E Parker Russo_Work Sample

Post on 01-Aug-2016

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E PARKER RUSSO2016 Architecture Work Sample

Via Giulia Museum01

Study Abroad Rome4th Year StudioIndependent Study

The Via Giulia Museum is located on a site containing the ruins of Trajan’s Stables, my proposal preserves these ruins and creates a highly contextual yet contemporary museum intervention above. The building closes off the site, creating an interior piaza which is very characteristic of the city, with the outer edges being more classical and contextual in styling and the interior edges being more contemporary. This maintains the historical feel from the street yet provides a unique more modern experience in the center piaza. The project was designed with three diagrammatic concepts in mind - Flow, Regulate, and Perforate. Flow in and out of the site, continuing the axis set by the bridge. Regulate the facades and remain consistent and contextual, and finally Perforate those facades making access into and out of the piaza clear and easy. Flow Regulate Perforate

Develop Site

Program SplitPalazzo Axon Study

The project drew inspiration from the artistic work of Giorgio De Chirico as well as the Palazzo della

Civiltà Italiana, seen exploded on the previous page. Below are the series of diagrams which drove the

concept and developed the final form.

Regulating Lines Site Underlay Enclose Site Connect Mass Place Forms Program Forms Develop Site


New Orleans, LA3rd Year StudioProf. Bruce Goodwin

The Building Arts Institute of New Orleans is a public center for craftsmen and builders to practice and showcase their trades in an effort to inspire and excite the population in a city where building and construction efforts are of paramount importance. I divided the program into three separate pieces, Public, Private, and Semi-Public - Yellow, Blue, and Orange respectively. The site exists at the terminus of what is called the ‘Artist’s Walk’, a small public promenade span-ning several blocks connecting two otherwise disparate communities. The program was arranged on a grid to form a single cohesive rectangular form which was then “cracked” and “broken” into the three separate forms. The crack’s shape was derived from an abstraction of the artist’s walk and allows for the promenade to continue through the site rather than being the terminus. Through the study of raw materials, the geode provided inspiration for the facade treatments. The inner walls of the crack were to be open and heavily glazed, representing the inside of the form, while the outer walls would be more solid. Crack Break Define

Site Section

New Orleans Civic Water Plaza03

New Orleans, LA3rd Year StudioProf. John Klingman

The redevelopment of the New Orleans Civic Center created a unique opportunity to illustrate a new progressive idea for the cities outlook and treat-ment of water, most importantly rain water. New Orleans historically has struggled greatly to contain and regulate the large quantity of rain water that falls on the city. Working alongside water strategy experts from Amsterdam, the city has begun to develop a better system to handle the rainfall. The redesign of the main civic plaza presents an opportunity to showcase the new strategy and represent the cities new mentality surrounding water management. Rather than hiding the water, and pretending that it isn’t a problem, water dominates the site in my proposal. Not only is this strategy functional and allows for a massive quantity of water storage, but also it brings the issue to the forefront by advertising and embracing the dramatically high levels of water we face in this city. The Water Plaza fills and recedes depending on the water level to reveal or conceal portions of the terraced plaza for use by the public. Typical Storm Hurricane

The diagram on the right illustrates the basic principle of the “Water Plaza.” Rainwater from the surrounding civic buildings is brought on site and into the structure, where it is filtered in the lobby for all to see. The water is then released into the plaza where it is stored if the sewer system cannot contain it or released slowly back into the earth.

The courtyard is designed around a central axis which connects City Hall (left) with the Public Library (right)

The Flooded Cafe

62.5 in.39 in.

National NOLA

Annual Rainfall


The building is divided into two wings for the two program types, the larger is the district court space, and the smaller the office spaces.

Water Filtration Lobby


erusso1@tulane.edu 609 - 610 - 8613FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION