e-Government Unit

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e-Government Unit. Metadata policy, standards and implementation . Colette Coles, Cabinet Office Ankara, Turkey 16-18 March 2005. e-Government Unit. What is metadata?. Data about data Structured information about a resource. e-Government Unit. Metadata is all around…. e-Government Unit. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


e-Government Unit

Metadata policy, standards and implementation

Colette Coles, Cabinet Office

Ankara, Turkey

16-18 March 2005

What is metadata?

• Data about data

• Structured information about a resource

e-Government Unit

Metadata is all around…

e-Government Unit

Government and metadata

e-Government Unit

Role as information and services provider

e-Government Unit

• Government organisations• Government publications• Government services• Citizen expectations and needs

Why is metadata important?

• Information is the fuel for the new economy

• Information is a key asset for government – this has been under recognised and under exploited

• Getting to the right info – fast - holds the key to efficiency and effectiveness in government as well as serving the citizen

e-Government Unit

In reality…..

e-Government Unit

• Websites• Find-ability?

• Documents• Wrong kind of metadata?

“Dodgy dossier” syndrome

e-Government Unit

• Hidden text in MS documents

• Bad quality metadata can be detrimental

• Need policy for information resources

Information and advice

e-Government Unit

• G

• T

e-Government Unit

eGovernment Metadata Standard to the rescue…

e-Government Unit

The eGMS is…

• Dublin Core elements and refinements

• Additional elements for• Improved retrieval• Records management• Data security• Legal requirements; data protection, information

access, audit trails…

e-Government Unit

eGMS drivers

• e-Government

• Electronic records management systems

• The UK Freedom of Information Act and Data Protection Act

• The continuing need to improve efficiency

e-Government Unit


e-Government Unit

• Websites & intranets

• Descriptive metadata to aid discovery

• Records management / Content Management Systems

• Administrative metadata to track and manage data

• Archives

• Preservation metadata to track resources over time

• Resource description – says what it is

• Resource discovery – enables users to find it

• Content management – enables publication controls

• Structure for containing information about resources

• Provide authentication and quality assurance

e-Government Unit

What can metadata do?

Types of metadata

e-Government Unit

• Content:Title, Description, Subject, Coverage, etc…

• Intellectual property:Contributor, Creator, Publisher, Rights

• Instantiation/version:Date, Format, Identifier, Language


e-Government Unit

• Value of government information

• Managing information resources

• Meeting citizens needs

• Metadata standard as part of the solution

Thank you

Any questions?

Colette Coles, e-Goverment Unit


e-Government Unit