up with a competition that

said that if anybody liked their Facebook page they would get up to 10% discount on their next meal

and stood a chance to win a trip to Greece for two. Another thing he noticed was that they had loyalty

cards for their customers so that after 20 meals they got the next one absolutely free.

He ordered a normal hake and chips. It came in a branded package and smelled quite good. He sat

down and tried the food. It was ok, but definitely not as nice as his fish that he fried in his special

batter that had been passed down from his great grandfather. He also noticed that although the meal

was a bit cheaper than his, the pieces were not as big as the ones that he gave. All in all, he still could

not understand why people were not purchasing from his store. It might look pretty, but the actual fish

and chips was not nearly as good as his.


1. Can you help Mr Duplex by telling him why people are not buying from his store?

2. Please explain the important lesson that Mr Duplex has learned concerning scanning his


3. Determine the impact of the tools that Fish Aways was using to engage with their customers

concerning how they relate to the latest social trends?

4. Please analyse Mr Duplex’s business and determine which bases he could use to differentiate

his business effectively from Fish Aways?

5. Develop a small marketing plan that will help Mr Duplex gain more customers.


Evidence # 2: Feedback from Colleague

Dear Dylan

Overall, a reasonably good case study that includes a mix of comprehension, problem-solving and

application of theory! Two grammatical errors to correct: second paragraph, first line: "to hi store",

should be "to his store." Fifth paragraph, second line "It was ok, should be "It was okay".

Constructive feedback:

The purpose and outcome of the assessment needs to be given and explained to the students.

No instructions were given, i.e. if this case study was given to the students without you saying

anything, would they know what to do? For example, the following could be inserted: " Read the case

study in order to answer the following questions on .... (then state the purpose of the case study?)."

It was also not clear whether the case study needed to be completed in class (if so, how much time

did the students have?) or whether it could be taken home (if so, then when was the due date)? Also

is it an individual task or could they complete it in groups? The students also need to be informed

whether they are permitted to use their textbook and/or they allowed to do additional research (using

other books and the Internet).

How many marks is each question worth? This would given an indication of the depth of information

the students need to provide in their answers.

You also need to inform the students as how they will be given feedback. No memorandum was


Question on 4 was not clear in terms of which "bases"? Do you mean "segmentation bases"?

Otherwise, the questions were of a good standard!

Kind regards

Rodney Duffett

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Faculty of Business

Marketing Department: Senior Lecturer

P O Box 652, Cape Town, 8000

South Africa

Telephone (w): 021 460-3072

E-mail: duffetr@cput.ac.za


Evidence # 3A: Reply to Feedback from Colleague

Hi Rodney

Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate the time you took to put this together. I know how busy

you are...

I have taken it all into consideration and reworked it. I have also added a memorandum for the

convenience of the lecturer using the case as it is designed to be completed in class and then handed

in/ or possibly even discussed in class, depending on the time available.

Concerning your question regarding bases: they are "differentiation" bases which I do mention. The

case is designed to assess "positioning" knowledge.

I also changed the case a little bit so that it had more of a positioning slant. Additionally I also

changed some of the questions to assess from a positioning stand point.

Please find it attached to see how I have reworked things.

Thanks again for your feedback. It was very helpful.

Kind Regards



Dylan Cromhout

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Faculty of Business

Marketing Department: Junior Lecturer

P O Box 652, Cape Town, 8000

South Africa

Telephone (w): 021 460-3072

E-mail: cromhoutd@cput.ac.za


Evidence # 3B: Case Study – Second Draft

Marketing Case Study – De Nobrega Fisheries

Please read the following case study and then answer the questions that follow in groups of 3 in

class. You may use your textbook. Write your answers on one piece of paper and include the names

of all your group members.

Mr De Nobrega, a Portuguese South African runs a small fish shop in Kuilsriver in Cape Town. It has

been running for roughly 25 years and has really become an established business in the local

Kuilsriver area. He is known far and wide for providing fresh fish and chips that is good value for


Recently, a large new housing complex was built very close to his store. As it was being built he

thought that there would surely be a lot of new customers coming to his shop once all the people start

moving in. However, what he failed to notice was that a Fish Away’s was also being built right across

road from the complex.

Three months later the complex was complete and almost all the flats had been filled up with people.

He knew it was only a matter of time before his new customers started streaming in. However, 2

months later, not one new customer had entered his store; only his older more loyal customers

continued purchasing from him. He just could not understand why. So he went for a walk to think

about what he could do. As he came around the corner of the block of flats he saw before him the

reason for his troubles, the new Fish Away’s shop.

In order to determine what was going on, he went across the road to order some fish and chips from

Fish Away’s and evaluate their service for himself. As he walked in he noticed that the shop was very

clean and neat and that the staff were all dressed in uniforms. He noticed that they had big menus

that were above the counter that gave a list of all of the different meals that they offered as well as

their prices. Another thing he noticed was that they had loyalty cards for their customers so that after

20 meals they got the next one absolutely free. Lastly, he noticed a poster advertising a competition

that said that if anybody liked their Facebook page and gave in their most recent completed loyalty

card they would stand a chance to win a trip to Portugal for two.

He ordered a normal hake and chips. It came in a branded package and smelled quite good. He

serves his meals wrapped up in white paper – just like all the independently run fisheries. He sat

down and tried the food. It was okay, but definitely not as nice as his fish that he fries in his special

batter that had been passed down from his great great grandfather who opened their first family fish

shop in Portugal many years ago. He also noticed that although the meal was a bit cheaper than his,

the pieces were not as big as the ones that he gave. All in all, he still could not understand why

people were not purchasing from his store. It might look pretty, but the actual fish and chips was not

nearly as good as his.



1. Can you help Mr De Nobrega by telling him why the new people in the complex are not buying

from his store? (1)

2. Explain the important lesson that Mr De Nobrega has learned concerning scanning his

environment? (2)

3. Determine the impact of the tools that Fish Away’s was using to engage with their customers.

Also make reference to how they relate to the latest social trends? (3)

4. Considering his new competition, analyse Mr De Nobrega’s business and determine which

base he could use to differentiate his business effectively from Fish Away’s. (3)

5. Identify which base he could use to position his offering effectively in the mind of consumers.

Explain your answer. (3)

6. Develop 3 potential slogans that he could use in marketing communications (advertising) to

promote this positioning? (3)

Total: 15



Question 1

Can you help Mr De Nobrega by telling him why people are not buying from his store? (1)

Model Answer

None one the new people knew about his shop.

Question 2

Please explain the important lesson that Mr De Nobrega has learned concerning scanning his

environment? (2)

Model Answer

Mr De Nobrega did not know that there was a new fish shop right across the road of the complex. If

had he done some environmental scanning around the time that the complex was finished built, he

would have known that there was a new competitor store.

Question 3

Determine the impact of the tools that Fish Away’s was using to engage with their customers. Also

make reference to how they relate to the latest social trends? (3)

Model Answer

Fish Aways was using a range of new tools that were very modern and innovative. Using visual

merchandising elements like large colourful menu boards works well to attract customers into the

store. (1 mark) Additionally, the use of a loyalty card to encourage on-going purchases by loyal

customers is a good way to encourage long-term consistent purchases (1 mark). Social trends are

revealing that more people are using the Internet and Fish Away’s did well to jump onto this trend by

connecting their competition to Facebook (1 mark). In general, Fish Away’s was using many modern

and socially relevant tools to engage with customers.

Question 4

Considering his new competition, analyse Mr De Nobrega’s business and determine which base he

could use to differentiate his business effectively from Fish Away’s. (3)

Model Answer

Product Differentiation – Features (1 mark): It is clear that Duplex Fisheries serve better tasting meals

in larger portions (1 mark). The “special batter” is also something that he can use to differentiate his

offering just like Coka Cola uses its special recipe to differentiate Coke from other cola drinks. (1


Question 5

Identify which base he could use to position his offering effectively in the mind of consumers. Explain

your answer. (3)

Positioning Base – Attribute (1 mark): Even though they offer cheaper options at Fish Aways it can be

assumed that there will be customers who are in search of a more “authentic” fish and chips

experience (large portion of fish and chips served wrapped up in white paper/ newspaper). (1 mark)


Thus, with a combination of the “family heritage” attribute that comes down the family tree all the way

from Portugal, a place famous for its Fish and Chips, and the renowned large portions in white paper/

newspaper attribute, it is recommended that he position his offering on this “authentic” fish and chips

experience. (1mark).

Question 6

Develop 3 potential slogans that he could use in marketing communications (advertising) to promote

this positioning? (3)

Model Answer

Tastes just like Portugal

For your authentic Fish and Chips experience

Fresh Fish, in true Portuguese fashion




Read from right to left, and row for row.






Competitive Advantage: An advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value, either

through lower prices or by providing more benefits that justify higher prices.

Product Position: The way the product is defined by consumers on important attributes – the place the

product occupies in consumers' minds relative to competing products.

Differentiation: is the process of identifying 'something' that is different about a firms products to

competitors', and also important to and desired by consumers.

Consider a basket ball team scenario. If there were two teams planning to play against each other,

and one team was all tall people and the other was all short, which team would have the


The tall one of course. They would have the advantage over their competitor.

Let’s look at a few examples to help you understand this one. There are many brands all around

us, and many of them are known for something specific. That which they are specifically known

for can be considered their “product positioning” – the place that the product holds in the mind

of the consumer. Here are a few examples:

Volvo: Safety BMW: Performance

DHL: Fast Mc Donald’s: Cheap and Fast

Steers: High Quality (Real) Burgers Capitec: Cheap

In other words, to develop a “product Positioning” a marketer must first differentiate it (i.e. find

something that is different about the product). To find points of differentiation, marketers must

think through the customer's entire experience with the company's product or services. Let us

look at an example:

A bank has many different “touch points” in which the customer will engage with the back. Let’s

look at a few.

You see bank advertising, drive to bank, try to find parking, wait in queue, engage with sales

consultant or tellers, sign many forms, get card, bank money. Then go to ATM, engage with keys

and prompts, draw money, get air time. Go online, connect to internet banking, add beneficiaries,

pay beneficiaries. Get credit card, get letters from back with bank statement, call in to bank call

centre with regards to credit card, or when card has been stolen, etc.

At all these “touch points” the bank can choose to differentiate themselves. For example: Have

more sales consultants and tellers to speed up banking process, have one card for all accounts

(Capitec). Have lots of parking available. Have an integrated ATM which allows you to draw and

bank money. Allow you to make payments and pay traffic fines at ATM (FNB). Have solid internet

banking security (ABSA). Have easy to use and fast internet banking (FNB). Speed up ease of

getting a loan. And so on and so forth.





Support a local fresh food restaurant or store with Visual Merchandising services.

Section 1 – Retail Fresh Food Store Observation Report

Your job is to develop a visual report on a local retail food store. You will have to come and present in

class. Photo’s, Video, pictures and other visual elements will be very important. Ideas: Deli, Coffee

shop, Bistro, Take-Away stores (Not a large chain store)

This assignment will be done in groups of either 2 or 3. Find a local food retailer by the 17th of Feb.

You must first get clearance from your lecturer before you can use the business. Need the owners

name, contact details and a photo of the store, as well as a written motivation as to why you would

like to use them. Then you take note of all the different things that they do and write them down.

