E B17 035 Quickly And Easily Get Mare From Google Buzz

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

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Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

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Quickly and Easily Get More From Google Buzz

Google Buzz just launched two days ago when I am writing this. As I use it

even more and if it grows the way that I think it will this report will be

updated and you can get notified when it does. Just go here and fill out the

form. You will also get my ezine and a squeeze page system that you can

use to build your list.

Get the updates and squeeze page system

What is Google Buzz?

Google Buzz is a new service that is tied to your Gmail account. It is a cross

between Twitter, Facebook and Friend Feed. Although late to the social

networking party Google has the strength to make this go despite that fact.

As every Gmail user has an account on Buzz it starts with a huge database

to begin. It interconnects a lot of services like Friend Feed does and you can

interact with your friends like with Twitter and Facebook.

New items will automatically be noted in your Gmail account making it much

more likely that your followers will actually see what you are writing.

As it says on the Google Buzz website

Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

Copyright © 2010 – CoalRegionWebServices.com

Getting Started

If you have a Gmail account you are already registered. If not you will need

to create a Gmail account. Go to


And register for an account. Once you have an account and login you will see

a link on the main Gmail page once you are logged in that looks like this.

Once you click the link it will open a page where you can begin to put in your

information. It will look like this but only if it is a brand new account. If you

are already using Gmail you will be already connected to other Gmail users

that you regularly inter act with.

Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

Copyright © 2010 – CoalRegionWebServices.com

Setting up your profile

The top part is self explanatory. You will want to add your picture just as you

do in Facebook and Twitter. Just click the change photo link.

No it is up to you how much of the information you add but the more you

share the better the chance of creating a good relationship with others.

Part 2 of the profile is where you can express yourself.

Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

Copyright © 2010 – CoalRegionWebServices.com

The bottom section is where you can add any website you have and it will

show in your sidebar.

The last section will show you the url for your Buzz profile. This is where you

can send people to follow you.

Integrating Your Other Services and Blogs

Now that you have taken care of you it is time to make it interact with your

other networking sites. This is the real power for me because the more you

can automate the better.

Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

Copyright © 2010 – CoalRegionWebServices.com

When you click that link it will show a light box pop that allows you to add

some default services. You automatically get added any sites of Google’s

that you are currently using.

You can click the add button to share those sites. For some services you will

need to log in and allow them to interact.

IMPORTANT: You will need to be using the same Gmail account to tie

the site to your Buzz account. Everything on connections is based off

of the email address you use for that service.

For example my main Gmail account is tied to my You Tube and Blogger

accounts. Because of that I can add those services there but do not have the

option on this new account.

Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

Copyright © 2010 – CoalRegionWebServices.com

As you can see I have added my You Tube channel and a few of my blogs.

Each time I add content to any of them they will show up in my Buzz


Here is the key to adding those types of sites. You must verify the site in

Google Webmaster Tools using the same Gmail account you want the

content added to Buzz.

This is a tool you should be using in my humble opinion anyhow as it will let

you know how Google views your blog.

Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

Copyright © 2010 – CoalRegionWebServices.com

Verifying your WordPress blog in Google Webmaster Tools

Log in to Google Webmaster Tools with your Gmail account and click add


This will open a place where you can add the url of the main domain for your

blog. This will give you a special meta tag to add to your site.

Note: These instructions are for where your WordPress blog is in the

root directory. If you have it in a folder you will need to add it to

your index page in the root as part of the meta tags.

Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

Copyright © 2010 – CoalRegionWebServices.com

Log in to your blog dashboard and click appearance – editor.

Then you will need to select the header.php file to edit.

This will allow you to edit the header and add the piece of code you got right

before the closing head tag ( </head> ).

Click the update button. If you do not have an update button showing you

will need to chmod the the theme files to 666 then edit the header.

Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

Copyright © 2010 – CoalRegionWebServices.com

Adding Friends

The next item on the agenda is to find people to interact with. If you are

using your Gmail account regularly Google has probably added the people

that you regularly interact with to your account.

You can find people to follow by clicking the find people link.

This will open a box where you can either search or add people that are

currently in your address book.

Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

Copyright © 2010 – CoalRegionWebServices.com

Just click on the follow link.

Now to get followers the best way will be to be interacting with those that

you follow. Like Twitter you can’t make people follow you but if you are

active and interact people will want to know what you are doing.

After all this is social networking and if you are not interacting people will

have no reason to follow you.

Hope you have enjoyed this report and you may give it away to anyone that

you think it may help. Because of the newness of Google Buzz this report

will continue to be updated. If you sign up for the updates and my ezine you

will also receive a squeeze page system that will allow you to use this to

build your list.

Get the updates and squeeze page system.

Follow me on Google Buzz


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Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

Copyright © 2010 – CoalRegionWebServices.com

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Quickly And Easily Get More From Google Buzz

Copyright © 2010 – CoalRegionWebServices.com

What they lawyers make me say…

While all attempts have been made to verify the information in this publication, neither the Author nor

Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject

matter herein.

This publication is not intended as a source of legal or accounting advice. The publisher wants to stress

that the information contained herein may be subject to varying state/local laws or regulations. All users

are advised to retain competent legal counsel to determine what state and/or local laws or regulation may

apply to the user’s particular business.

The Purchaser or Reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and

information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, federal, state and local governing

professional licensing, business practices, advertising and all other aspects of doing business in the

United States or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser or Reader.

The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability, whatsoever on the behalf of the Purchaser

or Reader of these materials.

Note – Google Buzz is a trademark of Google and I am not associated in any way with Google.

Any perceived slights of people or organization are unintentional.

Copyright 2010 and beyond – CoalRegionWebServices.com

You may give this book away but it must remain unchanged.