Dynamic Trust and Reputation Model for Secure ...

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Dynamic Trust and Reputation Model for Secure Communications Utilizing Bluetooth Service

Discovery Protocol

Mantie N. Reid

Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Pace University

Pleasantville, NY 10570, USA

Email: mr70560w@pace.edu

Abstract—Bluetooth technology has become the standard

for wireless equipment connection. The technology has evolved and improved over the years and it has gain widespread acceptance which leads to the technology been found in many aspects of our lives. As the widespread use and acceptance of Bluetooth continues, concerns are been raised related to security vulnerabilities and privacy issues inherit in the use of the technology. Inadequate devices resources and lack of user awareness has compounded the issue where the emphasis on design constraints, functionality and ease of use sometimes outweigh security concerns. Bluetooth technology offers much convenience and ease of use, but it lacks a central security infrastructure. Due to this, it has very serious security vulnerabilities and the need for awareness of the security risks are increasing as the applications of the technology continues to grow exponentially. It can be found in speakers, headsets, printers, keyboards, toys, vehicles, medical devices, as well as many other types of devices. This paper presents an overview of the Bluetooth Technology and a proposed research to analyze the Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) as specified by the Service Industry Group (SIG) for vulnerabilities and to develop an improve trust & Reputation protocol to address these security vulnerabilities.

Index Terms—Bluetooth, Trust & Reputation, SIG, Bluetooth Vulnerabilities, Bluetooth Security, Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), Service discovery Protocol (SDP), Special Interest Group (SIG), Trust and Reputation.

I. Introduction

Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communication

technology that was developed, to replaced hard-wired

equipment connections, for the home, office and mobile

Personal Digital Assistances (PDAs) [1]. Bluetooth technology

was invented in 1994 at Ericsson, a telecommunications

company in Sweden. The technology was designed to create

ad hoc, short range wireless networks that allowed devices to

connect with one another. In 1998, Ericsson joined with IBM,

Intel, Nokia, and Toshiba to create a Special Interest Group

(SIG) which developed and promoted the open industry

standard for Bluetooth technology. In 2000, the first

Bluetooth-enabled device, a headset, becomes available in

stores. Approximately two years later, the Bluetooth

technology was ratified by IEEE for 802.15.1 [2].

Bluetooth technology is increasingly ubiquitous today. All

smartphones, for example, are Bluetooth-enabled devices [7]

and Bluetooth low energy technology is an increasingly

common technology used to support the introduction of an

impressively wide array of devices to the Internet of Things

(IoT) [15]. Bluetooth has become one of the most widely used

technologies in use today, and it is the standard for short-

range wireless communication that allow devices to connect

and exchange information [3]. Because it can potentially

provide security, privacy, and high-quality wireless

communication [5], this technology will likely only continue to

grow in its application as the Internet of Things spreads to

encompass an ever-growing list of devices from smartphones

to appliances to automobiles [27] or even to locks [21].

Bluetooth has also seen applications in the medical field,

where Bluetooth-enabled wireless sensors may serve to

reduce the cognitive load on emergency room doctors [13] or

provide essential telemetry data to assist in patient treatment

[33]. Given this astoundingly wide array of applications for the

technology—many of which include handling very sensitive or

private data—one would imagine that security would be

perhaps the foremost issue in Bluetooth application and a

problem long-since solved.

Unfortunately, this is not the case, Bluetooth technology

has a checkered security history; in previous versions,

something as innocuous as leaving a Bluetooth-enabled device

turned on while not in use could allow a malicious attacker to

gain complete control of it [1]. Recent versions of Bluetooth,

up to and including Bluetooth version 4.1, have sought to

address many of the security vulnerabilities that have long

plagued the technology [9]. However, many challenges

remain; for example, while Bluetooth can offer security and

privacy, it cannot offer both at once, with random address

assignment—a privacy feature—contributing significantly to a

lack of security because it prevents true device identification


and allows for deceptive attacks [5]. In addition, although

national standards suggest that all Bluetooth devices should

be run in their highest security mode [28], these high security

modes are rarely enabled by default. More troublingly, the

users of these devices, whose data is at risk from security

vulnerabilities, are often ambivalent or ignorant regarding

Bluetooth security practices [20].