You also take photos of the store, the food stands, the signage, the displays, and so on. You also do

interviews with the owner or person in charge of VM and you ask them question related to their store

and their VM strategies. You ask them what works best and why. A list of questions will be given to

you closer to the time.

This will be a Power-Point Presentation report with an accompanying document explaining each slide.

You will have to come and present your findings in class. You will be marked for both the written

report and your presentation.

First due:

• One page hand in.

• At the top your group names.

• Then a photo of the store.

• Below the photo, the contact details of the owner and the address of the store.

• Beneath that, an introduction to the store and a motivation as to why you chose it.

Section 2 – Store Layout Planning

Please do a rough drawing of the current layout of your store from a top view. Clearly name each

section. Give a short paragraph on what you think is good and what you think does not work and why.

Then do a new drawing of the way you would change the layout. Can all be in pencil, pen, kokies, etc.

Does not have to be typed. About two pages should suffice.

Section 3 – Design a Visual Merchandising Handbook for your retail outlet


Design an in depth visual merchandising handbook for your retail outlet. It should include all

information that we have covered in a summarised form. It should be tailored to your store. It should

include photos of your store as well as pictures of VM techniques that you recommend for certain

areas of the store.

Due Date: Friday 1 June with a 5min presentation.



Visual Merchandising Audit

VM Report Good (4 - 5) Fair (3) Poor (0 - 2)

Company Information Introduces the business well, does well to inform why the business is being used. Includes address and contact details.

Introduces the business fairly well, does fairly well to inform why the business is being used. Includes address and contact details.

Introduces the business poorly, does poorly to inform why the business is being used. Does not Includes address and contact details.


Audit Content Covers every area of the VM checklist. Goes into depth and explains situation well. Includes photos and other visual elements.

Covers somewhat every area of the VM checklist. Goes into some depth and explains situation fairly well. Includes photos and other visual elements.

Covers an area of the VM checklist. Goes into no depth and does not explain situation well. Does not includes photos and other visual elements.


Recommendations Recommendations are relevant and realistic. Covering every area of the VM checklist.

Recommendations are fairly relevant and fairly realistic. Covering almost every area of the VM checklist.

Recommendations are neither relevant not realistic, or are not included. Does not covering every area of the VM checklist.


Checklists All checklists are fully completed. Audit content coincides with checklists. All are attached to assignment.

Some checklists are fully completed. Audit content coincides somewhat with checklists. Almost all are attached to assignment.

No checklists are fully completed. Audit content does not coincides with checklists. None are attached to assignment.


Shop Layout Both the current shop layout and recommended shop layout is neatly drawn and motivated. Each element is accurately labelled.

Both the current shop layout and recommended shop layout is fairly neatly drawn and somewhat motivated. Each element is accurately labelled.

Neither the current shop layout not the recommended shop layout is neatly drawn. Element are not accurately labelled.




Oral presentation Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (0 - 1)

Content Interesting, relevant, well prepared (no reading), organised and structured

Reasonably interesting, relevant, organised and structured, little reading

Uninteresting, irrelevant, inaccurate, lots of reading, unorganised, unstructured



Audience reach

Established rapport, a well structured PP, good eye contact, no distracting mannerisms, confident

Some rapport, a fair PP, some eye contact, few distracting mannerisms, reasonably confident

No/little rapport, eye contact and confidence, weak/no PP, many distracting mannerisms



Fluent, good vocabulary, no colloquialisms, correct grammatical composition

Relatively fluent, fair grammatical composition, few colloquialisms

Broken fluency, poor grammatical composition, many colloquialisms


Speech and voice Good tempo, annunciation and emphasis of key points, very audible

Reasonable tempo, annunciation and emphasis, fair audibility

Very fast tempo, weak annunciation and no/little emphasis, poor audibility


Overall Effort Shows creativity, high energy, enthusiasm, knowledge of info, good impression

Shows some creativity, moderate energy, some enthusiasm, some knowledge of info, fair impression

Shows low creativity, low energy, low enthusiasm, low knowledge of info, not good impression



Visual Merchandising Handbook

Technical details Good (4) Fair (2 - 3) Poor (0 - 1)

Structure All sections, logical flow, apt subheadings, contents page, correct front matter

Most sections, reasonable flow, some subheadings, few errors in front matter

Some sections, poor flow, few/no subheadings, many errors in front matter


Language Correct spelling, no grammatical errors, academic language

Few spelling and grammatical errors, fair language (some slang)

Many spelling and grammatical errors, inapt language (colloquialisms)


Professional appearance High quality print, correct page/heading numbering, uniform font size/style

Apt quality print; few errors in page/heading numbering, mainly uniform font size/style

Poor quality print, page/heading numbering omitted or incorrect, inconsistent font size/style



Referencing Good (6 - 7) Fair (4 - 5) Poor (0 - 3)

In-text referencing Correct use of HRT, no omissions

Few errors applying HRT, few omissions

Incorrect use of HRT, many omissions


Introduction Good (4 - 5) Fair (3) Poor (0 - 2)

Introduction To Visual Merchandising

A good introduction to Visual Merchandising and its importance for a restaurant. Well written, too the point, effective.

A fair introduction to Visual Merchandising and its importance for a restaurant. Fairly Well written, fairly too the point, fairly effective.

A poor introduction to Visual Merchandising and its importance for a restaurant. Poorly written, not too the point, not effective.



I good conclusion that clinches the entire document leaving the reader with an overall good impression of visual merchandising.

I fair conclusion that somewhat clinches the entire document leaving the reader with an overall good impression of visual merchandising.

I poor conclusion that leaves much to be desired in terms of clinching the entire document leaving the reader with an overall poor impression of visual merchandising.




Retail Store Design Good (4 - 5) Fair (3) Poor (0 - 2)

Branding, Image, and Exterior [Info]

Section is covered aptly with the relevant information. Nicely written in such a way that is easy to understand.

Section is covered fairly aptly with the relevant information. Somewhat nicely written in such a way that is easy to understand.

Section is not covered aptly with only the bare minimum of the relevant information. Poorly written and not easy to understand.


Branding, Image, and Exterior [visuals]

Section made practical and visual through the relevant visual elements. Creativity.

Section made somewhat practical and visual through the relevant visual elements. Creativity.

Section not made practical or visual through the relevant visual elements. No creativity.


Design, Layout, and Shopping Experience [info]

Section is covered aptly with the relevant information. Nicely written in such a way that is easy to understand.

Section is covered fairly aptly with the relevant information. Somewhat nicely written in such a way that is easy to understand.

Section is not covered aptly with only the bare minimum of the relevant information. Poorly written and not easy to understand.


Design, Layout, and Shopping Experience [visuals]

Section made practical and visual through the relevant visual elements. Creativity.

Section made somewhat practical and visual through the relevant visual elements. Creativity.

Section not made practical or visual through the relevant visual elements. No creativity.


Displays: Windows and In-store [info]

Section is covered aptly with the relevant information. Nicely written in such a way that is easy to understand.

Section is covered fairly aptly with the relevant information. Somewhat nicely written in such a way that is easy to understand.

Section is not covered aptly with only the bare minimum of the relevant information. Poorly written and not easy to understand.


Displays: Windows and In-store [visuals]

Section made practical and visual through the relevant visual elements. Creativity.

Section made somewhat practical and visual through the relevant visual elements. Creativity.

Section not made practical or visual through the relevant visual elements. No creativity.


In-store Fixtures, Fittings, and Product Handling [info]

Section is covered aptly with the relevant information. Nicely written in such a way that is easy to understand.

Section is covered fairly aptly with the relevant information. Somewhat nicely written in such a way that is easy to understand.

Section is not covered aptly with only the bare minimum of the relevant information. Poorly written and not easy to understand.


In-store Fixtures, Fittings, and Product Handling [visuals]

Section made practical and visual through the relevant visual elements. Creativity.

Section made somewhat practical and visual through the relevant visual elements. Creativity.

Section not made practical or visual through the relevant visual elements. No creativity.


Menu, Signage, POS, Ticketing, etc [info]

Section is covered aptly with the relevant information. Nicely written in such a way that is easy to understand.

Section is covered fairly aptly with the relevant information. Somewhat nicely written in such a way that is easy to understand.

Section is not covered aptly with only the bare minimum of the relevant information. Poorly written and not easy to understand.


Menu, Signage, POS, Ticketing, etc [visuals]

Section made practical and visual through the relevant visual elements. Creativity.

Section made somewhat practical and visual through the relevant visual elements. Creativity.

Section not made practical or visual through the relevant visual elements. No creativity.



Virtual Visual Merchandising [info]

Section is covered aptly with the relevant information. Nicely written in such a way that is easy to understand.

Section is covered fairly aptly with the relevant information. Somewhat nicely written in such a way that is easy to understand.

Section is not covered aptly with only the bare minimum of the relevant information. Poorly written and not easy to understand.


Virtual Visual Merchandising [visuals]

Section made practical and visual through the relevant visual elements. Creativity.

Section made somewhat practical and visual through the relevant visual elements. Creativity.

Section not made practical or visual through the relevant visual elements. No creativity.



VM Workbook

The Visual Merchandising for Food Workbook is correctly filled in and signed by the owner of the store.


Final Mark 150




Topic: Marketing Strategy

When designing a marketing strategy it is very beneficial for students to work with an example. This

can either be simulated in the form of a made up case, or it could be a real life situation. Considering

that many small and micro businesses could benefit from the development of a marketing strategy, it

is suggested that a service-learning programme be set up to facilitate such a process between the

students and the local SMME community.


To allow students to apply their theoretical knowledge to a real life situation.

To give them the opportunity to work in teams (just as they would in the real world).

To function as a small outsourced “marketing department” for an SMME client.

To encourage business support and development amongst students in Cape Town.

To serve local small businesses with useful strategic marketing planning.

To give local businesses extra exposure to students and the world of marketing.

To give a select service provider the opportunity to “give back to” and support the higher

education and SMME communities.

To give students the ability to network and learn from a service learning partner in their field of



Phase 1 – Situation Analysis

Students will get into teams of three and be paired with a small or micro business. It will be the task of

the students to discover as much as they can about the business, its industry, its customers, and

other relevant situational elements. This will require the students to:

1. Do interviews with the owner of the business

2. Research the Internet for information about competitors and the industry

3. Do observation research of the local market and nearby competitors

4. Interview or observe customers

5. Develop a situation analysis report

Hanlie: Interesting!

Dylan: I’m glad you like it...


This document will be handed in for purposes of progress monitoring by the lecturer and discussion

with the local service provider.

Learning Outcomes

Gather data from the environment that will have an impact on Marketing.

Analyse data for the marketing situational analysis.

Draw conclusions and make recommendations.

Explain the nature and the extent of the competitive environment.

Develop a customer profile regards to relevant social and demographic factors.

Correctly develop a SWOT analysis for a business.

Phase 2 – Marketing Strategy

Once the situation analysis has been discussed a marketing strategy can be developed to align with

what was found and capitalise on any opportunities. The marketing strategy process will be as


1. Develop SMART Marketing Objectives

2. Segment the market of the business

Hanlie: Do they choose their groups, or do you allocate groups?

Dylan: Well, it usually works better if they choose their own groups. They know who they work best with.

