EARLY PALEOINDIAN WOMEN, CHILDREN, MOBILITY, AND …pete/new/samples/saa.pdf · lor et al. 1996)....

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Although it is widely agreed that the NewWorld was first colonized at some point priorto 11,500 B.P., there is considerable dis-

agreement as to how the colonization process actu-ally proceeded (Beaton 1991; Hassan 1981; Kellyand Todd 1988; Martin 1973; Meltzer 1993a, 1995;Steele et al. 1998; Webb and Rindos 1993). Under-standing the colonization of empty landscapesrequires that we tackle three central issues. First,what path would colonists have taken, including thequestion of the point or points of entry? Second, howfast would colonists migrate? And third, how fastwould colonists reproduce? Using these three dimen-sions of variability, it is possible to make predictionsabout the structure of the archaeological record ofcolonization. Its pathway and speed should bedirectly linked to its time-space systematics, whilethe rate of population growth should be reflected inthe strength of its archaeological signal. If colo-

nization is inherently tied to small, slowly repro-ducing populations, the archaeological record left bythose populations will be exceedingly difficult todetect. This may give the appearance of colonizationoccurring long after it actually did. If, on the con-trary, colonization is accompanied by rapid popula-tion growth, the incipient stages of the occupationof the New World should be evident archaeologicallynot long after initial entry.

These issues relate directly to the Clovis/pre-Clo-vis question. If we consider the early archaeologicalrecord of North America as it currently stands, andassume that Clovis represents the colonizing popu-lation, the narrow range of radiocarbon dates(11,500–10,800 B.P.) produced from Clovis sitesimplies that this land mass was colonized within amatter of centuries (Batt and Pollard 1996; Fiedel1999; Haynes 1992, 1993; Haynes et al. 1984; Tay-lor et al. 1996). There has been some speculation that


Todd A. Surovell

If we take the archaeological record at face value, the colonization of unglaciated North America appears to have been veryrapid. The highly consistent dating of Clovis archaeological sites (11,500–10,800 B.P.) suggests that this continent was popu-lated within a matter of centuries. To explain the spatial and temporal scales of this phenomenon, it is necessary to invoke bothhigh mobility and high fertility rates during the initial colonization process. However, it is widely believed that it is maladap-tive for mobile foragers to have large numbers of offspring due to the costs of transporting those children. Thus, the archaeo-logical record presents us with a paradox. Using a mathematical model that estimates the costs of raising children for mobilehunter-gatherers, this paper asks the question—is high mobility compatible with high fertility? It is concluded that high mobil-ity, if defined as the frequent movement of residential base camps, is quite compatible with high fertility, and that early Pale-oindians could indeed have been characterized by high reproductive rates. Therefore, it is quite possible that the Americas werepopulated very rapidly by highly mobile hunter-gatherers.

Si nos circunscribimos a las evidencias existentes, el poblamiento de Norteamérica parece haber sido un fenómeno bastante rápido.Los datos altamente consistentes acerca de la ocupación Clovis (11,500–10,800 A.P.) sugieren que el continente fue poblado encuestión de siglos. El explicar la dimensión espacial y temporal de este fenómeno nos lleva a considerar altos índices de mobili-dad y fertilidad durante el proceso de poblamiento inicial. Sin embargo, comúnmente se considera que, para recolectores móbiles,es inadecuado tener un número muy elevado de infantes, debido a los costos de transporte de los mismos. En ese sentido, la evi-dencia arqueológica nos presenta una paradoja. A través de un modelo matemático de estimación de los costos de mantenimientode niños en cazadores-recolectores móbiles, este trabajo plantea la pregunta: ¿Es compatible la alta mobilidad con la alta fertil-idad? Se concluye que la alta mobilidad, definida como el desplazamiento frecuente de campamentos residenciales, es bastantecompatible con un alto índice de fertilidad y que los pobladores paleoindios tempranos podrían caracterizarse por altos índicesreproductivos. De esta manera, es posible que América fuera poblada rapidamente por cazadores-recolectores altamente móbiles.

Todd A. Surovell ■ Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721

American Antiquity, 65(3), 2000, pp. 493–508Copyright © 2000 by the Society for American Archaeology


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These sample pages are from American Antiquity, a quarterly journal of the SAA. We moved the journal to desktop in 1995 and have been producing it ever since. Lots of figures, tables, and math are packed into each article.

this tight clustering of radiocarbon dates implies a“plateau” in the calibration curve such that the Clo-vis phase actually lasted longer than it appears(Haynes 1971; Meltzer 1995). However, recent cal-ibrations suggest that just the opposite is true (Fiedel1999:105; Kitagawa and van der Plicht 1998). If any-thing, the actual range of time represented 14C ageestimates from Clovis sites has been inflated. Indeed,the Clovis phenomenon was very brief in archaeo-logical terms.

If Clovis hunter-gatherers were the colonizingpopulation, they must have had high reproductiverates while maintaining a very mobile lifestyle. Oth-erwise, it would have been impossible to saturate thecontinent with people in a few centuries while main-taining crucial reproductive ties between neighbor-ing groups (Whitley and Dorn 1993). In this paper,I focus specifically on the relationship between fer-tility and mobility using a mathematical model thatestimates the costs of rearing children for mobilehunter-gatherers. Using this model, I first address thecentral question of whether high mobility is com-patible with high fertility. This permits evaluation ofthe question of whether we may be receiving a falsepicture of colonization through inadequate samplingof the archaeological record. If high mobility andhigh fertility prove to be incompatible, we may inferthat human entry into the New World significantlypredates the Clovis horizon. Otherwise, it can beargued that Clovis could represent the colonizingpopulation, or its immediate ancestor. The modelalso predicts how a colonizing population shouldorganize mobility assuming a goal of maximizing ofreproductive potential. This prediction can then becompared with the archaeological record to deter-mine if indeed early Paleoindians seem to havebehaved as the model predicts they should have.