The remaining parts of this paper are organized as follows:

Section 2 reviews the Bluetooth technology, the Bluetooth

Protocol Stack, Security and modes along with trust modes.

Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol (SDP), Discoverability in

devices, and Built-in-security features are in Section 3 and

Bluetooth taxonomy of attacks is in section 4. Section 5

describes the proposed Eigentrust Trust and Reputation

solution approach. Finally, section 6 concludes the paper with

a brief summery and directions for future work.

2. Overview of Bluetooth

Bluetooth operates in the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific,

and Medical (ISM) radio frequency (RF) 2.4 GHZ spectrum and

have a range from between 0.5-1 m to 100 m. Bluetooth

enables low power communication between devices that are

in proximity of each other. There are three classes of devices

offering three (3) connectivity ranges. Class 1 devices transmit

at 100mW and offer a range of 100 meters – 300 feet. Class 2

devices (the most common) transmit at 2.5mW and have a

range of 10 meters – 30 feet. Class 3 devices transmit at 1 mW

and have a range of approximately 1 meter – 3 feet. A key

advantage of Bluetooth is that it can transmit both voice and

data simultaneously. It supports asynchronous (data) links and

synchronous (audio) links and error handling is provided for

through re-transmission of packets. One of the disadvantages

of Bluetooth technology is that it shares the 2.4 Ghz radio

frequency spectrum with many consumer appliances, i.e.

microwaves, baby monitors, toys, and cordless phones. This

creates the possibilities of interferences with those devices

when they are in use [1, 2, 3].

Presently, the Bluetooth technology comes in various

designs and upgraded versions. Bluetooth 1.1 and, the later

improved version of Bluetooth technology, Bluetooth 1.2 are

known as Basic Rate (BR). These allow transmission speeds of

up to 1 Mbps. Bluetooth version 2.0, known as Enhanced Data

Rate ( EDR), allows transmission speeds of up to 3 Mbps.

Bluetooth version 3.0, which is known as Bluetooth High Speed

(HS), provides data speeds of up to 24 Mbps. Bluetooth version

4.0, known as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and is simple more

efficient, offers 1 Mbps and achieves lower power

consumption for use in medical devices. The most updated

version of the Bluetooth technology is Bluetooth 4.1 and 4.2


Bluetooth 5 has been announced as the next upgraded

version of the Bluetooth technology and will be known for its

low energy mode [3, 6]. Bluetooth BLE can use minimum

power while facilitating data exchanges; this leads to the

preferred equipment connection between IoT devices and

could positively affect IoT technology by giving devices the

ability to exists and successfully function in a wide variety of

application scenarios [2].

When two or more Bluetooth devices communicate

together, it is called a piconet. It can be used to connect almost

any two Bluetooth-enabled devices together. The connection

between a cell phone and a wireless headset is an example of

a Bluetooth piconet. Connectivity in a piconet is spontaneous

in an ad hoc manner. One device is designated as a master and

the other is known as slave. Most Bluetooth devices can

operate as either a master or slave. The master is the one that

initiates the piconet by first searching for devices within the

range that are in discoverable mode, at 1.28 seconds intervals.

When it finds a device that wants to join the piconet, the

master will send an invite to that device. Devices can belong to

one or more piconet, and the combination of two or more

piconets forms a scatternet. While a device can be a master in

one piconet, it can be a slave in another piconet. Each active

slave is assigned a unique active member address, AM_ADDR,

by the master. It is possible to have to have more than 7 slaves

registered by the master, but a maximum of 7 can be active at

one time. The exception is Bluetooth LE which can have an

unlimited number. The other devices will be parked and may

be invited by the master to become active later [3].

A piconet utilizes a unique frequency-hopping spread

spectrum (FHSS) technique moving through 1600 channels per

second to create a frequency hopping pattern. Each channel is

used for only 625 microseconds before hopping to the next

channel. Once connected, a slave will synchronize with the

master’s clock to get the correct frequency hopping pattern.