Hanlie: I agree!

Hanlie: Do you give them the business or do they have to find one?

Dylan: This depends on the situation. Maybe the external partner has a database of business that they would

like us to work with. Alternatively we could advertise and ask businesses to apply to be a part of the

programme. Lastly, we could charge students to find a business in their local community.

Hanlie: And then you check whether a good choice, I suppose?

Dylan: Absolutely. Each business will need to be approved by the lecturer before the students can work with

them. This ensures that an appropriate business is chosen. One that will work for the project and not be “out

of their league” so to speak. Also, the business needs to have some form of need. If they are already too

established what help could the students possibly give them.

Hanlie: Good! Does each student get a specific section to do, or must they decide how to divide the task?

Dylan: They should decide how they divide it. It is part of the learning progress.

Hanlie: Maybe just indicate how the mark allocation is divided.

Dylan: A Rubric will be provided that allocates exactly how many marks each section is worth.


3. Determine which segment/s should be targeted and design a targeting strategy

4. Develop a positioning strategy

This aspect of the plan will then be handed if for progress monitoring by the lecturer and discussion

with the local service provider.

Learning Outcomes

Set SMART marketing objectives that flow from the conclusions drawn in the Situation

Analysis and give a platform from which to develop a marketing strategy.

Correctly follow and apply the market segmentation steps. Thoroughly explain each step.

Develop a clear and correct strategy for selecting target segments.

Recommend relevant segments and explain the meaning and importance to the business of


List the important product/brand attributes and determine the businesses differentiation


Determine the competitive advantage of a business and develop a unique selling proposition


Select and explain an overall positioning strategy.

Draw a consumer preference and product/brand Positioning Map and explain relevant


Phase 3 – Marketing Mix Strategy

The development of a marketing strategy leads into the development of a marketing programme or

marketing mix strategy. This will allow the business to capatalise on the opportunities found and

ensure sales and growth. It involves with following:

1. Product/ Service Strategy

2. Pricing Strategy

3. Place/ Distribution Strategy

4. Promotional Strategy

Once this section has been completed, a complete marketing strategy document should be handed in

as a first draft. This document will be marked by the lecturer and will be discussed thoroughly with the

community service provider.

Learning Outcomes

Product is defined in terms of the customer value hierarchy and usage classification.

Product items, lines, and mixes (if any) are developed and explained.


Brand Strategy developed and explained.

Packaging illustrated (drawing) and explained.

Strategy for the introductory phase of the PLC well developed.

Price objectives realistically determined.

Product pricing steps followed and set.

Channel has been successfully chosen and considerations concerning the factors that

influence channel choice have been well explained (channel strategy).

Distribution intensity has been determined and channel structure considered.

Elements concerning getting the product to consumers effectively and affordably have been

discussed in length.

An integrated marketing communications plan is effectively developed and all steps have been

considered thoroughly.

AIDA and the hierarchy of effects have been effectively considered in relation to the

introductory phase of the PLC.

All elements in the communications mix (Adv, PR, SP, PS) have been considered and a

strategy for each has been discussed.

A communication campaign is developed with accompanying objectives.

An example of an advert element (T.V, Billboard, Magazine ad, or poster) has been well

designed to show the creativity and appeal of the brand, product, or service.

Advertising appeals and execution styles are explained.

An additional informational communication element (Website, brochure, catalogue, etc) has

been designed to communicate theoretical elements of the brand, product, or service.

Phase 4 – Final Hand in and Presentation

Once the various changes have been made to the draft, a final document will be developed.

Additionally the students will need to develop a Power Point Presentation that conveys the central

elements of the plan. The final plan will need to be handed in a week before the presentation date.

The presentation will need to be discussed with the local service provider before the presentation is

delivered. All the businesses will be invited to the presentations in order to hear and see what

strategies the student teams have designed to help grow their businesses.

Hanlie: So, lecturer will do quality control here?

Dylan: Yes.

Hanlie: This sounds great!



A copy of the marketing plan will be presented to each business owner (client) upon delivery of the


Learning Outcomes

Compile a marketing strategy into a complete and succinct document.

Design a powerpoint presentation to effectively communicate the key points of a marketing


Present the strategy to an audience of people.

Service Provider

The service provider chosen should be an organisation that has one or more of the following


Be a marketing consultancy (Marketing Tree)

Be an Branding/ Advertising Agency that works with small businesses (Brand Shepherd)

Be small business development organisation (Red Door, or the like)

Be a small business support organisation (The Business Place/ The Barn)

Provide business related services to the SMME industry (Example: FNB)

This organisation should support the students and businesses in either one or more of the following


Provide workshops on various aspects of the project

Provide mentoring to student teams

Provide access to resources (like computers, designers etc)

Provide funding (printing)

Provide implementation support to the businesses once the plan is complete

It will be at the liberty of the service provider to attach their name to the programme and use

engagements with the students and clients as an opportunity to promote their brand and business.

Hanlie: Very interesting! How are the students assessed? Do this form part of their final mark?

Dylan: It should definitely count towards their final mark. The students are assessed on:

The final document they hand in

A portfolio of evidence (correspondence with client, reflections, etc)

The Presentation

Hanlie: Maybe indicate what percentage? Or just give the mark allocation in your final submission.







Blog Good (7 - 10) Fair (4-6) Poor (0 - 3)

About Page & Letters to publics

Introduces the blog well, explaining what it is about in a professional tone while encouraging the browser to become a subscriber.

Introduces the blog fairly well, explaining what it is about in a fairly professional tone while somewhat encouraging the browser to become a subscriber.

Introduces the blog poorly, explaining what it is about in an unprofessional tone while not encouraging the browser to become a subscriber.


Blog Appearance and layout

An appropriate theme has been chosen. Blog has the appropriate widgets installed in the correct places.

A fairly appropriate theme has been chosen. Blog has some of the appropriate widgets installed in the correct places.

An inappropriate theme has been chosen. Blog does not have the appropriate widgets installed in the correct places.


Weekly Posts At least one blog post every week for 16 weeks. More blog posts than was required. Blogs went out on the same say and time.

At least one blog post every week for 16 weeks. Blogs did not go out on the same say and time.

Less than at least one blog post every week for 16 weeks. Blogs did not go out on the same say and time.


Relevance of information Information within blog posts is relevant to the food industry. Posts include accurate information that is referenced. Own thoughts and opinions that are given on topics are relevant.

Information within blog posts is fairly relevant to the food industry. Posts include somewhat accurate information that is referenced. Own thoughts and opinions that are given on topics are fairly relevant.

Information within blog posts is not relevant to the food industry. Posts do not include accurate information that is referenced. Own thoughts and opinions that are given on topics are not relevant.


Tagging and Categories Appropriate tags and categories are used in each blog post.

Appropriate tags and categories are used in some blog post.

Appropriate tags and categories are used none of the blog post.


Writing Style Professional yet informal writing style that is easy to read and understand. Style is similar to what is found in other blogs while at the same time bringing through author’s unique personality.

Fairly professional yet informal writing style that is fairly easy to read and understand. Style is somewhat similar to what is found in other blogs while at the same time bringing through author’s unique personality.

Unprofessional and informal writing style that is not easy to read or understand. Style is not similar to what is found in other blogs while and does not bring through author’s unique personality.


Diversity of blog posts Posts are about a range of different food related topics keeping the readers interested and showing the public the writer’s wide-ranging knowledge of food.

Posts are about a narrow range of food related topics. It does not always keep the readers interested and somewhat shows the public the writer’s wide-ranging knowledge of food. .

Posts are only about a very specific topic (like only recipes). IT does not keep the readers interested and does not showing the public the writer’s wide-ranging knowledge of food.



Interaction on own blog and commentary on others.

Interacts on own blog by replying to comments accurately and timeously. Also makes many relevant comments on other peoples blogs.

Interacts on own blog by replying to comments fairly accurately and fairly timeously. Also makes a few relevant comments on other peoples blogs.

Does not interacts on own blog by replying to comments accurately or timeously. Does not make relevant comments on other peoples blogs.


Linking to other parts of the Web

Widgets including brand logos of relevant organisations with a link to their website. Links within posts that go to industry websites. A blogroll with relevant links to other blogs.

Widgets including some brand logos of relevant organisations with/without a link to their website. Links within posts that go to industry websites. No blogroll with relevant links to other blogs.

No widgets including brand logos of relevant organisations with a link to their website. No links within posts that go to industry websites. No blogroll with relevant links to other blogs.


Creativity used within posts)

Creativity is used within blog posts with the addition of pictures, photos and video.

Creativity is used somewhat within blog posts with the addition of some pictures, photos and video.

Creativity is not used within blog posts with no addition of pictures, photos or video.









Marketing Research

Read the article below and answer the questions that follow

A third of black South African women obese: study

Almost one third of black South African women are obese, the SA Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) says.

"Coloured, white, and Indian women follow closely, with around a quarter being obese," the institute's South Africa Survey shows.

In contrast, 18 percent of all white men are obese, followed by nine percent of Indian, eight percent of coloured, and six percent of black men.

The figures were obtained from the SA Medical Research Council.The figures are based on Body Mass Index (BMI), calculated using a person's weight and height. A person is obese if their BMI exceeds 30.

The SAIRR commented: "According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) obesity was previously associated with high-income countries, but is gaining prevalence in low- and middle-income countries."

In October 2011 Compass Group Southern Africa, a food services company, placed South Africa third in the world in obesity rankings, after the United States and Great Britain.

Lerato Moloi of the institute's research department said: "Obesity is linked to a number of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes mellitus and heart disease, both of which are among the top 10 causes of death in South Africa."

Between 2004 and 2009 the numbers of people who died from diabetes mellitus and certain forms of heart disease increased 21 percent and 11 percent respectively, according to data contained in the institute's survey.

The WHO estimates that globally approximately 2.8 million people die every year as a result of being overweight or obese.

Last week Linda Fried, dean of the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia, told the World Economic Forum at Davos that in another 20 years, 50 to 60 percent of the world's population could be overweight, according to an Agence France Presse report.

Experts addressing a panel on the subject said the first step was to stop blaming the obese themselves, and to examine the easy availability of cheaper, high calorie foods, increasing urbanisation and an "inactivity crisis".

www.timeslive.co.za A third of black South African women obese: study Feb 4, 2013

1 How would you describe the relationship between collecting research data and the being marketing orientated? (5)

2 Use the information in the article to explain:

2.1 the descriptive

2.2 the diagnostic and

2.3 the predictive roles of marketing research. (6) 3 Identify the data collection techniques most likely used during the survey. (9)



1 How would you describe the relationship between collecting research data and the being marketing orientated? (5) Being marketing oriented involves gaining a thorough understanding of consumers needs (1 mark). Marketing research is the process of planning, collecting, and analysing data of relevance to marketing decision making (1 mark). Thus it can be inferred that in order to understand consumer needs a firm needs to conduct thorough marketing research (1 mark) to determine what those needs are and how to satisfy them effectively (1 mark). With this type of information, the management team can make effective decisions with regards to how to serve its market effectively (1 mark). It provides decision makers with data on the effectiveness of the current marketing mix in satisfying customers, and insights for required changes in order to serve customers better (1 mark). Hence it can be said that marketing research serves the firm by helping them identify and understand customer needs so that decision makers can ensure the integration of all the firms activities in such a way that consumers needs are satisfied and that the business achieves its long-term goal of sustainable profitability. 2 Use the information in the article to explain: 2.1 the descriptive Descriptive is presenting factual data: For example, “The Who estimates that globally approximately 2.8 million people die every year as a result of being overweight or obese” (1 mark). This is an example of factual data (1 mark). 2.2 the diagnostic and

Diagnostic explains data and results: "Obesity is linked to a number of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes mellitus and heart disease, both of which are among the top 10 causes of death in South Africa” (1 mark). This piece is explaining how obesity is linked to a diseases and is therefore showing the impact of obesity and thus performing a diagnostic function (1 mark).