In light of the recent acceptance of the pre-Clovisstatus of the southern Chilean site of Monte Verde bymuch of the archaeological community (Adovasioand Pedler 1997; Meltzer 1997; Meltzer et al. 1997),to some, these issues may seem somewhat outdated.If we assume the occupants of Monte Verde arederived from an initial migration across the Beringland bridge, there must be pre-Clovis sites in NorthAmerica as well. Even if it is argued that as of yetundiscovered North American pre-Clovis archaeo-logical sites exist, the Clovis phenomenon stillrequires explanation. How were fluted-point makersable to traverse the entirety of unglaciated North

America within a matter of centuries if other popu-lations were already firmly established? Similarly,how were they able to maintain a life way of highmobility in the presence of supposed pre-Clovis pop-ulations who certainly would have commanded largetracts of land? These issues also relate to the notionthat the ubiquity of Clovis and Clovis-like projectilepoints across North America does not reflect a dis-persal of people, but instead a rapid transfer of ahighly successful technological concept among pop-ulations already in place (Adovasio and Pedler1997:579; Stanford 1978 as cited by Adovasio andPedler 1997; Young and Bonnichsen 1984; see alsoStorck 1991). Although this paper alone cannot refutethe diffusion nor migration hypothesis, it can addressthe likelihood of concomitant rapid population andgeographic expansions of early Paleoindian groups,a prerequisite of the migration argument.

Modeling Mobility and Fertility

Hunter-gatherer demographic studies typicallyemphasize factors that directly or indirectly affect fer-tility and/or mortality such as age at menarche andmenopause, lactational infecundability, marriage andsexual practices, nutrition, contraception and abor-tion, female workloads, venereal and other disease,infanticide, senilicide, accidental death, absenteeism,etc. (e.g, Balikci 1967; Bentley 1985; Binford andChasko 1976; Campbell and Wood 1988; Ellison1990; Handwerker 1983; Hassan 1981; Hayden1972; Hill and Hurtado 1996; Howell 1976, 1979;Hurtado and Hill 1990; Irwin 1989; Kelly 1995;Konner and Worthman 1980; Pennington and Harp-ending 1988; Smith and Smith 1994; Spielmann1989; Wilmsen 1978; Wood 1990; and many others).Recent work with the !Kung and Hadza has insteadfocused on the relative costs of raising children (Blur-ton Jones et al. 1992, 1994a, 1994b; Hawkes et al.1995). In this framework, potential fertility (Fp) canbe estimated as:

where C is the per-child cost to the parents measuredin the most limiting currency (whether physiologi-cal, behavioral, economic, or otherwise), and Rmax isthe maximum amount of that currency which a fam-ily can devote to child rearing. For example, imag-ine a situation in which total income is the mostlimiting factor controlling family size and raising asingle child from conception to independence will


CP = max

494 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 65, No. 3, 2000]

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cost a family $200,000. If a family can allocate $1million to child rearing throughout their lifetime,that family can “afford” to have 5 children. Forhunter-gatherers, however, the major costs involvedin raising children are related to foraging energetics.Parents must work hard to feed their children. Thisnot only involves carrying a lot of food over long dis-tances until offspring are able to fend for themselvesbut also carrying children at least until they are ablekeep up on their own. Thus, a work-related currencyis likely more appropriate for estimating the cost ofraising children for mobile hunter-gatherers. It shouldbe noted here that potential fertility and actualizedfertility are very different things. Although naturalselection would favor behaviors that maximize repro-ductive output, it is unclear whether humans actu-ally achieve that potential. Calculating the cost ofchild rearing allows for the estimation of maximumpotential fertility levels, but actual fertility may besomewhat less than the maximum. Reducing mor-tality rates can accelerate population growth as well,but low mortality by itself cannot result in high ratesof population growth without high fertility.

It is commonly argued that high mobility inhunter-gatherers leads to low fertility:

...it has been widely accepted, at least since thework of Alexander Carr-Saunders in 1922, thatnomadism and high mobility result in long birth-spacing intervals and low fertility (Whitley andDorn 1993:628).

This attitude has arisen from observations thathunter-gatherer population growth is at least par-tially limited by the necessity of carrying infants, asCarr-Saunders and many others have suggested:

Among more or less nomadic peoples abortionand infanticide are practised because of the diffi-culty of transporting and of suckling more thanone child at a time (Carr-Saunders 1922:22).

More recently, Richard Lee (1972, 1979) work-ing with the !Kung, demonstrated that dry-seasonfemale workloads increased dramatically if they hadchildren less than four years apart. Blurton Jonesand Sibly (1978) created a formal mathematicalmodel based on Lee’s work, which estimated themaximum loads to be carried by !Kung mothers asa function of birth spacing. They concluded that theproblem of transporting children and food for thosechildren was the primary factor limiting !Kung fer-tility (see also Blurton Jones 1986, 1987, 1989, 1994;Harpending 1994).

The !Kung San are well known for their low repro-ductive output as a natural fertility population. Thiscan be attributed in part to the long distances that!Kung women must travel from dry-season waterholes to nut groves (Blurton Jones et al. 1989; Lee1979; Draper 1976). However, it is not possible togeneralize to all mobile hunter-gatherers from the!Kung. As there are different costs associated withdifferent kinds of mobility, we would expect fertil-ity to vary not only depending upon the scale ofmobility, but also upon how it is organized. For exam-ple, while foraging, a woman must carry young chil-dren for the entire trip, but food is usually carriedonly one way. During residential moves, childrenmust be carried, but food can be gathered along theway. Also, it is possible to leave children withbabysitters when parents forage, but not while mov-ing residential camps. Thus, the relative emphasis onresidential and logistical mobility (sensu Binford1980) should thus have important effects on the costof raising children. For example, Blurton Jones et al.(1994b) cite the less “patchy” distribution of waterand more frequent movement of residential campsas one factor contributing to the greater fertility ofthe Hadza relative to the !Kung.