The slave will be assigned a unique timeslot (channel) for

transmitting. This prevents collisions with other devices in the

same piconet. In addition, since it hops over 79 frequency

channels, the likelihood of interference with another piconet

is low. Each hop is a timeslot where data packets can be

transferred. Since a packet can span up to 5 hops, the

frequency will remain constant for that transfer. The master

initiates regular transmissions to keep the piconet

synchronized, while the slave listen to the master time slots.

The master sends transmissions on even numbered slots, and

the slaves transmit on odd numbered slots. A slave will only

transmit after it has received a transmission from the master


Figure 1 below provides an illustration of a basic Bluetooth



Figure 1. Bluetooth Piconet

2.1. Bluetooth Protocol Stack

Figure 2 below illustrates the Bluetooth protocol stack for

Bluetooth design versions 1, 2 and 3. The stack consists of a

variety of Bluetooth protocols including the Logical Link

Control Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP). Link Management

Protocol (LMP) Radio Frequency Communication (RFCOMM)

protocol, and the Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) [2].

Figure 2. Bluetooth Protocol Stack (Bluetooth 1, 2, & 3)

A host controller Interface (HCI), reflected in figure 2

above, is the command interface which incorporates a

baseband controller and link manager. This interface enables

both hardware access and register control.

Figure 3 below illustrates the protocol stack for Bluetooth 4

[1,2]. The stack consists of three layers namely: The Control

Layer, the Host Layer and the Apps Layer. Each of the layers

incorporate different protocols. The Control Layer

incorporates the Physical Layer, Direct Test Mode, Link Layer

and Host Controller Interface [1]. The Host Layer incorporates

the Link Logical Control and Adaptation Protocol, Attribution

Protocol , Security Manager, Generic Attribute Profile, and

Generic Access Profile. The App Layer incorporates the


Figure 3. Bluetooth Protocol Stack (Bluetooth 4).

The L2CAP passes data packets to the higher levels. The Link

Management protocol establishes and control the links

between devices. The Radio Frequency Communications

Protocols provides serial communications that are widely used

and manage as many as 60 simultaneous active connections

between two devices. The Service Discovery Protocol (SDP)

allows devices to advertise the services that they offer, and it

also offers a way for devices to find one another [3].

2.2. Bluetooth Security

There are two guides and standards for Bluetooth protocols

and security, NIST 800-121-R1 and IEEE 802.15.1. NIST 800-

121-R1 details the recommended Bluetooth security

processes. These recommendations include the

authentication and verification of the sender, confidentiality

regarding information, and authorization in regard to who has

control over access to the information. IEEE 802.15.1 is the

standard for Bluetooth Wireless Technology. It discusses

Bluetooth security in addition to the protocols surrounding

Bluetooth technology [2].

2.3. Bluetooth Security Modes

All Bluetooth devices operate in 1 of 4 defined access

security modes: Security Mode 1 (nonsecure); Security Mode

2 (service level enforced security); Security Mode 3 (link level

enforced security); and Security Mode 4 (service level

enforced security with encrypted key exchange). The Security

Mode determines available service security levels. Security

Modes 1 and 3 do not specify service security levels. Security

Mode 2 can enforce any combination of the following basic


security services: authentication, confidentiality, and

authorization. Security Mode 4 specifies five levels of service

security [3]. In this mode SHA-256 is used for hashing and AES

CCM is used for encryption. It also uses Secure Simple Pairing

(SSP) for key generation. Mode 4 is listed as the mandatory

mode for Bluetooth versions 2.1 + EDR and newer versions


2.4. Bluetooth Trust Modes

In addition to the security modes discussed above, there

are two levels of trust for Bluetooth devices, trusted and

untrusted. They are described as follows:

(1) Trusted—A trusted device has established a fixed

relationship with another device and has unrestricted access

to all services.

(2) Untrusted—An untrusted device only has access to a

restricted set of services. Although the device has passed

authentication successfully, it does not have a fixed

relationship with another device.

Authentication: verification of the identities of the of the

Bluetooth devices. User authentication is not provided.

Confidentiality: ensuring that only authorized devices can

access transmitted data.

Authorization: allowing only authorized devices to access


Security services that are not included in the Bluetooth

standard include audit, integrity and non-repudiation [3].

3. Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol

The Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) enables

network devices, applications, and services to seek out and

find other complementary network devices, applications, and

services needed to properly complete specified tasks. SDP

provides a means for applications to discover which services

are available and to determine the characteristics of those

services available.

In Bluetooth environment, the set of services available

changes dynamically based on the radio frequency (RF)

proximity of devices of devices in motion. This is quantitatively

different from traditional service discovery protocols in

networks-based environments. Bluetooth SDP does not

provide a mechanism for notifying clients when service

records are added or removed from an SDP server. Thus, a

service record acquired from a server shall remain valid unless

the service it represents is removed. SDP provides the

capability for a client on one device to discover a service on

another device without consulting a third device and is

suitable for use on devices of limited complexity.

Figure 4 – Bluetooth SDP Client - Server Architecture

SDP defines how a Bluetooth client’s application shell acts to

discover available Bluetooth servers’ services and their

characteristics. The protocol defines how client can search for

a service based on specific attributes without the client

knowing anything of the available services. The SDP provides

means for discovery of new services upon becoming available

when the client enters an area where a Bluetooth server is

operating. It also provides functionality for detecting when a

service is no longer available [1].

SDP is a simple protocol with minimal requirements on the

underlying transport. It can function over a reliable packet

transport (or even unreliable, if the client implements

timeouts and repeats requests as necessary). SDP uses a

request/response model – as reflected in Figure 4 - where each

transaction consists of one request protocol data unit (PDU)

and one response PDU. However, the requests may potentially

be pipelined, and responses may potentially be returned out

of order. In the specific case where SDP utilizes Bluetooth logic

link control and adaptation protocol (L2CAP) transport

protocol, multiple SDP PDUs may be sent in a single L2CAP

packet, but only one L2CAP packet per connection to a given

SDP server may be outstanding at a given instant. Limiting SDP

to sending one unacknowledged packet provides a simple

form of flow control.

Every SDP PDU consists of a PDU header followed by PDU-

specific parameters. The header contains three fields: - PDU ID

field identifies the type of PDU. I.e. its meaning and the specific

parameters (1-byte length). - TransactionID field uniquely

identifies request PDUs and is used to match response PDUs to

request PDUs (2-byte length). - ParameterLength field

specifies the length (in bytes) of all parameters contained in

the PDU (2-byte length). Parameters may include a

continuation state parameter, described below; PDU-specific


parameters for each PDU type are described later in separate

PDU descriptions.

Some SDP requests may require responses that are larger

than can fit in a single response PDU. In this case, the SDP

server will generate a partial response along with a

continuation state parameter. The continuation state

parameter can be supplied by the client in a subsequent

request to retrieve the next portion of the complete response.

It has only two fields InfoLenght (1 byte) and Continuation

Information (InfoLenght bytes)

Each transaction consists of a request and a response PDU.

Generally, each type of request PDU has a corresponding type

of response PDU. However, if the server determines that a

request is improperly formatted or for any reason the server

cannot respond with the appropriate PDU type, it will respond

with an error PDU (SDP_ErrorResponse) .

The goal of Bluetooth SDP is to allow Bluetooth devices to

discover what other Bluetooth devices can offer – what other

services – and SDP allows this in various means. Searching

means look for specific service while browsing mean look to

see what services is been offered. This is the process of


3.1. Discoverability in Devices

Discoverability modes of Bluetooth devices also affect the

device’s security. Devices in discoverable mode are more

vulnerable, as they can be recognized. The device name, class,

list of services, and technical information are all exchanged in

discoverable Bluetooth devices that are in range

(approximately 10 m). In addition, every Bluetooth device has

a unique 48-bit address used for identification, known as the

Bluetooth device address - BD_ADDR [2]. This address is similar

to a MAC address, which is a manufacturer assigned address

for hardware that serves as a unique identification number [2].

The BD_ADDR, like a MAC address, is assigned by the

manufacturer [2].