2.3 the predictive roles of marketing research. (6)

Predictive answers the ‘what if’ questions: “in another 20 years, 50 to 60 percent of the world's

population could be overweight, according to an Agence France Presse report” (1 mark). This piece

suggests what will happen in the future should the current trend persist and is thus performing a

predictive function (1 mark).

3. Identify the data collection techniques most likely used during the survey. (9)

To determine the obesity of South Africans, the following data would have been needed: Nationality,

Race, Age, Weight, Height, etc. This type of demographic and personal information is best collected

with a written questionnaire (self administered survey) (1 mark). A sample could have been selected

and the data collected via postal mail, email, or as an internet-based survey (1 mark).

Telephone could have worked, but considering the sensitivity of the information, it would probably

have been better that the survey be filled in anonymously (1 mark). For this reason, a focus group

and mall intercept survey would not have been used (1 mark). Additionally, because of how specific

the data needs to be, observation research would neither have been used (1 mark).


However, considering how accurate the data would have needed to be, the Medical research council

could have asked respondents to come into their laboratory/ facility for the data to be collected by one

of their research representatives (1 mark).

The other figures that were obtained from the SA Medical Research Council would have been

obtained from hospital data gathered from patients admission forms (1 mark). This would have been

secondary data collection (1 mark).

The data connected to the diseases linked to deaths would have been obtained from hospital or

mortuary records (1 mark), and would thus have been collected from a secondary source, i.e. the

hospitals records (1 mark).

Census data for each country would probably have been cross tabulated with data connected to

deaths and cause of death to determine the obesity percentage per country (1 mark). This data would

have been collected for different purposes initially and so would have been accessed as secondary

data for this study (1 mark).

Lastly, it is possible that the council could have run experiments with a sample of volunteers to see

the effects of high cholesterol diets on health the increase of obesity (1 mark).




Analysing the competitive situation

Read the article below which relates to the questions that follow.


Garth Theunissen

Spur Corp’s latest results showed just why it’s the darling of more conservative investors, yet there are tentative

signs that it may be poised to shake off its reputation for being less adventurous than rivals Famous Brands and

Taste Holdings.

“They’re making a more concerted push into the rest of Africa, and management is more focused on addressing

the gaps in their portfolio,” says Anthony Clark, a small to mid-cap analyst at Vunani Securities. “There’s a

growing realisation that they’re missing out on a segment where Famous Brands is making a killing.”

The segment in question is what Clark describes as the “breakfast to mid-morning coffee” space, which Famous

Brands serves through the likes of Wimpy, Mugg & Bean, tashas and House of Coffees. Although it’s been

widely rumoured that Spur had its eye on Vida e Caffe so far nothing has materialised. Yet Clark still feels that

it’s an area ripe for potential acquisition.

Spur’s CEO remains tight lipped. “There’s nothing in the pipeline at the moment but if something interesting

comes along we’ll certainly look at it,” Pierre van Tonder, Chief Executive told Finweek.

So far the only evidence that the group is looking to woo the mid-morning coffee set is Spur’s Unreal Breakfast

promotions, which have helped boost customer traffic in its flagship brand. To some extent this was evidenced

in the group’s latest results, which saw per share earnings jump 62% to 130.71 cents in the year to end-June,

while revenue grew 25% to R503.4m. Nevertheless, there are some quirks to the figures, which reinforce

perceptions that Spur remains too conservative.

The segmental breakdown of Spur’s financials show that “manufacturing and distribution” (i.e. the production of

branded sauces, décor and revenue earned from training franchise staff) brought in almost as much money as

its Spur franchise. Revenue from manufacturing and distribution grew 31% to R142.8m, almost equalling the

R155m made by the Spur restaurant footprint. Exports from these activities surged 74.5% in monetary terms to

R34.4m. In other words, Spur Corp is achieving faster revenue growth from its centralised production and

distribution business than at its restaurants.

With just 456 restaurants worldwide (408 in SA and 48 internationally) Spur also has fewer outlets than its rivals.

Famous Brands has 1 764 franchised restaurants and has a presence in 17 African countries while Taste has

500 outlets and another 80 NWJ stores.

But Spur is plugging away with its tentative expansion into Africa. Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and

Swaziland will each get their second Spur steak ranch in the next fiscal year, while Namibia and Mauritius will

get two each and another is earmarked for the Seychelles. Van Tonder says once those operations are bedded

down, the African expansion will be ramped up in 2014 and 2015. (gartht@finweek.co.za)

Finweek, September 20 2012


1. Relate Porters five forces to Spur’s interest in the “breakfast to mid-morning coffee” market. (15) 2. What would you regard as Spur’s strengths? (5)

3. What are the key success factors for companies operating in the “breakfast to mid-morning coffee” market? (5)

TOTAL: 25 Marks



1. Relate Porters five forces to Spur’s interest in the “breakfast to mid-morning coffee” market. (15)

Model Answer:

Threat of New Entrants

Theory: A segment’s attractiveness varies with the height of its entry and exit barriers. The most

attractive segment is one in which entry barriers are high and exit barriers are low. (1 mark)

Entry barriers in the restaurant market are fairly high. There is a large amount of infrastructure that is

needed namely prime rental space, restaurant furniture and kitchen equipment, in-store and exterior

branding, a range of semi-skilled staff, a supply chain that can deliver fresh food and produce,

marketing and advertising capabilities, a strong brand (to go up against the likes of Wimpy), etc. (2


Threat of Substitute Products

Theory: A segment’s degree of attractiveness is influenced by whether there are actual or potential

substitutes for the product. Substitute products place a limit on prices and, therefore, on the profits

that competing firms in a segment can earn. (1 mark)

Breakfast is a very important part of most people’s lives. It is something that everybody purchases

and consumes. The type of breakfast however varies based on various factors. First it is important to

determine what type of breakfast Spur as well as Wimpy offer, namely a sit-down bacon and egg

breakfast. Substitutes for this form of breakfast are as follows: cereals, yoghurt, fruit, (can make at

home and offered by Kauai), making bacon and eggs at home, picking up a bacon and egg sandwich

at places like Vida e Cafe, breakfast snack bars (bought in packs or in convenience stores while on

the run), breakfast smoothies (made at home or bought at Kauai), eating rusks with coffee, etc. From

this is can be seen that there are many substitute products in the breakfast market. (2 marks)

Threat of buyers growing bargaining power

Theory: A segment is unattractive if the buyers in that market have strong or growing bargaining

power. Often buyers will try to force prices down, demand more quality or services and set

competitors off against each other, which reduces seller profitability.

Some of the main elements that add to buyers bargaining power in this market is that fact that bacon

and egg breakfasts are fairly undifferentiated. Bacon and eggs are pretty much the same everywhere.

The differences are connected to add on products available, the brand value, the service, the location,

and of course the price. (1 mark) Additionally, the switching costs for breakfasts are very low. This

increases their ability to easily switch between restaurants or between making breakfast at home. (1


Threat of suppliers’ growing bargaining power

Theory: A segment is unattractive if the firm’s suppliers are able to raise prices or reduce the quantity

supplied at will. (1 mark)

The main ingredients that are needed in a breakfasts are fairly staple. There are many suppliers of

eggs, bacon, cheese, bread, mushrooms, sausage, as well as muesli, yoghurt, fruit and coffee. (1

mark) Although these are all essential for a breakfast product they are fairly widely available and

should one supplier be out of stock it will not cost much to switch suppliers. (1 mark)


Additional: Should any one of these suppliers, say egg suppliers for example organise themselves

into a single selling unit, then this market will become less attractive. However, the ability to integrate

vertically is becoming more and more viable for restaurant chains for the supply of stable goods (Primi

Farms is a good example – they supply staples to all Primi Piattis’).

Threat of intense segment rivalry

Theory: A segment is unattractive if it already contains numerous, strong or aggressive competitors.

(1 mark)

Rivalry in this segment of the market is relatively strong. Wimpy has been the leader in the breakfast

to mid-morning coffee market for many years with many smaller restaurants and independent coffee

shops also targeting this segment of the market. In recent years, there has been a growth of firms

entering this market with the likes of Mugg n Bean, Vida e Café, Kauai, Seattle Coffee, Starbucks and

other chains targeting this segment as well. (1 mark) Fixed costs are fairly high in this segment of one

considers high rentals and staff costs. Although exit barriers are not as high as in the

telecommunications industry they are not low either. Additionally, the likes of Wimpy have high stakes

in staying in this segment and are therefore likely to fight to stay. (1 mark for any or all)

2. What would you regard as Spur’s strengths? (5)

Model Answer:

Their brand is well known and established in South Africa.

They already have the needed infrastructure to compete in this market.

They are financially strong.

An effective and profitable centralized production and distribution system.

Management’s strategic capability.

3. What are the key success factors for companies operating in the “breakfast to mid-morning coffee” market? (5)

Model Answer

Product Quality

Extensive distribution network

Financial strength

Innovativeness (bringing in new deals that are fresh and different)

Fast and friendly service





Multiple Choice

1. What is an interactive, flexible information system that enables managers to obtain and manipulate

information as they are making decisions, called? A _______________ system.

a. primary data

b. marketing information

c. single-source

d. database marketing

e. marketing decision support

2. The Peplar Machine Company has collected a large amount of information on customers and potential

customers, including names, addresses, purchase requirements and financial ratings, and put it into a

computerised file. What is this an example of?

a. Survey research

b. Proactive management

c. Database marketing

d. Observation research

e. Situation analysis

3. For over 50 years, Chandler Satin Corporation has been the most prestigious satin sheet manufacturer in the country, producing sheets of the highest quality. Its satin sheets are far superior to those of the competition, and it commands the largest share of the satin sheet market. Even though production methods are sophisticated and efficient, and the profit margin is excellent, the last five years have shown a steady decline in total sales. What should Chandler Satin do? a. Expand the distribution network for its sheets

b. Emphasise more aggressive selling by sending salespeople to professional training seminars

c. Lower its prices to stimulate demand

d. Research how and why customer tastes may be changing

e. Double the advertising budget and heavily promote the product

4. An ice-cream store manager asks for market research to explain the recent failure of an in-store promotion.

This type of research is called _______________.

a. descriptive

b. predictive

c. diagnostic

d. normative

e. historical

5. Suppose you are the marketing manager for Style, a stationery shop. You have noticed that sales are

declining in your most promising market segment, art students. You have decided to use the market

research process to investigate the situation. Which step should you consider first?