Thus, the model presented below takes intoaccount not only the scale of mobility (i.e., distancewalked) but also its organization. The model isfounded on the assumption that for mobile hunter-gatherers, an important factor limiting fertility is thecost of carrying children and food for those children.Potential fertility, therefore, should be inversely pro-portional to the total per-child transport costs for theperiod of dependency. If carrying costs are high, fer-tility will be low; if carrying costs are low, fertilitycan be high.

Following Lee (1972, 1979), carrying costs areestimated in the unit of kg•km, the amount of weightcarried times the distance it is carried. A value of 10kg•km is treated as equivalent to carrying a mass of5 kg a distance of 2 km, or carrying 2 kg a distanceof 5 km. Though the model treats a trip in which noburden is carried as cost free, in actual calculationsaverage distances and weights are used, thus takinginto account unsuccessful foraging trips. Total car-rying costs are calculated per child for a monoga-mous couple for the total period of dependency, thelength of which is allowed to vary as discussed below.A computer program was written as a Visual Basicmacro for Microsoft Excel (Version 5.0a, for Mac-


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intosh) to calculate costs. Only costs directly result-ing from the child’s needs are tabulated. For exam-ple, the costs of adults foraging for themselves orother non-offspring individuals are not included.Similarly, during residential moves, all personalbelongings must be transported, but these costs areindependent of the child. Although they should affectthe overall organization of mobility, they do notdirectly affect the costs of raising children and arenot considered here.

The parameters used to calculate cost are listedin Table 1. Carrying costs are based on the averageweight of children by age and their average dailynutritional intake by age as reported by the WorldHealth Organization (1985). Age is calculated asyears since conception, because mothers begin car-rying their children 9 months before birth. Translat-ing the mass of children into the mass to be carriedby mothers requires an estimation of a child’s abil-ity to walk as a function of age. As children becomemore sure-footed and gain endurance, mothers willcarry them less. By the age of 20 months, childrentake their first steps, and by age 5, they have gener-ally developed a mature gait (Cech and Martin 1995;Sutherland et al. 1988). Although I was unable tolocate any data relating age and endurance for youngchildren, it seems that by age 5 or 6, children are quitemobile and able to keep up with adults (Blurton Joneset al. 1994b; Hawkes et al. 1995; Hill and Hurtado1996; Lee 1972, 1979).

Because children may be left at the residentialbase camp with babysitters, such as grandparents orolder siblings, the model can also estimate the degreeto which transport costs are reduced by surrogatechildcare. Three curves are used to model the aver-age weight of children to be carried per kilometer

(Figure 1, Table 2). One curve depicts a scenario inwhich no babysitting is available. Another modelsbabysitting for 50 percent of foraging trips, and thethird models babysitting for 90 percent of foragingtrips.

Food weights can be estimated from the daily nutri-tional requirements of children minus their own con-tribution to their diet. As children provide more foodfor themselves, the burden on parents decreases. There-fore, three child foraging scenarios have been created(Figure 2, Table 3). In the late foraging scenario, chil-dren do not begin foraging for themselves until age 10,and their own contribution to their diet graduallyincreases until independence at age 18. In the earlychild foraging scenario, children begin foraging at age4 and reach independence by age 12. A middle forag-ing scenario is intermediate between the two. Thesescenarios are intended to span the full range of possi-ble variability in child foraging behavior.

496 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 65, No. 3, 2000]

Table 1. Model Parameters.

Parameter Description UnitFR Average frequency of residential moves daysDR Average distance of residential moves kmFML Average frequency of male logistical moves daysDML Average distance of male logistical moves kmFFL Average frequency of female logistical moves daysDFL Average distance of female logistical moves kmCM Male contribution to the diet %CF Female contribution to the diet %UM Average male food utility kcal/kgUF Average female food utility kcal/kgChildcare Childcare model (see Table 2, Figure 1)Child Foraging Child foraging model (see Table 3, Figure 2)

Figure 1. Age vs. average mass of children to be carriedfrom Table 2. Three babysitting models are depicted: nobabysitting, babysitting for one-half of female forays, andbabysitting for 9 of 10 of female forays. Actual mass isbased on the average mass of children worldwide fromthe World Health Organization (1985).

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To translate nutritional requirements into foodweights, it is necessary to estimate the energetic con-tent of foods as a function of mass. This is essentiallya measure of portability. Food science data allowedthe quantification of plant portability for 191 plantfoods (Pennington 1989). These were subdividedaccording to class: seeds and nuts, legumes, fruits,roots and tubers, and leaves and stems (Figure 3).Seeds and legumes were the foodstuffs of theNeolithic and onward in many parts of the world. Asthey have high processing costs (O’Connell andHawkes 1981), they were unlikely to have played alarge part in early Paleoindian economies. The rarityof grinding technology in Paleoindian sites supportsthis contention. Because leaves and stems have lownutritional content, they also are unlikely to have beenmajor constituents of Paleoindian diets, but they canplay an important role in hunter-gatherer diets whereplant use is minimal (Keeley 1995). Therefore, Iassume that early Paleoindian plant use focused onroots and fruits. This yields an average of 680 kcal/kgfor gathered foods. Hunter-gatherer energetics stud-ies provided data for energy yields for 18 wild game

taxa (Hawkes et al. 1992; Hurtado and Hill 1987), foran average of 1473 kcal/kg (Figure 3).

