Dystopian book talk2

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Dystopian Novels to Check out

So, WHAT IS A DYSTOPIA? Dystopian societies are a counter-utopia.

They are a repressed, controlled, and restricted system with multiple

social controls put into place by those in power. they often they have

issues of surveillance and invasive technologies. definitely NOT a place

where you’d want to live.

The Hunger Games Trilogy are the most popular example of a

novel with a Dystopian setting. If you haven't read them you

should, because they are a fast paced read filled with excitement,

fighting and romance, they have something for everyone. But if

you have already read the Hunger Games, and even if you haven't

, you might find yourself asking “What can I read next?”

May the Odds be EVER in Your Favor

What Next ?!?

If You Like

Blood Red Road is set in a post-

apocalyptic wasteland and it tells the

story of 18-year-old Saba who goes

searching for her brother, Lugh. Lugh

has been been kidnapped and it is up to

Saba to rescue him. The only problem

with this is that Saba is lost without

Lugh, and she has to contend with an

annoying little sister who keeps getting

in the way. Lugh has always guided and

watched out for Saba and Emmi, and

now that he isn't around Saba isn't sure

if she is strong enough to save him.

However, after Saba is unwillingly

thrown into the cutthroat world of arena

fighting, she learns that she is a fierce

fighter, an unbeatable survivor, and a

cunning opponent who just might have

the power to take down a corrupt

society from the inside.

Incarceron is not just a normal prison it

is the Ultimate Prison, it is alive and has

its own distinctive personality. It was

created by the powers in charge to

house criminals, political prisoners, and

all other kinds of undesirables. One of

these prisoners, a 17-year-old boy

named Finn, truly believes that he does

not belong in Incarceron. In the outer

world, Claudia the daughter of the

Warden of Incarceron is trapped in an

imminent marriage that she dreads.

Claudia knows nothing of Incarceron,

except that it exists and that her father is

the Warden and she had never met Finn.

However, Finn and Claudia's lives

become entangled when they both find a

crystal key that allows them to talk to

each other through it, and so the plan for

Finn's escape is born ...

16 year old girl Beatrice Prior is a member

of a dystopian society that has been

maintaining order through separating its

citizens into 5 distinct factions. These

factions are formed on the basis of virtues

they cultivate in their members. Candor

values honesty, Abnegation - selflessness,

Dauntless encourages bravery, Amity -

peacefulness and Erudite fosters

intelligence. At 16 all citizens must take a

test to help them decide if they want to

stay with the faction into which they were

born or if they should transfer into another

faction that is better suited to them

forever. Beatrice's test results are

inconclusive and puzzling since she has

traits from more than one faction, leaving

her torn and unsure of where she should

go. But how do you decide between

staying with your family or being who you

really are?

In Legend what was once the western

United States is now home to the

Republic, a nation perpetually at war

with its neighbors. Fifteen-year-old

June is a elite prodigy that has being

groomed for success in the Republic’s

highest military circles since she was

a child. While fifteen-year-old Day was

born in a slum and is a wanted

criminal. From very different

worlds, June and Day have no reason

to cross paths—until the day June’s

brother, Metias, is murdered and Day

becomes the prime suspect. Now

caught in a game of cat and

mouse, Day races for survival, while

June seeks to avenge Metias’s death.

Matt lives in a world where cloning is not

only possible but used to extend the life of

of those lucky enough to have a clone.

However, Matt was not born. He is a clone

created from from the DNA of a 140 year-

old man called El Patron, lord of a country

called Opium. El Patron has made his

fortune by capturing Mexicans attempting

to cross the border into the United States

and forcing them to grow opium. Normally

a the brain of a clone is destroyed at birth

but Matt's brain has been kept intact by El

Patron who raises him in his sprawling

estate. However, El Patron deliberately

keeps Matt in the dark by about his true

identity and purpose. Eventually Matt

learns the truth that he is just one in a

long line of clones El Patron has created

to extend his life. Matt's only hope is

escape but can a boy who was bred to

guarantee another’s survival ever be free?

If You Like

Imagine a world where everyone is

assigned the person they are supposed

to love. This is the premise of Ally

Condie's novel Matched. Cassia has

always trusted the Society to make the

right choices for her: what to read, what

to watch, what to believe and who to

love. So she is excited to finally turn 17

and undergo her Matching ceremony.

However, things do not go so smoothly

when it is her turn to find out her Match.

