ear ub Scout Guidebook - New Birth of Freedom

Post on 04-Feb-2022

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for attending Cub-O Rama!

Let’s keep the “Outing in

Scouting”! Please send any pictures from the event to:

Jessica Donella - scoutmomjess@gmail.com


Sal Franqui - sal.franqui@scouting.org

Bear Cub Scout

Guidebook Hey Scout! My name is

Baloo the Bear! Have

fun exploring the

different stations today

and keep the outing in



Welcome To Cub-o-Rama!

Today is all about keeping the “outing in

scouting”. While 2020 kept everyone indoors,

restricted scout meetings, and canceled cub

scout summer camp, let 2021 be a year to get

you active and excited about scouting again!

Use this guidebook as a “map” of your day

today! From fishing to a nature scavenger hunt

to completing 2 elective belt loops, and so much

more! This is your passport for Cub-O-Rama.

A Scout is honest. As you complete each sec-

tion in you guidebook, have your parent or

guardian initial the activity completed to bring

back to your den leader to mark in Scoutbook.


First Aid (Station 2) Learn what to do after an accident.

Learn about the 4 Cs.

Check, Calm Down and Think, Call, Care

Learn about the 3 W’s when calling for

an emergency.

Who? What? Where?

Learn how to treat basic cuts and


Learn how to stop a basic nosebleed.

Learn about the 5 “hurry” cases.

Serious bleeding. Heart attack or

Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Stopped

breathing. Stroke. Poising.

Learn what F.A.S.T means for signs of a


First Aid (Station 1)

First aid is for everyone, everywhere! Before

you learn some basic first aid, lets get started

with your very own “Build Your Own” First aid kit!


Butterfly Band-aids

Individual packages of antibacterial cream

Non-latex gloves

Gauze pads

Medical Tape

Individually packaged antibacterial wipes


7:00am-8:00am - Arrival Time/Registration

8:40am - 9:00am Opening Flag Ceremony & An-


9:00am - 12:00pm - Program/Activities

12:00pm - 1:00pm - Lunch Time

1:00pm - 4:00pm - Fun Outdoor Activities

4:30pm - Closing at Davis Field

4:30pm - 8:00pm - Dinner Time/Free time

7:00pm - 9:00pm - Movie and Campfire/Smores

10:30pm - Lights out


Complete all requirements to earn belt loop

Talk about forensics and how it is

used to help solve crimes.

Take your fingerprints and learn

how to analyze them.

Do an analysis on four different sub-

stances: salt, sugar, baking soda, and


Learn about the different jobs in fo-

rensics science and what is re-

quired to work in these jobs.

Learn how animals are used to

gather important evidence.

NOVA - Tech Talk

*Additional requirements in RED must be completed and approved by a council

approved NOVA Counselor in order to complete this NOVA award.

Watch and/or read about anything related to technology (About an

hour total).

• Make a list of 2 questions or ideas from what you watched/read.

• Discuss your 2 questions or ideas with your counselor.

Explain these parts of a personal computer: central processing unit (CPU),

monitor, keyboard, mouse, modem, and printer.

Make a list of 10 devices that can be found in a home that use a com-

puter chip to function.

Point out the major features of a camera and explain each function.

Parts COULD include memory card, lens, shutter, power on and off,

zoom, battery, flash, display panel, case, settings. Etc.

Learn about the definition of the word technology and discuss the

meaning with your counselor.

Find out how technology is used in EACH of the following fields:

• Communication - Business - Construction

• Sports - Entertainment

Visit a place where technology is being designed, used, or explained,

such as one of the following: an amusement park, a police or fire sta-

tion, a radio or television station, a newspaper office, a factory or store,

or any other location where technology is being designed, used, or ex-

plained. (Virtual tours are accepted due to COVID-19)

Discuss how technology affects your everyday life.

Knot Tying

Square Knot

Two half-hitches

Make It Move

Complete all requirements to earn belt loop

Make an “exploding” craft stick reaction.

Make two simple pulleys and use them

to move objects.

Make a lever by creating a seesaw using

a spool and a wooden paint stirrer. Ex-

plore the way it balances by placing

different objects on each end.

Construct a Rube Goldberg-type ma-

chine to complete a task assigned by

your rank’s section leader.

