e2e testing with cypress

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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e2e testing withCypressDecember 12, 2017Tomasz Bąkt.bak@selleo.com

About me

● software developer & architect, co-founder selleo.com

● 12+ years of experience

● 4+ years senior frontend developer

Agenda What is Cypress?

Why it is so good?

Cypress is all in one

Cypress does not use Selenium

Cypress has native access to everything

● Cypress is a Node.js server processThis makes performing tasks such as taking screenshots, recording videos, general file system operations and network operations possible.

● Cypress tests run inside of the browserYou have real, native access to everything in your application under test.


● Cypress is not a general purpose automation tool● Cypress commands run inside of a browser● There will never be support for multiple browser tabs● You cannot use Cypress to drive two browsers at the same time● Each test is bound to a single origin

A test runner built for humans

Cypress runs much, much faster


CI + Dashboard

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