The mass of food to be transported per day for achild is calculated as the daily nutritional energeticrequirement divided by food portability. For exam-ple, in the early child foraging scenario, a 3-year-oldchild requires 1250 kcal/day from the parents for sus-tenance. If this is provided entirely by hunting (1473kcal/kg), the child will need .85 kg of food per day.If it is provided entirely by gathering roots and fruits(680 kcal/kg), the child will require 1.84 kg of foodper day. If some combination of hunting and gath-ering is used, the value will fall between theseextremes.

Translating weights into cost requires taking intoaccount how far and frequently these masses of foodand children are to be carried. This is where mobil-ity comes into play. Mobility is broken down intothree components: residential mobility, male logis-tical mobility, and female logistical mobility. Fol-lowing Binford (1980), residential mobility refers tothe movement of an entire family from one basecamp to a new base camp. Logistical mobility refersto food-getting forays starting from and returning tothe base camp. In the model, each type of mobilityis assigned an average frequency and one-way dis-tance. Frequency of residential mobility is the aver-age time elapsed (days) between residential movesor the average duration of occupation of a residen-tial base camp. The frequency of logistical mobilityfor males or females is the time elapsed (days)between foraging trips.

When the residential camp is moved, children arealways carried up to the age of 6, and no food is car-ried. It is further assumed that foraging takes placeduring residential moves. In male and female logis-tical forays, food is carried the one-way distancedetermined by the average daily foraging radius. Aclassic division of labor is assumed—men hunt, andwomen gather. Males never bring young children on


Table 2. Mass of Child to be Carried by Age and Childcare Model.

Age of Child (years) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6Child mass (kg) 0 5.7 10.6 12.8 14.9 16.8 18.7

Average mass carried (kg)No childcare 0 5.7 10.5 10.3 7.7 3.1 0Childcare 1/2 0 5.7 10.5 5.2 3.9 1.6 0Childcare 9/10 0 5.7 10.5 1.0 .8 .3 0Note: Age is measured as years since conception. Data from World Health Organization (1985).

Figure 2. Age vs. daily energetic requirements of childrenfrom Table 3. Three child foraging models are depicted:early, middle, and late foraging. Actual requirements arebased on the average nutritional intake of children world-wide from the World Health Organization (1985).

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hunting forays, but females must always carry youngchildren the roundtrip distance on foraging trips upto the age of two due to the requirement of breastfeeding. Beyond this age, children may be left at thebase camp depending on the babysitting model inuse.

Mobility is controlled by the geometry of forag-ing in a homogenous environment (Figure 4), andis allowed to vary such that it approximates the “col-

lector/forager” continuum described by Binford(1980). This is similar to the “transientexplorer/estate settler” distinction made by Beaton(1991) with respect to the colonization of unpopu-lated landscapes. At one extreme, foraging groupstend to move base camps frequently, essentiallymoving people to food patches. In its extreme form,this strategy maximizes the distances walked annu-ally while moving base camps, but minimizes daily

498 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 65, No. 3, 2000]

Table 3. Average Daily Energy Requirements by Age and Child Foraging Model.

Age of Child (years) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17Energy Requirement 0 589 1035 1250 1396 1511 1611 1695 1771 1839 1904 1965 2018 2056 2110 2163 2209 2250

(kcal/day)Parental Contribution (kcal/day)

Late Child Foraging 0 589 1035 1250 1396 1511 1611 1695 1771 1839 1901 18889 1743 1443 1001 39 58 0Middle Child Foraging 0 589 1035 1241 1331 1342 1298 1204 1075 918 746 569 397 243 122 45 7 0Early Child Foraging 0 589 1035 1250 1396 1200 840 501 238 70 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0Note: Age is measured as years since conception. Data from World Health Organization (1985).

Figure 3. Portability of foods arranged by type. Foods gathered by women were assumed to be mainly roots and fruits,and thus an average value of 680 kcal/kg was chosen. For hunted foods, an average value of 1473 kcal/kg was used.Data for plant foods (N = 191) is from Pennington (1989). Data for wild game portability (N = 18) is from Hawkes etal. (1992) and Hurtado and Hill (1987).

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foraging distances. Groups using such a strategywill be referred to as high residential foragers (highres). At the other extreme, groups move base campsinfrequently, thus minimizing residential mobilityand maximizing foraging distances. This strategyinstead emphasizes moving food to people. Groupsusing this strategy will be referred to as low resi-dential foragers (low res). These strategies shouldnot be seen as types, but instead as ends of an ide-alized continuum.

Duration of base camp occupation (also called thefrequency of residential mobility) governs all othermobility variables. The exact relationship betweenlength of stay at the residential camp and foragingradii is set arbitrarily, but these variables are relatedwith a square root function so that foraging areaincreases as a function of the square of the foragingradius. Male foraging radii in kilometers were cal-culated as the square root of the duration of basecamp occupation in days. Average female foragingradii (DFL) were arbitrarily set to one half of averagemale foraging radii, because males must travel far-ther for hunted resources which generally exist atlower densities than most gathered resources. Thismethod seemed to produce reasonable foraging dis-

tances. In that these relationships are held constantfor all runs of the model, the exact distances are irrel-evant. The distance between residential base camps(DR) was set to twice the maximum female foragingradius (DFL) so as to prevent overlap of female for-aging areas (Binford 1982; Kelly 1983). This dis-tance is calculated as:

because the maximum foraging radius will be times larger than the average foraging radius, againbecause area increases as the square of the radius.Male foraging areas do overlap, but as animals aremobile and may inhabit areas just abandoned by peo-ple, returning to an area recently hunted is not nec-essarily an unproductive activity.

