E-Commerce in Thailand · 5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce 2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China E-Commerce...

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E-Commerce PromotionIn Thailand

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

E-Commerce Transaction Value in 2003

e-Commerce Transaction Value in 2003*




Base: A sample size of 40 e-Commerce key players in Thailand

Total 63,436Million


Remarks: *Exclude transaction value of online trading.** The figure of B2G transaction is reported by CGD

Source: NECTEC,

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

Information Technology Policy Framework 2001-2010

IT 2010 E-Government





5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

Information Technology Policy Framework 2001-2010


To build a Knowledge-Based Society through the application Of electronic means in the administration and services of the public sector before the year 2010 in order to create good governance and enhance national competitiveness, leading to a higher quality of life for Thai society.

-Promote the application of electronic media in the front office

-Improve the back office operation through the applications ofelectronic media

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

Information Technology Policy Framework 2001-2010

E-CommerceTo enhance the competitiveness of Thai entrepreneurs through the use of e-commerce as a key tool in business process and transaction, particularly with regard to export,trade and services, and local consumption, with the greatest attention placed on national interest.

-Focus on the development of e-commerce-Fuel the growth of e-commerce in the country-Support Thai entrepreneurs in the application of e-commerce-Eliminated and revised Public regulations, rules and criteria -Accelerate public sector reform in the use of electronic media and IT-Prepare a database, study policy and provide guidelines fore-commerce development at an international standard

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

E-Commerce Law

Electronic Transaction Act B.E.2001

Draft of Royal Decree on Regulating e-Payment Service

Draft of Royal Decree on Regulating Certification Authority

The Criminal Laws

Draft of Computer related Crime Laws

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

Promotion of E-Commerce

Strengthening E-Commerce knowledge and understanding

Expanding the chance of E-Commerce usage for SMEs

Facilitating the trust and confidence for E-Commerce

Enhancing E-Commerce cooperation

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

Promotion of E-Commerce

Strengthening E-Commerce knowledge and understanding




5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

Promotion of E-Commerce

Expanding the chance of E-Commerce usage for SMEs

E-Market Service: www.dbdmart.com

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

Promotion of E-Commerce

Expanding the chance of E-Commerce usage for SMEs

Online shopping E-Commerce SolutionE-Shop

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

Promotion of E-Commerce

Facilitating the trust and confidence for E-Commerce

E-Commerce Registration

• A notification issued since May 2004

• To identify e-commerce enterprises and individuals.

• Registered websites~ 3,500 websites

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

Promotion of E-Commerce

Facilitating the trust and confidence for E-Commerce


• Register as an E-Commerce entrepreneur at least 6 months

• Be a juristic person and has a commercial presence in Thailand

• Agree to follow criteria on the Articles of DBD covering 8 best business practices

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

Promotion of E-Commerce

Facilitating the trust and confidence for E-Commerce

E-Commerce Complaint Handling Center

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China

Promotion of E-Commerce

Enhancing E-Commerce cooperation

Public-Private Sector Collaboration

E-Commerce Negotiation




Thank YouMs. Salila Tepkasetkul

E-Commerce DivisionDepartment of Business Development

Ministry of Commerce, ThailandE-Mail:salilak@dbd.go.th

5th ASEM Conference on E-Commerce

2-3 Nov. 2006 Jiaxing, China