3.2. Discoverability in Devices

The first time two devices attempted to connect, a trusted

relationship needs to be established through an

authentication process. Authentication is performed by using

challenge-response, based on BD_ADDR and a link key [2]. The

link keys, once established, are kept by both devices to be used

for future pairing [2]. In older versions of Bluetooth (v2.0 and

earlier), common secret PIN codes, which are passkeys

required for first time Bluetooth connections, are used [2]. The

PINs are used by both devices and consist of between 4 and 16

characters [2]. These codes are specifically used for link-key

generation [2]. In some cases, once the PIN is set, it cannot be

changed[2]. It is also important to note that two devices

cannot communicate or be paired if the devices have fixed

PINs[20]. Newer versions of Bluetooth( v2.1andlater) use SSP

for the pairing process, which utilizes public key cryptography

instead of a PIN.

Authorization first begins by determine whether the device

had previously been authorized as a trusted device. If the

device database lists it as a trusted device, then access to

service is granted. If the device is not listed as a trusted device,

trust must first be established before it is authorized.

Confidentiality is achieved through encryption using E0

stream cypher. A link key and the BD_ADDR of the device re

used to develop a key stream that when combined with plain

achieves a cyphered text. Attacks on cryptanalysis attempts on

E0 have proven that the stream cipher is vulnerable to attacks.

3.3 Built-in Security Features

Bluetooth technology has certain built-in features that help

secure the technology. They include:

a) Adoptive Frequency Hopping: Frequency hopping in

Bluetooth uses a 2.4 GHz ISM band with 79 channels

to enable hops at 1600 hops per second. During the

hopping, existing frequencies are excluded. The ability

to frequency hop, reduces both jamming and


b) E0 Cipher Suit: The cipher generally has a key length of

128 bits and uses stream ciphering.

c) Undiscoverability: This prevents devices from

responding to scanning attempts. A device 48-bit

BD_ADDR address is also concealed.

d) Pairing: Pairing enables devices to communicate. A

device BD_ADDR must be known for a pairing request

to be made. The DB_ADDR is identified from knowledge

of previous pairing or scanning.

4. Bluetooth Taxonomy of Attacks

The Bluetooth threat Taxonomy illustrated below in

Figure 5, outlines, and classifies Bluetooth-based threats

[21]. This classification system can help determine the

severity of threats, provides precautionary methods, and

presents reactionary strategies [21]. Some threats may

display characteristics of several classifications; however,

they are classified based on their predominant characteristic



Figure 5 – Bluetooth Threat Taxonomy


The Bluetooth threat Taxonomy outlined in figure 5, outlines

and classifies Bluetooth based threats. The classification

system can help to determine the severity of threats, presents

precautionary methods and presents reactionary strategies.

The pairing process, or the process of connecting one device

to another, is a main contributor to security issues found in

Bluetooth. Attacks can be performed during different stages of

the pairing process including before the pairing process has

completed and after devices are paired. Attackers may be able

to carry out Man-in-the-Middle attacks based on information

they collected after pairing. Thus, these are some of the more

common attacks:

a) MAC Spoofing Attack:

The attack is performed before encryption is established and

during the formation of the piconet when link keys are been

generated [8]. Devices can authenticate each other by

generating link-keys. During the attack, attackers can imitate

another user [8]. Attackers also have the ability to terminate

connections or intercept/modify data with the use of special

tools [8]. Figure 6 below demonstrates a MAC spoofing attack.

Adversary is the malicious node

Figure 6 – MAC Spoofing attack

b) Man-in-the-Middle Attack:

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks, or the impersonation of

another device, occur when one attempted to pair.

During the attack, messages are relay unknowingly

between the devices [9]. This enables authentication

without the shared secret keys [9]. In a successful

attack, the user believes the pairing was successful;

however, this is not the case, as the two devices are

paired to the attacker [8,9].

Figure 7 – Man-In-the-Middle Attacks

As illustrated in figure 7, the legitimate user sends a

connection request to a printer but there is the intruder

in the middle known as MITM who send random signals

to disrupt the physical layer of initiating and non-

initiating devices. The physical or signaling layer is


disrupted due to continuous random signals. When this

layer is disrupted, the initiating device is not able to

connect with the printer, so it has to delete all link keys

that they have exchanged before.

After deleting all link keys, they will send a connection

request to each other but the intruder attack on them

and exchange all link keys with both devices. They do

not have the information that there is an unauthorized

device between them and send their secret information

to the intruder. They continue the communication

without knowing the information about the intruder

which is MITM.