a. Formulate research objectives

b. Collect secondary data

c. Define the marketing problem

d. Develop a survey to find out exactly what’s wrong

e. Conduct a situation analysis

6. Cornell Corporate Construction is concerned with the future availability of office and retail space in Pretoria

and Midrand. The market researcher begins by examining regional markets, the history of office and retail

building, local companies’ strengths, competitive prices and ownership. What does this information form the

basis of?


a. A dichotomous study

b. Secondary data

c. A situation analysis

d. A statistical analysis

e. Survey research

7. The Sahara office equipment store has decided to do market research. They want to use secondary data,

but management realises there could be potential disadvantages. What are the disadvantages of using

secondary data?

i. Secondary data can be gathered inexpensively

ii. The information does not fit the needs of the current research problem

iii. It is possible that the quality of the data are poor

iv. The data are not able to answer specific questions relevant to the problem at hand

v. It is more current than primary data

Choose one of the following combinations: a. i, iii, iv

b. i, ii, iii, iv, v

c. ii, iii, v

d. iii, iv, v

e. ii, iii, iv

8. The Linder Tyre Company is planning its first market research project. The marketing director

recommended using primary data, because _______________.

a. this information is freely available to all interested parties

b. the value of the information is unrelated to sample size

c. the Linder Tyre Company’s information needs will be exactly met, having been collected specifically for

this study

d. it can be collected quickly and at a low cost

e. it will provide a comparison for new information

9. The Millennium-Vac Company wants to get consumer feedback about the style, features, and a

demonstration of the operation of its prototype automatic mini-vacuum cleaner. Which of the following

forms of survey research would allow them to do this?

i. Telephone interviews

ii. Focus groups

iii. Mail surveys

iv. Personal interviews

v. Mall intercept interviews

Choose one of the following combinations: a. ii, iii, v

b. iii, iv

c. i, iv, v

d. ii, iii, iv

e. ii, iii

10. Suppose you are a market researcher in the research department of a FMCG company. You need to

collect information quickly with a complex questionnaire that probes for the reasons behind people’s

purchase of your products. You also want each interviewer to conduct the survey in precisely the same

way. Which research method should you use?

a. Personal interviews

b. Mall-intercept interviews

c. A mail panel survey

d. Focus groups

e. Central-location telephone interviews


11. One day before the election, a local political candidate makes a speech stressing several important points.

To find out whether these points impact on the candidate’s popularity, you need to obtain questionnaire

data of hometown voters. What method of research do you employ to do this?

a. A telephone survey

b. Focus group interviews

c. One-way mirror observations

d. A mail survey

e. The use of a passive peoplemeter

12. Suppose that you need to conduct extensive market research using a control group of a minimum of 300

people on a very low budget. Which research method would you use?

a. Mall interviews

b. Personal interviews

c. Focus group interviews

d. Mail surveys

e. Telephone interviews

13. Johnny’s trailer rentals decides to use focus groups in its marketing research. The MAIN reason why

Johnny’s trailer rentals prefer focus groups to individual interviews is that _______________.

a. in focus groups the interviewer can probe the respondents

b. the interviewer can show concepts to the respondents

c. general data quality is very high

d. the response of one person can stimulate a response from another

e. one can collect larger amounts of data than with personal interviews

14. Suppose McDonald’s sent out a questionnaire that included the question “What do you think of our new

menu item, the McPot Pie?” Of which type of market research question is this an example?

a. A dichotomous response

b. A sampling frame question

c. A scaled-response question

d. A closed-ended question

e. An open-ended question

15. In a McDonald’s survey about new menu items, one question is “How much do you like the sugar-free

apple pies? Check one: dislike, dislike slightly, do not dislike or like, like slightly, like a great deal”. What

type of question is this?

a. Scaled-response

b. Sampling frame

c. Dichotomous

d. Double-barrelled

e. Open-ended

16. Homebru Supermarkets wanted to learn more about its customers and their shopping habits. After

considering several possible methods, the company decided on observation research. What is the most

likely reason for this decision?

a. Biases from the interviewing process are eliminated

b. It relies on the respondent’s willingness to provide the desired data

c. It has a relatively high response rate

d. Attitudes and motivations are clearly demonstrated in observation research

e. It is actually an experiment using natural environments

17. Which of the following statements represent advantages of qualitative data?

i. Interviewers can probe respondents to try to unearth underlying feelings, emotions, opinions and



ii. Respondents can indicate how strongly they agree with statements made

iii. Respondents are asked the same question

iv. In-depth information is obtained

v. In-depth statistical analysis is possible

Choose one of the following combinations: a. iv, v

b. i, iv

c. ii, iii, v

d. i, iii, iv

e. iii, v

18. Molly wanted to send a survey to about 10 per cent of her customers. She used a random number table to

select customers from her master customer list. The type of sample she used is called a(an)

_______________ sample.

a. customer

b. convenience

c. non-probability

d. irregular

e. probability

19. Jerome has to interview eighty people for his market research class project and decides to use his fellow

students living in the university residences. This is an example of a(an) _______________ sample.

a. cluster

b. random

c. probability

d. stratified

e. convenience

20. Which analysis approach would a researcher use to evaluate responses to housing purchase behaviour

questions by age and by the income of the respondent?

a. One-way frequency counts

b. Statistical analysis

c. Cross-tabulations

d. Passive people meters

e. Scaled responses




Answers to Multiple Choice Questions

1. E

Rationale: Definition of a marketing decision support system (DSS). Page reference: p.144

2. C

Rationale: The creation of a large computerised file of customers’ and potential customers’ profiles and

purchase patterns is called database marketing. Page reference: p.145

3. D

Rationale: A steady decline in sales signals a change in the marketplace. Rather than hanging on to a sinking

ship, Chandler needs to discover what the current customer needs and wants are, and decide how to serve

them. Page reference: p.146

4. C

Rationale: Its diagnostic role includes explaining data and results. For instance, what was the impact on sales of

a change in the design of the package? Page reference: p.147

5. C

Rationale: To respond to a symptom, one should find out what the underlying problem is. Page reference: p.151

6. C

Rationale: A major background investigation of the firm, its products, its markets, the competition and so forth,

which aids in defining the market research problem or goals, is called a situation analysis. Page reference:


7. E

Rationale: Secondary data have been collected previously for some other purpose and may not fit the current

research problem. To assess the quality of the data, it is important to know when, where, why and how the data

were originally collected. Page reference: p.152; p.154

8. C

Rationale: Primary data is information that is collected for the first time for the purpose of solving a particular

problem. Page reference: p.155

9. D

Rationale: Mall intercept interviews, focus groups and personal interviews allow demonstration of the product,

whereas telephone interviews and mail surveys do not. Page reference: p.155-158

10. E

Rationale: Central-location telephone interviewing allows for fast time spans, question probing, interviewer

control, and the ability to handle complex questionnaires when computer-aided. Page reference: p.156-157

11. A

Rationale: The quickest way to ascertain this is a telephone survey of hometown voters. Page reference: p.156-



12. D

Rationale: This is the least expensive method of data collection for a sample of this size and a lengthy survey.

Page reference: p.157

13. D

Rationale: The interaction between focus group members is the reason for conducting group rather than

individual interviews. Page reference: p.158

14. E

Rationale: Open-ended questions allow unlimited answers, phrased in the respondent’s own words. Page

reference: p.158

15. A

Rationale: The scaled-response measures the intensity of a respondent’s answer. Page reference: p.159

16. A

Answer: a

Rationale: Observation research is the only data collection process where there is no interaction with an

interviewer and no possibility of influencing the behaviour of the subjects. Page reference: p.161

17. B

Rationale: The other statements are advantages of quantitative data. Page reference: p.162

18. E

Rationale: When using probability sampling, every element in the population (in this case, everyone on Molly’s

customer list) has a known statistical likelihood of being selected. Page reference: p.164-165

19. E

Rationale: A convenience sample is based on using respondents who are readily accessible. Page reference:


20. C

Rationale: Cross-tabulations permit the analyst to relate the responses to one question to the responses to one

or more other questions. Page reference: p.166





Century is a small international vehicle manufacturing company, situated in Europe. Currently they produce four

lines of vehicles: a low-priced vehicle that is fuel-efficient and affordable, a family vehicle with extra safety

features, an SUV and most recently, a luxury sports model was added to the product range. Century is

investigating entering into the South African market.

a. Identify TWO main bases for segmentation that Century could use to segment their potential market and give ONE example of how EACH of these categories could be applied to Century’s vehicles. b. Since Century has limited monetary resources and is a small firm, and since there are many competitors currently selling vehicles in South Africa, which ONE of the three target marketing strategies would you recommend Century use? Name the strategy, briefly explain it and motivate a reason for your choice.


Model answer:


Demographic segmentation (students only need to mention ONE of the following demographic variables)

Age – e.g. younger people will buy the smaller, affordable, fuel-efficient vehicle.

Income – e.g. they have affordable, fuel-efficient vehicles, middle-range family vehicles, SUV’s and a luxury

sports model – different vehicles to suit different incomes.

Gender – females may drive the family vehicle with extra safety features especially when taking children to and

from school.

Family life cycle segmentation – e.g. young and single people will purchase the affordable, fuel efficient vehicle;

families will purchase the family vehicle or SUV and middle-aged, married without dependent children may

purchase the luxury sports model.

Psychographic segmentation

Activities – an outdoor person or a family that likes to go on holiday together may prefer the SUV. A person that

enjoys entertainment and wants to be seen by people as having status in society will purchase the luxury sports


Motives – if safety is important, consumers will choose the family vehicle; if fuel efficiency is important, they will

choose the affordable vehicle; if status is important, they will choose the luxury sports model.

Benefit segmentation

The benefit of the family vehicle is its safety.

The benefit of the low-priced vehicle is its affordability and fuel efficiency.


Strategy: a concentrated targeting strategy would be recommended.

Explanation: a concentrated targeting strategy involves selecting a market niche (one segment of a market) and

then concentrating on understanding the needs, motives and satisfactions of that segment’s members,

developing and maintaining a highly specialised marketing mix.

Motivation: small firms that have limited monetary resources often adopt a concentrated targeting strategy to

compete effectively with much larger competitors.

Page reference: Question a. p.180-188; Question b. p.193







Understanding of which marketing research survey method is the most appropriate to use in

any given situation.


Nando’s notices their sales going down in the Western Cape. At first they think nothing of it, but when

after six months the situation still does not improve they realise that there must be a problem

somewhere. They contact a few of the stores in the area but none of the owners can give them any

insight into the problem.


1. What do you understand by the term Marketing Research?

2. What should the Managers of Nando’s do next?

3. Identify and explain what data collection method could be used to determine the problem.

4. Develop a Marketing Research Proposal for the management team of Nando’s.

Feedback from colleague

Not sure if it is important, but your scenario can be more concise.

Perhaps question 1 should rather be, “How will you explain marketing research to Nando’s


Question 2 is very open ended. Give more guidance as to what you want them to answer. For

example: What should the managers do in terms of....

I like question 3 + 4

Criteria: Outcomes are stated (perhaps there is more) and are in line with questions to ask.

Comments on Feedback

The last sentence could be removed. However, this will depend on the level of student. If they

understand their work (especially from a practical perspective), they will know that the first step would

be to make a few phone calls internally to see what the problem could be. In some ways, leaving this

out could make room for another question related to it.