Total energetic expense per child (ETotal) is cal-culated as the sum of the energetic expense for eachmobility type for the period of dependency:

where ER is the energy expended during residentialmoves, EFL is the energy expended during femalelogistical mobility, and EML is the energy expendedduring male logistical mobility. Time is incrementedin .1 year, or 36.5 day intervals, and total cost is cal-culated from the conception of a child to his or herindependence (the time at which parental food gath-ering responsibilities cease). Therefore, ER is calcu-lated as the sum of all episodes of carrying childrenduring residential moves from the time of concep-tion (t = 0) to the age of independence (t = Ai):

where Mt is the average mass of the child to be car-ried at time t, DR is the average distance (km) perresidential move, and FR is the frequency (days) ofresidential moves, measured as the duration of campoccupation. Thus 36.5/FR provides the number of res-idential moves in a 36.5-day interval. The averagemass of a child to be carried is estimated from Table2 by linear interpolation between points.

Estimating the cost of male logistical mobility(EML) requires calculation of the mass of food to becarried by the male parent until the child reachesindependence. The calculation is:









= = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅


∑ 36 5






= ⋅ ⋅


∑ 36 5



E E E Etotal R FL ML= = +


D DR FL= ⋅ ⋅2 2


Figure 4. The geometry of foraging in a homogenous envi-ronment. Average male foraging radius (DML) is twicethe average female foraging radius (FML). The distancebetween residential camps (DR) is twice the maximumfemale foraging radius.

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where FML is the average frequency (days) of malelogistical mobility, DML is the average distance (km)of a male logistical foray, Rt is the daily parental con-tribution (kcal) to the child’s diet at time t, CM is thepercent contributed to the diet by males, and UM isthe average utility (kcal/kg) of foods acquired bymales. Note that the frequency of male logisticalmobility has no effect on the final calculation becausemales do not carry children, and energy is measuredas the product of distance and weight. The modeltreats a scenario in which males make infrequenttrips carrying a lot of food as energetically equiva-lent to one in which frequent trips are made carry-ing less food.

The calculation of energetic expense duringfemale logistical mobility is identical to that of maleswith the addition of the added weight of children:

where FFL is the average frequency (days) of femalelogistical mobility, DFL is the average distance (km)of a female logistical foray, Mt is the mass (kg) ofthe child at time t, Rt is the daily parental energetic(kcal) investment in the child’s diet, CF is the female

percent contribution to the diet, and UF is the aver-age utility (kcal/kg) of foods collected by females.The term on the left calculates the total energyexpended in carrying children during female logis-tical mobility. Distance is doubled because the childis carried in both directions. The right-hand term isidentical to that of the male logistical mobility equa-tion with the parameters for females inserted. Unlikethe frequency of male logistical mobility, the fre-quency of female logistical mobility does haveimportant consequences for the model becausefemales must carry children. Thus, females shouldhave incentive to forage as infrequently as possibleand should carry heavier loads in order to minimizethe distance that children must be carried. Of course,if foraging is too infrequent, mothers will not be ableto carry enough food to meet the nutritional needsof their children.

Testing the Model

To estimate the costs of raising children across thehigh res-low res mobility continuum, 21 cases werecreated that span this range (Table 4). In the mostresidentially mobile scenario, the residential campis moved every other day a distance of two kilome-ters. At the other extreme, the camp is only movedonce a year to a new location 27 km away. The aver-age distance of female logistical mobility ranged







FL tt









= ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

+ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅



36 52

36 5





500 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 65, No. 3, 2000]

Table 4. Parameter Settings.

FR DR FML DML FFL DFL UM UF Baby- Child- Case (days) (km) (days) (km) (days) (km) CM (kcal/kg) CF (kcal/kg) sitting foraging

1 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.41 2.00 .71 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L2 2.59 2.28 2.00 1.61 2.00 .81 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L3 3.37 2.59 2.00 1.83 2.00 .92 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L4 4.37 2.96 2.00 2.09 2.00 1.04 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L5 5.67 3.37 2.00 2.38 2.00 1.19 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L6 7.35 3.83 2.00 2.71 2.00 1.36 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L7 9.54 4.37 2.00 3.09 2.00 1.54 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L8 12.37 4.97 2.00 3.52 2.00 1.76 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L9 16.05 5.67 2.00 4.01 2.00 2.00 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L10 20.83 6.45 2.00 4.56 2.00 2.28 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L11 27.02 7.35 2.00 5.2 2.00 2.60 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L12 35.05 8.37 2.00 5.92 2.00 2.96 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L13 45.48 9.54 2.00 6.74 2.00 3.37 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L14 59.00 10.86 2.00 7.68 2.00 3.84 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L15 76.55 12.37 2.00 8.75 2.00 4.37 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L16 99.31 14.03 2.00 9.97 2.00 4.98 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L17 128.84 16.05 2.00 11.35 2.00 5.68 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L18 167.15 18.28 2.00 12.93 2.00 6.46 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L19 216.86 20.83 2.00 14.73 2.00 7.36 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L20 281.35 23.72 2.00 16.77 2.00 8.39 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L21 365.01 27.02 2.00 19.11 2.00 9.55 .50 1473 .50 680 0, .5, .9 E, M, L

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from .7 km with frequent residential mobility to 9.5km in the least residentially mobile case. Averagemale distances ranged from 1.4 to 19.1 km. Male andfemale foraging frequencies were set at foragingevery other day (FML, FFL = 2), but as discussed, thisonly affects the calculation of female workload. Allthree babysitting and child foraging models wereexamined to determine their differential effects forhigh residential and low residential mobility cases.When the babysitting model was varied, child for-aging was held constant using the “late foraging”curve. When child foraging was varied, the “nobabysitting” curve was used. Food portability val-ues were held constant at the values discussed above.Male and female dietary contributions were each setto 50 percent.


