Earl warren

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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14th chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

March 19, 1891: Warren is born in Los

Angeles, California

Warren’s father was an employee of the Southern Pacific Railroad.

worked summers on a railroad crew to earn money to attend college

Grew up in Bakersfield, California

After the move, Warren's father was murdered

Early Years…

1912: Warren graduates Berkley with BA in legal


1914: Warren earns his J.D. from Boalt Hall

1914: Warren is admitted to the California Bar

Educational Pursuit…


Earl Warren serving as 1st Lt. in the Army during WWI (1918)



Worked for Robinson & Robinson

before enlisting in the US Army

1920: Earl begins work for San Francisco County

1925: Becomes DA of Alameda County Was elected to three more 4-year


Was known as a tough, but fair district attorney

1938: Elected California Attorney General

Occupational Beginnings…



1925: Earl marries

Nina PalmquistMeyers

Mrs. Warren lives to be 100 years old

The Warrens raise 6 children

Marriage and Family…


1942: Elected Gov. of California

Served 3 successive terms

1946: Only Gov. in US History to win an election unopposed

Governor Warren: A Well-liked Man at the Polls


1953: Warren is appointed

as 14th Chief Justice of US

Previous work experience in law helped him with work as a judge Alameda County DA,


Had a special skill… Could get other justices

to change their opinion on court rulings/decisions

Appointed to the Supreme Court


1954: Brown v. Board of Education

First case that puts Earl’s leadership to the test

Case involved: The segregation of public schools. Black and white children, up until this point where still not permitted to attend the same schools.

Contribution to Education: Brown v. Board of Education


Question the Court was faced with…Does this violate

the rights of black children’s 14th amendment?

Under Chief Justice Earl Warren, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled…YES!

“Separate but equal” doctrine (ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson) no longer held up in court

Schools were ordered to be desegregated, starting in Arkansas

Court’s Ruling…

www.pbs.org highbridnation.com

Brown v. Board put an end to school segregation

Public schools today are, and have been, desegregated

Long-lasting Impact…

www.loc.gov fernandoexperiences.blogspot.com

Served as U.S. chief

justice through much of the 50s and 60s

Made landmark civil rights decisions

were of wide-ranging, long lasting social importance to this country

Died on July 9, 1974

Legacy of Earl Warren