Question 2 is open ended because students need to know what needs to be done next. They need to

know that after having done basic internal questioning, secondary data needs to be consulted (like

sales data). However, the question could be clarified as the feedback suggests.

I agree that more criteria needs to been added to align with the questions.



Define what Marketing Research is.

Understanding of which marketing research survey method is the most appropriate to use in

any given situation.

Understand how to determine problems as well as assess problems using marketing research


Develop a Marketing Research plan.


Nando’s notices their sales going down in the Western Cape. At first they think nothing of it, but when

after six months the situation still does not improve they realise that there must be a problem

somewhere. They contact a few of the stores in the area but none of the owners can give them any

insight into the problem.


1. What do you understand by the term Marketing Research?

2. What should the Managers of Nando’s do next? (after having contacted the store owners by


3. Identify and explain what data collection method could be used to determine the problem.

4. Develop a Marketing Research Proposal that will address this problem for the management

team of Nando’s.





Read the Scenarios and then answer the questions that follow.

Tom recently purchased a run-down old piece of property in Cape Town with the idea of turning it into a lovely little garden centre. He is not entirely experienced with garden retailing and has therefore approached you to give him advice.

As a part of his research he has spent time browsing the internet for any information that he could possibly find regarding garden centre retailing. He shares with you what he has found but he is not entirely sure how to go about implementing what he has learnt.

Question 2.1

"The affluent emerging customer has a different expectation and service needs than the baby boomers. Gen Xers are more project oriented and less interested in dabbling. Their purpose in shopping is more often to complete a necessary project, not just to browse for products.”

Tom notices that the consumers of today are a lot different from a few years back. He wonders what else he needs to take into consideration about this new consumer. Give Tom a rundown of what he needs to know about this new group of consumers, Generation X.

2.1 What are they like? What defines them as a consumer market? (8)

Question 2.2

Tom has found that these new consumers are considered “Home Landscapers.” He reads to you the definition

of Home landscaping: “By definition, home landscaping, means arranging or modifying the features of the

grounds around a home to improve the property from the standpoint of aesthetic ideas (visually pleasing) and/or

practical usage.”

2.2 Explain how these new consumers are “Investing in their home and lifestyle.” (6)

Question 2.3

“Although there are many people living in suburban areas today, they are going about their gardening very differently. They are no longer in it just for the sake of gardening as a hobby, but actually want to make use of their backyard space. On the other side of the coin, there are many people who are moving into apartments that have a lack of space yet they still want the benefits of a garden.”

2.3 Contrast those living in houses that have a backyard (suburb gardens) as compared to those who live in apartments in the city (urban gardens) and discuss their differing product needs? (10)

Question 2.4

Additionally, Tom notices that it’s not just simply products that these new consumers are looking to buy, but they also want supporting services. He wonders how his new garden centre can support customers with additional services.

2.4. How can Toms garden centre support customer needs and capatalise on this “project-oriented” nature of the new breed of customer? (6)

[Total: 30]



Questions 2.1 Answer:

• Gen X (born 1966-1976) (1 mark)and Y (born 1980 – 1994) – want the aesthetic – not as engaged in the process of gardening – are they decorating or gardening?

• They want to enrich their lives with what is meaningful to them (1 mark) • They want value (economical and valuable as they see it) (1 mark) • Concerned with health and well-being (1 mark) • They are interested in ecological, sustainable and local (1 mark) • They seek status (1 mark) • They use technology and have lots of access to information and products (1 mark) • Urbanites – busy, time-strapped individuals and families (1 mark) • Anything else that is relevant can be accepted (1 mark)

Question 2.2 Answer:

• Personalization of home space (1 mark) • Update landscape for aesthetics and functionality (1 mark) • Make space more usable – eliminate wasted space (1 mark) • Extend the season and outdoor activity (“home as cottage”) (1 mark) • Create comfort and convenience (low maintenance, multi purpose, storable, etc.) (1 mark) • Create privacy and block out noise / traffic (1 mark) • Increase property value (1 mark) • Anything else that is relevant can be accepted (1 mark)

Questions 2.3 Answer:

Suburban Dweller: Back Yard Oasis

• Playing (1 mark) • Relaxing (1 mark) • Cooking (1 mark) • Dining (1 mark) • Entertaining (1 mark) • Working (1 mark) • Wildlife watching (1 mark) • Extend the season = patios, fireplaces, heaters, outdoor kitchens, fountains, furniture, lighting,

playthings, birdfeeders… (1 mark for any or all)

Total of 5 marks only. Must include at least 2 product examples.

City Gardens – Smaller Lots

• Smaller plants (1 mark) • Fewer plants (1 mark) • Vertical gardening (1 mark) • Shade! (1 mark) • Pollution (1 mark) • Noise (1 mark) • Plants sharing the space with hardscape, Braai’s, furniture, storage, recreational items, etc. … (1 mark

for any or all)


Total of 5 marks only. Must include at least 2 product examples.

Questions 2.4 Answer:

Design Services (1 mark): To help customers design their garden and home as well as implement the plan using wide array of the garden centre’s plants and products (1 mark).

Displaying products in situations that buyers would be using them. Scenario based displays (1 mark). This allows the customers to “visualise” how the various products would work in their gardens and homes (1 mark).

Hire knowledgeable employees (1 mark) (i.e. master gardeners, certified nursery professionals).

Offer seminars on the topic of developing your garden (1 mark).

Additionally, this generation also requires elements to increase their shopping experience, this things like restaurants, child care facilities and so forth are also needed.

More customer service specific.

Offer extra’s like deliveries & Online purchases.

















PR Blogs Rubric Antrobus, agreeny.wordpress.com

Press Kit Good (7 - 10) Fair (4-6) Poor (0 - 3)

About Page & Letters to publics

Introduces the blog well, explaining what it is about in a professional tone while encouraging the browser to become a subscriber.

Introduces the blog fairly well, explaining what it is about in a fairly professional tone while somewhat encouraging the browser to become a subscriber.

Introduces the blog poorly, explaining what it is about in an unprofessional tone while not encouraging the browser to become a subscriber.

10 8

Blog Appearance and layout

An appropriate theme has been chosen. Blog has the appropriate widgets installed in the correct places.

A fairly appropriate theme has been chosen. Blog has some of the appropriate widgets installed in the correct places.

An inappropriate theme has been chosen. Blog does not have the appropriate widgets installed in the correct places.

10 8

Weekly Posts At least one blog post every week for 16 weeks. More blog posts than was required. Blogs went out on the same say and time.

At least one blog post every week for 16 weeks. Blogs did not go out on the same say and time.

Less than at least one blog post every week for 16 weeks. Blogs did not go out on the same say and time.

10 7

Relevance of information Information within blog posts is relevant to the food industry. Posts include accurate information that is referenced. Own thoughts and opinions that are given on topics are relevant.

Information within blog posts is fairly relevant to the food industry. Posts include somewhat accurate information that is referenced. Own thoughts and opinions that are given on topics are fairly relevant.

Information within blog posts is not relevant to the food industry. Posts do not include accurate information that is referenced. Own thoughts and opinions that are given on topics are fairly not relevant.

10 10

Tagging and Categories Appropriate tags and categories are used in each blog post.

Appropriate tags and categories are used in some blog post.

Appropriate tags and categories are used none of the blog post.

10 7

Writing Style Professional yet informal writing style that is easy to read and understand. Style is similar to what is found in other blogs while at the same time bringing through author’s unique personality.

Fairly professional yet informal writing style that is fairly easy to read and understand. Style is somewhat similar to what is found in other blogs while at the same time bringing through author’s unique personality.

Unprofessional and informal writing style that is not easy to read or understand. Style is not similar to what is found in other blogs while and does not bring through author’s unique personality.

10 10

Diversity of blog posts Posts are about a range of different food related topics keeping the readers interested and showing the public the writer’s wide-ranging knowledge of food.

Posts are about a range of different food related topics keeping the readers interested and showing the public the writer’s wide-ranging knowledge of food. .

Posts are about a range of different food related topics keeping the readers interested and showing the public the writer’s wide-ranging knowledge of food.

10 7


Interaction on own blog and commentary on others.

Interacts on own blog by replying to comments accurately and timeously. Also makes many relevant comments on other peoples blogs.

Interacts on own blog by replying to comments fairly accurately and fairly timeously. Also makes a few relevant comments on other peoples blogs.

Does not interacts on own blog by replying to comments accurately or timeously. Does not make relevant comments on other peoples blogs.

10 10

Linking to other parts of the Web

Widgets including brand logos of relevant organisations with a link to their website. Links within posts that go to industry websites. A blogroll with relevant links to other blogs.

Widgets including some brand logos of relevant organisations with/without a link to their website. Links within posts that go to industry websites. No blogroll with relevant links to other blogs.

No widgets including brand logos of relevant organisations with a link to their website. No links within posts that go to industry websites. No blogroll with relevant links to other blogs.

10 6

Creativity used within posts)

Creativity is used within blog posts with the addition of pictures, photos and video.

Creativity is used somewhat within blog posts with the addition of some pictures, photos and video.

Creativity is not used within blog posts with no addition of pictures, photos or video.

10 9







Entrepreneurship Test Questions – Explaining a term

The phenomenon of dual-career families (families in which both the mother and father work) has

possibly had a greater effect on business and marketing than any other social change.

Entrepreneurship Test Question – Showing an example of what I am looking for in an answer

Identify THREE bases for segmentation that Century could use to segment their potential market.

(You may use any of the cars) And then give ONE example of how EACH of these categories could

be applied to Century’s vehicles. (6)

Example: Education (1 mark): Smart people will buy luxury cars because they want to show off their

intelligence (1 mark).





All definitions adapted from dictionary.com

1. Identify

Definition: Recognise or establish or verify the identity.

Simplified: Point out, find, determine, show.

Example: Identify segmentation bases that would be most useful when segmenting the market for

Planet Fitness gyms.

Explained: in this question you will need to figure out what the various segmentation bases could be

and then write them down one by one. This means reading through the case study and finding those

elements that form a part of Planet Fitness’s segmentation bases.

2. Discuss

Definition: to consider or examine by argument, comment, etc.; explore solutions; debate

Simplified: talk or write about a topic

Example: Discuss the steps in the consumer decision-making process.

Explained: Here you need to talk about all the various steps. So you need to write down each step

and then write more about each step so that the lecturer can see that you understand the concept.

2.1 Fully Discuss: Here you need discuss entirely or wholly discuss. In other words, you need to

write about everything that is related to the topic. You must leave no stone unturned.

4. Define

Definition: to explain or identify the nature or essential qualities of; describe

Simplified: You need to break up a concept into its smaller parts. This word will usually be used

interchangeably with the word describe or identify. It means to determine the unique characteristics of

something, but in an almost scientific way.

Example: Define Segmentation

Explained: Here you need to just give the textbook definition of Segmentation. Write down all the

various parts that form part of the concept.

4.1. Define in the context of the case study: This is a bit more challenging. So let’s say that the

person you are writing to does not know what segmentation is, so you need to use real examples to

help them understand. So to answer the question effectively, you need to first write down the

definition of segmentation according to the textbook. Then you need to go a read through the case

study to find examples that relate to the definition. Once you have found examples, you need to write


them down and explain how they are examples of segmentation. This way the person reading will be

able to understand segmentation within the context (within the story) of the case study.