The model indeed confirms that high mobility in thestrictest sense is incompatible with high fertility. Fig-ure 5 shows the total calculated costs of child rear-

ing vs. the total annual mobility, calculated as thesum of the distances walked annually for a family intransporting food and/or children. Total costincreases almost linearly with distance walked. Thisis not unexpected since distance is a large compo-nent of that cost. Figure 6 demonstrates, however,that as a greater emphasis is placed on residentialmobility, the cost of child rearing actually decreases.The per- child transport cost for the least residentiallymobile case is 6.5 to 7.5 times greater than that ofthe most residentially mobile case, depending uponthe child foraging and babysitting model chosen. Forforagers who move their residential base camp fre-quently, constraints on fertility are actually less thanfor those who emphasize logistical mobility fromlong-term base camps.

The greater costs for low res foragers result fromincreased foraging distances associated with greaterduration of occupation of residential camps. Allgroups must provide the same amount of food to theirchildren by foraging over the same land area, but lowres groups have to walk greater distances to do so.This is graphically depicted in Figure 7. The high reshunter-gatherer makes 107 moves per year resultingin 279 km of total residential mobility, but due toshort foraging distances, total mobility is only 953km per year. In contrast, the low res hunter-gathererwill only cover 47 km per year in residential mobil-ity, while transporting food and children a total of4073 km per year when foraging is included. Notethat the high res group may move much greater dis-tances across the landscape, while actually mini-mizing total walking distances.

For all cases, the total per child costs from con-ception to independence ranged from 25,885 to238,087 kg•km. When cost is broken down by mobil-ity type, it is apparent that for most cases, the majordeterminant of total cost (ETotal) is female logisticalmobility (EFL), particularly for less residentiallymobile cases (Figure 8). When the base camp ismoved often, the costs of residential and logisticalmobility are very similar, but as hunter-gatherers set-tle down, residential costs drop out and costs asso-ciated with foraging dominate. Although males tendto cover more ground than females in the model,women tend to carry much heavier loads due to thecombination of food and children and the lower ener-getic content of gathered foods.

Although the timing and degree of child foragingcan reduce the costs of child rearing up to approxi-


Figure 5. Total annual mobility vs. total cost of childrearing. Total annual mobility is calculated as the sumof the distances of all moves for a single family in whicheither children or food for those children are carried.

Figure 6. Annual residential mobility vs. total cost ofchild rearing. Annual residential mobility is calculated asthe sum of the distances of all residential moves for a sin-gle family for one year.

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mately 30 percent, the general pattern of relative costremains the same (Figure 9). Children are cheap forhigh res foragers; they are expensive for low res for-agers. Babysitting can also reduce the costs of childrearing up to 30 percent (Figure 9). Still, the shapeof the curve remains identical. It is cheapest toemphasize residential mobility. The energetic sav-

ings gained by child foraging and babysitting couldbe quite significant, particularly in combination, andthis further emphasizes the need to study the deter-minants of these behaviors.


The model predicts that for any homogenous envi-ronment hunter-gatherers can minimize child-relatedtransport costs by moving residential base camps asfrequently as possible and by doing so, concomi-tantly maximize their reproductive output. However,in reality not all hunter-gatherers adopt such a strat-egy. Some foragers are highly mobile, others aresedentary, and still others switch seasonally fromhigh to low mobility strategies (Binford 1980; Kelly1983, 1995). The model, as currently formulated,cannot explain why hunter-gatherers would settledown. This shortcoming can be attributed to theassumption of a homogenous environment. If mobil-ity is instead modeled for a patchy environment,longer duration occupations would in fact becomeoptimal. As resource patches become more distantlyspaced, the cost of residential mobility wouldincrease, while the cost of logistical mobility would

502 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 65, No. 3, 2000]

Figure 7. Two solutions to foraging in an identical envi-ronment. Each circle represents a maximum female for-aging radius around a base camp. In both cases, the areaforaged is equivalent. The high res forager moves 107times per year for a total of 279 km in residential mobil-ity and 337 km in male and female logistical mobility. Thelow res forager moves 3 times per year for a total of 47 kmin residential mobility and 2013 km in male and femalelogistical mobility.

Figure 8. Relative energetic expenditure for residential,male logistical, and female logistical mobility as a func-tion of the duration of occupation of residential basecamps (FR,days).

Figure 9. The effects of child foraging (top) and babysit-ting (bottom) on the total cost of child rearing.

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remain constant. Also, as resource patches becomeincreasingly dense, the cost of logistical mobilitywould decrease, while the cost of residential mobil-ity would remain the same. In either case, the rela-tive cost of moving camp would increase relative tothe cost of foraging. The net effect would be toencourage longer stays in any given camp to mini-mize total transport costs. In this light, sedentismshould only be expected in environments character-ized by “local abundance in a context of regionalscarcity” (Kelly 1995:152).

A second assumption of the model is that dietremains constant across all mobility strategies. Inactuality, the foraging radius may not expand at aconstant rate because hunter-gatherers may opt toswitch to foods with lower returns that are nearer tocamp, rather than to keep exploiting ever more dis-tant highly ranked foods. Switching to lower rankedresources, however, implies increased workloads and

decreased net return rates. Thus, the effect would stillbe a decrease in population growth rates, but this maynot always be the case if lower ranked resources arein great abundance and/or have high reproductiverates (Winterhalder and Golan 1993). To addressthese problems more thoroughly, a test of the modelagainst the modern ethnographic record of hunter-gatherers is planned, but a preliminary test is pro-vided here.