To solve this problem many researches have already

been done but there is no approach which provide a

reliable solution to the problem. By considering the

same problem, this article proposed an approach which

will provide a reliable security in most of the security

vulnerabilities cases.

5. Related Work In 2015, Dubey et.el published their review of Bluetooth Security Vulnerabilities and proposed a prototype model for enhanced security against MITM attack [9]. The current pairing mechanism for Bluetooth can be described as follows:

Figure 8 – Bluetooth Pairing Procedures First, initialization key is generated using the three parameters: Bluetooth Address, Random Number, and Pin. This results in a key that is used to generate key Kab and is demonstrated in figure 8 above.

The final process of the pairing mechanism is to authenticate the Bluetooth devices which is done by using the combination link key Kab. This process is a challenge response scheme. Each device calculates the response key using the LINK KEY, BD_ADDR, and AU_RAND. If the link key value for both devices match each other then the two devices are paired [9]. The researchers identified a problem that the Bluetooth mechanism is totally dependent on some random numbers and the Bluetooth address and pin. They realized that the pin can be guessed or can be captured from the air. A simple MITM attack can be enough to reveal the secret keys. To enhance the security of Bluetooth, they used the concept of Dual Shared Secret Key. Instead of using a single secret key, as it is now, the researchers use another shared secret parameter which is called Blu_Secret (128 bit). This uses the E22 algorithm to generate the initialization key . This key is a shared parameter which can be exchanged between two devices using the Diffie Helman Key exchange method. This key exchange method is has been accepted by the Bluetooth SIG as a method to exchange keys [9]. With this novel approach, the two devices will be updated with an additional key

6. Proposed Eigentrust Trust & Reputation Approach

Figure 8 – Proposed Trust & Reputation Approach


Figure 8 shows the main steps in the in the Trust and Reputation algorithm starting from accepting a client request for a certain message through the user interface. The request would be handled by the Bluetooth SDP where the message trust value is calculated based on the Eigentrust Trust and Reputation Algorithm. The message is flagged accordingly as trust or untrusted. Untrustworthy messages would cause the Bluetooth pair to deny the transaction while trustworthy messages would be accepted directly . unknown message would require checking the peer trust value based on the Eigentrust Algorithm. If the peer is untrusted, the transaction is denied. Otherwise, access is accepted. In all cases, the local trust values related to the source message and peer will be updated and the new values are shared with friendly peers. The purpose of this research is to analyze the Bluetooth SDP as specified by SIG for vulnerabilities and develop and develop a framework to implement the Eigentrust trust and reputation protocol to address and prevent these vulnerabilities. Many common forms of Bluetooth-enabled devices, such as cars or smart watches, are already vulnerable to malicious attacks that can compromise personal information, and the number of devices using this technology is expanding rapidly [7]. Although the vulnerabilities inherent in the Bluetooth SDP do not explicitly allow attackers to access the system, they do provide access to a significant amount of valuable data, such as information about all Bluetooth devices and services that are available. This could potentially enable attackers to then use other methods to target those services [7,2,4]. Moreover, to gain access to these data, the attacker need only obtain access to the key generated by the application layer protocol L2CAP. Therefore, this study will attempt to fully analyze this problem and develop a solution in the form of a trust protocol to plug this SDP vulnerability.

7. Conclusions

The problem is that, although the security of Bluetooth

technology has improved with the implementation of

Bluetooth 4.1 and 4.2 [14], many applications of the

technology, such as in automobiles, tend to lag the state-of-

the art [6]. Moreover, even up-to-date Bluetooth devices may

be significantly vulnerable to “man-in-the-middle” attacks and

other security exploits, with attackers able to steal data or

even take control of the device entirely [25]. This is a serious

problem because Bluetooth devices are used in a number of

extremely important contexts, such as medical monitoring

devices for the elderly [23] or even tactical communication in

the military [19]. Many common Bluetooth applications, such

as mobile watches, can also be compromised to steal a

significant amount of personal data, exposing users to identity

theft [11]. The Bluetooth SDP represents the source of at least

one such continuing vulnerability [22].


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