A Bear Goes Fishing

Complete all requirements to earn belt loop

Discover and learn about 3 types of fish in

your area. Learn about what they look like,

like to eat, and what sort of habitat each

one likes.

Learn about your local fishing regula-

tions and why each regulation exists.

Learn about fishing equipment and

make a simple fishing pole. Practice

casting at a target.

Go fishing! Spend a minimum of one

hour trying to catch a fish. Put into

practice the things you have learned

about fish and fishing equipment. (You

may have to finish this requirement outside

of this event due to time restraints).

Conservation Project

Dare to be a force of nature! With your toilet paper

roll bird feeder, you will be feeding the animals of Hidden

Valley Scout Reservation! Go green and our Earth will be

clean! While you are helping the environment and wild-

life here at camp, think about all of the different ways you

can help the environment at your own home. Make sure

all faucets are turned off tightly, turn off the lights when

you leave a room, water plants using a rain barrel system,

etc. There are so many different ways to help the envi-

ronment as a scout!

The Outdoor Code

As an American, I will do my best to—

Be clean in my outdoor manners.

Be careful with fire.

Be considerate in the outdoors.

Be conservation-minded.

I participated in the New Birth of Free-

dom Council wide Conservation Project

While Cub Scouts is all about getting outdoors,

we also love to do shooting sports! Archery is one of

our favorite outdoor activities and during Cub-O-

Rama you will get first hand practice on shooting a

bow and arrow.

Range Rules

1. Know and obey all range commands.

2. Keep your arrows in your quiver until you are told to shoot.

3. Always wear your arm guard.

4. Only use the arrows the instructor gave you to use. Remember what

they look like.

5. Always keep your arrows pointed down or towards the target. Shoot

only at your target.

6. If you drop an arrow, leave it on the ground until you are told to get

your arrows.

7. Always WALK on the archery range.


I completed a round of Archery!

Super Science

Complete all requirements to earn belt loop

Make static electricity by rubbing a balloon

or a plastic or rubber comb against another

material, such as a fleece blanket. Talk

about what you learned.

Do a sink-or-float investigation. Explain

what you learned.

Do a color-morphing investigation. Ex-

plain what you learned.

Do a color-layering investigation. Explain

what you learned.

Lunch Time! Whew! While our event has barely begun, it’s

time to recharge not only your body but your mind,

too! It’s lunch time! Get out your lunch and find a

cozy spot to eat among your fellow scouts. Enjoy the

company of your scouting peers and you never know,

you could find someone just like you in the same


Lunch time will be from 12:00pm to 1:00pm then

we will begin our fun outdoor activities. Fishing, a

nature hike, a council wide conservation project, a

chance to race your DIY boats at the Rain Gutter Re-

gatta, first aid, knot tying, etc. Enjoy your lunch and

we will see you back out there after a nice meal.

Rain Gutter Regatta

The Rain Gutter Regatta is a fun racing event

for Cub Scouts that is a sailboat made up of recy-

cled materials equivalent of the Pinewood Derby.

At the craft area, you made your recycled sailboat

and are now ready to race!!

With using only but a straw and your breath,

race your way down the water way to the finish


Ready, Set, Race!!!

I completed a Rain Gutter Regatta

Obstacle Course

At our obstacle course, your scout will test

their mental and strength abilities to see if they

can be a true scout ninja!

I completed the

ninja scout

obstacle course!


Bait and cast a fishing pole

Draw your/a fish below.

Catch a fish

Weight ________________________

Length ________________________


Craft Time! Use this time to get creative! While scouting is about

learning new skills and becoming a better citizen,

scouting does not stop there! We like to make things for

others or to help create a better world! Today, we will be

making two things to help beautify your backyard or


Make a toilet paper roll bird feeder.

Rain Gutter Regatta Boat

Nature Hike + Scavenger Hunt

A tree with peeling bark

A hole in a tree

Something that an animal has eaten

Animal tracks

A bird flying overhead

A bird that is making noise

A tree you can’t wrap your arms around

A hiding place for shelter near the ground

A bird climbing on the trunk of a tree

A hidden treasure

Something fuzzy

Something crawling

A sign giving direction