The model suggests that if diet is held constantwithin a homogenous environment, hunter-gathererswho move frequently should be characterized byhigher potential fertility than those who move infre-quently. This hypothesis is supported by mobility andfertility data from a small sample (N = 11) of tropi-cal and subtropical hunter-gatherers (Figure 10). Ahighly significant relationship (p = .0099; r = .735)exists between the number of residential moves peryear and the total fertility rate (TFR, the sum of all


Figure 10. The number of residential moves per year vs. total fertility rate for a sample of modern tropical and sub-tropical hunter-gatherers (N = 11; p = .0099; r = .735). (Data from Hewlett 1991a, b; Hill and Hurtado 1996; Howell1979; Kelly 1995; Morris 1982).

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age-specific fertility rates). This relationship is dri-ven by two outlying points, the Ache and the Hill Pan-daram. A positive correlation is still obtained evenwithout these points, but the relationship is no longerstatistically significant ( p= .27; r= .412). Nonethe-less, it is clear from Figure 10 that groups that movevery frequently can have high fertility rates. Note thatthe three groups that move most frequently (Ache,Hill Pandaram, and Hadza) are also characterized bythe highest levels of fertility. Prior to being forced ontoreservations, the Ache of Paraguay stayed in a campfor one two to weeks at the longest, and recent obser-vations of Ache foraging suggests that the camp ismoved almost daily (Clastres 1972; Hawkes et al.1982; Hill and Hurtado 1996). Prior to contact, aver-age Ache TFR was quite high at 8.09 children perfemale (Hill and Hurtado 1996). Similarly, the HillPandaram move their camps on average every 7 or 8days and average between 6 and 7 children per female(Morris 1982). Clearly, it is time to abandon blanketstatements that fertility will always be low for mobilehunter-gatherers. If high mobility is defined as fre-quent movement of residential camps, then the datasuggest that the high mobility and high fertility arequite compatible.

Early Paleoindian Mobility and Fertility

Estimates for population growth rates during the col-onization of the New World vary greatly, rangingfrom a .1 (Hassan 1981:202) to a 3.5 percent (Mosi-mann and Martin 1975) annual population increase.At a 3.5 percent growth rate, a population can expandfrom 100 individuals to over 1 million in just 269years, while at .1 percent, it takes over 9,200 yearsto undergo an equivalent expansion. Martin (1973)and Mosimann and Martin (1975) argued that a pop-ulation explosion would ensue when colonists metan untouched landscape teeming with fauna naive tohuman predation. Using a growth rate of 3.4 percentper year, Martin (1973) estimated that North Amer-ica could have been colonized within 350 years andSouth America within 1,000 years. Other researchershave been more conservative, suggesting that popu-lation growth would have been limited (Hassan1981:201-203; Whitley and Dorn 1993:628-633).Hassan (1981:202) proposed a population growthrate of .1 percent per year and suggested that theprocess of colonization lasted approximately8455–9952 years. Haynes (1966:111–112) estimatedintermediate rates of 120–140 percent per 28-yeargeneration, roughly equivalent to a .65–1.2 percent

increase per year, and that the colonization of NorthAmerica would have occurred within about 500years. Most recently, Steele et al. (1998) utilizedpopulation growth rates ranging from .3–3 percentper year to model the colonization of North Amer-ica. They found that an annual rate of increase of 3percent produced regional population densities thatmost closely matched known fluted point distribu-tions. They argued that this rate should be expectedfor a colonizing population existing far below car-rying capacity as they begin their climb up the logis-tic population growth curve. Although much of thevariance in the proposed demographics of coloniz-ers can be attributed to whether researchers advocatea pre-Clovis or Clovis-first occupation of the NewWorld, it is nonetheless surprising that estimates ofannual population increase have varied 35-fold.

Although the model presented in this paper pro-vides a means of estimating the potential for earlyPaleoindian population growth, it cannot directlytranslate work in kg•km into a value of percent annualpopulation increase. However, it can suggest whetherwe should expect Clovis children to have been inex-pensive or costly and whether a Clovis population“explosion” would have been possible. To do sorequires a consideration of Clovis mobility and set-tlement patterns.

Clovis hunter-gatherers are generally consideredto have been very mobile, based for example, on therecurrent presence of high frequencies of exotic lithicraw materials transported very long distances(Goodyear 1989; Haynes 1980:118; Hester andGrady 1977; Tankersley 1991). Also, with few excep-tions, occupations tend to be rather ephemeral(Haynes 1980:118; Kelly and Todd 1988:236–237).Lithic assemblages are usually small, and there is lit-tle investment in site facilities such as structures,storage pits, and other non-portable technologies.All of these lines of evidence suggest that early Pale-oindians were not only moving long distances, butthat they were moving base camps frequently, thusadopting a strategy more akin to the high res forageras discussed above (Kelly and Todd 1988; Webb andRindos 1993). Frequent movement of base campsmust have permitted short foraging distances aroundbase camps. Under these conditions, Paleoindianchildren would have been relatively inexpensive toraise, and fertility could have been quite high. Themodel suggests that rapid colonization of the Amer-icas was very possible as frequent movement of basecamps would have allowed early hunter-gatherers to

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move long distances across the landscape while actu-ally minimizing daily walking distances.

These findings highlight a discrepancy betweenwhat is generally considered to be “high mobility” asevidenced by the archaeological record, and what infact the term high mobility actually implies, walkinglong distances. All hunter-gatherers tend to walk longdistances over the course of a year because they movedaily or almost daily to feed themselves. However,regular occurrences of exotic lithic raw materials inarchaeological sites hundreds of kilometers from theirsource may indeed suggest frequent residential mobil-ity, but frequent residential mobility does not implyhigh total mobility. In fact, it implies just the oppo-site. It is therefore somewhat ironic that we generallyconsider the hunter-gatherers of the Paleoindianperiod to have been the most mobile of all of thepedestrian foragers in North American prehistory. Itis very likely that with the advent of the Archaic, peo-ple were walking a lot more, but were doing it withinsmaller land areas. Paleoindian women must have car-ried children hundreds of kilometers every year, buttheir workloads may have been far less than those ofthe later inhabitants of North America. In this frame-work, we might expect population growth rates tohave been maximized during the colonization phase,with rates gradually slowing through time as theAmericas filled with people, and residential mobil-ity options became increasingly limited.