5. Profile

Definition: in marketing this word is used differently than usual.

Simplified: in marketing it means something very similar to “define” or “describe.” It means to break

up into its different characteristics. Outline the most important elements.

Example: Profile the target market of Planet Fitness JustGym.

Explained: Think about your Facebook profile. What are the different elements that are listed there?

It is your name, your age, your profession, your marital status, etc. So a profile lists all the most basic

information about a specific person, group, organisation, or object.

So in for this questions you will need to find all the essential elements of their target market and write

them down. What are their different characteristics? What is unique about them as a group? List all

these basic elements that define the target market.

6. Contrast

Definition: to compare in order to show the unlikeness or differences; not the opposite natures,

purposes, etc., of something or other.

Simplified: Write the differences.

Example: Contrast the positioning strategy of PEP with that of Woolworths.

Explained: Here you will need to compare the positioning strategies of these two brands. You need

to explain how they are different. The one does x, and the other does y. Where the one does a, the

other does b.

7. Explain

Definition: to make plain or clear; render understandable or intelligible; to make known in detail.

Simplified: help someone understand.

Example: Explain what positioning is.

Explained: Here you will simply write down what positioning is in your own words. You will make the

concept plan and clear to the reader.

7.1. Use examples to explain: This is a little different as you will need to think of real life examples to

help explain the concept. Usually, what works is to first write down the definition of the concept, in this

case positioning. Then think of examples that can help explain the concept and write them down in

such a way that explains the concept. For example: “Volvo stresses safety and BMW stresses

performance. So these two brands have positioned themselves differently in the minds of consumers.”


7.2 Explain with reference to the text: This requires you to actually go and find examples in the

case study that will help explain the concept. You will not be able to just use your own examples, you

will need to find them in the case study. So again, it is best to first write the textbook definition as you

remember it and then look for examples fro the tests to help explain it. Then you write down the

definition again, but this time using the examples from the case study to further clarify the concepts.

8. Justify:

Definition: to show a satisfactory reason; to qualify; to defend or uphold as warranted or well-

grounded; to show (an act, claim, statement, etc.) to be just or right.

Simplified: to prove that was you are saying is true. Usually this means using evidence to do so.

Example: Identify the model of competition that Planet Fitness competes in. Fully justify your answer.

Explained: This means that you need to write down what model of competition PF uses and then by

using examples (evidence) from the case study you prove (justify) that you answer is true. Usually

you can use either quotes from the case study or you can just refer to the case study in your own


9. Illustrate

Definition 1): to make clear or intelligible, as by examples or analogies; exemplify; to clarify one’s

words, writings, etc., with examples.

Simplified: To show that you know something by explaining it. To make something clear so that

someone can understand.

Example: Illustrate with the use of examples, the positioning strategy of Planet Fitness JustGym.

Explained: In this case, the word “Illustrate” means exactly the same as “Explain.”

Definition 2): to furnish (a book, magazine, etc.) with drawings, pictures, or other artwork intended for

explanation, elucidation, or adornment.

Simplified: Draw a picture or diagram or table to explain.

Example: Draw a diagram to illustrate the marketing environment.

Explained: Here you will need to draw a diagram that will show (make clear, show, reveal) the

marketing environment. It is not exactly explaining it, but rather showing or identifying it.

10. Suggest

Definition: to mention or introduce (an idea, proposition, plan, etc.) for consideration or possible


Simplified: to give a solution to a problem or to give your ideas on what can be done.


Example: Suggest ways in which Planet Fitness can promote their new JustGym offering.

Explained: Here you will need to come up with some ways in which they could promote their new

offering. However, it is important not to just suck random ideas out of your thumb. The ideas need to

be inspired by sound theory. So it is suggested that you first write down all the elements that are

usually used to promote, i.e. the marketing communications elements. Then, from these develop

possible ways in which PF could promote their business.

11. Analyse

Definition: to separate (a material or abstract entity) into constituent parts or elements; determine the

elements or essential features of something (opposite to synthesize/ summarise); to examine carefully

and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc.

Simplified: to look at all the individual elements that make up a concept. To really break something a


Example: Analyse the competitive advantage of Planet Fitness.

Explained: In this situation you would need to break up the competitive advantage of PF and look at

all the elements that make up their competitive advantage. You would also need to look at their

competitors and consider the ways in which PF has an advantage over them.

12. Evaluate

Definition: to judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of; assess.

Simplified: to look at something with a critical eye to see if it is performing well or not.

Example: Evaluate the viability of Plant Fitness’s new offering in the South African market.

Explained: The same way that a lecture would assess or evaluate whether a student has done well

or not. A set of criteria is usually used to help measure the level of performance. In this case you

would need to look at all the elements that would make a gym viable and then judge whether PF’s

gym would work. You would also need to consider whether the market is ready for such an offering at

a time as this. You would need to consider all the elements and determine whether it is a good idea or

not based on them. Look at the pro’s and con’s.




Number of pages: 13















True or False

Complete question in answer sheet provided (at the back)

1. To a marketer, the definition of a product is restricted to physical, tangible goods.

2. When Jill Smith buys Spotless Clean laundry detergent, she is not really interested in the chemical

composition of the product she is buying. Instead, she is buying the detergent for the benefit of clean


3. While developing new products is far from an exact science, most firms do follow a formal new-

product development process.

4. test market is one example of a laboratory test where consumers are encouraged to try a new product

and provide feedback to the manufacturer.

5. Buchannan’s Coffees sells all its products to end users without the use of channel intermediaries.

Buchannan’s Coffees uses a direct channel.

6. Suppose Woolworths decided to purchase a fruit farm. This would be an example of forward


7. The elements that make up the marketing communication mix are sales promotion,

advertising, public relations and personal selling.

8. Reminder advertising is used during the growth stage of the product life cycle.

9. The owner of the Flow-Bee vacuum cleaner hair-cutting attachment has produced a 30-minute sales

pitch in the form of a talk and demonstration show to be aired on several Television channels. This is

an example of an infomercial.

10. Sales promotion works best when marketers want to change behaviour and attitudes.

[Total: 10]


Multiple Choice

Complete question in answer sheet provided (at the back)

1. Steven’s new car has exceeded his expectations in that it has a built-in GPS system. This refers to the

product level known as the _______________ product.

a. potential

b. expected

c. core

d. augmented

e. Basic

2. _______________ are relatively inexpensive items that require little shopping effort. These products

are purchased regularly, usually with little planning and require wide distribution.

a. Branded products

b. Unsought products

c. Convenience products

d. Shopping products

e. Speciality products


3. Pick n Pay places chocolates, magazines and chewing gum at the cash registers so that consumers will

decide to buy them while they are waiting in the check-out lines. These products can be regarded as

_______________ products.

a. emergency

b. speciality

c. unsought

d. shopping

e. impulse

4. Bakers market a number of different kinds of cookies and crackers using the familiar Bakers name and

shield. Which branding strategy is this?

a. Two-way branding

b. Brand grouping

c. Family branding

d. Generic branding

e. Private branding

5. Suppose you are the assistant manager at a company that manufactures convenience foods. You have

to convince your boss that packaging will be the key to increasing the sales of your new line of frozen

dessert products. To convince your boss, you tell him that the packaging _______________.

a. will cause no environmental damage

b. will allow the products to be shipped more easily

c. conforms to government regulations

d. can be used to help promote the product

e. conforms to all ethical standards

6. A new Barbie doll, namely Cinderella Barbie, has been developed with the Disney character Cinderella

in mind. In which category of new products would this product fall?

a. New-to-the-world products

b. Repositioned products

c. New product line

d. Lower priced products

e. Product line additions

7. ____________ is a process whereby a group thinks of as many ways as possible to vary a product or

solve a problem without considering the practicality of the ideas.

a. New product exploration

b. Attribute listing

c. A focus group interview

d. Brainstorming

e. Diffusion

8. What is the final stage in the new-product development process?

a. Product testing

b. Market testing

c. Commercialisation

d. Product prototype testing

e. Business analysis


9. Which of the following is a characteristic of the introductory stage of the product life cycle?

a. Distribution is broad and aggressive

b. Production costs are low

c. A strategy of low pricing is always employed

d. Promotional strategy is centred on product assurance

e. Marketing costs are high

10. The Christmas Light Corporation operates its manufacturing facilities year-round, but the sales season

for Christmas lights is usually from October to December. Sales remain steady all year as the company

sells to wholesale distributors that stock the product. The wholesale distributors are helping to

overcome a(an) _______________ discrepancy.

a. assortment

b. spatial

c. contact

d. quantity

e. temporal

11. What are the three basic functions that channel members perform?

a. Assorting, accumulating and allocating

b. Contacting, negotiating and producing

c. Promoting, distributing and bulk-breaking

d. Transactional, logistical and facilitating

e. Financing, mediating and mandating

12. Pick n Pay typically uses the following marketing channel:

Manufacturer Retailer Consumer. The reason why Pick n Pay is using this marketing channel is

that _______________.

a. it is selling low-cost items that are frequently purchased

b. it lacks the resources to come into direct contact with wholesalers

c. the volume of sales does not justify the extra expense of using a wholesaler

d. the firm is large and can buy in large quantities

e. agents would have taken title of the goods, thus increasing warehousing and financing costs.

13. The main function of marketing communication is to _______________.

a. convince consumers that the firm’s products offer differential advantages over those of its


b. find a niche in the marketplace for the firm and its products

c. provide the firm with research information about the success of its marketing efforts

d. ensure smooth distribution channels

e. control the length of the stages of the product life cycle

14. Pepsi’s advertising campaign, depicting people who mistakenly drink Coke as suddenly living a boring

lifestyle, acting ‘square’, or singing mellow, old songs, is an example of _______________ advertising.

a. competitive

b. institutional

c. comparative

d. public relations


e. Pioneering

15. Jovial Jewels, a local jewellery store, is running a contest to give away a diamond engagement ring.

Customers are asked to guess how many loose diamonds are in a crystal jar that is on display. What

sort of promotional strategy is this?

a. Public relations

b. Sales promotion

c. Personal selling

d. Advertising

e. Publicity

16. When Microsoft launched Windows 95, it carefully co-ordinated activities such as media advertising,

sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, packaging and so on, in order to produce a

consistent, unified, customer-focused message. Which promotional strategy was Microsoft practising?

a. Co-ordinated promotion

b. Promotional mixing

c. Integrated marketing communications

d. Creative selling

e. Processed marketing

17. The _______________ is a series of related advertisements that focus on a common theme, slogan

and set of advertising appeals.

a. marketing mix

b. marketing communication plan

c. advertising campaign

d. advertising mix

e. media schedule

18. In the advertisement for Beulah’s Paper Towels, a family is depicted sitting around the kitchen table.

Suddenly, little Johnny spills his milk on the table, floor and family dog. This is an example of a

_______________ execution style.

a. spokesperson

b. lifestyle

c. slice-of-life

d. fantasy

e. product symbol

19. Newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations and billboards can act as message channels

for an advertisement. What are they examples of?

a. Executors

b. Senders

c. Advertising agencies

d. Direct message marketing

e. Media vehicles

20. One of the main advantages of _______________ advertising is its extreme market selectivity.

a. television


b. newspaper

c. magazine

d. radio

e. outdoor

[Total: 20]


Long Questions

1. The success of any business or consumer product depends in part on the target market’s ability

to distinguish one product from another. Branding is often the main tool marketers use to

distinguish their products from the competitors’.

a. What are the three main objectives of branding?

b. How do the concepts of brand equity and brand loyalty fit into these objectives?