At first everything seems, normal and

Cassia is Matched with her childhood

friend Xander. But, another boy named

Ky's face also briefly appears on-screen

at her Matching ceremony as well.

Something like this has never happened

before, and afterwards Cassia is left

questioning not only her future but the

Society and their control as well.

In the world of Delirium love is a

disease. Luckily for its residence

scientists were able to eradicate

this deliria, and upon turning 18

the government requires that all

citizens must undergo the

procedure. Lena Holoway, has

always looked forward to the day

that she can have her procedure.

A life without the threat of love

means Lena will be safe from the

pain it causes, and she can

continue to life a safe and

predictable life. However, just

before she goes under the knife,

Lena does something that

changes everything she has ever

believe in. She falls in love with


17 year old girl named Amy was frozen with

her parents as cargo onboard the

spaceship Godspeed. The plan is for them

to spend the trip frozen so that in 300 years

when the spaceship reaches the new planet

they can be awoken. But, not all of the

inhabitants of the space ship have been

frozen, and many are left awake to live out

their lives on the space ship until it reaches

its new destination. When Amy is awoken

50 years before her time, she is thrust into

a new society that unlike anything she is

used to. Believing that someone awoke her

on purpose in an attempt to kill her, Amy

fears for the lives of her parents who are

still frozen. As she works to solve the

mystery of who is unplugging Frozens, she

begins to get close to Elder, a boy was

born and raised in the ships society. Elder

is fascinated by Amy, since she is unlike

any girl he knows, and though he would

love to get to know her better, they must

first find the killer that is loose on the ship.

If You Like

Wither by Lauren DeStefano tells the

story of a botched effort to create a

perfect race that has left all males

with a lifespan of 25 years and all

females with a lifespan of 20 years.

At age 16, Rhine Ellery has only four

years left to live in a world where

poverty reigns and young girls are

often kidnapped and kept in harems

to bear children along side sister

wives. Rhine is kidnapped and sold

as a bride to a man named Linden,

who is truly in love with Rhine and

who fills her life with luxury.

However, Rhine vows to do all she

can to escape even though it means

leaving behind the world of wealth

and privilege The only question is

will she be able to escape before

she runs out of time?

In The Uglies everyone gets to be

supermodel gorgeous. At 16 everyone

has a intensive operation where their

bones and skin are reshaped into

something that is "pretty". After the

operation the "pretties" go live across

the rive in New Pretty Town where

their lives are filled with glamour and

parties. 15 year old Tally can't wait

for her 16th birthday so that she can

get the operation that will turn her

from an "ugly" into a 'pretty". Tally's

friend Shay doesn't want to become

"pretty”, something Tally can’t

comprehend. But when Shay runs

away, Tally is forced to make a terrible

choice, to turn her friend or never be

allowed to turn “pretty” herself.

If You Like a

Shade's Children is set in a futuristic

urban wasteland, where evil

Overlords have decreed that no child

shall live a day past his fourteenth

birthday. On this “Sad Birthday”, the

child is taken to the Meat Factory

where their parts are used to build

machinelike creatures whose sole

purpose is to kill. One man known as

Shade recruits the few children that

are fortunate enough to escape from

the harvest. With luck, cunning, and

skill, four of Shade's children come

closer than any to discovering the

source of the Overlords' power. But

the closer the children get, the more

ruthless Shade seems to become ...

Imagine a world where abortion is

illegal, but it is perfectly ok to have

unwanted children disassembled and

their organs used for organ

transplants. In Unwind scientists have

discovered a way to use every organ

in organ transplants, with none of the

organs rejecting. This discovery has

lead to a Second Civil War being

fought over abortion, and Life has

been declared sacred from the

moment of conception until age

thirteen. However, between the ages

of thirteen and eighteen, parents can

have any unwanted child "unwound,"

where all of the child's organs are

transplanted into different donors, so

life doesn't technically end. Three

children Connor, Risa, Lev are all

facing being unwound, but they may

have a chance to escape and to

survive if they work together.

The Knife Of Never Letting Go tells

the story of Todd Hewitt. Todd is the

only boy left in a settlement without

women, and the men constantly hear

each others thoughts, in a never-

ending stream called "the noise."

When Todd and his dog, whose

thoughts Todd can also

hear, discover an area of complete

silence they don't know what to think.

Silence is something completely alien

to Todd and when he investigates the

source of this silence he find

something that has been hidden that

is so unthinkable he is forced to leave

his settlement and run for his life.

But how do you escape pursuers that

can hear your every thought?