It is commonly suggested that early Paleoindianforaging was based largely on the acquisition of largegame due to the regular association of Clovis culturalmaterials with proboscidean or bison skeletal remains,although the notion of Clovis as large game special-ists has come into question (Meltzer 1993b). Thebones of large animals nonetheless dominate the fau-nal assemblage at virtually every Clovis site whereconditions are favorable for the preservation of bone(Frison and Todd 1986; Haury 1953; Haury et al.1959; Hemmings and Haynes 1969; Hemmings 1970;Hester 1972; Leonhardy 1966; Sellards 1952). Anemphasis on large game hunting would have limitedfemale contribution to the diet and therefore also lim-ited the frequency and distance of female logisticalmobility, the most costly of all forms of mobility inraising children. The effect would be to further reducethe cost of raising children for early Paleoindians.

Although it is impossible to estimate how muchfood Clovis children were providing for themselves,it is possible to speculate how children’s foragingopportunities vary across the high res-low res mobil-

ity spectrum. Comparative studies of the Hadza and!Kung have identified some factors that conditionchild foraging. First, young children (under the ageof 6 or 7) are limited in their ability to forage longdistances from camp (Blurton Jones et al. 1994a,1994b; Hawkes et al. 1995). Because nearbyresources become quickly depleted around basecamps, we should expect an inverse relation betweenthe duration of camp occupation and opportunitiesfor young children to forage, i.e., frequent residen-tial moves should maximize foraging opportunities.Second, older !Kung children do not forage with theirmothers, while Hadza children do. Hawkes et al.(1995) and Blurton Jones et al. (1994b) argue that!Kung families maximize their return rates by leav-ing children at home to crack mongongo nuts due totheir high processing costs. Foods gathered by theHadza, on the other hand, tend to have low process-ing costs, and thus team return rates are maximizedif children actively engage in foraging with theirmothers. Moving base camps frequently would allowhunter-gatherers to emphasize the gathering of foodswith low processing costs as the supply of high rankedfoods is renewed often with each move. Therefore,Clovis children may have been able to provide someof their own food at a relatively young age by forag-ing with their mothers or alone near camp, raising thepotential for population growth even higher.

Finally, many authors have discussed the need tomaintain social relationships with other bands, par-ticularly for the exchange of mates, as a factor limit-ing the advance of colonists into an empty landscape(Beaton 1991; Hofman 1994; Meltzer 1999; Mac-Donald 1999; MacDonald and Hewlett 1999). Sim-ilarly, some have argued that high rates of inbreedingmay result from conditions of high mobility and lowpopulation density during initial colonization (Beaton1991; Hofman 1994). While low population densi-ties necessarily translate to greater distances traveledin seeking mates (MacDonald 1999; MacDonald andHewlett 1999), the model presented here suggeststhat the high res mobility strategy allows long-dis-tance migration with minimal cost. In this light, thereis little reason to suspect that frequent residentialmobility would necessarily correlate with increasedrates of inbreeding.


A strategy incorporating frequent movement of res-idential base camps allows hunter-gatherers to accesslarge land areas while minimizing total distances trav-


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eled (Figure 7). The simple geometry of foraging pro-vides a mechanism for the rapid colonization of emptylandscapes. By adopting such a strategy, Clovishunter-gatherers could have moved long distancesacross the American continent, had access to high-quality lithic raw materials, adopted a hunting empha-sis that minimized female logistical mobility, andmaintained access to neighboring groups forexchange of mates. This strategy may also have pro-vided foraging opportunities for their children. Highpopulation growth rates would have been the result.While it is difficult to actually test the proposition thatClovis hunter-gatherers were characterized by veryhigh fertility, the archaeological record suggests thatthese people were behaving as the model predictsthey should have to maximize their reproductive rateswithin a homogenous environment. If we accept theClovis archaeological record as representing the ini-tial colonizing population, Clovis population growthrates had to be high. The model presented here alsosuggests that the narrow range of radiocarbon datesfrom early fluted point sites across the continent nolonger needs to be viewed as anomalous.

From an evolutionary standpoint, maximizingreproductive rates is the key to long-term populationsuccess, even if this is not a conscious goal. In fact,hunter-gatherers can maximize potential reproduc-tive rates inadvertently by adopting land-use strate-gies that minimize workloads. I argue this is exactlywhat early Paleoindians did when they entered theunpopulated landscapes of the New World. Finally,it is no longer necessary to argue that apparent speedof colonization, as revealed by the spatio-temporaldistribution of archaeological sites, implies the pres-ence of a low-density population significantly pre-dating Clovis. This notion is based on the idea thatmobile hunter-gatherers must have inherently lowfertility rates. Clearly, this is not always the case.

Acknowledgments. I sincerely thank Jeff Brantingham, RustyGreaves, Henry Harpending, C. Vance Haynes, Bob Kelly, KrisKerry, Marcel Kornfeld, Bill Longacre, Steve Kuhn, CaroleMandryk, Paul Martin, Dave Meltzer, Natalie Munro, Bill Stini,Mary Stiner, Nicole Waguespack, and three anonymous reviewersfor critiques of this work. I am especially grateful to Mary, Steve,and Vance for their time, their teachings, and their guidance. Ithank Rafael Vega-Centeno for his translation of my abstract.Finally, it should be noted that this research was largely inspiredby the innovative work of Richard Lee, Nicholas Blurton Jones,Kristen Hawkes, James O’Connell, and Patricia Draper.

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