2. The product life cycle concept provides a means for marketing managers to trace the stages of a

product’s market acceptance and growth from its introduction right through to its decline.

a. Draw a diagram to illustrate the four stages in the product life cycle. (2)

b. Discuss two typical characteristics of each stage of the product life cycle. (4)

3. Firms have three options for distribution intensity. Name and briefly describe the three levels of

distribution intensity. (3)

4. The style in which advertising messages are executed is one of the most creative elements of an

advertisement and often dictates what medium is to be used. Briefly name and describe three

executional styles. (3)

5. An advertising appeal identifies a reason for a person to buy a product and ought to be linked to

the benefits associated with using the product and also the product’s competitive advantage.

Name and briefly describe three advertising appeals. (3)

[Total: 20]


Case Study

Read the attached article and develop an Integrated marketing communications (IMC) strategy for Tiffinay’s

Bites to launch in the SA market. Explain how you would use each element of the communication mix.

(Remember that the type of product and target market will play a large role in your decisions).

[Total: 10]



Tiffany launches bite-sized biscuits with pure butter and real nuts

17 August 2011

The Tiffany brand from the UAE is embarking on big business drive in SA. The brand owner, IFFCO, prides itself on making delicious, affordable snacks, and is now introducing an indulgent biscuit called Tiffany Bites.

The company says they are baked with the finest ingredients and are packed full of real nut, butter and chocolate chunks that "you can taste in every bite". The range includes three nut variants; Almond, Pistachio and Cashew, as well as a Butter and Chocolate Chip offering.

IFFCO Worldwide, a United Arab Emirates-based international group, manufactures and markets a well integrated range of mass-market food products. IFFCO launched in South Africa in October 2010 having identified an opportunity in the South African FMCG market for good quality consumer goods at affordable prices. Tiffany is IFFCO's flagship brand of impulse foods and includes a range of biscuits, chocolates and confectionery.

Distribution and merchandising partners have been appointed nationally to facilitate world-class delivery and on-shelf presence in all stores. Promotional activities, eye-catching in-store displays, and attractive packaging designs will drive trial and consumption and communicate the brand proposition as being “affordable indulgence".

Tiffany has been available at Shoprite stores for the last eight years and it will now be offered in leading retail stores throughout Southern Africa including Pick n Pay, Shoprite, Makro and Cambridge Foods nationwide. RSP is R7.95 for 90g pack.

The excellent quality and attractive price are the key factors which have enabled Tiffany to achieve success worldwide in the highly competitive food and beverage market.



Name ________________________ Student No. ________________


Please indicate the correct alternative with a “X”.

1. True False

2. True False

3. True False

4. True False

5. True False

6. True False

7. True False

8. True False

9. True False

10. True False


Name ________________________ Student No. ________________


Please indicate the correct alternative with a “X”.

1. a b c d e

2. a b c d e

3. a b c d e

4. a b c d e

5. a b c d e

6. a b c d e

7. a b c d e

8. a b c d e

9. a b c d e

10. a b c d e

11. a b c d e

12. a b c d e

13. a b c d e

14. a b c d e

15. a b c d e

16. a b c d e

17. a b c d e

18. a b c d e

19. a b c d e

20. a b c d e



Question 1 – True or False

1. False

2. True

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. False

7. True

8. False

9. True

10. False

Question 2 - Multiple Choice

1. D

2. C

3. E

4. C

5. D

6. E

7. D

8. C

9. E

10. E

11. D

12. D

13. A

14. C

15. B

16. C

17. C

18. C

19. E

20. C

Question 3 – Long Questions

3. 1. Model answer:

a. Branding has three main objectives: product identification, repeat sales and enhancing new-product


In terms of product identification, branding allows marketers to distinguish their products from all

others. Brands become familiar to consumers as indicators of quality.

Repeat sales come from satisfied customers who recognise which brands to purchase again and

which brands to avoid. Branding also helps word-of-mouth and mass media promotion.


Effective branding spills over to other products, and particularly new products, leading to faster

consumer acceptance.


Brand equity refers to the value of a well-recognised brand name, that is, identification.

Brand loyalty occurs when a consumer consistently prefers one brand to all others.

3.2. Model answer:

a. See figure 9.3, p.283. All four stages as well as the sales/profit axis and time axis should be drawn

and labelled. (It is not necessary to include the product category profits curve).

b. Two typical characteristics of each stage in the product life cycle:

The introductory stage

Characterised by a high failure rate, little competition, frequent product modification, limited

distribution, high marketing and production costs, negative profits and promotion that stimulates

primary demand.

The growth stage

Characterised by increased sales, new competitors, healthy profits that peak, aggressive brand

promotion, expanded distribution, price reductions and possible acquisitions.

The maturity stage

Characterised by a peak in sales, lengthened product lines, style modifications, price reductions,

falling profits, competitor turnover, heavy promotion and price ‘wars’.

The decline stage

Characterised by a long-run drop in sales and profits, less demand, widespread competitor failure,

reduction of advertising costs and possible elimination of the product

3.3. Model answer:


Intensive distribution

Aimed at maximum market coverage; the manufacturer tries to have the product available in every

outlet where the potential customer might want to buy it. If a buyer is unwilling to search for a product,

the product must be placed closer to the buyer. Assuming that the product is of low value and is

frequently purchased, a lengthy channel may be required.

Selective distribution

Selective distribution is achieved by screening dealers and thereby eliminating all but a few in any

single geographic area. Since only a few retailers are selected, the consumer must be willing to seek

out the product.

Exclusive distribution


Exclusive distribution entails establishing one or a few dealers within a given geographic area; the

most restrictive form of market coverage. Since buyers may have to search or travel extensively to

purchase the product, exclusive distribution is usually limited to consumer speciality goods, a few

shopping goods and major industrial equipment.

3.4. Model answer:

(more executional styles are listed than are required from students)

Common executional styles for advertising include the following:

slice-of-life: popular when advertising household and personal products; depicts people in normal settings.

lifestyle: shows how well the product will fit in with the consumer’s lifestyle.

spokesperson/testimonial: can feature a celebrity, company official, or typical consumer making a testimonial or endorsing a product.

fantasy: creates a fantasy for the viewer built around use of the product.

humorous: advertisers often use humour in their advertisements.

real/animated product symbols: creates a character that represents the product in advertisements.

mood or image: builds a mood or image around the product, such as peace, love or beauty.

demonstration: shows consumers the expected benefit; many consumer products use this technique.

musical: conveys the message of the advertisement through song.

scientific: uses research or scientific evidence to give brand superiority over competitors.

3.5. Model answer:

(more advertising appeals are listed than are required from students)

Common advertising appeals include the following:

profit: lets consumers know whether the product will save them money, make them money, or keep them from losing money.

health: appeals to those who are body-conscious or who want to be healthy.

love or romance: used often in selling cosmetics, perfumes and chocolates.

fear: can centre on social embarrassment, growing old or losing one’s health; because of its power advertisers should exercise care in its execution.

admiration: celebrity spokespeople, whether movie stars or sports stars, are often used in advertising because they are admired.

convenience: often used for fast-food restaurants, microwave foods and do-it-yourself products.

fun and pleasure: the key to advertising holiday destinations, beer and many other products.

vanity and egotism: used most often for expensive or conspicuous items, such as cars, clothing and cosmetics.

environmental consciousness or consideration of others: centres on protecting the environment and being involved in the community.

Question 4 – Cast Study

Designing an Integrated marketing communications strategy is important so that all elements of the

communications mix flow together and communicate one cohesive message to the target market. The

elements include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, PR/Publicity, direct marketing and

digital media. (1 mark).

Objectives: Increase awareness of the new biscuit treat by 50% in the first 3 months. Increase sales

by 100% in the first 3 months. (1 mark)


Target market: LSM 6-9, both male and female (but mostly mothers) aged 25-70. Also older people

who enjoy eating biscuits with their tea. (1 mark)

Advertising: It will be important to create awareness of the new biscuit treat using above the line

media such as a television advertisement and possibly also a magazine advert in widely purchased

magazines. This will “inform” consumers of the new product (1 mark)

Public Relations: A few press releases can be developed and sent to leading food related media

organisations (like foodstuffsa). This will also “inform” the target market of the new product. (1 mark)

Sales promotion: Most emphasis should be placed on this element. In store promotions including

sampling and price off value deals should be implemented. The use of coupons, placed in magazines

alongside the advertisements would be a good way to encourage trial. (1 mark) Eye catching in store

displays can be used to create awareness and excite the target audience (1 mark). All sales

promotions efforts are designed to “persuade” the customer to purchase.

Personal selling should be used to encourage retailers to stock the product. (1 mark)

Direct marketing will not play a role because of the low value of the product. (1 mark)

With regards to interactive digital media, a Tiffinay Bites website can be created to increase

awareness coupled to social media pages and efforts to encourage conversations. (1 mark)









Questions Paper
















1. Why would PBL

work/not work for you?

I think it could definitely work for Marketing students. I like the way that it takes

students deeper into a specific subject and encourages them to draw on many

forms of discipline knowledge. The only question is ‘at what level should one use


At a 1st year (and even 2nd year) level, students are still getting to know the

concepts of their discipline. For that reason, they are not really in a position to

begin applying them effectively. Especially when dealing with a case that will

require various forms of knowledge. It might work better later on in the year

when they have covered many of the basic aspects of Marketing.

I would say that it can be best used from the 3rd year and upwards. For it is at

that point that students have been exposed to and have learnt a wide range of

aspects relating to their field and will therefore be in a better position to be able

to draw on that information in the context of a problem based learning class.

I also think that it would work better with a more mature student group.

2. How do you envisage

the following people

would support you in

implementing PBL: a)

HOD, b) Students, c)


a) I have not been in my department very long. Only two months now. Also, I am not sure what it would take to implement such a system. Would it mean having to change the curriculum?

b) The students would enjoy it! c) I really do not know. It would mean some effort on their part in terms of

developing a PBL case. It depends on how long they have been lecturing (are they set in their ways?), if they are interested in innovative new ways of doing things, and if they are willing to put some time and effort into developing a few cases.

3. Do you feel you have

the necessary knowledge

and skills to be able to

implement PBL? Please


I think that I could try it with my 1st year students at the end of the year after

they have covered many of the concepts. It could be a way to help them

integrate everything and cement many of the concepts they have learnt over the


In terms of knowledge and skills: It would simply mean developing a case in the

format that we have been given in TDP.


4. What further support

would you need in the

successful implementation

of PBL?

I am not sure. I would need to test it first and see what happens.

6. If you were to

implement PBL what

would your objective be?

To ensure that students are able to integrate their knowledge and become more

productive people and intuitively thinking marketers that are able to problem

solve within their discipline.

Ultimately a PBL case should simulate what they would have to do in the real


5. Do you have any other


Thank you for opening up my mind to the possibilities that PBL offers. I look

forward to using it in my teaching. On the whole, I think that it has great benefits

for learning and teaching.



